I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?
I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?
I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?Sorry I totally disagree. Nothing is equal and everything differs in some sort of way. This "everything is equal" ideology is Platonic "Utopianism" and purely Marxist in nature. Good readings to further the mass fraud in "Utopian" idea are: Plato's "Republic", Sir Thomas Moore's "Utopia" and Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto" explain the ideology, the myth the expectations and what the goals of these "Utopian", NWO or whatever one wishes to refer to them actaully are. I have posted on one of the threads on NWO the pillars of Marxist "Utopian" thought as to what is needed to "Make everyone equal".
I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?I believe you're a moron and that you should jump under a train.
Now that is putting it blunt. I happen to agree that the person who started this thread, Na Na and the "guest" who agreed with him are true products of John Dewey's "progressive" educational system which has dumbed down America as Charlotte Thompson Iserbyte stated so eloquently....I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?I believe you're a moron and that you should jump under a train.
I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?
Definitely. Afterall, when it comes own to it we are all the same. Made from the same chemical building blocks, to a DNA blueprint differing only by factors such as eye colour. There is no valid reason for anyone to believe him/herself superior to anyone else, and it is only blind arrogance or fear which makes people act otherwise.
Not everybody is equal. Get over it and strive to do better!! We all need something to look up to. So eat it!You are 100% correct and very well put. That was exactly my point also...
Fundamentally speaking there are only two races: negroes and human beings. These have different ancestors. So while ....
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a "Leroys"?
A typical schwartza.
This thread is interesting.........All humans are not equal either. This is pure Marxism and "utopian" illogic at its finest.
No one is equal........BUT as a mark of respect we shouldn't act superior.
It depends in what sense you mean equal....if u mean we are all humans then yea i guess we are equal...if u mean intelligence equal then NO and if you mean appearance then NO as well.
The only thing that makes us equal is that G-d created us all.
No one is geneticly (bad spelling sorry) equal.
What is a shwartza lol?
I agree with Hail columbia......
RESPECT is different from equality
we can respect but know that we are not equal.
Isn't everyone equal on a kibbutz?That's the "collective" thought. Yes... Kibbutzim are the product of the Communist Bund.
Does the nickname Leroy come from the Leroy protagonist from the famed 80s series 'Fame' ?Now that I don't know.... :)
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a "Leroys"?
Sometimes for even less!!Sorry for my ignorance, but what is a "Leroys"?
They are dark, violent creatures that will rape your grandmother and kill you for a banana.
In answer to the title of this thread I would like to state for the millionth (rough estimate only) time that I strongly believe that everyone deserves equality of opportunity, no matter what colour their skin is, or what religion they are brough up under. It is how they choose to act that must be used to determine how someone is treated, not the colour of their skin or the manner of their raising.I have to agree. One would be very upset at the differences between tax payer dollars (racially) discriminantly spent on blacks, and now hispanics, than white children. Tax payer programs specifically aimed at blacks, now hispanics, far exceed that of whites in every area be it education, legal, employment, political, social etc. The last numbers I had read were between $6-7000 per white child in public school systems and blacks were double to three times as much. Has the outcome changed? With all of these advantages, forgetting Affirmative Action, still the outcome is minimal at best. The result now is directly to push them through, pass or fail, and dumb down the entire system. That still, by any stretch of the imagination is a very high figure when applied to the total school age children in America with piss poor results...
Of course, the fact that quran-true muslims raise their children to follow the quran which says that they must convert subjugate or kill the unbelievers does cause some slight problems...
Does the nickname Leroy come from the Leroy protagonist from the famed 80s series 'Fame' ?Actually, I got that from CBP's story about the 8 Leroys.
I remember a news story, maybe 15 years ago, about a party that was going on in a vacant lot in the south bronx. The party was in full swing, the cheap wine and malt liquor flowed like nector of the gods, and the fried chicken delighted the tribes' taste buds. As luck would have it, two of the happy party participants, reached for the last piece of chicken. This is a major faux pas in primitive circles. Knives were drawn, blood was spilt and one of the 'grabbers' succumbed to multiple stab wounds. One would think that would put an end to the festivities, think again. Several of the happy partiers pick up this sack of blood and push him under the table. The party continued into the wee hours of the next morning. I am not making this up. Do you remember this story cjd.Well fjack I cant say I remember it distinctly however the story rings a bell. Over the years their have been so many of this sort of news story where people were killed by so called friends at party and social settings the details of the stories all run together for me. I use to go up to a police station up there in the South Bronx from time to time I believe it was the one they use to call Fort Apache back in the 70s. I had the pleasure to be up there at night a few times well talk about mutant creatures inhabiting the surrounding streets at night. They would be standing on the corners in bunches around an old 55 gallon drum with fire in it. Most of the buildings were abandoned destroyed by the animals that inhabited them and ripped out every shred of plumbing and wiring in them. The black animals and hispanic roaches even managed to destroy the brick work on the once beautiful and ornate buildings. In some parts of that neighborhood entire blocks of buildings were torn down and only the curbs and side walk were left in place by the city since the buildings were no longer inhabitable. This is where liberals should be taken on a hot summer night to see the animals in all their glory. They should be left off in the middle of that neighborhood and have to fend for their own way out. Its been over twenty years since I have last been up there and it still leaves an impression on me when I think of it. When white folks lived up there it was one of the more exclusive parts of the Bronx since it was right off the Grand Concourse. The blacks and hispanics turned it into a war zone.
So let's have no more talk, I pray you, of IQ levels and other worthless things! In the long run they don't mean anything! It seems the black man offers the white woman the most fulfilling path to a brighter future - and women prefer peace, music, dance, and love to IQ, science, intellectual enquiry, competition, etc. A white woman would sooner dance the night away with a gorgeous negro than sit and discuss politics all night with a white nerd.
Come now. IQ is absolutely relevant. The blacks aren't going to take over a thing...EVER. They're just along for the ride.
The West is finished, so what's left?
The East. (and I don't mean the middle east)
When all is said and done, when Europe is taken by Islam, and the U.S. by 'hispanics', the world will be easy pickins for the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. None of these other pitiful groups...blacks, 'hispanics' and muslims stand a chance against the Northern Asians. Anyone who doesn't believe that is fooling himself.
Now, who has a higher IQ, the Japanese or the blacks?
Come now. IQ is absolutely relevant. The blacks aren't going to take over a thing...EVER. They're just along for the ride.
The West is finished, so what's left?
The East. (and I don't mean the middle east)
When all is said and done, when Europe is taken by Islam, and the U.S. by 'hispanics', the world will be easy pickins for the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. None of these other pitiful groups...blacks, 'hispanics' and muslims stand a chance against the Northern Asians. Anyone who doesn't believe that is fooling himself.
Now, who has a higher IQ, the Japanese or the blacks?
I believe in G-d, but if I didn't, or if I took an evolutionary philosophy, I would have to be very skeptical about the future - because ultimately those who breed will inherit the earth and those who don't will die off (according to pure evolutionism). As you know there will be 2 billion black Africans by 2050 and less than 100 million Japanese. Having a command of technology is only useful so long as you continue to exist as a people. You cannot control the earth as a people if you have no legacy.
For that reason maybe the Chinese will prosper; but they are neither a particularly intelligent people nor are they breeding enough with their 1 child per family programme.
So let's have no more talk, I pray you, of IQ levels and other worthless things! In the long run they don't mean anything! It seems the black man offers the white woman the most fulfilling path to a brighter future - and women prefer peace, music, dance, and love to IQ, science, intellectual enquiry, competition, etc. A white woman would sooner dance the night away with a gorgeous negro than sit and discuss politics all night with a white nerd.Sorry but I totally disagree with this statement. IQ plays a very important role in everything. Why do you believe that Africa still consists of hunter gatherer mentality after a million years wandering the lands while the rest of the World progressed? A. It is not in their cultures and B. It is not in their mental capacity to do such. IQ plays an immense factor in advanced cultures and all the progress of advanced Civilization. Oswald Spengler wrote an amazing work called "The Decline of the West" on the difference between cultures and civilization and what will cause and has contributed to its decline from many advanced civilizations: Egypt, Greek, Persian, Babylonian, Carthaginian, Roman, Israel, French, German, English and now America. If you wish to read a very well documented study and historical facts presented on this topic you might wish to read J. Phillip Rushtons "Race, Evolution and Behavior". Africa is the way it is and Europe/West is the way it is due in large parts to IQ and how intellect influences both culture and civilization.... The comment about white women and black men is inept to any thinking individual. In todays deprave world where the criminal, gangster, drug dealer, pimp is king while the teacher, scientist, mechanic or doctor are charrah one can see through such statements. When Shvartzism, "embracing diversity", "multiculturalism", "tolerance" and "experiment with your sexuality" is bombarded onto the "invisible majority" from every angle making one who is proud of their heritage a "racist" is sickening. The media, educational systems and pretty much every other glorifies "visible minorities" while vilifying the ol-whitey. If a black is "black is beautiful" it is praised, encouraged and even rewarded by the shvartzatized blonde bimbo but if a white feels the same he's automatically a racist whom will be attacked and belittled. I've met many black women that will not date black men and who openly say that they are animals. As a matter of fact my black friend Ava only wants to date white men and she tells me that black women have their own slogan: "Once you go white you know you're right."...
The Above post by Marzutra says it all. Excellent!!So let's have no more talk, I pray you, of IQ levels and other worthless things! In the long run they don't mean anything! It seems the black man offers the white woman the most fulfilling path to a brighter future - and women prefer peace, music, dance, and love to IQ, science, intellectual enquiry, competition, etc. A white woman would sooner dance the night away with a gorgeous negro than sit and discuss politics all night with a white nerd.Sorry but I totally disagree with this statement. IQ plays a very important role in everything. Why do you believe that Africa still consists of hunter gatherer mentality after a million years wandering the lands while the rest of the World progressed? A. It is not in their cultures and B. It is not in their mental capacity to do such. IQ plays an immense factor in advanced cultures and all the progress of advanced Civilization. Oswald Spengler wrote an amazing work called "The Decline of the West" on the difference between cultures and civilization and what will cause and has contributed to its decline from many advanced civilizations: Egypt, Greek, Persian, Babylonian, Carthaginian, Roman, Israel, French, German, English and now America. If you wish to read a very well documented study and historical facts presented on this topic you might wish to read J. Phillip Rushtons "Race, Evolution and Behavior". Africa is the way it is and Europe/West is the way it is due in large parts to IQ and how intellect influences both culture and civilization.... The comment about white women and black men is inept to any thinking individual. In todays deprave world where the criminal, gangster, drug dealer, pimp is king while the teacher, scientist, mechanic or doctor are charrah one can see through such statements. When Shvartzism, "embracing diversity", "multiculturalism", "tolerance" and "experiment with your sexuality" is bombarded onto the "invisible majority" from every angle making one who is proud of their heritage a "racist" is sickening. The media, educational systems and pretty much every other glorifies "visible minorities" while vilifying the ol-whitey. If a black is "black is beautiful" it is praised, encouraged and even rewarded by the shvartzatized blonde bimbo but if a white feels the same he's automatically a racist whom will be attacked and belittled. I've met many black women that will not date black men and who openly say that they are animals. As a matter of fact my black friend Ava only wants to date white men and she tells me that black women have their own slogan: "Once you go white you know you're right."...
Personally, I feel HaShem made all different races different for a reason and wanted it that way. If He didn't we'd all be the same......
I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?
I don't believe anyone is equal. Dr. Watson's, amongst many other studies, suggest otherwise and that all races are not equal. Some are better at some things than others and others better at other things....big deal.
I believe all races are equal and different religions and cultures deserve respect. What are people's views on this?
I believe that the 'moral' view of racial differences is an off-shoot of Christianity (even when atheists and secular humanists adopt the view) and that morality is a separate realm from science.
MEN of different races are roughly speaking equal in a physical sense; but women are obviously unequal in terms of aesthetics, beauty, and splendour. A white woman is to a [censored] as a Rembrandt painting is to a child's doodle. Sexual selection has been working on the more evolved races and therefore their genetic makeup is more complex, more intriguing, and more beautiful than that of the savage races.
Fundamentally speaking there are only two races: negroes and human beings. These have different ancestors. So while we might find a reconciliation between all of the civilized races of man, it is unlikely we will ever have anything but trouble with the races of man who are descended from primitive life-forms.
Sorry Newman, Nothing is "equal". This is more of that egalitarian rubbish. The Labrador is far from equal to a timber wolf. The Lab is in someways "superior" and in others "inferior"....better...worse. Come on brother...
What happens if a greater percentage of "inferior" people belong to one race over another in any given area would they be "equal"? I agree with what you wrote aside from the aforementioned. Hypathetically speaking, if 97% of Caucasian people score 70 on an IQ test while the 3% remaining scored over 100 directly compared to 97% of Blacks scoring over 100 while the 3% remainder scored 70 or less would it dictate that the two are different or equal?
I get the drift but disagree. I can see your point where you are comparing intra-racial groups which happen to have different cultures and different religions. Education can increase ones IQ over and above the G-d given genetic make up. For example, if there are two smart black people. One happens to be a Muslim living in the Sudan with an IQ of 100 and another in Denver who goes to synagogue, studies Torah and always attends yeshiva studies is tested and found to have an IQ of 115. I'd argue that this difference is largely due to his embracment of a culture and religion that stresses knowledge, education and understanding.
But when comparing Apples to Oranges as stated in the above example, there may well be genetic difference between races that allow them to be gifted in some areas (IQ) and limited in others (Speaking English) ;)
Politically speaking Newman, you are spot on. Speaking in terms of Factual Correctness....races may well be different and not equal in certain areas and superior in others. I don't see too many whites suing the government for equality representation in the NBA but Dr. Watson, I guess, was made to apologize for "offending" members of a certain racial community that diagreed with his findings....because they weren't "politcally correct" but may well have been factually correct...
Blacks tend to be taller than whites when they have equal nutrition. Asians and Hispanics tend to be shorter than whites. Big whoop.
Chaim has addressed this issue countless times and we all need to move on and get a life. It amazes me that there are people here who view human beings as breeds of dogs. ::)
These silly and petty racial discussions only dilute our main point and truth about race--that the vast majority of blacks, and over half of Hispanics, choose to be evil racists even though white America has done everything for them.
Excellent points, but Japan is a nation that, like Germany, is both highly advanced and savage. The Shinto religion taught that the Japanese are the master race of Asia and that all other Asian nations are untermenschen. That is why Japan invaded China and embarked on a barbaric holocaust against millions upon millions of helpless Chinese. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese/Korean/Filipino women were all rounded up and sent to rape camps to offer pleasure to Japanese Nazi Tojo SS troops.Blacks tend to be taller than whites when they have equal nutrition. Asians and Hispanics tend to be shorter than whites. Big whoop.
Chaim has addressed this issue countless times and we all need to move on and get a life. It amazes me that there are people here who view human beings as breeds of dogs. ::)
These silly and petty racial discussions only dilute our main point and truth about race--that the vast majority of blacks, and over half of Hispanics, choose to be evil racists even though white America has done everything for them.
That's our whole point about the third world.
When feudal Japan was confronted with the west 150 years ago, they opted to ambrace learning, industrialisation and technology. The results speak for themselves.
The turd world has CHOSEN to remain evil and primitive. It resists EVERY attempt to civilise and educate it.
These differences can be seen with the asian and black communities in the USA today!
Excellent points, but Japan is a nation that, like Germany, is both highly advanced and savage. The Shinto religion taught that the Japanese are the master race of Asia and that all other Asian nations are untermenschen. That is why Japan invaded China and embarked on a barbaric holocaust against millions upon millions of helpless Chinese. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese/Korean/Filipino women were all rounded up and sent to rape camps to offer pleasure to Japanese Nazi Tojo SS troops.Blacks tend to be taller than whites when they have equal nutrition. Asians and Hispanics tend to be shorter than whites. Big whoop.
Chaim has addressed this issue countless times and we all need to move on and get a life. It amazes me that there are people here who view human beings as breeds of dogs. ::)
These silly and petty racial discussions only dilute our main point and truth about race--that the vast majority of blacks, and over half of Hispanics, choose to be evil racists even though white America has done everything for them.
That's our whole point about the third world.
When feudal Japan was confronted with the west 150 years ago, they opted to ambrace learning, industrialisation and technology. The results speak for themselves.
The turd world has CHOSEN to remain evil and primitive. It resists EVERY attempt to civilise and educate it.
These differences can be seen with the asian and black communities in the USA today!
Japanese stormtroopers entertained themselves on their days off by tossing Filipino (who they considered to be below dogs) babies into the air and catching them on their bayonets. I don't even need to get into the tortures these beasts devised for captured American/Allied troops.
To top it all off, the Japanese worshipped Hitler and were huge allies of his. If there were Jews in Japan, there can be no doubt whatsoever that the Japanese would have enthusiastically partaken in the Final Solution. >:(
The Japanese saved Jews in WW2 according to Chaim.Where did he say this? The Japanese loved Hitler.
The Japanese saved Jews in WW2 according to Chaim.Where did he say this? The Japanese loved Hitler.
The Fins were on germany's side against russia but they still protected their Jews.I agree with you on the Finns--they actually were a heroic nation at that time who was under a monstrous attack just like the Serbs. (Not justifiying their alliance with Germany, but the modern Serbs are allied with Russia too, after all.)
"...1954? Technology has progressed ten fould since then. I have not read this book but will do so..."What are you laughing at my friend a very valid point in my opinion.... PS: Why is it different or even wrong to look at different races in comparable way as one would look at different animals? No one seems to care when some scientist or some Leftwinger directly compares humans with apes, monkeys, pigs etc. but when one simply identifies that there may well be differnces in race... it is wrong or into a debate? Come on... I don't have afro hair...perhaps it is better or perhaps it is worse....that would make me different (perhaps inferior or superior depending on ones views) from a negro....therefore not all are "equal".....
The Japanese killed 22,000 ANZAC's, and commited massive war crimes. They are animals. Its a shame with they dropped the bomb on Japan it didn't completely wipe them out for good.You don't wipe out intelligent races.
Hitler did while Socrates taught that the superior would rule over the inferior.... ??? Perhaps all are not "equal"......