General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ari on January 24, 2008, 08:31:28 PM
I'm leaning towards not having any! O0
No, but if you can you should try your best. It is your duty above all.
I vote: Yes you are evil if you don't want kids. Except for the rare case where you have a dominant lethal trait that has a greater than 50% chance of your child dying in childhood.
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
why not having kids? this is the most beautiful thing in the world! :)
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
Why have you decided against it too? ???
I don't think a person is evil if they don't want kids, in some cases it may be beneficial as that person may turn out to be a bad parent.
I would like kids but not right now, I am 22 and want to enjoy life, I will when i'm older maybe when i'm in my late 20's or maybe 30.
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
I can understand Why you don't want kids!!! you live in NYC with all kind of wild animals and you don't want to hurt your kid, right?
Probably the main reason is financial. Also, I feel if I couldn't give them everything in the world, I wouldn't want to do it half-heartedly. Other considerations include the sick and unfair state of the world, lol. Also, perhaps a little selfishly, I can't stand the noise and the mess.
I can't stand children.
Also, I don't like anything in the house that poops.
I can't stand children.
Also, I don't like anything in the house that poops.
try to have one of your one! and you'll like everything in the house that poops :::D
By the way, my new neighbors have two kids downstairs and I have to restrain myself from strangling them! >:(
I can't stand children.
Also, I don't like anything in the house that poops.
Newman, why do I get the image of your living room looking like it has a bunch of empty beer cans laying around with the t.v on Aussie football and leftover pizza with a gun laying next to a recliner? ;D
Funnily enough all of you sound like you'd make fantastic parents. Yet you're letting the druggies and scum take up all the roles!
Are they naughty Ari?
why not having kids? this is the most beautiful thing in the world! :)
I could have written this.
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
Why have you decided against it too? ???
I'm already 40, never been married, enjoying my freedom too much. :)
why not having kids? this is the most beautiful thing in the world! :)
I could have written this.
^-^ I am a mind reader! ^-^
Yes, Sarah. One of them is always screaming and crying, and the other one is always banging something. I may have to move over it, lol. :'(
This would be my kid. http://youtube.com/watch?v=BMbww-nCVQg (http://youtube.com/watch?v=BMbww-nCVQg) :::D
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
Why have you decided against it too? ???
I'm already 40, never been married, enjoying my freedom too much. :)
I don't think i'll ever get married either, especially since so many end up in divorces, I don't mind having a girlfriend though.
Ari, NewYorker, Newman.. I've said it before and I'll say it again... good people need to multiply! Don't think about now.. think about when you're 80 and you have no kids raised to fight the good fight, or grandchildren to enjoy...
This would be my kid. http://youtube.com/watch?v=BMbww-nCVQg (http://youtube.com/watch?v=BMbww-nCVQg) :::D
:::D :::D
That kid is cute!
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
Ever tried watching the news with kids in the room? They're a pain.
I don't think it's evil to not have kids. Not everyone in this world is meant to have kids or can handle raising kids properly. If someone is in this position, I think it's a lot better to not have kids than it is to have kids and then not be there for them or neglect them as is so much the case these days, especially in the area I work in. I understand Chaim's perspective of feeling like he's obligated to have kids. But I don't think that G-d would hold it against him if he happens not to have kids. He has done and will continue doing more than enough in his life to more than compensate for not having kids.
Well, I appreciate the compliment, Vito. I would never rule anything out entirely. That kid kinda looks like me as a kid. I have noticed some kids are much better behaved than others. If I were to have children, I would love to know the keys to raising a good family. It's also a good point that it is probably better off to not have children than to be an awful parent and raise a monster.
Ever tried watching the news with kids in the room? They're a pain.
Just sit on them.
when you find the right person, you'll have kids if there is everything right between you two...
By bringing up kids, i reckon your life's experiences will be pretty much complete.
Here's a rather extreme example of a woman who doesn't want kids!
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
We'll NEVER, ever compete with third world animal fertility and birth rates. It's like trying to compete with third world wage levels.....it can't be done.
Yes, its pretty selfish. What if our parents didn't want kids? But either way sometimes it could be a blessing in disguse expecially for Jews. The religious are growing (and influencing the next born generation to live a rightious life) while the secular are 2 grown kids with a dog.
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
I can understand Why you don't want kids!!! you live in NYC with all kind of wild animals and you don't want to hurt your kid, right?
Oh if I ever did hypothetically have children, I definitely wouldn't raise a child here, never, not in this cesspool of a city. I'd move somewhere more rural and wholesome to raise a family, fresh air, trees, open sky, good schools that are far less "multicultural".
Um no, you're only evil if you intentionally hurt people. ::)
Anyway, decided on no kids? Welcome to the club. :::D
I can understand Why you don't want kids!!! you live in NYC with all kind of wild animals and you don't want to hurt your kid, right?
Oh if I ever did hypothetically have children, I definitely wouldn't raise a child here, never, not in this cesspool of a city. I'd move somewhere more rural and wholesome to raise a family, fresh air, trees, open sky, good schools that are far less "multicultural".
see??? told ya!!! :::D
Ever tried watching the news with kids in the room? They're a pain.
Just sit on them.
They might enjoy it too much if you were to do that ;)
Ever tried watching the news with kids in the room? They're a pain.
Just sit on them.
They might enjoy it too much if you were to do that ;)
Keep them happy and in their place!
I don't think it's evil, but I definitely plan on raising a righteous family someday O0
Yes, its pretty selfish. What if our parents didn't want kids? But either way sometimes it could be a blessing in disguse expecially for Jews. The religious are growing (and influencing the next born generation to live a rightious life) while the secular are 2 grown kids with a dog.
Everything people do on this earth is selfish. People have kids because THEY WANT TO. That's 'selfish' too.
Do you know anybody with kids who didn't really want them but said.."Well we really wanted to be childless but gosh, darn it we better do our biological duty".....?
It's lifestyle choice...................nothing more.
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
It's evil not to have children. I believe that everyone who believes in just and moral things has a duty to have children and impart one's wisdom to them, so that you will have given a benefit to the world after you pass on. It might seem naive, but imagine if all of the good people on the earth decided not to have kids, and after a few generations the world was completely populated with evil people. For good people to not have children is to stand by why evil people are having children while doing nothing about it. It is basically standing idly by why evil takes over the world. This might sound stupid to some people, but look at the decline of the population in Europe and the growth of third-world populations. If the current trends continue, the world will not be a happy place to be in 100 years, and it is all due to selfish people who want to live in comfort. When this is done on a massive scale, it is CATASTROPHIC. There is really little that we can do to help humanity once we are gone, and the best way to do that is with your offspring. If you choose not to have children, everything you believe in will have been somewhat in vain if it is not passed on. To not have children is to deny our primary purpose on the earth. We are given the opportunity to take everything we know, and create our version of what we believe to be a perfect person, and to not take that amazing opportunity is a huge waste.
I'm especially shocked to see so many Jews on here who don't plan on having any children. After the Holocaust, intermarriage and spiritual destruction all over the galut and Israel, terrorism, etc, to not want to have children when you are 100% able to is selfish, evil, and an insult to the Jewish people in general. It's my belief that every Jew should have as many children as they can reasonably and comfortably have, if it's two it's two, and if it's 12, it's 12. Regardless of the number, at least SOME procreation is a must.
By the way, I heard on a radio ad that one in seven children comes from a home with a deceased parent. I even took the charity's number down and may volunteer. See, I have some good in me yet. O0
Yes, its pretty selfish. What if our parents didn't want kids? But either way sometimes it could be a blessing in disguse expecially for Jews. The religious are growing (and influencing the next born generation to live a rightious life) while the secular are 2 grown kids with a dog.
Everything people do on this earth is selfish. People have kids because THEY WANT TO. That's 'selfish' too.
Do you know anybody with kids who didn't really want them but said.."Well we really wanted to be childless but gosh, darn it we better do our biological duty".....?
It's lifestyle choice...................nothing more.
Some people (expecially men), do it because its a commandment from G-d (the first one), my understanding is that women naturally want to have kids.
Not this woman!
Yes, its pretty selfish. What if our parents didn't want kids? But either way sometimes it could be a blessing in disguse expecially for Jews. The religious are growing (and influencing the next born generation to live a rightious life) while the secular are 2 grown kids with a dog.
Everything people do on this earth is selfish. People have kids because THEY WANT TO. That's 'selfish' too.
Do you know anybody with kids who didn't really want them but said.."Well we really wanted to be childless but gosh, darn it we better do our biological duty".....?
It's lifestyle choice...................nothing more.
Some people (expecially men), do it because its a commandment from G-d (the first one), my understanding is that women naturally want to have kids.
Yes, it does seem that women naturally have the tendency to have kids than most men
Yes, its pretty selfish. What if our parents didn't want kids? But either way sometimes it could be a blessing in disguse expecially for Jews. The religious are growing (and influencing the next born generation to live a rightious life) while the secular are 2 grown kids with a dog.
Everything people do on this earth is selfish. People have kids because THEY WANT TO. That's 'selfish' too.
Do you know anybody with kids who didn't really want them but said.."Well we really wanted to be childless but gosh, darn it we better do our biological duty".....?
It's lifestyle choice...................nothing more.
Some people (expecially men), do it because its a commandment from G-d (the first one), my understanding is that women naturally want to have kids.
That's correct.
Women have a deap-seated biological need to reproduce. Men only have an instinct/desire to spread their seed. While some religious folk may reproduce to fulfill a mitzvah, 99% of affluent, western men only desire to copulate.
Third worlders reproduce as a means of old age care because they are poor and their countries have no social security.
It's evil not to have children.
LOL, you make the presumption that the conditions to have children are a given, like we're all issued with that angel of a women that will be our wives and mother of our children. Well, it doesn't always work that way. 23 years of dating and I can't think of one ex-girlfriend that was wife material, there was always a "red flag", a "deal breaker", that made the thought of marrying that woman for life, well, unthinkable. And I'm not talking frivilous stuff here, I wasn't put off because she had a hammertoe, I was literally repelled by horrible shortcomings, we are talking MAJOR defects of character, upbringing, and even sanity. :::D
So what's a guy to do? You accept the cards you've been dealt and enjoy the advantages, like freedom, spontaneity, low stress, low responsibilty, it's fun to be free. I travel, enjoy my friends, buy myself big-boy toys without having to justify the frivilous purchase to anybody. :)
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Great point, NYer!
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Great point, NYer!
Thanks, just my honest opinion. :)
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
lol, excellent idea ;D ;D ;D
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
Oh forgot about that! ::)
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
How did a country like that get into the position of having repressive gun laws? I always think of parts of Australia as being like the old west here in the USA
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
Oh forgot about that! ::)
And things are a ripoff compared to the USA:
Cigarettes $8 / pack
Six-pack of beer $10
Wrangler jeans $90 ($25-$30 in the US)
Toyota Hilux (Tacoma) 4WD pickup $35,000 ($18,000 in the US)
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
Oh forgot about that! ::)
And things are a ripoff compared to the USA:
Cigarettes $8 / pack
Six-pack of beer $10
Wrangler jeans $90 ($25-$30 in the US)
Toyota Hilux (Tacoma) 4WD pickup $35,000 ($18,000 in the US)
wow, seems like alot more ;) :D
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
How did a country like that get into the position of having repressive gun laws? I always think of parts of Australia as being like the old west here in the USA
You can have a gun but it must be kept disassembled and the ammo stored seperately. You cannot use it for self defense. Even if a 6'6" maniac with an axe breaks into your home, if you use a firearm to defend yourself it's a crime (you can use a machette but not a gun!??)
Plus you must belong to a registered club, liscencing, registration blah blah blah.
It's not so strict for farmers as they need to have them on hand.
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
How did a country like that get into the position of having repressive gun laws? I always think of parts of Australia as being like the old west here in the USA
You can have a gun but it must be kept disassembled and the ammo stored seperately. You cannot use it for self defense. Even if a 6'6" maniac with an axe breaks into your home, if you use a firearm to defend yourself it's a crime (you can use a machette but not a gun!??)
Plus you must belong to a registered club, liscencing, registration blah blah blah.
It's not so strict for farmers as they need to have them on hand.
I see you've got problems with moronic "liberals" in power as well. >:(
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
Hey newman, what's Austrailia like, I might move there if Hitlery becomes President. ;)
It's great but we've got stupid, girlie-man gun laws like DC! >:(
How did a country like that get into the position of having repressive gun laws? I always think of parts of Australia as being like the old west here in the USA
You can have a gun but it must be kept disassembled and the ammo stored seperately. You cannot use it for self defense. Even if a 6'6" maniac with an axe breaks into your home, if you use a firearm to defend yourself it's a crime (you can use a machette but not a gun!??)
Plus you must belong to a registered club, liscencing, registration blah blah blah.
It's not so strict for farmers as they need to have them on hand.
I see you've got problems with moronic "liberals" in power as well. >:(
OOh yeah! As well as a sick, leftist cultural elite in the media, self-hating left teachers and college professors, guilt-ridden, self-hating pro-diversity wankers..........just like the good ol' USA.
I donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sydney's inner city, so I've done my bit.
I hope you're joking. :-\
I can be a very selfish person and I don't ever enjoy being around anyone else's kids. Maybe I worked in retail too much, but when I hear a kid start screeching or crying I feel an urge to go over and smack them, but I know I can't because I don't want a child abuse/assault charge, and truth be told I don't really want to harm the child... but I can't stand that noise.
Plus I've seen so many horrible images of horrific birth defects that it would frighten me more than anything if someone told me I was pregnant. I'd be popping folic acid pills like crazy and driving myself insane praying for everything to be normal, which would probably drive my blood pressure up.
Some women have different biology, too.
Some (like Kellymaureen) can have a child and keep the figure of a teenager. Others have one and weigh 200+ lbs afterward and never lose it. Look at your mother to see if it will happen to you.
Some women have different biology, too.
Some (like Kellymaureen) can have a child and keep the figure of a teenager. Others have one and weigh 200+ lbs afterward and never lose it. Look at your mother to see if it will happen to you.
Well that's another thing too. I'm already sort of big (trying to work on that though).
In this day and age there are lot of advantages for not having kids. 60% percent divorce rates and guys getting there back sides whooped in court will keep me from ever getting married and having kids. I personally want to keep what I make for myself and want to retire early. The only way I can accomplish this is by not having children. I hope some pretty girl, doesn't seperate me from house and everything I ever worked for. Hopefully, I'll keep my head on straight!
In this day and age there are lot of advantages for not having kids. 60% percent divorce rates and guys getting there back sides whooped in court will keep me from ever getting married and having kids. I personally want to keep what I make for myself and want to retire early. The only way I can accomplish this is by not having children. I hope some pretty girl, doesn't seperate me from house and everything I ever worked for. Hopefully, I'll keep my head on straight!
I do realize that sometimes this is easier said than done. So, I say a little prayer for all the JTF guys out there-- stay safe
yes very evil.
It's evil and is rooted in rather shallow, selfish thinking. For me, continuity is a major factor for wanting to have kids. Raising children may be a struggle, but it's also a beautiful blessing!
I can't stand children.
Also, I don't like anything in the house that poops.
Newman, why do I get the image of your living room looking like it has a bunch of empty beer cans laying around with the t.v on Aussie football and leftover pizza with a gun laying next to a recliner? ;D
:::D :::D i have that same image! :::D :::D :::D
Well, I think I still need more a father (mine is remarried and not with me) than children. The world is overpopulated, and Mankind will not disappear for some people not having children. However Torah says that Jews and Noahides must have children. I think that the singles or married who voluntarily choose not to have children should be excluded from important positions like politics. How can you handle a nation, if you are not capable of managing a familly???
No I dont think that they are evil. If someone does NOT want to have children then they should NOT. Its a 24-7 job, not easy, sometimes thankless, sometimes frustrating, sometimes a financial drain, sometimes an emotional drain.....but ALWAYS the very best, most rewarding job I have ever had, wouldnt trade having a son for anything and one day if its meant to be I'd like to have another. Nothing else has taught me patience, understanding and love like being a mother has :)
I thought you wanted to abandon kids you already have.
What a relief.
There's no way I'm ever getting married to a woman who refuses to have kids with me. I'd rather stay single.
Continuity is the main reason I'm NEVER having kids. If the little bugger turned out like me, I'd drown it.
I'm surprised that so many people here agree to not having children!!!! Those who think they'll NEVER become parents should be more carefull when they stick to extreme opinions. That applies both to leftist seculars and to rightists.
I remember the thread about HIV research.... many opposed to a cure for AIDS.... if they mean to never have kids....then....when I asked them "what if your son or daughter caught HIV, chas veshalom? No wonder that they still keep their opinion!!!!! They really won't have kids!!!!
And the same applies to liberals who support gay adoption........what if they happen to die, and their children were adopted by a gay couple, chas veshalom? But they won't care about it!!!!! Just because they mean to have no kids!!!!!!!
the answer is : yes it is evil not to have kids.
People may change their mind about things but so what?
People should be free to have the lifestyle of their choice as long as they're not harming others or forcing others to take part. Calling those who opt not to have children (for whatever reason) 'evil' is over the top. Muderers, terrorists and rapists are evil. To put the childless-by-choice crowd in with them is just silly.
People may change their mind about things but so what?
People should be free to have the lifestyle of their choice as long as they're not harming others or forcing others to take part. Calling those who opt not to have children (for whatever reason) 'evil' is over the top. Muderers, terrorists and rapists are evil. To put the childless-by-choice crowd in with them is just silly.
Agreed, if it means that the Govt must not interfere in private life. But according to Torah, those who belive in it, should have children if they are able to.
And if you hold that anyone is free to choose his life style, who do you hate gays?
People may change their mind about things but so what?
People should be free to have the lifestyle of their choice as long as they're not harming others or forcing others to take part. Calling those who opt not to have children (for whatever reason) 'evil' is over the top. Muderers, terrorists and rapists are evil. To put the childless-by-choice crowd in with them is just silly.
Agreed, if it means that the Govt must not interfere in private life. But according to Yorah, those who belive in it, sjould have children if they are able to.
And if you hold that anyone is free to choose his life style, who do you hate gays?
There is no commandment for gentiles to reproduce in the 7 laws.
My problem with gays is their promotion of their lifestyle and demands for the religious to be silenced. Nobody cares what sins they commit in private. That's between them and G-d.
People may change their mind about things but so what?
People should be free to have the lifestyle of their choice as long as they're not harming others or forcing others to take part. Calling those who opt not to have children (for whatever reason) 'evil' is over the top. Muderers, terrorists and rapists are evil. To put the childless-by-choice crowd in with them is just silly.
Agreed, if it means that the Govt must not interfere in private life. But according to Yorah, those who belive in it, sjould have children if they are able to.
And if you hold that anyone is free to choose his life style, who do you hate gays?
There is no commandment for gentiles to reproduce in the 7 laws.
My problem with gays is their promotion of their lifestyle and demands for the religious to be silenced. Nobody cares what sins they commit in private. That's between them and G-d.
Yoy are right, the commandment to reproduce is not mantioned in the 7 laws. However if you are married, or have sex, you must rememmber that several contraceptive methods are forbideen to Gentiles. Besides, most Noahide sites, recommend that those who want to limit the number of children they have, they should use a permisible method, ONLY after having had at least one boy and one girl.
People may change their mind about things but so what?
People should be free to have the lifestyle of their choice as long as they're not harming others or forcing others to take part. Calling those who opt not to have children (for whatever reason) 'evil' is over the top. Muderers, terrorists and rapists are evil. To put the childless-by-choice crowd in with them is just silly.
Agreed, if it means that the Govt must not interfere in private life. But according to Yorah, those who belive in it, sjould have children if they are able to.
And if you hold that anyone is free to choose his life style, who do you hate gays?
There is no commandment for gentiles to reproduce in the 7 laws.
My problem with gays is their promotion of their lifestyle and demands for the religious to be silenced. Nobody cares what sins they commit in private. That's between them and G-d.
Yoy are right, the commandment to reproduce is not mantioned in the 7 laws. However if you are married, or have sex, you must rememmber that several contraceptive methods are forbideen to Gentiles. Besides, most Noahide sites, recommend that those who want to limit the number of children they have, they should use a permisible method, ONLY after having had at least one boy and one girl.
You cannot invent sins......that's a sin in itself.
Just because something is a good idea, you can't say it's a sin NOT to do it.
It's a good idea to go to university but it's not a sin if you don't.
The 7 laws are the bare minimum expectation, not a high ideal.
Some people will have large families others will have no family. Man will continue regardless.
Continuity is the main reason I'm NEVER having kids. If the little bugger turned out like me, I'd drown it.
LOL, I've had the same thought. :::D
It's crazy calling people evil who don't want to have kids. Actually, it's a stupid thing to say that, because you turn people away from JTF. I consider myself a loyal Jew, I would like to see the Arabs out of Israel. I don't want Israel to give away any land, whatsoever. It's just I dont want kids, I only want to be responsible for myself. I want to continue on the path toward financial freedom. You can call people like me greedy,evil, etc., but that's ok.
It's crazy calling people evil who don't want to have kids. Actually, it's a stupid thing to say that, because you turn people away from JTF. I consider myself a loyal Jew, I would like to see the Arabs out of Israel. I don't want Israel to give away any land, whatsoever. It's just I dont want kids, I only want to be responsible for myself. I want to continue on the path toward financial freedom. You can call people like me greedy,evil, etc., but that's ok.
But "evil"?.............That's too strong.
Well, do you want the Bible thinks or not? Didn't it say "be fruitful and multiply"?
When people call us evil for not wanting kids, its just plain dumb talk
Well, do you want the Bible thinks or not? Didn't it say "be fruitful and multiply"?
It also says "plough your fields" and "plant your vines" but not everybody has to be a farmer.
The Bible says that G-d killed Yehuda's (one of Yacov's children) second son because he didn't want to have kids. He took his brother's wife after he died but didn't want to have a kid to carry the name of his dead brother.
Oh please, God has more important people than me to kill :::D
The Bible says that G-d killed Yehuda's (one of Yacov's children) second son because he didn't want to have kids. He took his brother's wife after he died but didn't want to have a kid to carry the name of his dead brother.
Jews are commanded to have children in the 613 mitzvot. Gentiles are NOT commanded to do so in their 7 mitzvot.
So gentiles have a choice re: child birth.
As for Jews, if they break a mitzvah (such as covering their head) are they evil, too? Breaking a mitzvah may be a sin, but calling it "evil" (like you'd call a nazi, muSSlim or rapist etc) is too much.
Well, that was before the Torah was given so technically they only had to observe the 7 laws of Noah. But your answer is very good as I can't bring a proof from their since perhaps G-d expects more from one of Jacob's sons than from a Gentile. So your answer is a good refutation 8)
Oh please, G-d has more important people than me to kill :::D
The standards apply to His understanding, not ours. Anyway what if from your seed were supposed to come some important, great people. You would never know if you dont have kids. Also if you dont plan on marrying and having a wife and family, are you working on being totally celibit? Someone who says he doesn't want to get married, usually is either fooling around (which is huge sin in of itself for Jews), or is gay or something.
Also the more children the (Jewish) parents have the closer they bring the world to its completion thus the quicked Moshiah will come (the souls in the Guf have to be emptied for Moshiah to come). - So those with more children can state and be propd of that they brought Moshiah quicker.
Well, that was before the Torah was given so technically they only had to observe the 7 laws of Noah. But your answer is very good as I can't bring a proof from their since perhaps G-d expects more from one of Jacob's sons than from a Gentile. So your answer is a good refutation 8)
It'd good to be a goy!
We can avoid the expense of children AND eat bacon! :D
well most of you already think that i am evil but i have absolutely zero desire to have children.
Honestly they are too expensive and i would rather love myself a little bit more than have to have a dependent. Maybe that will change when i get older but... i doubt it. Plus most people should not have kids because they put the kids into bad situations where they are not able to look after them properly and that only furthers the problems that our society is having because kids grow up with TV as their moral compass.
I can't stand children.
Also, I don't like anything in the house that poops.
what! you like me right? ???
I can't stand children.
Also, I don't like anything in the house that poops.
what! you like me right? ???
Oh I like you!
I can see how you turned out. ;)
I should rephrase my comment to...."I don't want children unless Bullcat breeds one for me".
How's that? :)
Oh please, G-d has more important people than me to kill :::D
The standards apply to His understanding, not ours. Anyway what if from your seed were supposed to come some important, great people. You would never know if you dont have kids. Also if you dont plan on marrying and having a wife and family, are you working on being totally celibit? Someone who says he doesn't want to get married, usually is either fooling around (which is huge sin in of itself for Jews), or is gay or something.
Also the more children the (Jewish) parents have the closer they bring the world to its completion thus the quicked Moshiah will come (the souls in the Guf have to be emptied for Moshiah to come). - So those with more children can state and be propd of that they brought Moshiah quicker.
Also the more children the (Jewish) parents have the closer they bring the world to its completion thus the quicked Moshiah will come (the souls in the Guf have to be emptied for Moshiah to come). - So those with more children can state and be propd of that they brought Moshiah quicker.
That is nonsense.
Oh please, G-d has more important people than me to kill :::D
The standards apply to His understanding, not ours. Anyway what if from your seed were supposed to come some important, great people. You would never know if you dont have kids. Also if you dont plan on marrying and having a wife and family, are you working on being totally celibit? Someone who says he doesn't want to get married, usually is either fooling around (which is huge sin in of itself for Jews), or is gay or something.
Also the more children the (Jewish) parents have the closer they bring the world to its completion thus the quicked Moshiah will come (the souls in the Guf have to be emptied for Moshiah to come). - So those with more children can state and be propd of that they brought Moshiah quicker.
Tzvi- No doubt in my mind, I'm not having kids, and I'm not getting married, (however I will continue to date women.) Marriage will not be a possibility with anyone, UNLESS, there is a prenup, which almost no girl will sign! ( Gee, I wonder why they don't want to sign the prenup). There's a lotta guys out there like me. We're the practical men, who learn from the mistakes of other men. We don't want to end up financially ruinned for life. 60% percent divorce rate, I'm not risking everything I ever worked for, (My house, pension etc). What's mine stays mine! There is just about a 2 in 3 chance of divorce. Thats not good odds. Not at all, my friend. Never mind the schvartzas, none of them get married. So the divorce rate with them is almost 0%.
It's not just the divorce settlements. Even if you have a prenup there's still child support. Now I know nobody begrudges paying for their kids but the ex-wife gets the child support and the father has no control.
The way child support is calculated is also unfair. I knew a senior manager in a manufacturing concern who took home less money than the cleaner after his child support payments came out of his salary.
"Go forth and multiply" is fine but the Child Support Agency and greedy divorce attornies didn't exist when that was written down.
Newman, (you have a lot of common sense) that is case in point, why I won't have children. I'm glad you brought that up. Right on the money, no pun intended.
I'm leaning towards not having any! O0
We are probably the only two Kahanists on the planet who feel this way. I only want to adopt, and if the L-rd so wills, I won't be having any bio kids.
(Of course, this may be self-fulfilling prophecy, as the number of right-wing women out there who only want to adopt can be counted on half of one hand. :()
I don't think it's evil to not have kids. Not everyone in this world is meant to have kids or can handle raising kids properly. If someone is in this position, I think it's a lot better to not have kids than it is to have kids and then not be there for them or neglect them as is so much the case these days, especially in the area I work in. I understand Chaim's perspective of feeling like he's obligated to have kids. But I don't think that G-d would hold it against him if he happens not to have kids. He has done and will continue doing more than enough in his life to more than compensate for not having kids.
Probably the only time I have ever agreed with Daniel. ;) ;D
The Bible says that G-d killed Yehuda's (one of Yacov's children) second son because he didn't want to have kids. He took his brother's wife after he died but didn't want to have a kid to carry the name of his dead brother.
You just hit the nail on the head. He was struck dead because he acted to defraud his brother, NOT because he did not want kids. This is what Onan was killed for. G-d does not condemn people today who do not have the calling to have children.
You're a wise man, CF. Be well, my friend...
Unfortunately after losing all three of my testicles in a freak accident I am not able to have any children :-\
Not wanting children is not evil. Having children that are not really wanted is way more evil. You are guaranteeing future criminals, crack heads, etc.
As for children being annoying, obnoxious, etc., this comes down to the parents themselves.
Finances are a strong consideration but, as much as this might sound kind of liberal, quality time is much more important.
I have two teenage children who I would be more than willing to die or kill for. They turned out to be great kids. One will be going to college next year and the scholarship offers are rolling in. Neither one has ever been in any kind of trouble. I have messed up a lot of things in my life but I believe that this is the one thing I have done right.
This, by the way, living in New York City on a civil servant salary. Also, still with my wife after 19 years.
If you truly do not want children because you do not desire the responsibilities of parenthood it is not evil to not have children, it is noble.
I know there are theological arguments here but I base my opinion solely on this world.
Not wanting children is not evil. Having children that are not really wanted is way more evil. You are guaranteeing future criminals, crack heads, etc.
As for children being annoying, obnoxious, etc., this comes down to the parents themselves.
Finances are a strong consideration but, as much as this might sound kind of liberal, quality time is much more important.
I have two teenage children who I would be more than willing to die or kill for. They turned out to be great kids. One will be going to college next year and the scholarship offers are rolling in. Neither one has ever been in any kind of trouble. I have messed up a lot of things in my life but I believe that this is the one thing I have done right.
This, by the way, living in New York City on a civil servant salary. Also, still with my wife after 19 years.
If you truly do not want children because you do not desire the responsibilities of parenthood it is not evil to not have children, it is noble.
I know there are theological arguments here but I base my opinion solely on this world.
Great post. Congrats for raising a great family! O0
Not wanting children is not evil. Having children that are not really wanted is way more evil. You are guaranteeing future criminals, crack heads, etc.
As for children being annoying, obnoxious, etc., this comes down to the parents themselves.
Finances are a strong consideration but, as much as this might sound kind of liberal, quality time is much more important.
I have two teenage children who I would be more than willing to die or kill for. They turned out to be great kids. One will be going to college next year and the scholarship offers are rolling in. Neither one has ever been in any kind of trouble. I have messed up a lot of things in my life but I believe that this is the one thing I have done right.
This, by the way, living in New York City on a civil servant salary. Also, still with my wife after 19 years.
If you truly do not want children because you do not desire the responsibilities of parenthood it is not evil to not have children, it is noble.
I know there are theological arguments here but I base my opinion solely on this world.
Yes congrats O0
No its not evil not to want kids, people who push their wants on to you are far more evil.
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
We'll NEVER, ever compete with third world animal fertility and birth rates. It's like trying to compete with third world wage levels.....it can't be done.
i think it can . jews in judea and samaria have 7 +kids. there kids grow up to be great religious, heroic people
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
We'll NEVER, ever compete with third world animal fertility and birth rates. It's like trying to compete with third world wage levels.....it can't be done.
i think it can . jews in judea and samaria have 7 +kids. there kids grow up to be great religious, heroic people
White, western people have no hope of matching the 10, 12 and 15 a-piece litters of sows in the third world. Their biology is different.
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
We'll NEVER, ever compete with third world animal fertility and birth rates. It's like trying to compete with third world wage levels.....it can't be done.
i think it can . jews in judea and samaria have 7 +kids. there kids grow up to be great religious, heroic people
White, western people have no hope of matching the 10, 12 and 15 a-piece litters of sows in the third world. Their biology is different.
muSSlims reproduce the quickest and it's the largest growing religion! :o :o :o >:(
what the jews should do is ease up on the regulations and allow them to take more than one wife...
think about it you can have 4 kids a year if you get 3 wives and were plugging away like crazy... plus it might be fun. :D
what the jews should do is ease up on the regulations and allow them to take more than one wife...
think about it you can have 4 kids a year if you get 3 wives and were plugging away like crazy... plus it might be fun. :D
as far as I know these days is very hard to find ONE NORMAL WIFE, but yet you want to have more then one? can you tell us your secret? 8;)
Not wanting children is not evil. Having children that are not really wanted is way more evil. You are guaranteeing future criminals, crack heads, etc.
As for children being annoying, obnoxious, etc., this comes down to the parents themselves.
Finances are a strong consideration but, as much as this might sound kind of liberal, quality time is much more important.
I have two teenage children who I would be more than willing to die or kill for. They turned out to be great kids. One will be going to college next year and the scholarship offers are rolling in. Neither one has ever been in any kind of trouble. I have messed up a lot of things in my life but I believe that this is the one thing I have done right.
This, by the way, living in New York City on a civil servant salary. Also, still with my wife after 19 years.
If you truly do not want children because you do not desire the responsibilities of parenthood it is not evil to not have children, it is noble.
I know there are theological arguments here but I base my opinion solely on this world.
Ari- You write with great common sense. You're the kinda person, I would take advice from.
Great post. Congrats for raising a great family! O0
No its not evil not to want kids, people who push their wants on to you are far more evil.
Skippy: You make a great point, really hits home! I agree, I think that people who push others into having children, (when they know that those people they are pushing dont' want them, is quite pathetic.
No its not evil not to want kids, people who push their wants on to you are far more evil.
Skippy: You make a great point, really hits home! I agree, I think that people who push others into having children, (when they know that those people they are pushing dont' want them, is quite pathetic.
Yes pathetic I see so many children born into loveless marriages, in the faint hope to make their worthless existence socially acceptable.
These poor children then are used as pawns in a pull and tug game by the parents. Its a lose , lose, situation.
Rather than just moving off and not having innocent children involved.
Children should only be born in a loving caring home and environment, where both parents agree for best future for that family unit, anything less is abuse.
you are definatelyevil if you actively dont want kids, you are the reason why whites jews and chrisstains are dying out, and third world people are running this earth.
Especially jews, they should def have as many kids as possible as there are only 14 million of jews worldwide, you must protect the jewsih poluation...
We'll NEVER, ever compete with third world animal fertility and birth rates. It's like trying to compete with third world wage levels.....it can't be done.
i think it can . jews in judea and samaria have 7 +kids. there kids grow up to be great religious, heroic people
White, western people have no hope of matching the 10, 12 and 15 a-piece litters of sows in the third world. Their biology is different.
There may be no hope but why should that eliminate the efforts of trying?
Just saying that the numbers will never match, doesn't acheive the same results as more religious children being born anyway, and improving the world.
Unfortunately after losing all three of my testicles in a freak accident I am not able to have any children :-\
You had THREE? Did you grow up next to a nuclear power plant? ;D