General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: beprepared on November 20, 2007, 12:19:04 PM
Hi all,
i am a 33 year old german and an absolut democrat.
islam is a danger for freedom and democracy .
i am glad that people like u start to inform the public and fight against this cult.
may god bless u
Welcome. :)
Europe is in real danger. The more europeans who wake up the better.
Welcome to the board. Are you from Die Grüne Pest?
Welcome aboard.
Nice to have you here!
Yes I am a member of www.gruene-pest.com O0
Very great site O0
Willkommen. Gut Gesagt. I also like what you say about Islam O0
Hello beprepared. :)
Hello ,
I hope your presence here may help to Save Europe and the rest of civilised world.
Hello ,
I hope your presence here may help to Save Europe and the rest of civilised world.
We all know germans always cared about the sake of europe...
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
But at the other hand Germany is as European as any other European country.
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
But at the other hand Germany is as European as any other European country.
Shall I remind you, dear Ambiorix,
IT pretended to be MORE "european"
than any other "european" country ?
IT pretended to be UPON anything...
But since other germans are in this forum,
I won't argue with anybody.
JTF, from my point of view, forgets
Rav' Kahane's WISE WORDS concerning
any "collaboration" with germans/germany...
:-X :-X :-X
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
Nazis did not want to annex Eastern Europe...they wanted to repopulate it! Germans had no interest in "making Europe German" but they had interest in spreading Germans to Europe.
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
Nazis did not want to annex Eastern Europe...they wanted to repopulate it! Germans had no interest in "making Europe German" but they had interest in spreading Germans to Europe.
How many german crimes in SERBIA ALONE ?...
Is this what you call "repopulation" ?!?...
And they wanted to make europe german.
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
Nazis did not want to annex Eastern Europe...they wanted to repopulate it! Germans had no interest in "making Europe German" but they had interest in spreading Germans to Europe.
How many german crimes in SERBIA ALONE ?...
Is this what you call "repopulation" ?!?...
And they wanted to make europe german.
Husar, I think you're misunderstanding him, he's saying that instead of making Europe German, the Germans wanted to destory Europe and replace it with a bigger Germany.
Germany cares about Europe becoming (part of) German.
Usually they fail....
Nazis did not want to annex Eastern Europe...they wanted to repopulate it! Germans had no interest in "making Europe German" but they had interest in spreading Germans to Europe.
How many german crimes in SERBIA ALONE ?...
Is this what you call "repopulation" ?!?...
And they wanted to make europe german.
Husar, I think you're misunderstanding him, he's saying that instead of making Europe German, the Germans wanted to destory Europe and replace it with a bigger Germany.
Thank you for trying to explain
something about germans to me,
ftf, but it's useless,
I'm german-proof...
But the last thing I wish
is to argue about IT with
my Fellow-JTFers.
I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble following you.
ftf is correct, and I frankly don't understand how anyone can read this the way you did. I am saying Germans wanted to spread German blood, they had no interest in annexing and assimilating the people's of eastern europe.
I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble following you. I'm not German and not of German ancestry.
I was trying to elaborate on what you were saying, perhaps I misunderstood you though...
I was under the impression that what you were saying is that the Germans wanted to destroy Europe and replace it with a bigger Germnay, rather than just conquering and ruling over the existing Europe, please tell me if I've misunderstood you.
You are correct, I was talking to the other guy...
You are correct, I was talking to the other guy...
Remember that English a second language to Husar, he sometimes doesn't understand things.
You are correct, I was talking to the other guy...
...is a Serbian one,
who saw Serbia's Population reduce by ONE-THIRD
during WWII, because of the germans...
Haven't you seen
that I am stopping this conversation about germans,
since I don't want to argue with you,
at the risk of splitting JTFers
in "pro-germans" and in anti-germans...?
Keep on discussing with newbie...
...have fun.
You still don't get it. ;D
My arguments stated explicitly...Germans wanted to spread their own bloodline, they did not see eastern Europeans as racial brothers, and therefore, would rather REPLACE them than rule over them.
Scandinavians, British, Germans, and Austrians were considered Aryan. Eastern Europeans were not considered Aryan.
For the most part I think they had a distorted twisted socialist like view to spread German blood and conquer and convert the world, just like jihad, world conquest. I'm probably wrong but just a decent assumption I thought of.
The main difference is that Jihad is a religious view. They want to convert people to Islam. Germany had no intentions of "converting" non-aryans to Nazism. They may have occasionally utilized alliances, but in the end, the intention was replacing them.
The Nazi-Germans in the time of the third Reich had a twisted ideology.
1. They wanted to rule over all Nations
2. They believed in a special form of slavery.
All slavic nations (not inclusive Croatians and Slovenes) should only get basic education. Just enough eductaion to serve the German masters.
For this goal, they killed the elites of this nations, like teachers, intellectuals, scientists, Clerics etc.
People who resisted, like the heroic Serbs should be exterminated.
3. They wanted to kill every Jew on the face of the earth. In 6 million cases, they succeed. :(
It is a fact, that only a few Germans resisted against this evil plan. The wasp majority of them supported the Nazis.
Today the wasp majority of Germans is supporting the Philistinians. Althrough they can see muslime behaviour in the German cities everyday.
Every sane human would support Israel and the free west, alone because of the personal expierience with moslems.
Every sane human would avoid muslimes.
Sometimes I think this is a mass psychosis :(
Husar you are 100% right, I dont want any Germans on this forum, what they did to the Jews and other people(Serbs) is unforgivable.
Germans have not come with anti Jewish or anti Serbian attitudes like the croats the Germans who come here are good Bible Believing people
Germans have not come with anti Jewish or anti Serbian attitudes like the croats the Germans who come here are good Bible Believing people
That's true. The Croats seem to just troll here. >:( ;D
Husar you are 100% right, I dont want any Germans on this forum, what they did to the Jews and other people(Serbs) is unforgivable.
You're HONORING your forum-name.
Germans have not come with anti Jewish or anti Serbian attitudes like the croats the Germans who come here are good Bible Believing people
I speak for germans in general.
Gold Pheasant is a great member.
He doesn't deny anything that germans did,
and.....germans did so many BAD things...
In Kragujevac
(pronounce kragooyevats),
Serbia, during WWII,
:o :o :o
because of them.
I understand.
I will make no promotion under Germans to join the forum.
But I will promote JTF under our [www.gruene-pest.com] Jewish and Serbian members.
I understand.
I will make no promotion under Germans to join the forum.
But I will promote JTF under our [www.gruene-pest.com] Jewish and Serbian members.
Yes promote only Christian Bible beleving come here
Thank you both, Gold Pheasant and mord,
for understand Serb/Jew Sorrow and Pain
when it comes to commemorating
the many things that were done to us.
I wish you both don't get me wrong,
thinking I could hate anybody
without a strong Reason...
And yes,
I HATE those who've done
so much un-necessary harm.
My mother and many of her friends of her age were a bit bitter about Germany and everything realated to it. She lived in that times when Nazi crimes were comitted. But now all German Nazis have died. And guilt is not inherited. Personally I am not bitter about todays' Germans. German population of today has the lowest rate of anti-Semitism of all Europe. However it's still high, but very very lower than France.
So german "neo"-NAZIS
are a myth ?
germany's FULL-SUPPORT
RE-BORN are fake ?
The MILLIONS of Serbs (during two World Wars !!!!)
and Jews, and Slavs, and Romas,
germany MURDERED
to be as "un-bitter" as you are,
but they can't, since MURDERED.
The One Serbs/jews/Romas
that SURVIVED german-slaughter
8) 8) 8)
I understand.
I will make no promotion under Germans to join the forum.
But I will promote JTF under our [www.gruene-pest.com] Jewish and Serbian members.
Gut Gesagt, Golden Pheasant. Du bist natürlich eine Ausnahme. ;)
I didn't know there were Germans like you in Germany. O0
So german "neo"-NAZIS
are a myth ?
germany's FULL-SUPPORT
RE-BORN are fake ?
The MILLIONS of Serbs (during two World Wars !!!!)
and Jews, and Slavs, and Romas,
germany MURDERED
to be as "un-bitter" as you are,
but they can't, since MURDERED.
The One Serbs/jews/Romas
that SURVIVED german-slaughter
8) 8) 8)
So, if someone a friend of yours, you would respond by hating the someone's son or brother?
I don't forgive Nazis neither condemn innocents. I won't hate a human being just for being German. What can a German boy do today? Commit siucide to reincarnate into a non-German????????????????????????????
Serbian MILITARY BOOT never walked upon germany,
german BUTCHER BOOT "walked" upon Serbia.
Serbian MILITARY BOOT never walked upon germany,
german BUTCHER BOOT "walked" upon Serbia.
Agreed. O0
It wasn't the other way around.
Husar you are 100% right, I dont want any Germans on this forum, what they did to the Jews and other people(Serbs) is unforgivable.
You're HONORING your forum-name.
Well then you are wrong. A German that uses internet to know about politics, is able to hear our message. A lot of Germans have an interest in destroying Muslims in Europe.
We must fight together to get rid of Islam.
The war that stopped Germany in WWII , is ended already in 1945.
Therafter Germany was split in a communist and a social-democrat part.
The West-Germans are hard workers, and they rebuild their economy, (thanks to the Marshall-plan)
because everything was to rebuild they had the most modern economy in Europe soon after the war.
For those who think it was a bad idea to let Germany revive, don't forget the reason hitler got 32% of the votes, was because Germany was ruined by France and the allies after the WWI to pay back repair-costs . this turned Germans to Nazism. The hate against Jews was accumulating in the 19th century , also (first!) in France. Nazism is a further step in anti-semitism that was already there for hundreds of years (Luther is mainly responsible for this)
We Belgians were invaded by Germany twice, but no hard feelings.
We completely forgive them.
They are our brothers and sisters, and we fight the same war on immigration, war on Islam.
I must say the Germans treated (now-Jews/homos/gypsies/communists) civilians well.
The situation on the West-Front is not comparable with the Eastern Front.
I of course do not believe in the superiority of Germans/Scandinavians "Arisches Mensch=Übermensch" and Slavs/Jews/ are "Üntermensch".
Negroes were considered as non-human.
I believe that turd world people are inferior, but that is a cultural thing.
I however don't want turd world babies been born from white woman
That is disgusting.
I am a man who likes French/Jews/Germans/Russians/English/Americans and so on.
I simply do not like immigrants that hold a hidden agenda of overthrowing Europe.
Germany is a wonderful country, I speak German a lot.
I like the culture of Italy/Germany/France. It is our culture.
If a Kahanist hates Germans for the extermination of Jews in WWII, I completely understand this.
If a Serbian hates Germans for exterminating Serbs in WWII, I also completely understand this.
But, the anti-semites of Nazi-Germany, are regrouping , and you will need Germans to support JTF.
Unless you want Germany to be ruled again by a hitler, you need Germans that fight against anti-semites.
So , if you hate somebody for his bloodline rather than for his ideas , you are maybe wrong.
And you're having another view, because you are from a different country.
We Belgians made peace between us and Germans.
And German/Austrian/Hungarian-bashing is wrong.
You are just excluding, these people because of past wars.
Do not think Serbia is the only country were Germans killed.
You almost never mention the Russians killed by lenin, hitler, stalin.
Husar you live in France, I never hear a word about France?
I mean , you actually have an opinion about Western Europe, but you shut up!!
You treat Catholics&Germans as filth.
That is what Nazis do : they label all people of a certain group as "slavs-üntermenschen-jüdenschweinen"
Then they start exterminating all these people, and they ended up with a ruined europe.
So , my conclusion:
a German must be accepted on JTF if they support the views of Meir Kahane & Chaim Ben Pesach!
Being against anything german is my point of view.
It happens to be the point of view of Ravvi Kahane ALSO.
Ravvi Kahane was a very sensitive Human Person.
He knew how a Human Life is Precious,
that's why he said the thing he said concerning the germans,
for they were the ones who butchered Jews (and Serbs) in WWII.
Just have in mind his 500 years of "nothing with germany"...
You're "brother and sister" with germans,
you feel you cans say this,
Serbs and Jews won't.
(german EXCEPTIONS like Gold Pheasant
are to be discussed among us, JTFers,
to know if we keep them or not...
since almost nobody here seems
to listen and understand
Rav' Kahane's JUSTIFIED
STATEMENT...about germans.)
"a lot of germans have an interest in destroying muSSlims in europe" ?
??? ??? ???
That's why they engaged in NAZICROAT ranks,
alongside bosnomuSSlimnazis, from 1991 on,
to butcher the Serbs.
You do not have to explain
to a Serb that he has to GET RID of iSSlam...
You certainly have to explain it to germans,
since iSSlam and germany CO-OPERATED
for more than 100-150 years.
Look at the berlin-baghdad axis.
Look at HOW germany had TURKEY as an allie,
in WWI, then the muSSlim sub-world in WWII....
germany is iSSlamophilic.
It's a FACT, from a long time ago.
germany's OFFICIAL NAZI life ended in 1945,
but we Serbs saw germany behaving EXACTLY
like WWII germany, concerning Serbia, NAZICROATIA,
bosnomuSSlimnazis, ALBANAZIS and so forth...
fool yourself,
you can't fool a Serb.
The fact germany had the most powerful economy
is just a one more evidence it hasn't been PUNISHED enough.
If germans were "hard-workers", why did they feel like
STEALING other (east) europeans and Jewish
If germany was ruined by france and the allies,
it was because it deserved it ABSOLUTELY.
germans should ONLY hate their own very "kaiser" wilhelm II
for having pushed germany to enter into WWI so FIERCELY.
They thought they would "crush" someone ?
They were crushed, and this is FAIR.
shitler was a cannibalistic zoophile,
this beast is a good Reason
to hate germany for millenias.
Viel Spass....
Being against anything german is my point of view.
It happens to be the point of view of Ravvi Kahane ALSO.
Ravvi Kahane was a very sensitive Human Person.
He knew how a Human Life is Precious,
that's why he said the thing he said concerning the germans,
for they were the ones who butchered Jews (and Serbs) in WWII.
Just have in mind his 500 years of "nothing with germany"...
You're "brother and sister" with germans,
you feel you cans say this,
Serbs and Jews won't.
(german EXCEPTIONS like Gold Pheasant
are to be discussed among us, JTFers,
to know if we keep them or not...
since almost nobody here seems
to listen and understand
Rav' Kahane's JUSTIFIED
STATEMENT...about germans.)
"a lot of germans have an interest in destroying muSSlims in europe" ?
??? ??? ???
That's why they engaged in NAZICROAT ranks,
alongside bosnomuSSlimnazis, from 1991 on,
to butcher the Serbs.
You do not have to explain
to a Serb that he has to GET RID of iSSlam...
You certainly have to explain it to germans,
since iSSlam and germany CO-OPERATED
for more than 100-150 years.
Look at the berlin-baghdad axis.
Look at HOW germany had TURKEY as an allie,
in WWI, then the muSSlim sub-world in WWII....
germany is iSSlamophilic.
It's a FACT, from a long time ago.
germany's OFFICIAL NAZI life ended in 1945,
but we Serbs saw germany behaving EXACTLY
like WWII germany, concerning Serbia, NAZICROATIA,
bosnomuSSlimnazis, ALBANAZIS and so forth...
fool yourself,
you can't fool a Serb.
The fact germany had the most powerful economy
is just a one more evidence it hasn't been PUNISHED enough.
If germans were "hard-workers", why did they feel like
STEALING other (east) europeans and Jewish
If germany was ruined by france and the allies,
it was because it deserved it ABSOLUTELY.
germans should ONLY hate their own very "kaiser" wilhelm II
for having pushed germany to enter into WWI so FIERCELY.
They thought they would "crush" someone ?
They were crushed, and this is FAIR.
shitler was a cannibalistic zoophile,
this beast is a good Reason
to hate germany for millenias.
Viel Spass....
Being against anything german is my point of view.
It happens to be the point of view of Ravvi Kahane ALSO.
Ravvi Kahane was a very sensitive Human Person.
He knew how a Human Life is Precious,
that's why he said the thing he said concerning the germans,
for they were the ones who butchered Jews (and Serbs) in WWII.
Just have in mind his 500 years of "nothing with germany"...
You're "brother and sister" with germans,
you feel you cans say this,
Serbs and Jews won't.
(german EXCEPTIONS like Gold Pheasant
are to be discussed among us, JTFers,
to know if we keep them or not...
since almost nobody here seems
to listen and understand
Rav' Kahane's JUSTIFIED
STATEMENT...about germans.)
"a lot of germans have an interest in destroying muSSlims in europe" ?
??? ??? ???
That's why they engaged in NAZICROAT ranks,
alongside bosnomuSSlimnazis, from 1991 on,
to butcher the Serbs.
You do not have to explain
to a Serb that he has to GET RID of iSSlam...
You certainly have to explain it to germans,
since iSSlam and germany CO-OPERATED
for more than 100-150 years.
Look at the berlin-baghdad axis.
Look at HOW germany had TURKEY as an allie,
in WWI, then the muSSlim sub-world in WWII....
germany is iSSlamophilic.
It's a FACT, from a long time ago.
germany's OFFICIAL NAZI life ended in 1945,
but we Serbs saw germany behaving EXACTLY
like WWII germany, concerning Serbia, NAZICROATIA,
bosnomuSSlimnazis, ALBANAZIS and so forth...
fool yourself,
you can't fool a Serb.
The fact germany had the most powerful economy
is just a one more evidence it hasn't been PUNISHED enough.
If germans were "hard-workers", why did they feel like
STEALING other (east) europeans and Jewish
If germany was ruined by france and the allies,
it was because it deserved it ABSOLUTELY.
germans should ONLY hate their own very "kaiser" wilhelm II
for having pushed germany to enter into WWI so FIERCELY.
They thought they would "crush" someone ?
They were crushed, and this is FAIR.
shitler was a cannibalistic zoophile,
this beast is a good Reason
to hate germany for millenias.
Viel Spass....
If Europeans don't fight together against Islam, Islam will rule us all.
Explain this to your germans.
Serbia and Serbs are the TARGET
of international NAZIS and MUDJAHEDINS.
germans DO NOT HELP Serbia,
but, on the contrary, and thus,
accordingly to german attavism,
and so (f...ing) on.
You know/not know 95% of people in every West-European country don't give a **** about politics.
Let stand Balkans ... I mean thats more than 5oo km away from them, so it doesn't exist.
The remaining 5% that do care are too stupid to investigate the global politics ,
Let stand that they know the difference between Russian European, American Israeli or Chinese government,
You know/not know 95% of people in every West-European country don't give a **** about politics.
Let stand Balkans ... I mean thats more than 5oo km away from them, so it doesn't exist.
The remaining 5% that do care are too stupid to investigate the global politics ,
Let stand that they know the difference between Russian European, American Israeli or Chinese government,
Everybody being "stupid"
would still not be a sufficient reason
to support germany.
We Serbs know very well germany
didn't change its "politics" from WWII...
Dear Ambiorix, you'd better worry about belgium,
since you are from there...for your sake,
do not defend the undefendable germany...
I worry to get a big JTF.
Anyone who suffered the horror of Nazism will obviously feel aversion to anything related to Germany. That's why it was forbidden to sepak German in Israel. We must respect the victims and the survivors. But anyone who has no direct tragic remembrances of the horror does not need to hate innocent German youth. I wouldn't refuse to befriend someone just for being born a German since I have just been brought up in another time. My mother who was afraid of the Nazi plans to kill all non -blonde /Aryan, rejected anything that sounded like German, and her friends were even scared at hearing a German speaking on TV.
However most Germans living in Argentina came from Russia and their dialect is very similat to Yiddish and even yo Ashkenazi Hebrew. I have always wondered what's the connection of their pronunciation. Ashkenazi Hebrew and some Yiddish speakers have a similar accent to Russian Germans who live here.
Anyone who suffered the horror of Nazism will obviously feel aversion to anything related to Germany. That's why it was forbidden to sepak German in Israel. We must respect the victims and the survivors. But anyone who has no direct tragic remembrances of the horror does not need to hate innocent German youth. I wouldn't refuse to befriend someone just for being born a German since I have just been brought up in another time. My mother who was afraid of the Nazi plans to kill all non -blonde /Aryan, rejected anything that sounded like German, and her friends were even scared at hearing a German speaking on TV.
However most Germans living in Argentina came from Russia and their dialect is very similat to Yiddish and even yo Ashkenazi Hebrew. I have always wondered what's the connection of their pronunciation. Ashkenazi Hebrew and some Yiddish speakers have a similar accent to Russian Germans who live here.
germans MURDERED tens of thousands of INNOCENT SERBIAN CHILDREN during WWII,
permitted the USTASHA/NAZICROATS to exist and slaughter near a MILLION Serbian INNOCENTS,
and renewed their hellish help towards NAZICROATS nowadays.
Everybody being "stupid"
would still not be a sufficient reason
to support germany.
We Serbs know very well germany
didn't change its "politics" from WWII...
since '45 we have peace and economical booms for 62 years.
Dear Ambiorix, you'd better worry about belgium,
since you are from there...for your sake,
do not defend the undefendable germany...
You mean Belgium still hasn't got a government after a half year?? :::D :::D
That's because we Flemish want our independence. The walloons want at all cost to keep their position in the Belgian State,
because they are to lazy to work, and have one of the last communistic regimes in charge.
So every time w want our independance, they call us 'nazis'.
Of course they forget in WWII they had a big support too for the nazis.
I don't defend Germany. They invaded us twice. But there is no point in hating them now. It is history.
86.000 died, 1/4 a Jewish victim. National-socialism is gone. .... well ya,...
The first world war here was really horrible. but that is 89 years ago now.
But for Flemish the French are actually a bigger threat to us!! they took 1/3 of our territories those bastards!!
But Belgians internal politics are just a complete waste of time to study anyway,
The monarchy here is not representative anymore, our Italian Queen speaks very bad Dutch ,
The King is a Sax-Coburg, so he can be immediately repatriated to Germany.
their princes are complete morons. 100% inbreed. IQ below 90.
I am sure one day we'll have our own president.
Chaim will Israel recognise our state? we have good contacts with the Boers too!
As a matter of fact the last world war finished in 1945.
Since then we haven't been a single day at war.
Belgium is a country that is going to split in two in a couple of years.
But that is just a formality.
Violence between our nations in EU is now-days out of the question.
There was no way for Belgium or Holland to stop the Germans at that time,
Our armies were quickly defeated, also the French were easily defeated.
The occupation time of WWII in Belgium was in no way comparable to what happened in Poland e.g.
The WWII could have been prevented if the Versailles - treaty was less tough.
The whole reason to start war in my opinion is bull****.
Better to learn to respect your neighbours.
The Western front was in no way comparable to the Eastern front were
a lot more atrocities happened.
As a matter of fact Germany in the 1700 -1800 was a much more decentralised country , with plenty of kingdoms, and so on.
Since the middle-ages ± 900 AD Flanders' enemies were:
1 France
2 Spain
3 England
4 Austria
5 Belgium
6 Germany
Holland is a friendly nation.
today the French-speaking walloons are still trying to steal territorium of us, but these are very minor issues here.
The difference you and me have,
Is that I basically have no problem with any other european country.
We live in peace with all the neighbours.
So therefore,
if I take the train 2 hours ,
and I step out in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Bonn , it doesn't matter who I meet there.
I speak all their languages quite well, and people behave like friendly people.
What does bother me is the hordes of jihadis and "refugees" of Congo and Ghana,... Ya ganja weed man!
And frankly in the EU, nobody understands the situation and history of the Balkans.
No , it was just something on tv, with every day news coverage from Sarajevo.
that was it , and once and a while there were rapports of UCK.
I was a still kid back then.
I even don't know why this war was fought.
why was everybody living mixed in Bosnia?
That you have reasons to hate Germans, I don't doubt.
But I know Russians, who are as patriotic as you,
They lost almost 24000 million people.
And they respect the Germans. They won the war, and Germany lost.
They don't sympathise with hitler, but they are OK with Germany today.
For them, Germany is only a little excrement-country that tried to attack them.
Like napoleon,like the turks,...
And they find both lenin/stalin/hitler as mass-murderers.
I know Jews, and they live in Europe, and speak among other languages ,
German, work with Germans, make business there.
No complaints I hear of them.
I think your problem is that you are too nervous.
I think that is a bad feeling. We need woman, make babies & give love.
Start building a family is some very important thing, to have enough soldiers against jihad.
I have an aversion to nazis of all kinds but not to Germans. Nazis are in all countries in ww2 a whole lot of German/Americans were killed fighting nazis.
"I don't defend Germany.
What are you doing now ?
They invaded us twice. But there is no point in hating them now. It is history.
What is "history" to you
is MODERN to Serbs, Serbia....and NAZICROATIA.
germany hit ONCE AGAIN in the Balkans.
86.000 died, 1/4 a Jewish victim. National-socialism is gone. .... well ya,...
OFFICIAL national-socialism....maybe,
not the hidden national-socialism germany PROVED to export,
when SUPPORTING its WWII allies...surrounding Serbia.
The first world war here was really horrible. but that is 89 years ago now.
For Serbia, this WWI isn't finished.
Serbia fights to survive against either germany (again),
or EVERY SINGLE germany-supported slaughterers around her.
It's far from being "89 years ago" for us.
But for Flemish the French are actually a bigger threat to us!! they took 1/3 of our territories those bastards!!
But Belgians internal politics are just a complete waste of time to study anyway,
yugoslavia creation was the same as belgian one.
It was just difficulty after difficulty, non-stop.
The monarchy here is not representative anymore, our Italian Queen speaks very bad Dutch ,
The King is a Sax-Coburg, so he can be immediately repatriated to Germany.
their princes are complete morons. 100% inbreed. IQ below 90.
Seems to me that Serbian "monarchy"
has the same problem...too meek, too sweet,
for pretending to whatever...
I am sure one day we'll have our own president.
Chaim will Israel recognise our state? we have good contacts with the Boers too!
As a matter of fact the last world war finished in 1945.
NOT FOR SERBIA, unfortunately.
The exact same WWII NAZIZOMBISTIC ENEMIES knock at Her Door...
You have to REALIZE this, so that we can understand each other.
Since then we haven't been a single day at war.
Lucky flemish-waloonic Children...
Belgium is a country that is going to split in two in a couple of years.
But that is just a formality.
Violence between our nations in EU is now-days out of the question.
There was no way for Belgium or Holland to stop the Germans at that time,
Our armies were quickly defeated, also the French were easily defeated.
Serbia entered WWII against numerous SS divisions,
some of which were ESPECIALLY created
to annihilate Serbian Resistance.
The occupation time of WWII in Belgium was in no way comparable to what happened in Poland e.g.
What happened to the Serbs and Serbia was hellish.
The WWII could have been prevented if the Versailles - treaty was less tough.
germany was enthusiastical about entering WWI.
It encouraged austria-hungary to EXTERMINATE Serbia.
Serbs were against austria-hungary,
because it annexed Bosnia, which
was vastly inhabited by Serbs.
Remember willhelm II's cannibalistic (HUNNIC) behaviour,
at the thought of Serbian Blood...
The whole reason to start war in my opinion is bull****.
Better to learn to respect your neighbours.
Explain this to expansionnous germans, please...
The Western front was in no way comparable to the Eastern front were
a lot more atrocities happened.
So why are you trying
to explain to me what germans are (?),
since WE know VERY WELL what they are....
As a matter of fact Germany in the 1700 -1800 was a much more decentralised country , with plenty of kingdoms, and so on.
germany gets BIGGER
while tearing apart the
"smaller Countries" around it...
Wake up.
Since the middle-ages ± 900 AD Flanders' enemies were:
1 France
2 Spain
3 England
4 Austria
5 Belgium
6 Germany
Holland is a friendly nation.
today the French-speaking walloons are still trying to steal territorium of us, but these are very minor issues here.
The difference you and me have,
Is that I basically have no problem with any other european country.
We live in peace with all the neighbours.
We Serbs would like to LIVE IN PEACE also,
was it "just" for our Serbian Children's sake...
But we are agressed again, and again,
and again, by the same ones...
So therefore,
if I take the train 2 hours ,
and I step out in London, Amsterdam, Paris, Bonn , it doesn't matter who I meet there.
I speak all their languages quite well, and people behave like friendly people.
What does bother me is the hordes of jihadis and "refugees" of Congo and Ghana,... Ya ganja weed man!
And frankly in the EU, nobody understands the situation and history of the Balkans.
EVERYBODY agrees that Serbs kill,
that Serbs NEVER DIE, that Serbia is against iSSlam,
and therefore, deserves PUNISHMENT,
like the URANIUM BOMBS we received....
...certainly as a gift...
No , it was just something on tv, with every day news coverage from Sarajevo.
that was it , and once and a while there were rapports of UCK.
I was a still kid back then.
I even don't know why this war was fought.
why was everybody living mixed in Bosnia?
That you have reasons to hate Germans, I don't doubt.
But I know Russians, who are as patriotic as you,
They lost almost 24000 million people.
And they respect the Germans.
...for what ?
having been BUTCHERS ?!...
They won the war, and Germany lost.
germany WINS ANEW from 1991,
when recognizing NAZICROATIA.
Open your eyes.
They don't sympathise with hitler, but they are OK with Germany today.
For them, Germany is only a little excrement-country that tried to attack them.
Like napoleon,like the turks,...
And they find both lenin/stalin/hitler as mass-murderers.
I know Jews, and they live in Europe, and speak among other languages ,
German, work with Germans, make business there.
No complaints I hear of them.
That doesn't mean they forgot, forgave whatsoever about germans.
It's just that you're not in this kind of (great) forum with them.
And allow me to add:
however Jews may act today towards germans,
what was done to them (as well as to the Serbs)
is now part of the past, NOT FOR THE SERBS AND SERBIA,
who can feel german RENEWAL,
beginning with the german
I think your problem is that you are too nervous.
Don't expect me to sit down and relax, OK ?
You said it yourself: you LIVE IN PEACE,
I think that is a bad feeling. We need woman, make babies & give love.
I'm married and the father of one son.
Start building a family is some very important thing, to have enough soldiers against jihad."
Serbs do this for centuries.
But germans murdered Serbian babies.
Did you read me well ?
It's not 1941's germany supporting the NAZICROATS, now...
It's the 1991's germany !
It's NOWADAY's germany, that works on this:
never to be forgotten, forgiven, by the Serbs and Serbia.
You just have to understand this,
in order to be aware of the MANY
(too many) Reasons Serbs
have to hate germany.
Yes , they are probably planning the Anschlüss with Croatia.
Germans are still the same Jew-hating nazis they always were.
They hate Israel, support 'peace now', support p@lestinians and german firms supplied chemical weapons components to numerous muSSlim-nazi dictatorships.
Germans are still the same Jew-hating nazis they always were.
Some of them? I had a friend named Christoph who lived over there and he seemed like a great person. He did make me laugh one time by asking if I had a horse since I lived in Texas though. ;D
They hate Israel, support 'peace now', support p@lestinians and german firms supplied chemical weapons components to numerous muSSlim-nazi dictatorships.
America supplies all sorts of help to Muslim Nazi dictatorships, primarily Saudi Arabia.
Are Americans evil?
Blind hatred of an entire ethnic group is not healthy and can only lead to more atrocity. If you hate them as a people rather than simply hating the guilty ones, then how can you ever expect them to be fond of you?
That applies to the majority of them, not 'all' and not a minority. If the majority were righteous the governments would not be so anti-Israel.
What America does is babies' stuff compared to the evil germans. America backs Israel to the hilt in the UN....unlike neo-nazi germany.
I suggest you brush up on Jewish Law. When the majority of a nation or group are Jew haters one assumes ALL are Jew haters until an individual proves otherwise.
Secondly the sins of one generation ARE born by succeeding generations if those succeeding generations don't change their ways. Germans of today have NOT changed their ways, their MO is just different.
Germans are still the same Jew-hating nazis they always were.
Some of them? I had a friend named Christoph who lived over there and he seemed like a great person. He did make me laugh one time by asking if I had a horse since I lived in Texas though. ;D
They hate Israel, support 'peace now', support p@lestinians and german firms supplied chemical weapons components to numerous muSSlim-nazi dictatorships.
America supplies all sorts of help to Muslim Nazi dictatorships, primarily Saudi Arabia.
Are Americans evil?
Blind hatred of an entire ethnic group is not healthy and can only lead to more atrocity. If you hate them as a people rather than simply hating the guilty ones, then how can you ever expect them to be fond of you?
That applies to the majority of them, not 'all' and not a minority. If the majority were righteous the governments would not be so anti-Israel.
What America does is babies' stuff compared to the evil germans. America backs Israel to the hilt in the UN....unlike neo-nazi germany.
I suggest you brush up on Jewish Law. When the majority of a nation or group are Jew haters one assumes ALL are Jew haters until an individual proves otherwise.
Secondly the sins of one generation ARE born by succeeding generations if those succeeding generations don't change their ways. Germans of today have NOT changed their ways, their MO is just different.
Aren't there a lot of horrible left-wing self-hating Jews in Germany?
That support Peace now too?
That applies to the majority of them, not 'all' and not a minority. If the majority were righteous the governments would not be so anti-Israel.
If the majority of Americans were righteous, we wouldn't have abortion in this country. Yet, I still want to save my country, I want America to survive. I have national pride in the United States.
We're talking about anti-semitism. Why throw in red herrings like abortion. If you want to discuss private morality, no country stands scrutiny. Stay on topic.
What America does is babies' stuff compared to the evil germans.
"How many? During the 1980s and 1990s total abortions stayed about 1,550,000 annually, slowly decreasing in the 1990s. Note that the Guttmacher Institute reported that 10% of known abortion providers did not report. Adding 10% to its 1,550,000 equals 1,700,000. The total reported slowly decreased in the 1990s. When the unreported abortions are added (income tax evasion, cover-up for privacy, etc.), a figure of 1,800,000 may be more realistic. Live births have hovered just under 4,000,000. Therefore: Almost every third baby conceived in America is killed by abortion."
A little more than 6 million, wouldn't you say? And that's just abortion.
What about all the other deaths that have occurred unecessarily due to the policies of the American government?
Oh and let's look at another country, shall we? How about Israel?
"In general, about 40,000 abortions are carried out in Israel every year. The Health Ministry approves about half of them, and private doctors perform the rest, without the supervision of the state and at the cost of thousands of shekels."
Should we now hate Israelis as a whole because of what some of them do to 40,000 innocent babies every year? I don't think so. Nor should we hate Americans as a whole.
See above. We're Talking about German anti-semitism
America backs Israel to the hilt in the UN....unlike neo-nazi germany.
America pushes Israel to commit suicide. I wish we could get a president in that would just have America mind its own business and let Israel defend itself for once.
Yes. But check the UN voting records. No country but Australia and the Marshal Islands has supported Israel more than the USA for the last 60 years. I never said the US was perfect, but it beats the heck out of scheisser movie watching perverted, nazi-germany.
I suggest you brush up on Jewish Law. When the majority of a nation or group are Jew haters one assumes ALL are Jew haters until an individual proves otherwise.
I'm not Jewish and I have no intention of living under Jewish law. However for those who are Jewish, shouldn't you remember that blind hatred of what SOME Jews did, or even false accusations of what SOME Jews might have done, which got transferred onto Jews as a whole, is what caused pogroms of various sizes? Why would you want to make the identical mistake that your enemies made in blaming the whole group for the sins of a portion of the population?
Your ignorance of the Bible leads to this sick moral relativism. Comparing informed hatred of an anti-semitic nation based on it's deeds with the totally unjustified pogroms proves that.
Secondly the sins of one generation ARE born by succeeding generations if those succeeding generations don't change their ways. Germans of today have NOT changed their ways, their MO is just different.
Tell me, do you agree with affirmative action then?
NO. What's the connection?
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
Thankyou, GP........and no offense to you. You're a righteous german with the courage to confront reality.
It's just that we have a Ron Paul, StørmFrønt appologist here srirring the pot.
I just want people to think about it before they attack people just because they're German.
You wouldn't want someone attacking you just because you were Jewish.
Since nobody seems to want to discuss this issue, then I'll stop. I don't want to be seen as a "Ron Paul St0rmfr0nt apologist stirring the pot" when I'm trying to honestly talk about some real issues.
You can discuss it but you're failing to grasp the principals of when and when not to generalise.
You cannot compare the Jew-hatred of anti-semites to JTF's consideration of germans as anti-semites. That is moral relativism.
Anti-semitism is based on lies, envy and replacement theology. It is unwarranted to say the least.
Our labelling of germans (as a whole..... not every single individual) as anti-semites is based on Biblical Law and emperical evidence. It is warranted and justified.
Goldfasan is truely righteous person his allegiance is to G-D not man their are other rightgeous Germans as well
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
And this is a german writing.
Thank you, Golden Pheasant.
Well, you have it clear. I will never refuse to befriend a person, just for his birth place or ethnic group. No matter how much evil his country has done, as far as he, himself is righteous. What if my family were German intead of Italian? BTW Italy sided with nazis during WW2. Then, according to your logic, I should kill myself!!!! Absurd!!!!!!
Raulmarrio2000 in black,
Husar in red:
"Well, you have it clear. I will never refuse to befriend a person, just for his birth place or ethnic group.
How kind...
No matter how much evil his country has done, as far as he, himself is righteous.
"No matter".....you're not Serbian or Jewish yourself.
For us, Serbs and Jews, THIS MATTERS A LOT.
What if my family were German intead of Italian?
You'd have some difficulty to get integrated here...
Gold Pheasant succeeded, but HE's an exception.
BTW Italy sided with nazis during WW2.
We know that.
Then, according to your logic,
A "logic" you believe is ours, but....why not ?
I should kill myself!!!!
If you're a NAZIHYENA,
you DEFINITELY should.
Not that much.
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
And this is a german writing.
Thank you, Golden Pheasant.
Golden Pheasant is righteous O0
I have never met a righteous German ever in Germany and I've talked to alot.
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
And this is a german writing.
Thank you, Golden Pheasant.
Golden Pheasant is righteous O0
I have never met a righteous German ever in Germany and I've talked to alot.
Hmm, I have some German ancestors on both sides of my family tree, I don't think I really count as German though, the most recent of them left Germany in the 1930s, yes, they were trying to get away from the nazis.
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
And this is a german writing.
Thank you, Golden Pheasant.
Golden Pheasant is righteous O0
I have never met a righteous German ever in Germany and I've talked to alot.
Hmm, I have some German ancestors on both sides of my family tree, I don't think I really count as German though, the most recent of them left Germany in the 1930s, yes, they were trying to get away from the nazis.
If they left before WWII then they are obviously not nazis and especially because they escaped and rejected the whole crazy ideology. It's too bad especially, since most Nazis were concentrated in southern Germany, they were everywhere but especially in Bavaria in places like their. Too bad considering Oktoberfest and all these events originated from Bavaria. Hitler ruined Germany!
shitler was just the RESULT/summum/foetus of SUuuuuuuuuCH a great kKkKkkKKultur......
Newman and Husar are right. The most Germans are leftists, some are Nazis. Only a minority is righteous.
Please don't disturb the peace of the forum with this issue.
And this is a german writing.
Thank you, Golden Pheasant.
Golden Pheasant is righteous O0
I have never met a righteous German ever in Germany and I've talked to alot.
Hmm, I have some German ancestors on both sides of my family tree, I don't think I really count as German though, the most recent of them left Germany in the 1930s, yes, they were trying to get away from the nazis.
If they left before WWII then they are obviously not nazis and especially because they escaped and rejected the whole crazy ideology. It's too bad especially, since most Nazis were concentrated in southern Germany, they were everywhere but especially in Bavaria in places like their. Too bad considering Oktoberfest and all these events originated from Bavaria. Hitler ruined Germany!
The last of them to leave Germany had very little choice, they had Jewish blood, their relatives that didn't get out ended up in concentration camps. (note, they were not practising Jews, I think you have to go back three or four generations from them to find a practising Jew in my family tree, they were just Jewish enough for the nazis... The ones who left Germany earlier were not in anyway Jewish though, just some Germans who decided that England would be a nicer place to live.)
Raulmarrio2000 in black,
Husar in red:
"Well, you have it clear. I will never refuse to befriend a person, just for his birth place or ethnic group.
How kind...
No matter how much evil his country has done, as far as he, himself is righteous.
"No matter".....you're not Serbian or Jewish yourself.
For us, Serbs and Jews, THIS MATTERS A LOT.
What if my family were German intead of Italian?
You'd have some difficulty to get integrated here...
Gold Pheasant succeeded, but HE's an exception.
BTW Italy sided with nazis during WW2.
We know that.
Then, according to your logic,
A "logic" you believe is ours, but....why not ?
I should kill myself!!!!
If you're a NAZIHYENA,
you DEFINITELY should.
Not that much.
I am not a Nazi, but have indeed Italian blood, and the Italian dictarorship sided with Nazis in WW2. My family had already left Italy long ago. Anyway you can choose not to befriend a German, Italian or Japanese, if it makes you unconfortable. But you have no right to hate the righteous just for their blood or birth place!!!!
Italy was very much divided and most of its people had little choice in what its leaders did.
Not everyone in one country thinks the same as their leaders or even supports them.
Its only the retarded and naive that believe because you are born under a countries name you are all the same.
Some people need to grow up and stop living in a vacuum.
Narrow minded twits.
Get out of your chairs, go and see and understand the real world.
Italy was very much divided and most of its people had little choice in what its leaders did.
Not everyone in one country thinks the same as their leaders or even supports them.
Its only the retarded and naive that believe because you are born under a countries name you are all the same.
Some people need to grow up and stop living in a vacuum.
Narrow minded twits.
Get out of your chairs, go and see and understand the real world.
Yes, go out and see some palestinians...
Italy was very much divided and most of its people had little choice in what its leaders did.
Not everyone in one country thinks the same as their leaders or even supports them.
Its only the retarded and naive that believe because you are born under a countries name you are all the same.
Some people need to grow up and stop living in a vacuum.
Narrow minded twits.
Get out of your chairs, go and see and understand the real world.
Yes, go out and see some PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...
Been there, done that, they are worse in person because at least on the net you don't have to smell them.
They are quite foreign to the concept of soap and water.
Italy was very much divided and most of its people had little choice in what its leaders did.
Not everyone in one country thinks the same as their leaders or even supports them.
Its only the retarded and naive that believe because you are born under a countries name you are all the same.
Some people need to grow up and stop living in a vacuum.
Narrow minded twits.
Get out of your chairs, go and see and understand the real world.
Yes, go out and see some PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...
Been there, done that, they are worse in person because at least on the net you don't have to smell them.
They are quite foreign to the concept of soap and water.
Actually, some muSSlims, I'm not that sure, but muSSlims can't touch themselves when they shower. They have to wear some type of gloves when they shower because they aren't allowed to touch their skin, something I heard lol. ;D
Italy was very much divided and most of its people had little choice in what its leaders did.
Not everyone in one country thinks the same as their leaders or even supports them.
Its only the retarded and naive that believe because you are born under a countries name you are all the same.
Some people need to grow up and stop living in a vacuum.
Narrow minded twits.
Get out of your chairs, go and see and understand the real world.
Yes, go out and see some PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...
Been there, done that, they are worse in person because at least on the net you don't have to smell them.
They are quite foreign to the concept of soap and water.
Actually, some muSSlims, I'm not that sure, but muSSlims can't touch themselves when they shower. They have to wear some type of gloves when they shower because they aren't allowed to touch their skin, something I heard lol. ;D
Possible. I don not know of any musslim that behaves like that anyway.
The most of them are behaving like the rap-crap they imitate on MTV.
some of them see this MTV-crap is totally immoral, and turn to sallafism (wahabism) extreme Saudi funded islam, that is building mosques in Europe by the hundreds.
I do think , that ridiculing all muslims for these stupid things is counterproductive to convince the general public of he need to combat islam as a political force in the West.
The best thing to do is, to oppose all the lefty-crap (Green, liberal, conservative, socialist,...) parties that never stop to say, Europe (and the West) has become multi-cultural (multi-racial) -Islamic- and that we are supposed to live with it.
And that all those (infidels ) who don't adapt to the presence of people of an other skin-color / religion are neo-nazis.
Of course these very same people control the media, which are trying to hide the fact that Jews (victims of National-Socialism) are being persecuted in the districts , where now muslims are a majority.
All these attacks are being justified by the feeling of hate towards Israel, some muslims (rightfully?) have , in sympathy of their Pal-brothers.
(why do the arab states refuse Pal-refugees, and do these "state-less" pals, get UN-permission to stay in MY LAND??instead of Arabia??????)
Actually, some muSSlims, I'm not that sure, but muSSlims can't touch themselves when they shower. They have to wear some type of gloves when they shower because they aren't allowed to touch their skin, something I heard lol. ;D
I got visions of Wacko Jacko when I read that :::D
germany is to Serbia
what plohamasarabnazimusslims
are to israel.
every single "separatist" in the Balkans.
Which ONES ?
ITS WWII allies !!!
:o :o :o
Thus, germany KEEPS
leading its war against Serbia ON.
benefitted german supplies
in ammo, camo-uniforms AND GERMAN
germany is to Serbia
what plohamasarabnazimusslims
are to israel.
every single "separatist" in the Balkans.
Which ONES ?
ITS WWII allies !!!
:o :o :o
Thus, germany KEEPS
leading its war against Serbia ON.
benefitted german supplies
in ammo, camo-uniforms AND GERMAN
That's true, Husar
The Krauts are secretly supporting the nazi nations, but are hiding with a new form of NS, modern day Socialism. >:(
That's it, JTFFan...that's "JUST" it...
>:( >:( >:(