General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: zionist on December 26, 2007, 10:24:25 PM
What is your position on:
- What physical force destroyed the WTC towers of 09/11/01?
- What of the Jewish Palestinians who's genetic structure matches the region unlike the majority of the people moving into Palestine?
- What of the incredible amount of money America is sending you, what are you doing with this money?
I'm just try to understand you.
What is your position on:
- What physical force destroyed the WTC towers of 09/11/01?
- What of the Jewish PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis who's genetic structure matches the region unlike the majority of the people moving into Eretz Yisrael?
- What of the incredible amount of money America is sending you, what are you doing with this money?
I'm just try to understand you.
1. Muslim Nazis that flew planes into them. It was not a missle, as some America hating appeasers think.
2. I dont understand the question.
3. We dont need money, we need to world to let us live how we wish and to back off. I want America to keep ALL of the aid it sends to IL and in exchange, not influence Israeli politics.
My original post was modified
I did not type the words "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis" I typed "P a l e s t i n i a n s "
I did not type the words "Eretz Yisrael" I typed "P a l e s t i n e "
I assume a script changes the text automatically, Why did you do this?
I don't understand, I just want to understand you.
Some Americans (like MIT) think that the chemical signature of Thermate is absolutely undeniable.
I did not personally change it, but i imagine it is because there is no such thing as "Pal.est.ine.", or "Pal.est.in.ians"
Some Americans (like MIT) think that the chemical signature of Thermate is absolutely undeniable.
They only say what they think the leftist public wants to hear, and besides, what do you say to my personal friends that saw the planes hit? Who is to saw there was not additional explosives on the planes?
I agree with your point 3 we stop sending Israel "I s r a e l" money and stop messing with your politics. We should allow the natural order of events to continue. The only exception I would make is to remove the money/weapons we gave you or to arm the surrounding countries equally.
I'm glad to find we can agree :)
No your wrong, "Pal.est.ine.", or "Pal.est.in.ians" does exist, you can find it on maps. Look under your feet you may see it.
Israel can be trusted, the Nazis around us cannot be armed. History shows this. 1948, the 6 day war, Yom Kippur War, the lebanon wars, all were provoked by the Arabs. Israel wants peace. I want peace. Kahanists want peace. We just will not sacrifice G-d's will, or Jewish Lives, or Jewish Land to do so.
No your wrong, "Pal.est.ine.", or "Pal.est.in.ians" does exist, you can find it on maps. Look under your feet you may see it.
Palestine is The land of Israel, our land. The romans can change the name, but a rose by any other name is as sweet. It is, has forever been, and always will be Jewish Land. No one was called a "Pal.es.tinian" before 1948, this term was invented to talk badly of the Jews.
They only say what they think the leftist public wants to hear, and besides, what do you say to my personal friends that saw the planes hit? Who is to saw there was not additional explosives on the planes?
They only say what the electron microprobe reports. It's a electronic device. It doesn't have an opinion.
I don't understand about the planes. I did not deny that they hit. I am talking about the "physical force" that brought the towers down. Not the planes.
I doubt the planes have explosives.
Sorry I do not understand, the planes had nothing to do with anything, it was just a tragic event. I was talking about the collapse of the buildings.
Who was the president of "paleo-stine" in 1920?
Famous works of art, literature, scientific discovery...etc...anything other than crap or terrorism that has come from 'paleo-stine'?
Ive looked at maps, all I see is Israel, its always been. Do some research and find out where the name 'pal...." well you know the rest came from ;)
The towers collapsed because of the planes. There is no denying the fact that people saw the planes hit, and then the collapse.
the word "I s r a e l" only started around ~1950~ I think you are confusing the countries.
I was hoping the jtf could give me their official opinion.
The towers collapsed because of the planes.
Thanks that answered my question. And does jtf.org agree with this opinion?
the word "I s r a e l" only started around ~1950~ I think you are confusing the countries.
I was hoping the jtf could give me their official opinion.
Yisrael, the Hebrew word for Israel, has been used since the giving of the Torah, 3000 years ago.
I think this is a leftist babbler
The towers collapsed because of the planes.
Thanks that answered my question. And does jtf.org agree with this opinion?
I cannot speak for an Entire organization, but it is fair to say that everyone here agrees with this FACT.
I'll explain myself.
I've been interested in Judaism, but don't know much about it.
However if your position on how the towers physically fell has answered all of the questions I could ever have.
btw,, you are not semitic you are antisemitic, look up the definition.
I don't know how you define leftist,, I know nothing of jtf, and israel and I'm just trying to learn.
I think I've had enough.
ant-semitic = anti-jewish, you;re calling jews anti-semitic, you're confused
I'll explain myself.
I've been interested in Judaism, but don't know much about it.
However if your position on how the towers physically fell has answered all of the questions I could ever have.
btw,, you are not semitic you are antisemitic, look up the definition.
You make very little sense. the modern, accepted definition of antisemitism is being against the Jewish People. Judaism has nothing to do with 9/11. If you have real questions, feel free to ask me here or send me a personal message.
Running? Been pegged?
How ironic it shows you became a member today and starting this. Obvious leftist gnome.
Zionist, there is no such thing as "P a l e s t i n e." It comes from the Latin name "P a l e s t i n a," which was given to Israel by Emperor Hadrian, after the Romans quashed the Jewish revolt.
In terms of a nationality, the term "P-a-l-e-s-t-i-n-i-a-n" was invented by the Nazi Johann Von Leers (sp?) who moved to Egypt after World War II to strategize against Israel, and who converted to Islam. It is just the moose-limbs way of attempting to invent yet another terrorist state in order to vivisect tiny Israel.
JTF's position is that Israel belongs to the Jews, regardless of "genetics," and that your beloved fakestinians are just plain Arab illegal alien squatters from Egypt and Jordan. So if you have a problem with that, this is not the place for you.
And I won't even dignify your question about what made the Twin Towers collapse with a response.
The towers collapsed because of the planes.
Thanks that answered my question. And does jtf.org agree with this opinion?
Yes, and you're not a Zionist are you?
I don't know how you define leftist,, I know nothing of jtf, and israel and I'm just trying to learn.
I think I've had enough.
Don't give up so easily.
However if your position on how the towers physically fell has answered all of the questions I could ever have.
And what do you suggest brought down the Twin Towers?
Conspiracy nuts! >:(
I'll explain myself.
I've been interested in Judaism, but don't know much about it.
However if your position on how the towers physically fell has answered all of the questions I could ever have.
btw,, you are not semitic you are antisemitic, look up the definition.
Anti-Semitism liteary means racial hate against Semite Peoples. But the widely accepted meaning toady is that anti-Semite is someone who hates the JEWS.
But even if you take the literal ethimological meaning, you cannot accuse JTF of anti-Semitism just for opposing Arab Semites who invaded Israel. In any case, a person could be accused of being anti-Semite if he hated Arabs just for being of the Semite race. Never someone who opposes Arab invaders!!!!!!!
What physical force destroyed the WTC towers of 09/11/01? A Plane
What of the Jewish PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis who's genetic structure matches the region unlike the majority of the people moving into Eretz Yisrael? They are mullah and need to be shot.
What of the incredible amount of money America is sending you, what are you doing with this money? Nothing since I never got it, but I want a new computer thanks. ;)
What physical force destroyed the WTC towers of 09/11/01?
-That was all filmed on a back lot in Hollywood, using miniature buildings and cockroaches dressed up like people...like the moon shot...you know!
What of the Jewish PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis who's genetic structure matches the region unlike the majority of the people moving into Eretz Yisrael?
-Considering you're a troll mutant, you wouldn't know a genetic structure from a G-string.
What of the incredible amount of money America is sending you, what are you doing with this money?
-Oh!...you must mean the trillions of dollars each of us receives which was stolen from you so you couldn't have a happy Holiday Season? Oh!...With that money, I stashed about 5 billion in YOUR cash in my unlisted private Swiss Bank account, invested about 3 billion in the Afghan opium & illegal arms trade because I needed some pocket change for lunch, and then with the rest of YOUR money, I bought the entire city of Tijuana, loaded up all the Mexicans (except, of course, for the ones who are disease-free) in semis & troop carriers purchased once again with YOUR money, and dumped all of them in San Diego and Arizona (of course, first I had Zionist doctors inject each and every one of them with malaria, typhus, AIDS, leprosy, and a special cocktail invented in Tel-Aviv which is 50% Viagra + 50%LSD) and then told them "Leesen, mon'....'dees cone-tree ees Me-hi-co!...bee-long two yew, mon'...go geets white wimmin, OK, Manuel?)
So, trashbag...now you know what I personally did with all YOUR money...it never even made the IRS office last year...it was redirected directly to my Jerusalem address at the Office of Nigra Control.
zionist: "...Some Americans (like MIT) think that the chemical signature of Thermate is absolutely undeniable..."
Who cares? ;D
SummyF OOPS I meant Zinosit talks about genetic structure? He's an idiot, you know in one of his videos he complains because people say he's being illogical yet called Jews a "race"? How LoGiCaL is that?
What genetic structure of the falestinians? Please! THOSE IMMIGRANTS's genetic structure are of other arabs (like from the countries they imigrated to Eretz Israel from) egyptians, syrians, jordnian, lebaneese etc. They immigrated there, that's why its not suprising to find falestinians today who's grandparents etc.. were NOT EVEN BORN THERE! But I guess, summyF-oops I mean Zionsit, YOU refuse to accept the truth.
And I repeat, pro-falestine BIASED pamphlets don't count.
Other names for SummyF:
Papa smurf.
Zinost? lol
I PEGGED IT! Something fishy about this clown.. Weirdo
Dumb muzzie clown with the sissy hair cut
Dumb muzzie clown with the sissy hair cut
yeah. lol. ;D
I don't know how you define leftist,, I know nothing of jtf, and israel and I'm just trying to learn.
I think I've had enough.
get lost, you wanker
I don't know how you define leftist,, I know nothing of jtf, and israel and I'm just trying to learn.
I think I've had enough.
get lost, you wanker
:::D O0
The towers collapsed because of the planes.
Thanks that answered my question. And does jtf.org agree with this opinion?
The towers collapsed because of the high temps. of the fuel yes the fuel was more then hot enough to compromise the metal girders no one except idiots deny that .Once the fuel acted as napalm on girders it did'nt take more then a few minutes to bend the girders and cause the collapse
1. Concrete buildings would never have collapsed
2. the were too greedy to folow the NYFD regulations for insulation of the structure steel bars inside (source Discovery Channel)
To the author of this thread:
Any "foreign aid" that Israel receives is paid back + interest.
Israel doesn't need the "foreign aid". But don't pretend like Israel is stealing money from the US.
Multinational corporations who profit off of the "middle class" benefit.
Hey "Zionist" show the maps with your great Balestine; The Israel was resurected in 1948, but still only two suvereign states in Holy Land existing during past 2 000 years were (Jewish) kingdom of Judea and crusader Kingdom of Jeruslem; still no Balestine apart from Roman, Bizantine and Arab empires provinces but this too was not used even as administrative division since time of Seljuk Turks invaded in XI century untill British came but during their reign the only P-alestinians were Jews not A-rabs who were calling them self "Syrians". So there was a P\alestinian Simphony a Jewish orchestra and P\alestinan Post today Jerusalem Post a Jewish newspaper. Modern Balestinian A-rabs can go back to Saudi Barbaria... or to hell. O0
Modern Balestinian A-rabs can go back to Saudi Barbaria... or to hell.
how come so many apply for bad zionestical bassbort and bituach leumi ? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Modern Balestinian A-rabs can go back to Saudi Barbaria... or to hell.
how come so many apply for bad zionestical bassbort and bituach leumi ? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ask why they apply for the citisenship of every (western) infidel country full of the "sons of pigs and apes" aka evil Cruzeders and JOOS intead of flooding let say Hamastan, Fakistan, Mulah ocupied Iran or other pisslamic Eden they conquered earlier? islam is like a virus it's spiritualy, cultuary and economicly dead and its procreating only to kill another host countries. In Seventh century Egipt was the hub of comerce, industry and science and Britain was G-d forsaken S..hole on the verge of roman (civilised) world; now the entire ME exept Israel and christian ruled parts of Lebanon is frozen in VII century despite oil wealth.
Zionist, please allow me to enlighten you to a few tid-bits of factual correctness. The term "Israel" has been around for about 4000 years. Do you have a Bible at home? Even if you do not look on it as religious "truth" but solely as a historical document, read the book of Genesis for example. This book will tell you where the name "Israel" comes from, the borders of "The Promised Land": Israel (settled by the 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel). This is Biblical history.
If you look at Archeological history you will find many mentions of both Judah, Samaria and Israel depicting Jewish (Judean) history and Jewish culture not only in the region of Israel today but also in Ancient Egypt via the Mernptah Stele for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merneptah_Stele. Many Ancient cultures mention Israel, Judah, Jews etc.: Greek, Roman, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian etc. etc. and our own (reverting back to the Bible, aforementioned,) mentions theirs. There is NONE that mentions an independantly functioning entity/nation of "P-lestine" or "The P-lestinian People". None whatsoever, before 1964, and publically after 1967.
Them's the facts which any credable historian will relay. Sadly, corrupt politics and defunct religious agendas have come to the fore advocating "political correctness" over factual correctness. You as a Zionist, would know that the entire history of Zion, as in Zionism, relates back to the Book of Genesis when HaShem outlines the Promised Land for the seed bearing the covenant with G-d of Abraham: Isaiac: Jacob/Israel (12 sons/tribes which were denegrated to one: Judah after the Assyrians....this is factual history)
As for Semitic. Hebrew is a Semitic Language, as is Arabic. Hebrews/Jews: Israel as a "people" are a "Sh"emitic/Semitic people while the Arabs through Hagar, the Hamite, are Hamitic peoples. For a more detailed explanation please refer to: http://www.somebodyhelpme.info/semites/semites.html
You can even listen to the Audio should you wish...
Be well...
The only books this guy has is quran and mein kampf and he can'nt read either of them
found him:
An Arab resident of Jerusalem was under arrest Thursday for allegedly stealing merchandise from a city store disguised as a haredi, police said.
The suspect was apprehended by police overnight after he was spotted acting suspiciously while pushing a baby carriage filled with the stolen merchandise in the city's Mea She'arim neighborhood, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said.
The alleged thief has a criminal record, police said.
He is a "Zionist" like I am Mr. Olympia.
found him:
An Arab resident of Jerusalem was under arrest Thursday for allegedly stealing merchandise from a city store disguised as a haredi, police said.
The suspect was apprehended by police overnight after he was spotted acting suspiciously while pushing a baby carriage filled with the stolen merchandise in the city's Mea She'arim neighborhood, Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said.
The alleged thief has a criminal record, police said.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D O0 O0 :::D :::D
What physical force destroyed the WTC towers of 09/11/01?
12,000 gallons of Jet-A burning at over 1700 degrees F.....idiot.
No your wrong, "Pal.est.ine.", or "Pal.est.in.ians" does exist, you can find it on maps. Look under your feet you may see it.
I challenge you to find one map, one map from any point in history, that shows an independent country called "Palestíne."
No your wrong, "Pal.est.ine.", or "Pal.est.in.ians" does exist, you can find it on maps. Look under your feet you may see it.
When the Roman Emperor Hadrian conquered the land of Israel and sent the Jewish people to the four corners of the Earth, he renamed the territory Palestina after the Philistines, historical enemies of the Jewish people. This was done by Hadrian to spite the Jewish people.
When Mark Twain visited the Holy Land back in the late nineteenth century, he was astounded. He saw nothing but filthy vagabonds, swamps, disease, etc. There was no governmental entity known as 'Palestina', just wasteland.
Now that the Jews have come back and revitalized their ailling country, the Arabs suddenly claim that they are 'Palestini-ins'.
No your wrong, "Pal.est.ine.", or "Pal.est.in.ians" does exist, you can find it on maps. Look under your feet you may see it.
I challenge you to find one map, one map from any point in history, that shows an independent country called "Palestíne."
There isn't any Fakestinia, there was never such a country, they are all illegal Arab muSSlim Egyptians that migrated to Israel.
Read what the Bolkshevik website Wikipedia has to say about it. lol. ;D
"Paleolithic and Neolithic periods (1 mya - 5000 B.C.E.)
Human remains found at El-'Ubeidiya, 2 miles (3 km) south of Lake Tiberias date back as early as 500,000 years ago.[20][21] The discovery of the "Fakeistine Man" in the Zuttiyeh Cave in Wadi Al-Amud near Safad in 1925 provided some clues to human development in the area.[20][22][23]"
"Fakeistine Man" lol. :::D :::D
Did you all see this weirdo hes a weirdo,, fagggggggula