General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dominater96 on November 11, 2007, 04:46:15 PM
Im moving to Israel next year for Yeshivah, but Im undecided about Yeshivah, any1 have any suggestions?
What kind of Yeshiva do you want? Hesder, Charedei, modern....
Either Hesder, or Modern.., Im not the CHaredi type.
Your Syrian, find a good Sefardi Yeshiva for yourself. Also maybe get in touch with Yekutiel, maybe you can help out and chill with him and his ppl. He also has some learning going on.
Im thinking about Birkat Moshe- Maaleh Adumim, or Torat Shraga, but other yeshivahs are on the table.
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Check out Machon Meir: http://www.machonmeir.net
Rav Kahane's son-in-law teaches there and I've heard that it's one of the best Yeshivot for Kahanists.
Check out Machon Meir: http://www.machonmeir.net
Rav Kahane's son-in-law teaches there and I've heard that it's one of the best Yeshivot for Kahanists.
In their promo they show a picture of their Rosh Yeshiva with Ehud Olmert. Why would any self-respecting Jew show off a picture of him and Olmert?
Check out Machon Meir: http://www.machonmeir.net
Rav Kahane's son-in-law teaches there and I've heard that it's one of the best Yeshivot for Kahanists.
In their promo they show a picture of their Rosh Yeshiva with Ehud Olmert. Why would any self-respecting Jew show off a picture of him and Olmert?
To show how patient he is?
Check out Machon Meir: http://www.machonmeir.net
Rav Kahane's son-in-law teaches there and I've heard that it's one of the best Yeshivot for Kahanists.
In their promo they show a picture of their Rosh Yeshiva with Ehud Olmert. Why would any self-respecting Jew show off a picture of him and Olmert?
That promo was produced many years ago by Adir Zik zt"l when olmert was mayor of Jerusalem.
Adir Zik zt"l was an ally of JTF: http://www.jtf.org/israel/israel.adir.zik.htm
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
I don't understand. Why if living in the same country should they learn different things?
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
I don't understand. Why if living in the same country should they learn different things?
they are sephardi customs and ashkenazi ones
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
I don't understand. Why if living in the same country should they learn different things?
they are sephardi customs and ashkenazi ones
But minhagim are different from halachot...
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
I don't understand. Why if living in the same country should they learn different things?
Their are opinions that say that their should be one uniform way of Halahot, etc. For example Rav Ovadia Yosef ( I believe) says that the Sefardic Halahot and ways should be the way in Israel since Israel is in Sefardi territory and the Sefardim were the ones prevelent before the big wave of askenazim coming to Israel.
Their is also Rav Bar Hayyim who says that their needs to be minhagim according to eretz Yisrael- and hes really making his own new thing. ( I find his rulings wierd to tell you the truth and wouldnt follow it).
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
I don't understand. Why if living in the same country should they learn different things?
Their are opinions that say that their should be one uniform way of Halahot, etc. For example Rav Ovadia Yosef ( I believe) says that the Sefardic Halahot and ways should be the way in Israel since Israel is in Sefardi territory and the Sefardim were the ones prevelent before the big wave of askenazim coming to Israel.
Their is also Rav Bar Hayyim who says that their needs to be minhagim according to eretz Yisrael- and hes really making his own new thing. ( I find his rulings wierd to tell you the truth and wouldnt follow them)
There should be - but we can't really decide those sorts of things without a Sanhedrin.
Do you think there is really a difference betweeen Sephardic Yeshivahs, and Ashkenaz ones?
Yea, you will learn Halahot that are more relevent to you.
I don't understand. Why if living in the same country should they learn different things?
Their are opinions that say that their should be one uniform way of Halahot, etc. For example Rav Ovadia Yosef ( I believe) says that the Sefardic Halahot and ways should be the way in Israel since Israel is in Sefardi territory and the Sefardim were the ones prevelent before the big wave of askenazim coming to Israel.
Their is also Rav Bar Hayyim who says that their needs to be minhagim according to eretz Yisrael- and hes really making his own new thing. ( I find his rulings wierd to tell you the truth and wouldnt follow them)
There should be - but we can't really decide those sorts of things without a Sanhedrin.
I dont think their will be anytime soon. Everyone wants to stick with their traditions and Hachamim and its hard to change, and it doesnt fell right.
Actually I think everyone should stick with their traditions and Halahot, unless that way is proven to be wronge and of which then the community has to change it.