General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: nikmatdam on December 29, 2007, 11:13:00 PM
this is serious people... everyone should put pressure on their elected officials here and in israel... we need to begin a full-court press media campaign to get them and olmert and bush as well to take this disgusting example of israel's inhumanity toward the poor arabs straight to the world court and the un and israel should immediately be sanctioned and scoured and denigraded in the strongest language possible... condemnation should roll in from clear around the world... israeli soldiers refuse to rape arab women... oh my G-d... how dare they...? the vicious racists!!!! we jews are simply outraged at this discovery and turn of events... and we demand a security council resolution castigating the idf forthwith... if not sooner... nik. in a tif... out...
Now I've heard everything. Apparently, Israel's latest crime
againt PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis is NOT RAPING THEIR WOMEN. I wish I was
kidding, but I'm not. A graduate student at Hebrew University won
an award and publication from the Shaine Center for her paper
describing how the lack of rapes against PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women by
soldiers is due to Zionist racism (soldiers always rape, so why
aren't Jewish soldiers raping PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women, the brilliant
author of this essay asks? Duh, maybe because Jews don't raise
their sons to be rapists? She missed that.)
No. Too simplistic. Oh My. What have we Jews done wrong now?!
Read and weep. And to the Shaine Family: don't you think your
donation to Hebrew University could be better spent?
Editorial Articles by Israel Academic Monitor Associates
Hebrew University Awards Prize for "Research" Claiming
that Jewish Soldiers Do Not Rape Arab Women because Israelis are
by Steven Plaut
I wish I were making this up as some sort of a pre-Purim joke.
But it seems that the latest anti-Israel outrage coming out of
the Hebrew University in Jerusalem is its awarding a prize to a
graduate student for an essay in which the student claims that
Israel is abusing and oppressing PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis by not raping their
women. Really.
Had it not been awarded a prize by a panel of the Hebrew
University's distinguished professors, the whole matter could be
dismissed as just another idiotic essay by a moonbat grad
student, not something worthy of any attention being paid to it.
But according to news reports, the essay in question has now been
published by the Hebrew University's "Shaine Center," at the
enthusiastic recommendation of a Hebrew University professors'
committee headed by Dr. Zali Gurevitch. The latter is a
radical-leftist anthropologist who taught for several years at
Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. Don't worry, I never heard
of it either. His web page is here:
Gurevich runs the Shaine Center, which awarded the prize. His
fellow perps in this atrocity are listed here:
RIPTION_LINK?department_no=01080 I wonder if the Shaine family
know what is being done with their contributions to the
university! The essay indicting Israeli soldiers for not raping
PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women was the product of the crayon of a MA student
named Tal Nitzan. Tal is a she. Her main theme is that the "lack
of IDF rapes of PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women is designed to serve a
political purpose lack of IDF rapes of PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women is
designed to serve a political purpose." The "political purpose"
is that Israel fears the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis demographically and so IDF
soldiers do not rape the women to avoid creating new PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis
and little intifaders. Here is Nitzan at her finest: "In the
Israeli-PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi conflict, it can be seen that the lack of
military rape merely strengthens the ethnic boundaries and
clarifies the inter-ethnic differences - just as organized
military rape would have done." Israeli racism has resulted in
suppressed Jewish-male sexual desire for PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women, just
another manifestation of Zionist racism. Since the absence of
rape of Arab women by Israeli soldiers has no parallel in any
other human army in wartime anytime in history, the only
conclusion must be that Jewish soldiers are far more racist and
intolerant than the others.Now Nitzan and her guru Gurevitch rule
out automatically all other alternative explanations for why
Israeli troops do not rape Arab women. The possibility that
Israeli troops are simply civilized humans is ruled out as an
imponderable. Ditto for the possibility that Jewish ethics serve
to deter such abuse of Arab women. Instead, Nitzan claims that
Arab women in Judea and Samaria are not raped by IDF soldiers
because the women are "de-humanized" in the soldiers' eyes. I
guess that means they are not rape worthy. You know, unlike
Shulamit Aloni, Yael Dayan, and Tamar Gozansky. How did Nitzan
reach these cosmic conclusions? By conducting "interviews" with
25 soldiers. That is what the Hebrew University has sunk to .
regarding 25 interviews as research comprising a MA thesis. I am
willing to bet a year's salary that not a single one of those
soldiers said that he was foregoing raping Arab women because he
was afraid it would spawn little PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi intifada terrorists.
So essentially Nitzan is saying that the proof that Israeli
soldiers are brutal oppressive stormtroopers is in the fact that
they do NOT mistreat and sexually abuse PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi women, not
even the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist women apprehended after trying to
murder Jews. And as if this were not enough, let us note that not
a single one of the many radical feminist mini-organizations that
plague Israel had a single moo to utter about this obviously
"research" paper inflicted upon the world by the Hebrew
University. According to her own thesis logic, if little Tal
herself were to be raped by Hamas terrorists, I guess this would
pretty much prove that they are egalitarian and progressive
seekers of peace and justice. Makor Rishon, a rightwing Hebrew
weekly (www.makorrishon.co.il) broke the story of this Hebrew
University "research" proving that Rape Refusal by Israeli
soldiers serves to prove how racist they are.
The Shaine Center for Research in the Social Sciences was
established in 1987 following a donation from the Shaine family,
USA. Its aim is to advance research in the social sciences.
The Head of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology is
responsible for the Center, working alongside an Academic
The Center's main purpose is to support research into a range of
phenomena in Israeli society. To that end the Center offers
financial support for research carried out in the Faculty for
Social Sciences. About two-thirds of the distributed funds go to
the Department of Sociology and Anthropology
The abstract of the paper, authored by doctoral candidate Tal Nitzan, notes that the paper shows that "the lack of organized military rape is an alternate way of realizing [particular] political goals."
methinks that b.itch has some serious sex problems ???
That's the thing with politics folks-no matter what you do...you're ALWAYS doing bad.
This is a great example...look at Iraq for example. IF the US did not invade iraq...the left would have condemned the usa for not intervering agains dictator saddam and wmd's and human rights. Now that they did...they are blamed for LIBERATING iraqi's.
Same with 911. They scrutinize defense and security policy. But when the mango hits the fan, suddenly policy was not strict enough.
sigh. Welcome folks.
is doing bad in lefties eyes, no bad in reality
Serb Soldiers are said to rape bosnomuSSlim females,
Israeli Soldiers are said not to be doing the same "deed"...
YET, we're both accused of being tyrannic.
WHATEVER we could possibly do, or not,
we're GUILTY, in the eyes of our enemies.
WELL, let's just look each other in the eyes,
we, who fight the same Great Battle, Serbs and Jews,
and, finally, there, we won't find any kind
of even the sliciest hostility.
Imagine her next thesis: Arabs are not racists because they rape/kill Jewesses ...
Or : Israel is racist because Israeli men don't rape Israeli babies (as mohammedans do with their own children...)
Imagine her next thesis: Arabs are not racists because they rape/kill Jewesses ...
Or : Israel is racist because Israeli men don't rape Israeli babies (as mohammedans do with their own children...)
Don't give our enemies such "ideas" (!!!),
they're capable of writing books (!!!) about this...
Are you sure this is Hebrew not A-rab university ::)? Since the mayority of real inventions are being made in private laboratories anyway not unis I sugest to shut down all humanistic faculties couse all modern sociology/psichology/philosophy/politic "sciences" are just Marxist BS brainwashing founded by our taxes. NUTS!
Are you sure this is Hebrew not A-rab university ::)? Since the mayority of real inventions are being made in private laboratories anyway not unis I sugest to shut down all humanistic faculties couse all modern sociology/psichology/philosophy/politic "sciences" are just Marxist BS brainwashing founded by our taxes. NUTS!
I experienced this, while in such "institution", in france proper...
So-called "universities" are just iSSlamophile-bolshevistic fabrics !!!
>:( >:( >:(
Are you sure this is Hebrew not A-rab university ::)? Since the mayority of real inventions are being made in private laboratories anyway not unis I sugest to shut down all humanistic faculties couse all modern sociology/psichology/philosophy/politic "sciences" are just Marxist BS brainwashing founded by our taxes. NUTS!
Ultra Requete ; I agree.
I have friends , family ,... that studied psychology, social sciences, communication sciences,...
serbs and jews united forever!!!
the next paper someone should write should be on how sicko-muslim murder-bombers who put nails and rat-poison in their bombs are not guilty of hate-crimes because they are in actuality being good humanitarians wanting to put jews out of their misery as soon as possible so that they will be spared the suffering, fear and terror of the final arab assault that drowns all the jews in the yam hagadol!!! (G-d forbid of course)... nik. out...
Serbs and Jews united forever !!!
O0 O0 O0
Serbs and Jews united forever !!!
O0 O0 O0
Yes!! O0 O0 O0
is doing bad in lefties eyes, no bad in reality
yes ofcourse, but one they get their brainwashing done, you have the whole west coming down on you >:( >:(