General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: david1967 on January 13, 2008, 08:31:02 PM

Title: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: david1967 on January 13, 2008, 08:31:02 PM
Check out this link:


The ADL can no longer be considered an organization that fights against anti-semitism if it supports Obama.  The level of self-hating, Jewish, liberal guilt is disgusting!

Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: nopeaceforland on January 13, 2008, 08:38:31 PM
The ADL is such a self-hating Jewish organization that if I didn't know any better, would not only apologize for being Jewish but, walk full knowing into the ovens, gas chambers and the concentration camps. ::)
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 15, 2008, 03:52:33 PM
OH boy! that does it!

The UJA will be next suporting Obama...my prediction..

Damn ADL...I want to kick every single one of them in the nuts...oh way, they are a bunch of poosees they don't have any nuts!
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: akhmim on January 18, 2008, 12:58:00 AM
Obama is what america needs.  He should be support by all.  Your gonna say he's a muslim but hes not and never will be don't let he media tell you what somebody is.  The truth is the white man is the biggest threat the people of god.  You think the white man would of cared if hitler kill the whole jewish race?  White America only got involved in war for there own gain not to prevent genocide.  America needs obama it needs change.  Wow why are you all here making the jews look bad with your comments.
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: KansasJew on January 18, 2008, 01:06:28 AM
If you care to do your research from independent sources you will find that Obama is a muslim according to Muslim Law. He has never publicly denounced his Muslim upbringing. if you care to search the forum you will see the research.
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: Dan on January 18, 2008, 08:49:30 AM
Obama is what america needs.  He should be support by all.  Your gonna say he's a muslim but hes not and never will be don't let he media tell you what somebody is.  The truth is the white man is the biggest threat the people of G-d.  You think the white man would of cared if hitler kill the whole jewish race?  White America only got involved in war for there own gain not to prevent genocide.  America needs obama it needs change.  Wow why are you all here making the jews look bad with your comments.

Akhmim who are you? what is your mission here on this forum?
I'll give you a chance to represent yourself first before I'll go all out on you... Speak vermon!
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: akhmim on January 18, 2008, 09:57:28 AM
Im actually from polish but my point is why are you people always quick to point the finger...all the jews talking about illegal immigrants on welfare when thats a bold face lie...obama being muslin another bold face...i live in ma in a Marblehead and thats a jewish community and im not racist by any means...if you want to have peace stop pointing the finger and take responsibility...my neighbors are all jews that are in america living on the Refuge bill pass by congress in the 90's in which they get social security benefits and some even get vetetan benefits without fighting in a american war...after come on this website i fully understand why white america hates jews...you sound just like Aryans...
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: KansasJew on January 18, 2008, 11:15:42 AM
By The tone of your words you sound racist to me. I suggest you check yourself at the door or you will find yourself kicked off the forum. I will be checking into your story and if it is not true about "your" Jewish community Trust me it will get very difficult for you on this forum.  Notice I did not use any racial slurs or bigot remarks.
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: akhmim on January 18, 2008, 01:26:22 PM
By The tone of your words you sound racist to me. I suggest you check yourself at the door or you will find yourself kicked off the forum. I will be checking into your story and if it is not true about "your" Jewish community Trust me it will get very difficult for you on this forum.  Notice I did not use any racial slurs or bigot remarks.

whatever anyways all the jews that i have spoken like on aol, etc laugh at this site they all say your making them all look bad...
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: KansasJew on January 18, 2008, 01:37:50 PM
Funny I have been on PalTalk for over 5 years now and the Jewish Community there endorses the JTF and also the Jewish Community on Virtual Yeshiva. So again stop your bashing and just state your points of view without being hateful. And if these Jewish People do not like what we have to say let them come here and post. It is easy you did it.
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: Ultra Requete on January 18, 2008, 02:05:07 PM
akhmim is propably some shwartza muslim I don't belive he's Polish.   
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on January 18, 2008, 02:32:43 PM
akhmim:  "...Im actually from polish..."

There you have it!

He's a shoe-shine boy! 
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: Ultra Requete on January 18, 2008, 02:42:38 PM
akhmim:  "...Im actually from polish..."

There you have it!

He's a shoe-shine boy! 

 ;D He doesn't thought that JTF can have member from Poland

The truth is the white man is the biggest threat the people of G-d.  You think the white man would of cared if hitler kill the whole jewish race?  White America only got involved in war for there own gain not to prevent genocide. 

That's the argument every leftist/shvartza/a-rab/muSSlime use on net, they're piss(ing) now seeing that (white) Jews and White Christains are finaly uniting for Israel.   
Title: Re: ADL supports Barack Hussein Obama! Outrageous!
Post by: aggressi0n on January 18, 2008, 03:42:23 PM
Akhmim, this is a right wing forum, not left wing forum. Go [censored] regulate your own economy you [censored], stop trying to push a leftist who regulate the economy and tax us to death. Socialist hate people with cancer and diabetes.