General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Groucho Marxist on November 19, 2007, 12:59:13 AM
What's its appeal? Are they good people or just for show? How can they believe every religion is correct to some extent? They can't all be from God.
I deal with a lot of Bahai never once had a problem with them.
They believe NO religion is right or wrong. They say all religions have the same destination but take separate paths to it. They're harmless, but wrong. Judaism is the right religion. The others are all frauds.
What sets them apart from everyone? Are they just regular dudes?
They may be seen as a New World Order religion. They see all religions as one and they have an International House of Justice or something like that on Mount Carmel in Haifa.
You got it Yacov. My mother is an Iranian Jew and she told me a lot about them. They believe in one world currency, one world language and no borders. If this isn't NWO I don't know what is. http://www.ufbahai.org/articles/one-world-one-currency.html (http://www.ufbahai.org/articles/one-world-one-currency.html)
What sets them apart from everyone? Are they just regular dudes?
The ones I have meet you would not pick them from a crowd, just they wear a ring that has their symbol on it.
Rather soft spoken too.
I had never heard of Bahai until I moved to the city where my current University is. They have a large Bahai group apparently, as they have a center prominently displayed on a main street. I thought that it was some sort of Eastern spiritualistic religion, and I now know who they are because of this thread. It seems like the sort of religion where people "believe in everything, but ultimately believe in nothing." If they believe that Mohammed was inspired by God and that Islam is a legitimate religion and means to God, then I do not support them. They claim to be monotheists though, maybe they are Noahides?
I had never heard of Bahai until I moved to the city where my current University is. They have a large Bahai group apparently, as they have a center prominently displayed on a main street. I thought that it was some sort of Eastern spiritualistic religion, and I now know who they are because of this thread. It seems like the sort of religion where people "believe in everything, but ultimately believe in nothing." If they believe that Mohammed was inspired by G-d and that Islam is a legitimate religion and means to G-d, then I do not support them. They claim to be monotheists though, maybe they are Noahides?
They can't be noachides.
The noachide view:
Judaism is the right religion. The others are all frauds.
haha Newman, i see your onto that adam613 O0 O0 O0 :::D :::D :::D :::D Good work mate O0
The Bahai religion is actually related to Islam because one of their main figures, the Bab, was supposed to be the Mahdi of Islam, and Bahaullah claimed to complete all world religions down through Islam. The religion began in a Muslim Persian society. I kind of see them as the Muslim Mormons.
:::D It is a religion founded by two people who went nuts in jail!!
They may be seen as a New World Order religion. They see all religions as one and they have an International House of Justice or something like that on Mount Carmel in Haifa.
You got it Yacov. My mother is an Iranian Jew and she told me a lot about them. They believe in one world currency, one world language and no borders. If this isn't NWO I don't know what is. http://www.ufbahai.org/articles/one-world-one-currency.html (http://www.ufbahai.org/articles/one-world-one-currency.html)
you're half persian? wait a sec, you might be my half brother then...lol
I had never heard of Bahai until I moved to the city where my current University is. They have a large Bahai group apparently, as they have a center prominently displayed on a main street. I thought that it was some sort of Eastern spiritualistic religion, and I now know who they are because of this thread. It seems like the sort of religion where people "believe in everything, but ultimately believe in nothing." If they believe that Mohammed was inspired by G-d and that Islam is a legitimate religion and means to G-d, then I do not support them. They claim to be monotheists though, maybe they are Noahides?
They can't be noachides.
The noachide view:
Judaism is the right religion. The others are all frauds.
Not necessarily...
It's depends on what the Jewish religion says about these people's religion. They don't have to believe Judaism is truth.
Ba'hai faith began as an apostate heresy within Shi'ia Persia, but eventually made a total and complete break with Islam.
From its inception, followers of Ba'hai have been murdered & tortured by Islam, and their persecution under Islam continues to the present day.
Their first prophet was the B'ab (The Gate), who lived in the 19th Century and foretold the coming of The Baha'ulla...the prophet who would unite all of mankind in brotherhood under a belief in the true one G-d.
The Baha'ulla was actually imprisoned on the slopes of Mt. Carmel by the Ottoman Turks.
Today on Mt. Carmel stands the Ba'hai Universal Court of Justice, which is indeed a most beautiful place to tour...the landscaped gardens and architecture are outstanding and peaceful.
The faith has its own scriptures, prophecies, and prayers.
The main Ba'hai Temple in the U.S. is in Chicago.
Ba'hai considers there to be a uniting truth linking together all men and all faiths, and looks forward to a day similar in concept to the Jewish "World to Come".
Ba'hai followers are forbidden to discriminate against any racial or ethnic group...they consider all mankind equal.
They are quite a small group in comparison to other world faiths, yet Ba'hai is found in almost every city and town in the world today.
Ba'hai faith began as an apostate heresy within Shi'ia Persia, but eventually made a total and complete break with Islam.
From its inception, followers of Ba'hai have been murdered & tortured by Islam, and their persecution under Islam continues to the present day.
Their first prophet was the B'ab (The Gate), who lived in the 19th Century and foretold the coming of The Baha'ulla...the prophet who would unite all of mankind in brotherhood under a belief in the true one G-d.
The Baha'ulla was actually imprisoned on the slopes of Mt. Carmel by the Ottoman Turks.
Today on Mt. Carmel stands the Ba'hai Universal Court of Justice, which is indeed a most beautiful place to tour...the landscaped gardens and architecture are outstanding and peaceful.
The faith has its own scriptures, prophecies, and prayers.
The main Ba'hai Temple in the U.S. is in Chicago.
Ba'hai considers there to be a uniting truth linking together all men and all faiths, and looks forward to a day similar in concept to the Jewish "World to Come".
Ba'hai followers are forbidden to discriminate against any racial or ethnic group...they consider all mankind equal.
They are quite a small group in comparison to other world faiths, yet Ba'hai is found in almost every city and town in the world today.
they dont' seem so bad after all...even though there are probably some fundamental differences in opinion on theology and politics with this religion. HOwever, they are not murderous people, which is very important for this day in age...cooperation and dialogue is necessary in the hands of rational people. Wars are for those who want to destroy us without cooperation or dialogue.
They may be seen as a New World Order religion. They see all religions as one and they have an International House of Justice or something like that on Mount Carmel in Haifa.
Persian people are among the smartest people I know,
I have known Bahai people , and can assure you that they are in no way the same as Muslims,
So they are welcome here...
I feel you are right Yacov.
Do they actively work to impose a one world government? If so, then there are elements of islam present. A one world government in islam is led by the khalifa - in baha'i, the bab or head figure. One world currency, the khalifate has their own currency.
Do they actively work to impose a one world government? If so, then there are elements of islam present. A one world government in islam is led by the khalifa - in baha'i, the bab or head figure. One world currency, the khalifate has their own currency.
I don't think they want any goverment.
Do they actively work to impose a one world government? If so, then there are elements of islam present. A one world government in islam is led by the khalifa - in baha'i, the bab or head figure. One world currency, the khalifate has their own currency.
Bahais consider all Islam figures (mu'd, allah MPissBUH,..........) as holy.
But they are entirely hostile to islam.
They see themselves as the new faith...
sorry Islam-[censored], you are not the newest faith anymore....
Do they actively work to impose a one world government? If so, then there are elements of islam present. A one world government in islam is led by the khalifa - in baha'i, the bab or head figure. One world currency, the khalifate has their own currency.
Bahais consider all Islam figures (mu'd, allah MPissBUH,..........) as holy.
But they are entirely hostile to islam.
They see themselves as the new faith...
sorry Islam-morons, you are not the newest faith anymore....
When the Druse and/or the Bahai religion will have bilion believers, we'll talk. :-\
At least, Bahai do respect Jews&Israel.
Has anybody negative experiences with their presence on mt.Carmel?
At least, Bahai do respect Jews&Israel.
Has anybody negative experiences with their presence on mt.Carmel?
Not really, actually, I never met someone that believe in this religion (and I live near Haifa..).
and yes! Bahais don't like inter-religious marriage
and yes! Bahais don't like inter-religious marriage
They usually encourage it. But, I guess in respect for the Jews, they will refrain from intermarrying with Jews.
Won't they be then be very liberal in their views?