THE LAST SERMON OF FRIEDRICH GRIESENDORF, A German Clergyman, reprinted and translated from the Eversburg newspaper, Eversburg, Germany.
Friedrich Griesendorf, who died in 1958, was a very educated man. He was at one time a court clergyman for the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II. After World War II, he was a pastor in the Eversburg church parish where a camp of Serbian prisoners of war was located. Before retiring, he dedicated these lines to his German parishioners:
"Our country lost the war. The English, Americans and Russians won. Maybe they had much better equipment, larger armies, better leadership. In reality, it was an explicit material victory. They took the victory. However, here among us is one nation that won another more beautiful victory, a victory of the soul, a victory of the heart and honesty, a victory of peace and Christian love. THEY ARE THE SERBS. We knew them earlier, some a little and some not at all. But we all knew what we did in their homeland. We killed hundreds of the Serbs who defended their country for one of our soldiers who represented the occupier -- the oppressor. And not only that, we looked favorably when others shot at Serbs from all sides; The Croatian (Ustashi), the Italians, Albanians, Bulgarians and Hungarians. Yet we knew that among us in the prisoner of war camps were 5,000 Serbian officers, who earlier were the elite of the society and, who now resembled living skeletons, exhausted and spent from hunger. We knew that among the Serbs smoldered the belief 'He who does not revenge is not sanctified'."
"We are truly afraid of the revenge by these Serbian martyrs. We were afraid that after our capitulation they would do what we did to them. We imagined murder, plunder, rape, demolition and destruction of our homes. However, what happened? When the barbed wires were torn down and 5,000 Serbian skeletons found themselves free in our midst, those skeletons caressed our children. Only now can we understand why our greatest poet, Goethe, studied the Serbian language. Only now can we comprehend why the last word for Bismark, on his deathbed, was -- 'SERBIA.' That kind of victory is more sublime than a material victory. It seems to me that only the Serbs could win such a victory, being brought up in their St. Sava's spirit and epic poetry, which our Goethe loved so much. This victory will live for centuries in the souls of us Germans. I want to dedicate my last clergyman's sermon to that victory and the Serbs who won it." -- Friedrick Griesendorf.
"After the war, the German government erected a monument in Eversburg, Germany, to honor and pay tribute to these 5,000 Serbian prisoners of war."
Does the description given by the German Clergyman, Friedrich Griesendorf, in any way resemble the vilified description that we in the United States have been led to believe of the Serbian people?
walterbk - 11:25am May 2, 1997 EST (#156 of 160)
germans, well and alive,
on Serbian Soil, with hanging Serbian People...
germans, doing some "shooting in the Serbian streets"...
hitler's nazism and stalins socialism is responsible for the killing of millions of people!!
And even today, these satans have millions of supporters!!
hitler's nazism and stalins socialism is responsible for the killing of millions of people!!
And even today, these satans have millions of supporters!!
shitler is to blame, of course,
ESPECIALLY in our Serbian section.
But germans did this KULTRURal "task" in WWI......ALSO,
without any kind of shitler as their leader (to hell).
During WWII, germans,
among ALL their OTHER UNDEEDS,
murdered 7000 (!!!) Serbian Civilians,
(including thousands of Serbian Children !!!),
They did the same, NOWADAYS, (even worst, in fact)
ALBANAZIA on Serbian soil (!!!),
and giving them FULL-SUPPORT.
That's why I 'd like them to read this Topic.
hitler's nazism and stalins socialism is responsible for the killing of millions of people!!
And even today, these satans have millions of supporters!!
shitler is to blame, of course,
ESPECIALLY in our Serbian section.
But germans did this KULTRURal "task" in WWI......ALSO,
without any kind of shitler as their leader (to hell).
During WWII, germans,
among ALL their OTHER UNDEEDS,
murdered 7000 (!!!) Serbian Civilians,
(including thousands of Serbian Children !!!),
They did the same, NOWADAYS, (even worst, in fact)
ALBANAZIA on Serbian soil (!!!),
and giving them FULL-SUPPORT.
That's why I 'd like them to read this Topic.
marxism / socialism : basic idea " kill all the enemies of state", " kill all the bourgeois" "revolution"
nazism : "our enemies are biological inferior" (BS), " to purify the world, get rid of the inferior"
Isn't it almost the same satanic idea?
remember how much Slavs/soviet-people were killed before hitler, by lenin and stalin.
These ideologies have to be stopped!
It's nothing about "ideology" here,
concerning the germans, Ambiorix.
It's about THEIR atavism.
(When (if) I open a topic about ideologies,
feel free to put these good comments
of yours, there.)
It's nothing about "ideology" here,
concerning the germans, Ambiorix.
It's about THEIR atavism.
(When (if) I open a topic about ideologies,
feel free to put these good comments
of yours, there.)
I'll do
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
Maybe, but how?
WWII was provoked because the Treaty of Versailles.
This rendered German money totally worthless.
The backlash of this was nazism.
The rebuilding of the German Army, was funded even by the Bush family.
Chamberlain did nothing to stop them.
Learned that ruining Germany again, would lead to WWIII , the Americans &co decided to give West-Europe including West-Germany the Marshall - plan.
As all industry had to be rebuild, West-Germany, had the advantage of the having the newest fabrics, ... and
became the most powerful European economy again.
If you want tot militarily destroy Germany nevertheless, you'll be attacking a NATO-member, an trigger WWIII.
Instead USA/NATO/EU/Germany is playing games with weaker countries, as Serbia, former allies, to destroy them with depleted uranium carpet bombing.
germans, doing some "shooting in the Serbian streets"...
This is the photo from street execution from Warsaw Husar.
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
Maybe, but how?
WWII was provoked because the Treaty of Versailles.
This rendered German money totally worthless.
The backlash of this was nazism.
The rebuilding of the German Army, was funded even by the Bush family.
Chamberlain did nothing to stop them.
Learned that ruining Germany again, would lead to WWIII , the Americans &co decided to give West-Europe including West-Germany the Marshall - plan.
As all industry had to be rebuild, West-Germany, had the advantage of the having the newest fabrics, ... and
became the most powerful European economy again.
If you want tot militarily destroy Germany nevertheless, you'll be attacking a NATO-member, an trigger WWIII.
Instead USA/NATO/EU/Germany is playing games with weaker countries, as Serbia, former allies, to destroy them with depleted uranium carpet bombing.
WWI and WWII was provoked as tool of NWO to destroy old Estern European monarchies the last bastions of ancient regime. during and After WWI the US banks from Wall Street were finacing both bolsheviks in Russia and Hitler in Germany, both of them were invented as ice brakers. When Regan withdrew the economic aid to SU, it colapsed soon it was no longer needed then the World's economy was already globalist and controled by multinationals. UN/NATO/EU are only smoke and mirrors, The GATT, World's Bank, G-8 summits are real powers behind the "democratic" goverments.
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
Maybe, but how?
WWII was provoked because the Treaty of Versailles.
(This is NAZISM-apologetic !!!)
WWII started because of NAZIS THEMSELVES.
The Treaty of Versailles was a SLIGHT punishment for germany,
for encouraging austria-hungary to provoke the WWI.
This rendered German money totally worthless.
But they succeeded in making europe FORGET WHAT they did,
and climbed the stairs again, going as far as being
VERY influent in european politics !!!
The backlash of this was nazism.
The rebuilding of the German Army, was funded even by the Bush family.
Chamberlain did nothing to stop them.
THAT'S WHY we say germany
HAS TO BE punished, TRULY, once and for all !
Learned that ruining Germany again, would lead to WWIII ,
Serbia is already in WWIII, like Israel is.
WHY should germans (!!!) breathe Peace ?...
the Americans &co decided to give West-Europe including West-Germany the Marshall - plan.
As all industry had to be rebuild, West-Germany, had the advantage of the having the newest fabrics, ... and
became the most powerful European economy again.
>:( >:( >:(
If you want tot militarily destroy Germany nevertheless, you'll be attacking a NATO-member, an trigger WWIII.
And that should protect
the germans from being
RIGHTFULY punished ?
Instead USA/NATO/EU/Germany is playing games with weaker countries, as Serbia, former allies, to destroy them with depleted uranium carpet bombing.
Hence our Anger.
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
Maybe, but how?
WWII was provoked because the Treaty of Versailles.
This rendered German money totally worthless.
The backlash of this was nazism.
The rebuilding of the German Army, was funded even by the Bush family.
Chamberlain did nothing to stop them.
Learned that ruining Germany again, would lead to WWIII , the Americans &co decided to give West-Europe including West-Germany the Marshall - plan.
As all industry had to be rebuild, West-Germany, had the advantage of the having the newest fabrics, ... and
became the most powerful European economy again.
If you want tot militarily destroy Germany nevertheless, you'll be attacking a NATO-member, an trigger WWIII.
Instead USA/NATO/EU/Germany is playing games with weaker countries, as Serbia, former allies, to destroy them with depleted uranium carpet bombing.
WWI and WWII was provoked as tool of NWO to destroy old Estern European monarchies the last bastions of ancient regime. during and After WWI the US banks from Wall Street were finacing both bolsheviks in Russia and Hitler in Germany, both of them were invented as ice brakers. When Regan withdrew the economic aid to SU, it colapsed soon it was no longer needed then the World's economy was already globalist and controled by multinationals. UN/NATO/EU are only smoke and mirrors, The GATT, World's Bank, G-8 summits are real powers behind the "democratic" goverments.
What more do you know ?
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
You mean the German Govt? I imagine you are not talking about a German genocide!!!!! That would be another never ending chain of crimes against humanity!!!!!
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
At least the Germans had been punished in some way. The Croatians have not received any punishment that I know of.
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
You mean the German Govt? I imagine you are not talking about a German genocide!!!!! That would be another never ending chain of crimes against humanity!!!!!
GO defend your germans out of the Serbian section.
Husar wtf are you talking about, he's not defending anyone?
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
At least the Germans had been punished in some way. The Croatians have not received any punishment that I know of.
I know, not at all actually ???
Husar wtf are you talking about, he's not defending anyone?
I am ("wtf" !!!) talking about someone
coming into this Serbian section,
with ONLY good words about the germans !!!
This Topic is about WHAT the germans did to us, Serbs,
not about what we Serbs intend (or not) to do to them.
Respect has to be shown towards Serbian people,
Serbian Victims of the germans, at least here !!!
NOT towards any german.
Is this so difficult to understand ?!!!
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
At least the Germans had been punished in some way. The Croatians have not received any punishment that I know of.
germans should have been punished,
to the point they go back to some fifth century !!!
Their "nation" should have been erased ONCE AND FOR ALL,
from the surface of this little planet.
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
At least the Germans had been punished in some way. The Croatians have not received any punishment that I know of.
germans should have been punished,
to the point they go back to some fifth century !!!
Their "nation" should have been erased ONCE AND FOR ALL,
from the surface of this little planet.
Do you mean killing every German man woman and child???? Then you are no better than Nazis. Where have you learnt that a person can be guilty due to blood or place of birth???
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
At least the Germans had been punished in some way. The Croatians have not received any punishment that I know of.
germans should have been punished,
to the point they go back to some fifth century !!!
Their "nation" should have been erased ONCE AND FOR ALL,
from the surface of this little planet.
Do you mean killing every German man woman and child???? Then you are no better than Nazis. Where have you learnt that a person can be guilty due to blood or place of birth???
not bothering at all being called,
on return for his great deed: "goliath" !!!!
Are you sane ?!!!
:o :o :o
I do not give a single f..k
about YOUR f....ng germans ?!!!!
Go back to german hell !!!
:o :o :o
Have you EVER had in mind
when coming here, and daring
defend the undefendable ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HERE, WE ARE SERBS, not germans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
David killed Goliath (a warrior who wanted to have a duel instead of a war) and saved many lives avoiding the clash between the armies.
But you are advocating wiping a whole people out of earth. If you want to be compared to David, seek a German fighter and have a duel with him!!! Don't call to another genocide. The world has had enough of it!!!!
You haven't answered to this question:
Do you mean killing every German man woman and child?
I'm sorry. I must assume the answer is disgracefully YES
The germans have yet to be punished for their evil.
At least the Germans had been punished in some way. The Croatians have not received any punishment that I know of.
germans should have been punished,
to the point they go back to some fifth century !!!
Their "nation" should have been erased ONCE AND FOR ALL,
from the surface of this little planet.
that is never going to happen.
Dream on Husar.
I'm fed up with german-arse-licker raulmarrio !!!
The way he defends germans in THIS VERY TOPIC IS DISGUSTING !!!!
>:( >:( >:(
"The Kragujevac Massacre, 1941
German Wehrmacht soldier points to the body of a Serbian civilian from Kragujevac that is still alive after mass executions that will be finished off. Above, German troops assemble Serbian civilians for execution outside of Kragujevac.
The Kragujevac Massacre of October 20, 1941 was one of the most horrific war crimes of World War II. On October 20, 1941, German Army troops rounded up 2,300 Serbian men and boys from the town of Kragujevac who were then executed. In all, 7,000 Serbian men and boys were executed in the area around Kragujevac during the months of September and October, 1941.
The Kragujevac Massacre is virtually unknown in the US and in the West. Instead, US accounts focus on manufactured and falsified propaganda constructs such as Srebrenica and Racak, “massacres” that have been shown to be hoaxes and US propaganda constructs.
Communist historiography falsified the Kragujevac massacre. The role of Serbian resistance forces and insurgents, the Chetnik guerrillas, was falsified and deleted. The Communist Partisans falsified the facts to create a false and bogus picture of themselves as resisting the German occupation forces while the Serbian Chetnik guerrillas were “collaborationist”. This was a totally false and bogus conception manufactured by Communist and Croatian hacks and historians after the war.
The actual facts have finally emerged. We can finally get an accurate picture of what really happened in Kragujevac and grasp the circumstances that led in one of the most horrendous massacres of World War II and of the 20th century.
We now know that the Serbian Chetnik guerrillas and insurgents played a major role in the resistance to the German military occupation of Serbia. We can now more accurately assess and judge the Serbian Chetnik guerrilla role in the events and action surrounding the Kragujevac massacre of 1941.
The Kragujevac massacre is crucial because it was conducted by German Army soldiers, by the Wehrmacht, not by the Waffen SS or German military police or security troops. Like the earlier German Army executions of Serbian civilians in Pancevo in Vojvodina on April 21-22, 1941, these were random executions of Serbian civilians in reprisal for Serbian resistance, allegedly for the killings by Serbian resistance forces of a German Waffen SS officer and nine local ethnic German volksdeutsche who were actively assisting the German occupation forces by open and active collaboration, espionage, and sabotage. The executions were conducted by the German Army to put down a Serbian insurgency or resistance movement.
Similarly, the Kragujevac Massacre was an attempt by the German Army to quell and to put down the Serbian insurgency and resistance by executing Serbian civilians at random. For every German soldier killed, 100 Serbian civilians would be executed. For every German soldier wounded, 50 Serbs would be executed. The German military occupation forces had never encountered this level of resistance and opposition from an occupied country. Both the level and extent of resistance were unprecedented and unparalleled. The countermeasures the German Army used to put down this insurgency were similarly unparalleled and unprecedented. For this reason, the massacre in Kragujevac is important in World War II history."
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
"Kragujevac ‘41: The 65th Anniversary of the Kragujevac Massacre
Thursday, October 19th, 2006
The Kragujevac massacre of October 20-21, 1941 was one of the most horrific Nazi war crimes during World War II. Serbian civilians from Kragujevac were executed by the German occupation army even though no attacks were made in the city. German General Franz Boehme wanted to fill the quota of one hundred Serbian civilians executed for every German soldier killed, fifty Serbian civilians executed for every German soldier wounded. Because not enough hostages could be found, however, Serbian students from the Kragujevac high school along with their teachers were rounded up and executed. The massacre occurred during the Serbian insurgency or guerrilla resistance movemnet that began in the summer of 1941. The Serbian insurgency was the first major resistance to the German Nazi New Order in Europe. In this regard, it was unprecedented and unique. The German military occupation forces responded with unprecedented “reprisals” and indiscriminate mass executions of civilians.
On September 28, 1941, Serbian Chetnik guerrillas captured the 6th Company of the 920th Landesschuetzen or Security Battalion of the German Army which had occupied Gorni Milanovac in central Serbia. The supreme German military commander in Serbia, General Franz Boehme, sent German occupation troops to the region to carry out reprisals. One of the units that Boehme sent in the “punitive expedition” was the 1st Battalion of the 724th Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment, commanded by Major Paul Koenig. The 3rd Battalion of the 749th Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment had been ambushed and attacked by Serbian Chetnik guerrillas as it advanced from Gorni Milanovac to Kragujevac. The Serbian guerrilla forces killed 10 German Wehrmacht troops and wounded 26. Major Paul Koenig, whose forces were deployed at the time in the city of Kragujevac, ordered that a “comprehensive reprisal” against Serbian civilians in Kragujevac be undertaken.
In retaliation, on 19 October, German military forces burned down several villages in the Groznice area. Wehrmacht occupation troops executed 422 Serbian civilians. On the next day, October 20, German reprisal operations continued in Kragujevac as German troops rounded up 2,300 men and boys for execution. The Serbian civilians were held overnight in the city public plaza and the barracks building and shot outside of the city on October 21. The executions were by troops of the 1st Battalion of the 724th Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment.
All Serbian males between the ages of 16 and 60 were taken to district military headquarters for identification, then to huts overlooking the town. Civil servants were rounded up from city offices and 300 students over 16 were taken from the high school along with 18 teachers.
The executions were carried out to fill the quota. A telegram between the Plenipotentiary of the German Foreign Ministry and the military commander in Serbia explained the reason why civilians from Kragujevac were chosen for execution:
“The executions in Kragujevac occurred although there had been no attacks on members of the Wehrmacht in this city, for the reason that not enough hostages could be found elsewhere.”
An announcement from the local German command office in Kragujevac on October 21, 1941, was as follows:
“For every dead German soldier, 100 residents have been executed, and for every wounded German soldier, 50 residents have been executed, and before all others, Communists, bandits, and their assistants were targeted, all totaling 2,300.”
On October 29, Felix Benzler, sent this report to his ministry, noting that 2,300 Serbian civilians had been executed in Kragujevac:
“In the past week there have been executions of a large number of Serbs … in Kragujevac, as reprisals for the killing of members of the Wehrmacht in the proportion of 100 Serbs for one German. … in Kragujevac 2,300.”
The total number of Serbian civilians executed in Kragujevac and the surrounding area is estimated at 5,000-7,000."
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
"Before they were executed, the Serbian civilian hostages were allowed to write notes and letters to their families and relatives from the barracks building where they were held.
Ljubisa Jovanovic, a student at the Kragujevac high school, wrote a note to his parents:
“Dear mom and dad for the last time Love Ljubisa”
Pavle Ivanovic, also a student at the high school, wrote a note for his father:
“Dad, Miso and I are in the old barracks. Bring us lunch, my jumper too and a blanket. Bring us some jam Pavle Dad go to the schoolmaster if that matters dad send us something to eat. Mom uncle Peter is also here. Send him 3 packs of tobacco and some t. paper Pavle”
Stevan Vuletic, a worker, wrote:
“Children revenge your father Stevan”
Borivoje Ivanovic, a worker, wrote a note for his wife:
“take care of the children my last words Bora Promise never(r) leav(e) the children”
Gligorije Djordjevic wrote:
“My children don’(t) forget your father … Gligorije them gonna kill me innocent so help me God… Dear Mother take care of my little orphans”
Miloje Prokic, a worker, wrote:
“Mileva take care of my Mile my best Miloje Goodbye I’m dying and dunno nothing about Velja Bogdan and Selimi(r) Farewell for good”
Viktor Krizbaher, a fireman in the city, wrote:
“take care of the children it grieves me I’m so cold and hungry bumped against something and it hurts now I’ll come back but dunno when just take care of the children Viktor we are in the old barracks”
Dragoljub Mladenovic, a carpenter, wrote a note for his wife:
“Darling please take Care of the children don’t leave them never and Goodbye”
Svetislav Miljkovic wrote:
“My dear sweet Children Mile and Andra and Militza and Miso and My Dear home your father sends you hi(s) las(t) words so long I’m going to die God bless you all your father Tile”
Radisav Simic, a laborer, wrote:
“Good-bye Mitza I die today. Good-bye my dearest my last thought was you Be happy my son even without me. Good-bye —Radisav”
Lazar Pantelic, a teacher and an associate director at the Kragujevac high school, wrote a note for his wife and children:
“My dearest my beloved, Mira, kiss the children for me Children, listen to mother and take care of yourselves Goodbye for ever Love your dad Laza Oct. 21, 1941.”
"Belgrade ‘41: “Most terrible scene, which I photographed ever”
Saturday, October 7th, 2006
On April 21-22, 1941, German Wehrmacht photographer Gerhard Gronefeld photographed what he regarded as the “most terrible scene, which I photographed ever.” This scene was the mass hanging and mass shooting of Serbian civilians by the German Army in Pancevo, a city in Vojvodina northeast of Belgrade. Thirty-six Serbian civilians were rounded up at random and executed by German occupation forces, the Gross Deutschland Regiment under Oberstleutnant Wilhelm-Hunert von Stockhausen, following the Axis invasion of Yugoslavia on April 6, 1941.
Gerhard Gronefeld (1911-2000) began working in 1935 for Heinrich Hoffmann, who was the official photographer of the NSDAP, the German Nazi Party, and who was Adolf Hitler’s personal photographer. He photographed the Summer Olympics in Berlin in 1936. He later worked for the German magazine “Freude und Arbeit” and the “Berliner Illustrierter Zeitung”. During World War II, he was assigned to a “propaganda company” of the German Army. He was a war photographer and correspondent in Belgium, France, Poland, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Serbia, and the Balkans. Using a Carl Zeiss Ikon Contax camera, he documented not only the events of the war, but also Wehrmacht “retaliatory measures” against civilians, hostages, and guerrillas. He photographed the German Army executions of 36 Serbian civilians in Pancevo on April 21-22, 1941 during the Balkans campaign, the invasion of Yugoslavia. Gronefeld regarded the Pancevo executions of Serbian civilians as the most important that he took, and the ones that had the most impact on him personally. In a March 7, 1997 interview to the Associated Press, he recalled the Wehrmacht’s executions of the Serbian civilians in Pancevo:
“These eyes will always pursue me”
MUNICH, Germany (AP) - Thirty-six Serb civilians visit Gerhard Gronefeld sometimes as he sleeps. He photographed them, just before they were hanged or shot to death by a German army unit in 1941.
On those haunted nights, waking him in terror, is his memory of the pleading eyes of the Serb victims - 35 men and one woman.
“Those eyes, those eyes. They will never give me peace,'’ says the 85-year- old Gronefeld, who went from battle to battle across Europe as a propaganda photographer in the German armed forces.
Eleven of his photographs of the reprisal massacre in Pancevo, Serbia, are part of a traveling exhibit that documents atrocities committed in the Balkans and the Soviet Union by Germany’s regular armed forces, the Wehrmacht.
The exhibit has caused a furor during its current stop in Munich. The governing conservative party of Bavaria state calls it an insult to the Wehrmacht. Leftist politicians retort that critics of the exhibit are trying to gloss over history. And about 5,000 neo-Nazis marched through Munich on March 1 to protest the display.
The exhibit confronts Germans with a fact many would rather not admit: Ordinary soldiers, not just special units like the Nazi SS elite guard, killed Jews and other civilians.
Of hundreds of photos in the Wehrmacht exhibit, only Gronefeld’s were taken by a professional photographer assigned to the Wehrmacht. The German army destroyed most evidence of its involvement in the Holocaust and other atrocities.
Suspecting that his photos of the killings would likely be destroyed, Gronefeld never turned them over to his superiors. Nor was he asked for the photos. Gronefeld says he kept the pictures because he wanted to some day tell the world what happened at Pancevo.
Gronefeld says he did not like Hitler or his ideas, and refused to join the Nazi party. But he willingly took photos for the Wehrmacht after he was drafted into a propaganda unit in 1940.
“I never saw myself as a soldier, but as a photographer. I didn’t even know how to shoot a gun,'’ says Gronefeld, who is now confined to a wheelchair.
After the war, Gronefeld did freelance work for German publications and for foreign magazines such as Life and Look.
Gronefeld rode on German patrol boats off the coast of England, photographed triumphant German troops after they marched into Paris, and accompanied Wehrmacht units as they invaded the Soviet Union. His wartime pictures appeared in German publications to illustrate army victories.
Gronefeld says the execution at Pancevo was the only atrocity he witnessed. The 36 civilians were rounded up at random in revenge for the killing of two SS officers by Serb partisans.
Gronefeld photographed the civilians being taken to the cemetery, where they were executed. He snapped frame after frame as the victims were made to stand on chairs, nooses were placed over their heads and the chairs were kicked away.
“In their eyes before they died, I saw their last appeal for mercy,'’ Gronefeld recalled.
After 18 died on the gallows, the remainder were taken to the cemetery wall and executed by firing squad. Gronefeld photographed a soldier who drew his pistol and finished off a wounded victim.
At the time, he says, he understood the Wehrmacht’s desire to avenge the death of German soldiers. But he also felt pity for the victims, and still does.
“They were completely innocent of any wrongdoing,'’ he says.
This site shows Gronefeld holding a book of his most famous photographs, including the executions in Pancevo by members of the Gross Deutschland Regiment.
Gerhard Gronefeld as a Wehrmacht photographer in 1944.
One of the most famous photographs of World War II, Gronefeld photographed the executions of Serbian civilians in the Pancevo cemetery showing officer of Gross Deutschland finishing off Serbian civilian.
PHOTO: Mass hanging of Serbian civilians in Pancevo, April 22, 1941.
The executions of Serbian civilians were filmed in color by Gottfried Kessel of the propaganda company of the Gross Deutschland Regiment. The film stills on this site show the executions and hangings. Thirty-six Serbian civilians were killed, thirty-five men and one woman. Preceeding the executions, there are stills of the Nazi occupation of Pancevo, then the “capital” of the Banat, a region of Serbia settled by ethnic Germans or Volksdeutsche, the Donauschwaben, which was under direct Nazi military occupation and administration during the war. [Warning: Disturbing and graphic images of war crimes.].
A still from the film by Gottfried Kessel showing the hanging of Serbian civilians in the Pancevo cemetery.
This is a clip from the Kessel film of the executions in Pancevo, the first 3 minutes of the clip."
>:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
"Kraljevo ‘41: One Hundred Serbs Shot for Every German Soldier Killed
Friday, October 13th, 2006
On October 13, 1941, Serbian guerrillas attacked and besieged the central Serbian city of Kraljevo, occupied by the 717th German Wehrmacht Infantry Division. In response, the Division took Serbian civilians hostage. On October 15, German troops were able to repel the Serbian attack with heavy losses. Shots continued to be fired into the town by Serbian guerrillas. In retaliation, 300 Serbian civilians were executed by German troops as a reprisal. The male population was subsequently assembled in the yard of the Railroad Car Factory and were shot in groups of 100. In the Wehrmacht war diary, it was reported: “For losses of 15.10 so far altogether 1,736 men and 19 Communist women shot.” In the following days, an estimated 7,000-8,000 Serbian civilians were executed in Kraljevo and the surrounding area.
ABOVE: German troops lead Serbian civilians from Kraljevo to execution site in the railway car factory.
Serbian Chetnik guerrillas killed in the assault on Kraljevo
In the summer of 1941, a massive Serbian insurgency exploded in German-occupied Serbia. The uprising caught the German occupation forces by surprise. Such resistance and opposition to the Nazi New Order in Europe was unheard of in any other European country. Adolf Hitler and Wilhelm Keitel, the head of the OKW, the German Military High Command, ordered “ruthless, harsh, and draconic” measures to counter-act the unprecedented Serbian insurgency and guerrilla movement. Christopher R. Browning, a historian of Serbia during World War II, noted that such unheard of resistance would undermine the Nazi New Order in Europe:”[T]he increasing display of German military impotence and vulnerability would hearten Germany’s enemies and stimulate yet further resistance that could snowball into disaster.”It was a “national uprising” involving the entire Serbian population. A crisis for the German occupation occurred, as Browning noted:
“For the Germans the situation in Serbia reached crisis proportions in early September. They had just installed a new collaboration regime under General Nedic in the hope that he would have the prestige and popularity to mobilize anti-Communist sentiment against the partisans. But the Nedic experiment produced no immediate dividends; in the first test case after the installation of the new government, 450 Serbian police sent to Sabac refused to fight. More disastrous for the Germans was the growing threat to their own troops. In all of August the German army in Serbia had suffered 30 dead, 23 wounded, and 1 missing.”
Moreover, the Serbian police force the German occupation authorities created “was demoralized and disintegrating.” The German occupation could find almost no support in Serbia whatsoever.
The Austrian-born General, Franz Boehme, was sent to Serbia to put out the Serbian insurgency. Boehme told his troops to take revenge for World War I and to punish the Serbian people collectively, to hold them responsible as a nation, including women and children. Boehme wanted to shock the Serbian population with Nazi terror: “Your mission lies in … the country in which German blood flowed in 1914 through the treachery of Serbs, women and children. You are the avengers of these dead. An intimidating example must be created for the whole of Serbia, which must hit the whole population most severely.”
Browning noted that the Nazi terror backfired and only strengthened the Serbian resistance: “‘Even with the most unrestricted reprisal measures … it was not possible to restrain the growth of the armed revolt.’ Many German observers frankly concluded that rather than deterring resistance, reprisal policy was driving hitherto peaceful and politically indifferent Serbs into the arms of the partisans.” The German reprisals against civilians were driving the Serbian population into the resistance.
On October 29, the German consul in German-occupied Serbia, Felix Benzler, sent this report to his ministry:
“In the past week there have been executions of a large number of Serbs … in Kraljevo … as reprisals for the killing of members of the Wehrmacht in the proportion of 100 Serbs for one German. In Kraljevo 1,700 male Serbs were executed…”
PHOTO: German Wehrmacht soldier finishing off Serbian civilian hostages in Kraljevo amid bodies of executed Serbs.
PHOTO: Two Serbian guerrillas hanged by German occupation troops in the town square in Kraljevo.
PHOTO: Serbian Chetnik guerrillas killed in the assault on Kraljevo.
PHOTO: German occupation troops execute a Serbian civilian.
PHOTO: German troops lead Serbian civilians from Kraljevo to execution site in the railway car factory.
PHOTO: German soldier killed in fighting Serbian Chetnik guerrillas outside Kraljevo.
PHOTO: Reichsfuehrer SS Heinrich Himmler arrives in Kraljevo, Serbia with Karl Wolff, his chief of staff and an SS commander, to meet Artur Phleps, the commander of the Nazi SS Division “Prinz Eugen”, made up of Donauschwaben from Vojvodina and based in Pancevo, fighting the Serbian guerrilla Chetniks in central Serbia, October 15, 1942.
AUDIO: Himmler giving a speech to the newly-formed Donauschwaben Pancevo “Prinz Eugen” Nazi SS Division on October 17, 1942 in Kraljevo, Serbia, when they were engaged in combat against Serbian Chetnik guerrillas.
PHOTO: Himmler in Kraljevo reviewing the Prinz Eugen Nazi SS Division, made up mostly of ethnic Germans from Serbia, in the Banat region of Vojvodina, with Artur Phleps.
PHOTO: An excellent photo gallery of the German invasion of Yugoslavia. Note that the Serbian resistance movement is spearheaded by Serbian Chetniks under General Draza Mihailovich. This is a fact falsified, manipulated, distorted, and covered-up by Balkans historians, including “Serbian expert” Christopher R. Browning."
NO WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Serbian students from the Kragujevac town,
lead to DEATH by germans, by hundreds:
>:( >:( >:(
As i said,
we cannot , at this stage,
retaliate against the Germans,
by having this execution-squadrons lining up Germans,
and kill an equivalent % of Germans, as
the % of Serbs killed by Germans/Croats/Bosniacs/Nazis.
You can try to become a terrorist, and go in to Germany, and kill as much as you want,
but you're unable to revenge a similar % of Germans as Serbs killed by Germans.
2 You can try making strategies to prevent this from ever happening again.
3 The Serbs have in fact lost more than what is reasonable,
I mean we Flemish people have sometimes lost or won wars, and accept the outcome of it.
our borders are more or less stable, (except a few problems),
and we do not consider any people of Christian/Jewish/Buddhist/Japanese/Chinese descent as our enemies
4 I , as a Flemish, am very, very aware of the luxurious position I have, since war is a total abstract word for me.
I am thankful for this, and hope our Lord can save us from bloodshed.
5 I think it is a disgrace, that , although one could state, that the current Germany, is not the nazi-state of '32-'45,
that Germany's secret services , have been involved in the war against the Serbs, in the 90-ties.
6 As I believe , that Serbia hasn't been treated with any fairness at all , by the USA, the EU, the NATO, the UN,
I think that Serbians, indeed have a need to revenge, because the I/II/III world war against you is still going on.
(http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8632/srbstvoxo4.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
(http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/8632/srbstvoxo4.31ffd4d24b.jpg) (http://g.imageshack.us/g.php?h=504&i=srbstvoxo4.jpg)
(http://img68.imageshack.us/img68/9108/kerret9.jpg) (http://imageshack.us)
The execution of civilians as reprisals was also carried out in Italy by Nazis, even when Mussolini dictatorship had sided with them. German army killed ten civilians for each soldier killed by Italian partisans.
But I cannot asume that ANY person with German blood is a murderer. Great part of this village is populated by Wolga Germans. They came from Russia after having lived there for about 4 centuries. So it's clear that race does not make a person a murderer. And it would be silly to say that being actually born in German land does!!!!!! If someone is doing a trip through Europe, and his child happens to be born in Germany, he won't be guilty for that!!!!
So, if blood is not the problem, and place isn't either.... what's the problem with a boy of today who has both German blood and birth place????
:o :o :o
:o :o :o
:o :o :o
Seriously is this the way civilized men behave? I can't believe a 19 year old has to say these things to mature men.
Seriously is this the way civilized men behave? I can't believe a 19 year old has to say these things to mature men.
hahaha moj Srbine ... I can not believe it also..
You are smart and serious for your age O0
I have almost the same age as you, a little bit older, but people here think that I am married :::D
Im getting sick of saying bad this bad that instead of good here good there
Save Serbia!!!! O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
germaniacophiles can go there,
in Wonderful Julia Gorin's Blog,
to read a bit about germany
today (like in the past):
Article entitled:
"More on German History Repeating Itself"
Posted by Julia under Republican Riot
Julia Gorin is fine woman and writer. :)
Julia Gorin is fine woman and writer. :)
She's the best,
and this is the least
I can say.
:) :) :)