The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: artgijo on November 29, 2007, 06:56:02 AM
And well you should be. If you offend the islamists, then it is as if you are offending mankind.
I think I heard Rudy say in the debate that it's a beautiful or great religion that has been given a bad reputation due to a small number of extremists.
I just left a stinking brown floater in the toilet, I named it Muhammed. 8)
I think I heard Rudy say in the debate that it's a beautiful or great religion that has been given a bad reputation due to a small number of extremists.
I'd say he buy that. There are still alot of conservatives out their that think there are moderate and extremist muSSlims? I wonder why that is? Most moderate muSSlims are non-practicing and have distanced themselves from the holy KKKoran and some don't even believe in Allah's teachings. There are no moderate muSSlims like Chaim said.
I just left a stinking brown floater in the toilet, I named it Muhammed. 8)
That's so good !!!
:::D :::D :::D
When you leave more of them,
you can name them abdullahhh,
samiiiir and other stuff like that...
O0 O0 O0
But be aware that you're OFFENDING
your "brown floaters" by doing so...
;D ;D ;D
I just left a stinking brown floater in the toilet, I named it Muhammed. 8)
:::D What a creative name to think of. :::D
How "Holy"...
I sent in a question to all candidates. "have you ever read the quran"? Suprisingly it was not used, real suprised ^-^. Anyway, I think Tancredo might have been the only one that has. While I do not agree with Tancredo 100%, only about 95%, I think he is the only one who gets it when it comes to islam.
And yes, Rudy did say that it really was a great religion, just some bad people in it.
Rudy thinks it's a great religion, Hillary will sell out to them in a heartbeat, McCain thinks we should give them four star hotel service, Obama is one of them, Romney likes to hear himself use the word Jihad but probably really doesn'y understand it, Thompson has them working for him, Edwards will defend them if they can pay the retainer... Man are we in trouble!
Is Mr. Hanky a revert?
40 lashes for nothing? This doesn't set off alarms that something stinks in the State of Denmark? Oh, I forgot, those poor Arab Terrorists! :'(
The problem is that the govt has not made it clear we are at war with them.. So people do not realise.
But that is the reality.
we have forgotton how to fight wars. That is why this war is taking forever
Looks like she was convicted of insulting islam. She has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation. These are the countries that we want to bring the ideals of freedom and democracy to. What a joke.
Looks like she was convicted of insulting islam. She has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation. These are the countries that we want to bring the ideals of freedom and democracy to. What a joke.
I kind of think democracy waived bye-bye to these terrorists loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg ago! ;D As for what tipped me off? I don't know, the beheadings, rioting, a little thing called 9/11 etc.... I digress, please you be the judge!
Looks like she was convicted of insulting islam. She has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation. These are the countries that we want to bring the ideals of freedom and democracy to. What a joke.
I kind of think democracy waived bye-bye to these terrorists loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg ago! ;D As for what tipped me off? I don't know, the beheadings, rioting, a little thing called 9/11 etc.... I digress, please you be the judge!
Oh I agree. But tell that to Jorge Wahabi Booosh.
Looks like she was convicted of insulting islam. She has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation. These are the countries that we want to bring the ideals of freedom and democracy to. What a joke.
I kind of think democracy waived bye-bye to these terrorists loooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg ago! ;D As for what tipped me off? I don't know, the beheadings, rioting, a little thing called 9/11 etc.... I digress, please you be the judge!
Oh I agree. But tell that to Jorge Wahabi Booosh.
That's it, you're racist! I declare jihad! ;D