The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Sarah on December 31, 2007, 03:13:57 PM
They'll keep fighting until they die. In Afghanistan they have been doing so since the Soviet Union went in.......the algerians fought the french for around 40 years until the french got tired and gave up.
I know, they have been indoctrinated, from early life, if they die in battle they go to heaven, so it doesn't matter if they fight to death, so, either they have to be converted from islam, incarcerated or killed, I personally hope the first of those three can be achieved in most cases.
In Algiers the French Army had won the war against islamic insurgency only to be betrayed by Grand Orient. We kicked them out from Spain, Balkans, Israel and Northern India we will do the same once we'll take care of leftist traitors.
In Algiers the French Army had won the war against islamic insurgency only to be betrayed by Grand Orient. We kicked them out from Spain, Balkans, Israel and Northern India we will do the same once we'll take care of leftist traitors.
Ooo Yeaahhh !!!
O0 O0 O0
I know, they have been indoctrinated, from early life, if they die in battle they go to heaven, so it doesn't matter if they fight to death, so, either they have to be converted from islam, incarcerated or killed, I personally hope the first of those three can be achieved in most cases.
This will make it hard to fight.
I know, they have been indoctrinated, from early life, if they die in battle they go to heaven, so it doesn't matter if they fight to death, so, either they have to be converted from islam, incarcerated or killed, I personally hope the first of those three can be achieved in most cases.
This will make it hard to fight.
However hard things may become, I do not wish to sink to using the tactics of my enemy. A human is still a human however brain washed they may be.
"Muslims never give up....."
Neither do Serbs.
"Muslims never give up....."
Serbs neither.
Serbs will never give up O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
"Muslims never give up....."
Serbs neither.
Serbs will never give up O0 O0 O0 O0 O0
We wouldn't be SERBS, then.
I know, they have been indoctrinated, from early life, if they die in battle they go to heaven, so it doesn't matter if they fight to death, so, either they have to be converted from islam, incarcerated or killed, I personally hope the first of those three can be achieved in most cases.
This will make it hard to fight.
However hard things may become, I do not wish to sink to using the tactics of my enemy. A human is still a human however brain washed they may be.
The first will be preferable but you must destroy the political control the islam have over ME societes, you won't achieve this without the bloodshed, and like in any the war it's either us or them. the most humane way it's to decapitate pisslam by nuking the Mecca, Quom and assasianting all mullahs. The first stepis to prounance the islam as totalitarian ideology like nazim/comunism and close all mosques in the west. id we won't do this yoday tomorrow we'll be forced to nuke them all.
I know, they have been indoctrinated, from early life, if they die in battle they go to heaven, so it doesn't matter if they fight to death, so, either they have to be converted from islam, incarcerated or killed, I personally hope the first of those three can be achieved in most cases.
This will make it hard to fight.
However hard things may become, I do not wish to sink to using the tactics of my enemy. A human is still a human however brain washed they may be.
The first will be preferable but you must destroy the political control the islam have over ME societes, you won't achieve this without the bloodshed, and like in any the war it's either us or them. the most humane way it's to decapitate pisslam by nuking the Mecca, Quom and assasianting all mullahs. The first stepis to prounance the islam as totalitarian ideology like nazim/comunism and close all mosques in the west. id we won't do this yoday tomorrow we'll be forced to nuke them all.
All is said.
"Muslims never give up..... "
They do when they are not breathing :)
"Muslims never give up..... "
They do when they are not breathing :)
yup O0