General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:02:22 AM

Title: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:02:22 AM
I just saw the most horrible disgusting thing and it's stuck in my head. How do I get rid of it.

I'm not fooling around. I'm dead serious. This was horrible. Crazier then anything you can imagine. For real.

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Trumpeldor on December 14, 2007, 02:03:32 AM
Change the channel.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:05:19 AM
Change the channel.

I saw it online and now it's stuck in my head. I'm gonna PM you what it is.

This is the first time that I understand why things are rated 18+ only.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Trumpeldor on December 14, 2007, 02:06:06 AM
Change the channel.

I saw it online and now it's stuck in my head. I'm gonna PM you what it is.

This is the first time that I understand why things are rated 18+ only.

I'm guessing you saw a Chris Crocker video. That thing is frightening.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:08:27 AM
Change the channel.

I saw it online and now it's stuck in my head. I'm gonna PM you what it is.

This is the first time that I understand why things are rated 18+ only.

I'm guessing you saw a Chris Crocker video. That thing is frightening.

No, no, I'm not kidding. I just PMed you. This is horrible. And it's real.  Not some faggot acting stupid on camera.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:18:33 AM
Why am I getting PMs from people asking to see what I saw.

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:20:58 AM
Look what I found on another forum about someone who watched the same video I did:

Here is the part of his post that makes my point.

So back to the story, Bryan insists on watching this video. I have already seen it so I choose NOT to watch it again. Andy gleefully loads up a version he finds on this site and on goes with the video. Roughly about a minute and a half later of "Huh... That's what that looks like.... Oh wow.... Oh... oh my.." the video comes to an end and we make short-talk about how dumb people are.

Then as I get up to check out something on Andy's computer, and Bryan mentions he is kinda shocked and says he is feeling light headed. I pay no attention to it and look away. Then from the corner of my eye I see Bryan stretching out on the coutch... Sliding down in a way. I look at him and his arm slowly twists with his hand fully spread and when I turn to look at his head, his eyes quickly roll back into his head and he starts shaking. HE WAS HAVING A [censored] SEIZURE.

So I jump over to him and cradle his head (something good to know, actually. If people are seizing, watch out for their heads hitting [censored] because that is when they are most able to get brain damage) and about 8 or 9 seconds later he comes back to normal again, dazed, confused and EXTREMELY pale. Like a sheet. Then red rings form around his eyes and he looks like he hasn't slept in a month.

A glass of water later he is back the regular color and feels fine again, just really tired. So yeah, just felt like sharing that story with you guys. That video is [censored] intense. Don't take it lightly.

ps, we looked up the reasons for what happened and it turns out that someone can seize after seeing a traumatic event and is mostly related to shell-shock. Its a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Vito on December 14, 2007, 02:27:34 AM
It's pretty damn nasty.. but there is NO WAY it's real. But damn was it nasty....
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:32:08 AM
It's pretty damn nasty.. but there is NO WAY it's real. But damn was it nasty....




Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:37:21 AM
I remember after the Saddam Hanging someone called in to one of the radio psychologist saying that she keeps seeing the hanging in her mind and hearing the snap of Saddam's neck and she is going crazy. So the doc (Dr. Laura or Dr. Joy can’t remember which one) said that she should watch it a few times to desensitize her.

But I can’t do that. At least not yet.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on December 14, 2007, 02:48:32 AM
You can make your mind do anything! Just use self-hypnosis.
It may not work fast and may take a several sessions, but you don;t have to pay $ to a therapist. Your memory might not go away but it may become less prominent and ultimately will no longer bother you. Who knows, it might become forgotten.
Best thing is that you could do self-hypnosis, all you need is to record yourself reading the hypnosis script and then play it back in a comfortable position, with some headphones. It would be great! I did my self-hyponsis self cd's and even added music in the background. IF you haven't tried it, I suggest it!  ;)
Ultimately, problems never go away but you can control them or at least allow yourself to have express those behaviors in a different manner,
Experience:Years of studying the human mind.
You can buy the script cheap or I can let you borrow my induction script somehow.  ;) by typing it doesn't here or on a PM

Yisrael, I advise you not to use hypnosis at all!!!! I know a lot about hypnosis and self-hypnosis. I can hypnotize myself and others. I just used to practise self-hypnosis as a hobby... and I was so badly affected that I needed one year of treatment by the best doctor in Buenos Aires, at the Israelite Hospital. Just stay away from hypnosis, especially if you feel badly!!!!!!!

If you are Jewish, no better than some Torah study and prayers
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 02:52:57 AM
Thanks for all the help guys.

I guess time will do the trick.

And TANIA, fantastic post.

I think I know what you saw without even asking. Give it a few days, it will be nearly gone out of your mind. I don't understand why IDIOTS think it's so cool to pass it around and tell their friends about it. What a pathetic existance we've come to when this becomes people's forms of entertainment.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 03:20:27 AM
send me a pm, ill have a look at it, and i might be able to give you some advice. If seen some bad stuff as well, and i could propably tell you what to do. But if you don't want to, i understand
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 03:25:21 AM

you don't want to see it.

I will email you what its about and then you can decide. But you do not want to watch it.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 03:41:10 AM

you don't want to see it.

I will email you what its about and then you can decide. But you do not want to watch it.

Ok Yisrael. I think, it would be really good for you to pm me, because that way you are already taking a BIG step, by simply TALKING about it...it's VERY important.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 03:44:56 AM
Sent you the e-mail.

I didn't include the link, just what its of.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 14, 2007, 03:46:26 AM
Didn't PM because as TANIA pointed out it may violate forum rules. Sent the email instead.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 03:48:01 AM
yup ok, got it, sending you a pm
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 04:34:22 AM
ive always been soo fascinatd by psychology. In fact, i was thinking of doing psycholgy as a elective for my BA-but ill have to see if the university does it.

It's soo amazing that you are able to read a person like a book. fascinating stuff!!!

Also, when people go for a psychological screening for the army, what sort of things are they looking for, or atleast, try to avoid?
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: newman on December 14, 2007, 04:39:28 AM
I can hypnotize myself and others. I just used to practise self-hypnosis as a hobby... and I was so badly affected that I needed one year of treatment by the best doctor in Buenos Aires, at the Israelite Hospital.

That explains a lot!
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Husar on December 14, 2007, 04:40:09 AM
Please Yisrael,
send me a p.m.
about what you saw...

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Husar on December 14, 2007, 04:40:39 AM
I can hypnotize myself and others. I just used to practise self-hypnosis as a hobby... and I was so badly affected that I needed one year of treatment by the best doctor in Buenos Aires, at the Israelite Hospital.

That explains a lot!

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 04:42:36 AM
ive always been soo fascinatd by psychology. In fact, i was thinking of doing psycholgy as a elective for my BA-but ill have to see if the university does it.

It's soo amazing that you are able to read a person like a book. fascinating stuff!!!

Also, when people go for a psychological screening for the army, what sort of things are they looking for, or atleast, try to avoid?

It is fascinating and I'm glad I study it.
For screenings,they look for signs of depression or anxiety that might hinder military performance. Of course there are more serious problems that are screened as well.They will avoid those with signsthat point to any of these conditions and beyond depression/anxiety.

ok, and how do they determine that?
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: newman on December 14, 2007, 04:43:32 AM
If you want to remove a horrible mental picture, just replace it with something worse.

Imagine Hillary Clinton and Rosie O'Donnell wrestling naked.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 04:43:41 AM
I can hypnotize myself and others. I just used to practise self-hypnosis as a hobby... and I was so badly affected that I needed one year of treatment by the best doctor in Buenos Aires, at the Israelite Hospital.

That explains a lot!
:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
Newman oh newman, you make my day- bloody hilarious mate  :::D :::D :::D :::D
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Kiwi on December 14, 2007, 04:44:45 AM
Judging from the comments I having seen it, you will see alot more of that kind of freaky stuff on the net. Thats why they invented filters. And young man you are not 18, so lesson learnt here. When they rate it 18 and over its for a reason.

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 04:49:05 AM
Judging from the comments I having seen it, you will see alot more of that kind of freaky stuff on the net. Thats why they invented filters. And young man you are not 18, so lesson learnt here. When they rate it 18 and over its for a reason.

:::D good point  O0 Love the authority  :D :D
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 04:56:38 AM
oh mills, im wondering, are there any FREE texts out there, that are for people interested in psychology?
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Kiwi on December 14, 2007, 06:50:58 AM
Judging from the comments I having seen it, you will see alot more of that kind of freaky stuff on the net. Thats why they invented filters. And young man you are not 18, so lesson learnt here. When they rate it 18 and over its for a reason.

:::D good point  O0 Love the authority  :D :D

I have had a day of young boys Boere  :::D

And I am in the mother mood  ;D :D

And both Yisrael and my son are good lads, but tread in areas best left until they get older.  :-\

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 07:17:44 AM
Judging from the comments I having seen it, you will see alot more of that kind of freaky stuff on the net. Thats why they invented filters. And young man you are not 18, so lesson learnt here. When they rate it 18 and over its for a reason.

:::D good point  O0 Love the authority  :D :D

I have had a day of young boys Boere  :::D

And I am in the mother mood  ;D :D

And both Yisrael and my son are good lads, but tread in areas best left until they get older.  :-\

mmm....yes...that stage. The bloody tv and society sure aren't helping things! >:(
Keep them pre-occupied! Get them to feel that the Torah or Bible is very important, and show them the verses prohibiting certain unacepptable behaviour. As for keeping them busy, teach them that they have to spend theire time dedicated towards their people, country and G-D-and what better place than JTF!

Anyway, that's just my idea of keeping them clean...ofcourse, there is the Iron Fist order...
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Kiwi on December 14, 2007, 07:30:34 AM

mmm....yes...that stage. The bloody tv and society sure aren't helping things! >:(
Keep them pre-occupied! Get them to feel that the Torah or Bible is very important, and show them the verses prohibiting certain unacepptable behaviour. As for keeping them busy, teach them that they have to spend theire time dedicated towards their people, country and G-D-and what better place than JTF!

Anyway, that's just my idea of keeping them clean...ofcourse, there is the Iron Fist order...

I have to guess what the fella is up to Boere, currently he is in a different state.  :::D
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 07:42:56 AM

mmm....yes...that stage. The bloody tv and society sure aren't helping things! >:(
Keep them pre-occupied! Get them to feel that the Torah or Bible is very important, and show them the verses prohibiting certain unacepptable behaviour. As for keeping them busy, teach them that they have to spend theire time dedicated towards their people, country and G-D-and what better place than JTF!

Anyway, that's just my idea of keeping them clean...ofcourse, there is the Iron Fist order...

I have to guess what the fella is up to Boere, currently he is in a different state.  :::D
haha ok, sorry to hear though.

btw, didn't know you had a son, only those beautiful dogs and cats of yours-adorable little things. Og, btw-what happened to my picture (mama, do i like evil?)???? :D
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Kiwi on December 14, 2007, 07:46:10 AM

mmm....yes...that stage. The bloody tv and society sure aren't helping things! >:(
Keep them pre-occupied! Get them to feel that the Torah or Bible is very important, and show them the verses prohibiting certain unacepptable behaviour. As for keeping them busy, teach them that they have to spend theire time dedicated towards their people, country and G-D-and what better place than JTF!

Anyway, that's just my idea of keeping them clean...ofcourse, there is the Iron Fist order...

I have to guess what the fella is up to Boere, currently he is in a different state.  :::D
haha ok, sorry to hear though.

btw, didn't know you had a son, only those beautiful dogs and cats of yours-adorable little things. Og, btw-what happened to my picture (mama, do i like evil?)???? :D

I have three children, two sons and a daughter. He is 20 and making living being a IT support officer.

LOL I find you the pic again  :::D
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 14, 2007, 08:25:07 AM

mmm....yes...that stage. The bloody tv and society sure aren't helping things! >:(
Keep them pre-occupied! Get them to feel that the Torah or Bible is very important, and show them the verses prohibiting certain unacepptable behaviour. As for keeping them busy, teach them that they have to spend theire time dedicated towards their people, country and G-D-and what better place than JTF!

Anyway, that's just my idea of keeping them clean...ofcourse, there is the Iron Fist order...

I have to guess what the fella is up to Boere, currently he is in a different state.  :::D
haha ok, sorry to hear though.

btw, didn't know you had a son, only those beautiful dogs and cats of yours-adorable little things. Og, btw-what happened to my picture (mama, do i like evil?)???? :D

I have three children, two sons and a daughter. He is 20 and making living being a IT support officer.

LOL I find you the pic again  :::D
ah wonderfull!!! Good thing come in three eh ;)

whooohooooooo!! Thanks Infidel! I just absolutely love that pic. EVERT time i see it, i stop everything, and just stare at it! I reckon it should win a medal or star or something as "best picture of the year - in the non political category"  ;)

Thanks sooo much Infidel, very much appreciated! O0 O0
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Joe Schmo on December 14, 2007, 12:44:37 PM
Sounds like how I felt when a friend showed me pornography at age 12.

You can't get these kinds of things out of your head, entirely.  The best you can do is:

1) Try to slow down your thinking. 

2) Stay busy.

What was it that you saw?  PM me, I'm dying to know.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Sarah on December 14, 2007, 02:27:22 PM
I remember after the Saddam Hanging someone called in to one of the radio psychologist saying that she keeps seeing the hanging in her mind and hearing the snap of Saddam's neck and she is going crazy. So the doc (Dr. Laura or Dr. Joy can’t remember which one) said that she should watch it a few times to desensitize her.

But I can’t do that. At least not yet.

The Saddam Hanging video, freaked me out for a couple of hours. If these things happen, and they've already happened, then what can you do about it. It has taken place and you have already seen it. Take recognition in that and the memory will fade away.

By posting this topic, you are bringing the thought back again and again, embedding it in your memory.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: DALMACIJA on December 14, 2007, 02:41:53 PM
What is the problem?
You have seen some violent pictures or video materials?
Never, never pay attention to bad images..

I do not know what you have seen? I haven't read the whole topic yet.
I think it has to do with the execution of Saddam Husein?
Am i right?

Well the execution wasn't so horrible to look at it?

My advice:
Time does heal!
Stand strong comrade! Do not be scared of Saddam he is gone, believe me.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Husar on December 14, 2007, 02:49:23 PM
I still didn't receive
any private message
about it....

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Sarah on December 14, 2007, 02:52:55 PM
What is the problem?
You have seen some violent pictures or video materials?
Never, never pay attention to bad images..

I do not know what you have seen? I haven't read the whole topic yet.
I think it has to do with the execution of Saddam Husein?
Am i right?

Well the execution wasn't so horrible to look at it?

My advice:
Time does heal!
Stand strong comrade! Do not be scared of Saddam he is gone, believe me.

No the saddam hanging, was in reference to something else. If i'm not mistaken the video was of a very violent seizure.

If it was real, like you say, then it was probably worse for the person going through it right?

Unless, it isn't a seizure you're talking about at all. :)
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: DALMACIJA on December 14, 2007, 02:58:01 PM
Well if its so horrible than we shouldn't look at it at all.

Do not promote that kind of materials.
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Husar on December 14, 2007, 02:59:04 PM
Well if its so horrible than we shouldn't look at it at all.

Do not promote that kind of materials.

The "checking" would be
in the name of.....science.

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Sarah on December 14, 2007, 03:00:52 PM
Well if its so horrible than we shouldn't look at it at all.

Do not promote that kind of materials.

The "checking" would be
in the name of.....science.


And in the name of English phrases, curiousity kills the cat. :)
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Husar on December 14, 2007, 03:06:46 PM
...kills the cat, maybe,
but I am a Serbian Wolf.

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: cjd on December 14, 2007, 03:23:39 PM
Well if its so horrible than we shouldn't look at it at all.

Do not promote that kind of materials.

The "checking" would be
in the name of.....science.


And in the name of English phrases, curiousity kills the cat. :)
Curiosity may kill the cat but here in America we finish that statement by saying but satisfaction bought him back ;)
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Sarah on December 14, 2007, 03:30:07 PM
Well if its so horrible than we shouldn't look at it at all.

Do not promote that kind of materials.

The "checking" would be
in the name of.....science.


And in the name of English phrases, curiousity kills the cat. :)
Curiosity may kill the cat but here in America we finish that statement by saying but satisfaction bought him back ;)

 ;D ;D ;D

Though Yisrael, isn't very satisfied. :)
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: cjd on December 14, 2007, 03:43:18 PM
Well if its so horrible than we shouldn't look at it at all.

Do not promote that kind of materials.

The "checking" would be
in the name of.....science.


And in the name of English phrases, curiousity kills the cat. :)
Curiosity may kill the cat but here in America we finish that statement by saying but satisfaction bought him back ;)

 ;D ;D ;D

Though Yisrael, isn't very satisfied. :)
No he is not. I guess that only goes for cats ;D In all seriousness Yisrael should just keep occupied and try not to think about it. It will fade into the background after a few days. 
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Boeregeneraal on December 15, 2007, 09:08:43 PM
lol, we seem to ALL be VERY much cats!!! :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
I love seeing how curious people can get :::D :::D
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: jdl4ever on December 15, 2007, 09:37:19 PM
That's a gross video he heee heee (but it's fake).  Over time you'll get less grossed out about it. 
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: jdl4ever on December 15, 2007, 09:43:50 PM
Nope, just a good fake video of someone chopping off their genitals and hacking away at them.  I wouldn't watch it unless you want to throw up. 
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Jasmina on December 15, 2007, 09:57:45 PM
I just saw the most horrible disgusting thing and it's stuck in my head. How do I get rid of it.

I'm not fooling around. I'm dead serious. This was horrible. Crazier then anything you can imagine. For real.

  try hard to forget!
Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 15, 2007, 10:06:23 PM
Judging from the comments I having seen it, you will see alot more of that kind of freaky stuff on the net. Thats why they invented filters. And young man you are not 18, so lesson learnt here. When they rate it 18 and over its for a reason.

Thing is it wasn't labeled 18. I wish it was though.

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Yisrael on December 15, 2007, 10:16:14 PM
Nope, just a good fake video of someone chopping off their genitals and hacking away at them.  I wouldn't watch it unless you want to throw up. 

Title: Re: What do you do when you want to forget something you saw?
Post by: Kiwi on December 15, 2007, 11:55:47 PM
Judging from the comments I having seen it, you will see alot more of that kind of freaky stuff on the net. Thats why they invented filters. And young man you are not 18, so lesson learnt here. When they rate it 18 and over its for a reason.

Thing is it wasn't labeled 18. I wish it was though.

You need to be careful with all things.