General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: White Israelite on January 18, 2008, 04:02:17 PM

Title: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 18, 2008, 04:02:17 PM
Lets see what some of our members neighborhoods look like, here is my area. My front yard and backyard.




Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Sarah on January 19, 2008, 06:34:49 PM
Talk about luxury.

I have a front gate...and somebody elses back garden. Not worth taking a picture of.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Ehud on January 19, 2008, 06:53:45 PM
Very nice Cohen, gotta love all that green.  I'm from California and not many people have such large trees and lush greenery in their yards.  You have quite a spacious front yard.  I would take pictures, but I live in an apartment building so all you would see is the parking lot, not too exciting.   :P
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: DownwithIslam on January 19, 2008, 06:59:01 PM
Cohen what city is that? It looks so relaxing. All of us that live in NYC don't have that.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: mord on January 19, 2008, 07:00:11 PM
It looks like fla
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 07:01:25 PM
Cohen what city is that? It looks so relaxing. All of us that live in NYC don't have that.

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, panhandle region.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: mord on January 19, 2008, 07:03:03 PM
Cohen what city is that? It looks so relaxing. All of us that live in NYC don't have that.

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, panhandle region.
Yes but to me al fla looks similar your on the gulf?
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: DownwithIslam on January 19, 2008, 07:04:55 PM
It looks super nice. If I had to move somewhere in the US, it would be either the LA area in California or Somewhere in Florida.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 07:06:46 PM
Cohen what city is that? It looks so relaxing. All of us that live in NYC don't have that.

Fort Walton Beach, Florida, panhandle region.
Yes but to me al fla looks similar your on the gulf?

Yes, my area in specific.


I like it here but there isn't really a Jewish community in this area which is a negative. The area is heavily southern culture (similar to Alabama) but it's a nice area. Also a lot of military here as we live near Eglin airforce base, the majority of my friends are in the military. Travel north of here and you'll reach Alabama, actually a lot of people from Alabama work here. It's all woods if you go north of here, you wouldn't even know it's Florida if you were traveling in the northern section.

Tourism is also pretty big here, we've been getting a lot of people from the North in this area. Unfortunately a lot of the illegal aliens are starting to make their way here as well though it's certainly no where as bad as some areas with the illegal alien problem.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Kiwi on January 19, 2008, 07:25:33 PM


Wow thats so nice  O0
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 07:52:30 PM
There are downsides to living in a tropical climate, hurricanes. Heres pictures I took of Hurricane Ivan I think was 2004. At least we haven't had hurricanes for a while now.














Theres more pictures of the damage that I have on file but too many pictures to post, just a basic idea of what a hurricanes like.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: mord on January 19, 2008, 07:52:38 PM
Yes Eglin did'nt they test a bomb their last year,also 1st special ops wing
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 07:56:19 PM
Yes Eglin did'nt they test a bomb their last year

They tested the MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs)

Actually you can hear bombs going off sometimes at night, sounds like thunder. Also not uncommon to see F-16's and F-22's flying in the skies on your way to work. I've seen an Osprey as well (think half plane/half helicopter), some pretty cool stuff. I go on base with my friends quite a bit as well.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: mord on January 19, 2008, 07:57:32 PM
Yes Eglin did'nt they test a bomb their last year

They tested the MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs)

Actually you can hear bombs going off sometimes at night, sounds like thunder. Also not uncommon to see F-16's and F-22's flying in the skies on your way to work. I've seen an Osprey as well (think half plane/half helicopter), some pretty cool stuff. I go on base with my friends quite a bit as well.
The osprey is it safe yet
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: DownwithIslam on January 19, 2008, 07:59:07 PM
Hey Cohen, is Boca Raton nice? I heard it was and wanted to know what you think.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 07:59:23 PM
Yes Eglin did'nt they test a bomb their last year

They tested the MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs)

Actually you can hear bombs going off sometimes at night, sounds like thunder. Also not uncommon to see F-16's and F-22's flying in the skies on your way to work. I've seen an Osprey as well (think half plane/half helicopter), some pretty cool stuff. I go on base with my friends quite a bit as well.
The osprey is it safe yet

I think it's still in testing, there have been a lot of accidents in the past with it. Looks like a very interesting aircraft though.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 08:00:34 PM
Hey Cohen, is Boca Raton nice? I heard it was and wanted to know what you think.

I haven't been to Boca Raton but my girlfriends cousins are from there, apparently it's a nice place.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: mord on January 19, 2008, 08:00:46 PM
Yes Eglin did'nt they test a bomb their last year

They tested the MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs)

Actually you can hear bombs going off sometimes at night, sounds like thunder. Also not uncommon to see F-16's and F-22's flying in the skies on your way to work. I've seen an Osprey as well (think half plane/half helicopter), some pretty cool stuff. I go on base with my friends quite a bit as well.
The osprey is it safe yet

I think it's still in testing, there have been a lot of accidents in the past with it. Looks like a very interesting aircraft though.
It is it will be great
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: nopeaceforland on January 19, 2008, 08:50:39 PM
Hey Cohen, is Boca Raton nice? I heard it was and wanted to know what you think.

I live about 10 minutes from Boca if that. It's very affluent, beautiful and it has a nice sized Jewish community as does a lot of Southeast Florida.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 08:53:18 PM
Hey Cohen, is Boca Raton nice? I heard it was and wanted to know what you think.

I live about 10 minutes from Boca if that. It's very affluent, beautiful and it has a nice sized Jewish community as does a lot of Southeast Florida.

Boca Raton is all the way South East.


This is where I live


Quite a difference, very far from each other ;)
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: White Israelite on January 19, 2008, 09:04:48 PM
Anybody else want to post pictures of their area? You don't have to post your yard in specific, if you want to post the area you live in or neighborhood, that works too.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Merkava on January 21, 2008, 11:04:13 PM
My backyard:

Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Kiwi on January 22, 2008, 12:36:37 AM
This is my town


Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: kellymaureen on January 22, 2008, 01:00:13 AM
My house after the early Jan snow


Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Kiwi on January 22, 2008, 01:04:17 AM
Bugger that, look at all  that work .... :( Nice house  O0
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: kellymaureen on January 22, 2008, 01:05:47 AM
I hate snow :(
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Kiwi on January 22, 2008, 01:08:45 AM
When I lived in the mountains we had snow, and yup not fun, I hear ya  O0
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: DownwithIslam on January 22, 2008, 02:56:24 AM
KellyMaureen, you are so brave. Imagine if some shvartza muslim sees the pic you posted and recognizes your house or something. That is sooo freaky. I hope you don't need to call your brother and his m-16 to defend your house. I think you should take that picture down for your safety.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: ASHISH on January 22, 2008, 04:37:35 AM
are you trying to get us killed first we post pics of ourselves now our home also next thing i know thousands of muslims will come from new delhi to behead me ;D
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Kiwi on January 22, 2008, 06:05:14 AM
are you trying to get us killed first we post pics of ourselves now our home also next thing i know thousands of muslims will come from new delhi to behead me ;D
My dear friend confirms the muzzies in New Delhi, poor guy he has to live with them around him all the time.  :-\

Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: ASHISH on January 22, 2008, 06:07:02 AM
are you trying to get us killed first we post pics of ourselves now our home also next thing i know thousands of muslims will come from new delhi to behead me ;D
My dear friend confirms the muzzies in New Delhi, poor guy he has to live with them around him all the time.  :-\

We have 180 million of those animals in india and their population is growing by 2.7 percent every year where as the population of hindus is declining  :'(
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: Kiwi on January 22, 2008, 06:11:06 AM
are you trying to get us killed first we post pics of ourselves now our home also next thing i know thousands of muslims will come from new delhi to behead me ;D
My dear friend confirms the muzzies in New Delhi, poor guy he has to live with them around him all the time.  :-\

We have 180 million of those animals in india and their population is growing by 2.7 percent every year where as the population of hindus is declining  :'(

My friend owns and runs the Indian Defence Forum which I am a member of, i have noticed the high number of muzzies in the defence topics.
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: New Yorker on January 22, 2008, 06:33:02 AM
are you trying to get us killed first we post pics of ourselves now our home also next thing i know thousands of muslims will come from new delhi to behead me ;D
My dear friend confirms the muzzies in New Delhi, poor guy he has to live with them around him all the time.  :-\

We have 180 million of those animals in india and their population is growing by 2.7 percent every year where as the population of hindus is declining  :'(

Well you all need to get married and start making lots of babies!  8;)
Title: Re: Post a picture of your neighborhood/yard
Post by: kellymaureen on January 22, 2008, 08:25:22 AM
KellyMaureen, you are so brave. Imagine if some shvartza muslim sees the pic you posted and recognizes your house or something. That is sooo freaky. I hope you don't need to call your brother and his m-16 to defend your house. I think you should take that picture down for your safety.

Thanks but we dont have muslims, our city council refuses to let them build a terror palace here....evidently people equate terrorism with islam and thats not good for tourism...go figure :D
I dont need to call Dave, I can do that myself (not with an M16 lol) besides one can get tired of shooting at paper targets ^-^
My house looks like any other house in the neighborhood, they only made a few models so there are some that are identical lol and THOSE neighbors are meaner than me so good luck to whoever decides to get smart ;)