General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: newman on November 23, 2007, 02:54:13 PM
Whoop whoop whoop!.......................b*tch b*tch b*tch!!
uhh iuhh euyuyae b***tch uhun what ! whoop s**T
OMG its catching ???
Mills OMG you watch southpark too
lol i thought i was the only one in here
All the episodes are on this site
its like a youtube but with just southpark
How were people offended by it lol??
Yea but the way southpark makes fun of jews is so funny
how eric is lol
Doesn't offend me at all, I love South Park and Cartman is my favorite character. ;D
It's all about context, the South Park people are being sarcastic and are actually using antisemitism and racism to make fun of antisemitism and racism.
People that take it literally aren't getting it.
yeah damm jews!!!!!
Why was this moved up? just wondering? :-\
I'm not offended by South Park Jewish Jokes, usually.
But sometimes they go over the line.
I'm not offended by Cartman because Cartman, the anti-semite, is a stupid fat loser. Did you see the Weight Gain 2000 episode? It was hilarious.
My Favorite line was whenKyle is telling Stan about how much he hates his Jewish Cousin for acting like a Jewish stereotype.
Kyle: I mean he's such a jewish stereotype, even I'm starting to hate Jews
Stan: Wow, a Self-hating Jew? Now you're becoming a Jewish stereotype.
Suspending a jew for drawling a swartzica
thats really funny
you may see things like this once in human history
kind of like a poor jew
Personally I think mocking Jews regardless is unacceptable.
Portrayal of a people as a South Park Character is insulting to say the least.
Just because it done as a cartoon does not lessen its impact.
Children watch South Park and learn values from it, is this the message we want to send.
Example this cartoon is this less insulting because it is draw rather than written or in photo lay outs.
Wake up and smell the coffee.
By any chance, have you been watching south park???
you so reminded me of that episode...my cousin and I touched...weeen weeenter is a cold and it snows.... :laugh:
Run out of meds.......... :o
I never got South Park, or Family Guy and its spinoff American Dad, but I LOOOVE the Simpsons, which pokes fun at times at both Christianity and Judaism (but at the same time upholds Ned Flanders as the moral example for all of Springfield). ;)
I never got South Park, or Family Guy and its spinoff American Dad, but I LOOOVE the Simpsons, which pokes fun at times at both Christianity and Judaism (but at the same time upholds Ned Flanders as the moral example for all of Springfield). ;)
Okely Dokely Doo! O0
Infidel lay off the pipe
They are jokes and its your choice whether you want to watch it or not
if people dont want there kids to watch it then they should lock the tv in there room during its playtime
and the stricter countries like on parental advisary, that [censored] a brick about nudity, and lay down rules left and right do you know that they have the most probelems
in many places where sexuality is more open, no drinking age, no restrictions those are the places that have the least probelems
Nobody forcably made you watch southpark and noone told you to keep watching the things that affend you
You are your own individual what you do is your issue
And i like southpark and it does not need to lay off or censor the jokes
Infidel lay off the pipe
They are jokes and its your choice whether you want to watch it or not
if people dont want there kids to watch it then they should lock the tv in there room during its playtime
and the stricter countries like on parental advisary, that [censored] a brick about nudity, and lay down rules left and right do you know that they have the most probelems
in many places where sexuality is more open, no drinking age, no restrictions those are the places that have the least probelems
Nobody forcably made you watch southpark and noone told you to keep watching the things that affend you
You are your own individual what you do is your issue
And i like southpark and it does not need to lay off or censor the jokes
You can't see the wood for the trees young man, I can understand you lack of understanding. you enjoyed Animal farm too did you?
I don't know what is going on here, but this crap has to end.
Why did you continue to watch animal farm if you were not liking it
were you too moronic to turn it off
you are the type of person who wants or strives for this so you can complain and b-tch about it later
And again i didnt make you watch that
You were stup-d enought to watch something you didnt like
you seem like a pretty selfish person because you put this image out that if you dont like somthing you want everyone to dislike it just like you and if that doesnt happent you b-tch and raise h-ll.
This is completely uncalled for. Take your playground argument offline.
I tend to get a bit passionate with my discussions
Because like they say you cant fight a battle of witts with someone who is unarmed
I do respect you chaimfan and this forum so i will try to keep it as limited as possible
but i do say she is quite the character lo :-X
By any chance, have you been watching south park???
you so reminded me of that episode...my cousin and I touched...weeen weeenter is a cold and it snows.... :laugh:
Yes the weeen...ween...weenter! :::D
Hey, Mills....
Put your Braziiiiiiiiiiiilliaaaaaa mayo jar back. It was a hoot. ;D
Mills i try to set statements
and i need to be more limited if i am ever expecting to work my way up to becoming a potential future voice for JTF
I have been researching and striving to gain as much knoledge as possible so i can one day advance with jtf
This organization had a tremendous impact on my LIFE and you just dont know how much
This organization and God helped me find my passion my interest in life and what i want to achieve
Believe it or not i have said prayers thanking god for have found JTF
When we still had our youtube accounts i used to listen to the videos in complete solitude and think feel and believe that i can make a difference and help make this world a better place!
This is how i honest to God feel!
Even though i may disagree with a lot of you you are still my brothers and sisters fighting for the same great cause and i love each and every one of you for that.You all help people believe that there are still good people out there.
I tend to get a bit passionate with my discussions
Because like they say you cant fight a battle of witts with someone who is unarmed
I do respect you chaimfan and this forum so i will try to keep it as limited as possible
but i do say she is quite the character lo :-X
You guys need to get along and settle this crap, the both of you. We can't have this dividing us.
Why did you continue to watch animal farm if you were not liking it
were you too moronic to turn it off
you are the type of person who wants or strives for this so you can complain and b-tch about it later
And again i didnt make you watch that
You were stup-d enought to watch something you didnt like
you seem like a pretty selfish person because you put this image out that if you dont like somthing you want everyone to dislike it just like you and if that doesnt happent you b-tch and raise h-ll.
Once again you are trolling Animal farmit is closely studied at colleges around the world, its a political story set in a cartoon regarding commies.
Oh thats right school its where you go to be educated. Something I take it you never attended.
I am in school
And i am a Greek so chances are that i will become successful and set a good example O0
I am going to make sure that i become very successful!
Well good luck with that.
I don't need luck
I have certainty
By any chance, have you been watching south park???
you so reminded me of that episode...my cousin and I touched...weeen weeenter is a cold and it snows.... :laugh:
Yes the weeen...ween...weenter! :::D
You're one of the few females i know who enjoys the show. LOL...
Is a girl I date who doesn't like south park and think it is infintile worthy of me?