General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Joe Gutfeld on November 28, 2006, 05:45:07 PM

Title: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 28, 2006, 05:45:07 PM
When Chaim answers our questions on this forum is just too long.  It's really hard to sit by my computer and hear for over 2 hours and listen.  Can he just try to shorten it by at least an hour?  I just wish he didn't spend too long on some of these detailed questions that are asked here.  It's good to ask them, but it's too much.  Chaim, what is your opinon on this topic?  Please let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected].
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Scriabin on November 28, 2006, 05:54:29 PM
When Chaim answers our questions on this forum is just too long.  It's really hard to sit by my computer and hear for over 2 hours and listen.  Can he just try to shorten it by at least an hour?  I just wish he didn't spend too long on some of these detailed questions that are asked here.  It's good to ask them, but it's too much.  Chaim, what is your opinon on this topic?  Please let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected].

Yes, and people ask ridiculously long questions that take forever to read.  The few of us who ask short questions don't get much airplay. 

Also, the early questions in the broadcast get more attention than the late ones.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: TheCoon on November 28, 2006, 06:47:32 PM
Joe, how about not whining and making stupid frickin' posts all the time? First off, don't ask the same damn question 6 times in the "Ask JTF" threads. It's annoying to see.

Chaim is doing a great job and enjoys doing it. Be grateful he does it at all.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 28, 2006, 06:52:26 PM
How about you quit whining about what I post on this forum.  I don't ask the same thing 6 times unlike you.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: shimonchaim on November 28, 2006, 06:57:25 PM
i agree with thunderbult chsim takes time out of his busy schelduale and your whinin glike a baby
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on November 28, 2006, 07:05:39 PM
I am not a whiner like thunderbolt over my comments.  This is an open forum.  If you don't like what I post, than don't insult me over it.  If you disagree with me, that's fine but leave out the insults.  OK?
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: TheCoon on November 28, 2006, 07:08:57 PM
How about you quit whining about what I post on this forum.  I don't ask the same thing 6 times unlike you.

How about downloading the file and listening to some of it at one time and then the rest later? Or is that too difficult for you?

His answers on detailed questions are good and the discussion is important. If your pea-brain can't handle the length of the question or his answers, skip it with your realplayer or windows media player.

I can't believe you had the gall to ask Chaim to reduce the show by an hour just because you think it's too long.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: cjd on November 28, 2006, 07:53:30 PM
If Chaim can do 2 plus hours I can listen. The question shows are great!! Sometimes the questions were asked already but Chaim always manages to add some new bit of information that keeps it interesting. I listen while I am doing something else around the house and it makes whatever I am doing go faster. I am glad and thankfull that Chaim takes the amount of time he does doing the questions show.  I hope he continues doing them because I find them to be extremely informative.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: takebackourtemple on December 01, 2006, 07:39:29 AM
   It's a long program but sure is a good one. I can't think of any other show where the host will let just about anyone ask questions and provide full answers to them. One improvement that would be nice but would take some work would be a way to index the questions and answers. If I skim through the questions in any given week I'll find a handful that are really interesting. It would be nice to be able to skip over to the questions I want to hear.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: kahaneloyalist on December 01, 2006, 09:03:21 AM
lets not bicker we can disagree without fighting.

Joe, why dont you download the Ask JTF show and put it on CD then listen to it in your car?
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: jsullivan on December 01, 2006, 10:33:11 AM
First of all, Joe is entitled to his opinion.  Even if he wants to criticize, he has a right to do so.  People should feel free to be able to make suggestions or constructive criticism.

Every week, the questions are multiplying and getting longer.  Chaim is the type of person who feels badly if he does not answer everyone in detail.  I have told him that he should only answer one question or comment per week from each poster.  He is considering doing that this week simply because there are now dozens of posters asking literally hundreds of questions. 

Scriabin is right.  People who ask short questions don't get as much air time and that isn't fair.  Also the early questions do get more air time.  So I have urged Chaim to make some changes this Sunday and I hope he does it.  Chaim's problem is he feels a personal obligation to fully answer everyone.

Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on December 01, 2006, 05:36:28 PM
Thank you for defending me, Mr. Sullivan.  I was very tempted to insult Thunderbolt for insulting me.  I just didn't want to lower myself to his level.  I hope you took him off this forum.  I am just tired of being insulted when I give my opinions to this forum.  I like listening to Chaim on his shows on QPTV every week.  I hope he continues his good work.  I also like to know why the JTF shows that were on Tuesday and Thursday night were already shown this past weekend.  Please let me know.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Alex on December 01, 2006, 07:50:14 PM
You have the right to express your opinion as long as you're not defaming anyone. But banning Thunderbolt... c'mon....
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: cjd on December 01, 2006, 08:41:41 PM
Yes Alex is right lets not let a disagreement get out of hand. Chaim takes a lot of time and trouble to answer our questions completely so lets not complain. Chaim has really gone the extra mile reading and then answering all the questions each week.  I feel like I am in a lecture hall each time I listen to the questions show and Chaim is the professor. Its just great!! However Chaim sees fit to do the show will have to suffice!!
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on December 04, 2006, 05:44:10 PM
I would really like to know why the 2 extra shows that aired last week were re-runs?  Why even post a message on the JTF website while the shows were repeats?  I really like an answer to that one.
Title: Re: Chaim's answers show is too long
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on December 07, 2006, 05:43:37 PM
I thought that the 2 extra shows were supposed to be shows that didn't air.  A few weeks ago, QPTV showed re-runs than this notice on the web site telling us about the extra shows that didn't air.  What about that?