General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mord on January 28, 2008, 07:30:48 AM

Title: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 07:30:48 AM
Obama's pastor disses Natalee Holloway
'White girl goes off and gives it up' in Aruba, preacher pal says

Posted: January 27, 2008
6:49 p.m. Eastern                                                               http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59887

© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com

Natalee Holloway

Sen. Barack Obama's longtime friend and spiritual adviser trashed the memory of a missing and presumed dead American teenage girl, according to church publications reviewed by WND.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial minister of Obama's church in Chicago, cited the case of Natalee Holloway's disappearance in Aruba in complaining about what he sees as the media's bias in covering white victims of crime over black victims.

"Black women are being raped daily in Darfur, Sudan, in the Congo and in Sub-Saharan Africa. That doesn't make news," Wright said in the August 2005 edition of Trumpet Magazine, a publication of his Trinity United Church of Christ.

But, "One 18-year-old white girl from Alabama gets drunk on a graduation trip to Aruba, goes off and 'gives it up' while in a foreign country, and that stays in the news for months!" he added. "Maybe I am missing something!"

(Story continues below)

The circumstances involving the coed's disappearance remain unclear, and the case remains unsolved. Holloway left Mountain Brook, Ala., on a May 2005 senior class trip to Aruba.

Barack Obama

Attempts to reach her family for comment were unsuccessful. But her mother, Beth Holloway, has written a book, "Loving Natalee," in which she reveals her daughter named Jesus Christ as one of the most influential people in her life in a trove of writings she found in her bedroom.

In the same 2005 church publication, Wright suggested "white America" had the 9/11 attacks coming, while calling for business "divestment from Israel," which he refers to as a "racist" state along with America.

"In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01," he wrote on page 7. "White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared,' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."

Obama says he is "proud" of Wright and values their 20-year friendship.

Though Wright has nurtured Obama's political career as a close adviser and mentor, the Democrat presidential hopeful says they don't agree on everything. Wright married Obama and baptized his daughters.

Louis Farrakhan

In the November/December 2007 issue of Trumpet, Wright sang the praises of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has described whites as "blue-eyed devils" and Jews as "bloodsuckers."

"He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest," Wright said. "Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African-American religious experience."

Wright then held Farrakhan up as a pillar of "integrity."

"His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation's most powerful critics," he continued. "His love for Africa and African-American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose."

Farrakhan's photo is splashed across the cover of the church magazine, which gushes "the Minister truly epitomized greatness."

On Nov. 2, 2007, Wright presented Farrakhan with a "lifetime achievement" award during a Trumpet gala held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. The tribute included a three-and-a-half minute video lionizing "the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan."

"For his commitment to truth, education and leadership, we honor Minister Louis Farrakhan with the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award," the video announces.

Last week, Obama distanced himself from Farrakhan, but did not distance himself from Wright or disavow his praise for Farrakhan.

Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on January 28, 2008, 08:22:10 AM
African-American religious experience


Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 08:23:41 AM
African-American religious experience


:o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 09:05:05 AM
Obama's pastor disses Natalee Holloway
'White girl goes off and gives it up' in Aruba, preacher pal says

Posted: January 27, 2008
6:49 p.m. Eastern                                                               http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59887

© 2008 WorldNetDaily.com

Natalee Holloway

Sen. Barack Obama's longtime friend and spiritual adviser trashed the memory of a missing and presumed dead American teenage girl, according to church publications reviewed by WND.

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the controversial minister of Obama's church in Chicago, cited the case of Natalee Holloway's disappearance in Aruba in complaining about what he sees as the media's bias in covering white victims of crime over black victims.

"Black women are being raped daily in Darfur, Sudan, in the Congo and in Sub-Saharan Africa. That doesn't make news," Wright said in the August 2005 edition of Trumpet Magazine, a publication of his Trinity United Church of Christ.

But, "One 18-year-old white girl from Alabama gets drunk on a graduation trip to Aruba, goes off and 'gives it up' while in a foreign country, and that stays in the news for months!" he added. "Maybe I am missing something!"

(Story continues below)

The circumstances involving the coed's disappearance remain unclear, and the case remains unsolved. Holloway left Mountain Brook, Ala., on a May 2005 senior class trip to Aruba.

Barack Obama

Attempts to reach her family for comment were unsuccessful. But her mother, Beth Holloway, has written a book, "Loving Natalee," in which she reveals her daughter named Jesus Christ as one of the most influential people in her life in a trove of writings she found in her bedroom.

In the same 2005 church publication, Wright suggested "white America" had the 9/11 attacks coming, while calling for business "divestment from Israel," which he refers to as a "racist" state along with America.

"In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01," he wrote on page 7. "White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared,' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring Black concerns."

Obama says he is "proud" of Wright and values their 20-year friendship.

Though Wright has nurtured Obama's political career as a close adviser and mentor, the Democrat presidential hopeful says they don't agree on everything. Wright married Obama and baptized his daughters.

Louis Farrakhan

In the November/December 2007 issue of Trumpet, Wright sang the praises of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has described whites as "blue-eyed devils" and Jews as "bloodsuckers."

"He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest," Wright said. "Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African-American religious experience."

Wright then held Farrakhan up as a pillar of "integrity."

"His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation's most powerful critics," he continued. "His love for Africa and African-American people has made him an unforgettable force, a catalyst for change and a religious leader who is sincere about his faith and his purpose."

Farrakhan's photo is splashed across the cover of the church magazine, which gushes "the Minister truly epitomized greatness."

On Nov. 2, 2007, Wright presented Farrakhan with a "lifetime achievement" award during a Trumpet gala held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. The tribute included a three-and-a-half minute video lionizing "the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan."

"For his commitment to truth, education and leadership, we honor Minister Louis Farrakhan with the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. Lifetime Achievement Award," the video announces.

Last week, Obama distanced himself from Farrakhan, but did not distance himself from Wright or disavow his praise for Farrakhan.

Do you agree with everything your friends say? I don't think Obama does or would ever think that way about Natalee Holloway. I have friends who have different opinions that I don't agree with and our friendship has spanned over 20 years also. Stop assuming that if Obama's pastor thinks one way that Obama is following suit just because he's his friend.
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 09:09:53 AM
Thats true but if someone running for President went to the nutty Christian Identity church i would assume he agreed with their  crazy beleifs
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: KansasJew on January 28, 2008, 09:12:35 AM
There is some truth to the phrase..... Guilt by Association... Your social network aka your friends say something about your character, desires and goals, your ideology, education and social skills.

So if you want to see what the world maybe thinking of you. See what the world is saying about your friends you associate with.
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 09:17:04 AM
Thats true but if someone running for President whent to the nutty Christian Identity church i would assume he agreed with their  crazy beleifs
The pastor's rather skewed and disrespectful opinion of Natalee Halloway and the reason she's missing (presumed dead) is not tied to religion.

Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 09:22:14 AM
This girl Holloway found herself the biggest thug on the island of Aruba in Vandersloot and went to party with his brown brothers.  Word has it that she asked him in front of the two brothers whether "they were his slaves"!

This just goes to show why whorish, xenophobic white chicks from 'Bama shouldn't go down to the Islands.  Bad choice for a trip!  May I recommend the Indianapolis or Daytona 500 instead... :-X
Maybe she thought they were, how about Loch Ness looking for nessie :o
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 09:26:21 AM
This girl Holloway found herself the biggest thug on the island of Aruba in Vandersloot and went to party with his brown brothers.  Word has it that she asked him in front of the two brothers whether "they were his slaves"!

This just goes to show why whorish, xenophobic white chicks from 'Bama shouldn't go down to the Islands.  Bad choice for a trip!  May I recommend the Indianapolis or Daytona 500 instead... :-X
I think you are way off base there. What a racist statement! Why make unfounded accusations like that? PLUS you don't sound any better than that preacher.
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 09:44:39 AM
Van de slooth is white
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 09:46:26 AM
This girl Holloway found herself the biggest thug on the island of Aruba in Vandersloot and went to party with his brown brothers.  Word has it that she asked him in front of the two brothers whether "they were his slaves"!

This just goes to show why whorish, xenophobic white chicks from 'Bama shouldn't go down to the Islands.  Bad choice for a trip!  May I recommend the Indianapolis or Daytona 500 instead... :-X
I think you are way off base there. What a racist statement! Why make unfounded accusations like that? PLUS you don't sound any better than that preacher.

I don't embrace the idea of calling the darkies of the world "my slaves" though perhaps "my fettered children". ^-^  The graceful Runyard Kipling:
What's so harmful about advising Holloway and Obama's mother against roaming the jungles of Africa and South America like Jane looking for wild-man Tarzan, for most likely you will find his unfettered brother's instead...
Darkies? How old are you, exactly? The last time I heard the term, Darkie, was in a 1950's documentary on the KKK.

Remember, the males she was surrounded by were all white males, not black males. She was on a boat with them when she went MIA (at which point she probably fell overboard and drowned).
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 09:57:05 AM
This girl Holloway found herself the biggest thug on the island of Aruba in Vandersloot and went to party with his brown brothers.  Word has it that she asked him in front of the two brothers whether "they were his slaves"!

This just goes to show why whorish, xenophobic white chicks from 'Bama shouldn't go down to the Islands.  Bad choice for a trip!  May I recommend the Indianapolis or Daytona 500 instead... :-X
I think you are way off base there. What a racist statement! Why make unfounded accusations like that? PLUS you don't sound any better than that preacher.
I don't embrace the idea of calling the darkies of the world "my slaves" though perhaps "my fettered children". ^-^  The graceful Runyard Kipling:
What's so harmful about advising Holloway and Obama's mother against roaming the jungles of Africa and South America like Jane looking for wild-man Tarzan, for most likely you will find his unfettered brother's instead...
Darkies? How old are you, exactly? The last time I heard the term, Darkie, was in a 1950's documentary on the KKK.

Remember, the males she was surrounded by were all white males, not black males. She was on a boat with them when she went MIA (at which point she probably fell overboard and drowned).

This is inconsistent with eyewitnesses who claim they saw Holloway with Tanzan Vandersloot and his jungle friends.  She got drunk, went to party with them, ended up insulting his bros and got herself dead at the hands of a vicious thug son of a prominent Dutch judge.
Cherubim why does your avatar have a picture of Count Dracula and FOTL R.I.P..Has FOTL pased on and returned as an albino vampire
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 09:59:41 AM
This girl Holloway found herself the biggest thug on the island of Aruba in Vandersloot and went to party with his brown brothers.  Word has it that she asked him in front of the two brothers whether "they were his slaves"!

This just goes to show why whorish, xenophobic white chicks from 'Bama shouldn't go down to the Islands.  Bad choice for a trip!  May I recommend the Indianapolis or Daytona 500 instead... :-X
I think you are way off base there. What a racist statement! Why make unfounded accusations like that? PLUS you don't sound any better than that preacher.
I don't embrace the idea of calling the darkies of the world "my slaves" though perhaps "my fettered children". ^-^  The graceful Runyard Kipling:
What's so harmful about advising Holloway and Obama's mother against roaming the jungles of Africa and South America like Jane looking for wild-man Tarzan, for most likely you will find his unfettered brother's instead...
Darkies? How old are you, exactly? The last time I heard the term, Darkie, was in a 1950's documentary on the KKK.

Remember, the males she was surrounded by were all white males, not black males. She was on a boat with them when she went MIA (at which point she probably fell overboard and drowned).

This is inconsistent with eyewitnesses who claim they saw Holloway with Tanzan Vandersloot and his jungle friends.  She got drunk, went to party with them, ended up insulting his bros and got herself dead at the hands of a vicious thug son of a prominent Dutch judge.
And what's that got to do with black people?
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 10:11:30 AM
Shot at 2008-01-28
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: mord on January 28, 2008, 10:13:50 AM
Who is that guy in your avatar with red hat James Brown :-\
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Dr. Dan on January 28, 2008, 11:53:08 AM
African-American religious experience



"Stop in the name of love, before you break my heart!!!"  ahahhahahaahhahaahahahah
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: JTFFan on January 28, 2008, 12:22:08 PM
African-American religious experience



"Stop in the name of love, before you break my heart!!!"  ahahhahahaahhahaahahahah

 ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D

Classic and the picture is priceless ;D
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 06:27:19 PM
African-American religious experience



"Stop in the name of love, before you break my heart!!!"  ahahhahahaahhahaahahahah

 ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D

Classic and the picture is priceless ;D
It's a picture of a gospel choir...singing. Is there anything you dont' trivialize?
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: MasterWolf1 on January 28, 2008, 11:32:16 PM
And rest assure Bongo Obama doesn't condem that fat pig
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: fjack on February 03, 2008, 04:52:52 PM
It would not surprise me if Bill and Hill drag out the white sluts that obama osama was shacking up with and doing dope with. That would be a nice picture to put as your screen saver. You wait and see what dirt is coming down the pike for jungle boy bomba. I also found out that he purchased a house for 1.7 million on his 140 grand  a year salary. How can that be? Is he the 'victim' of a 'sub prime' vulture banker who outsmarted this legal giant or is there something here that we don't know about?
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: Just Erica on February 03, 2008, 07:16:59 PM
It would not surprise me if Bill and Hill drag out the white sluts that obama osama was shacking up with and doing dope with. That would be a nice picture to put as your screen saver. You wait and see what dirt is coming down the pike for jungle boy bomba. I also found out that he purchased a house for 1.7 million on his 140 grand  a year salary. How can that be? Is he the 'victim' of a 'sub prime' vulture banker who outsmarted this legal giant or is there something here that we don't know about?
This is just comical. When Obama gets into office and does none of the things you speak of... Oh, nevermind.
Title: Re: Obamas leader 'White girl gives it up' who cares
Post by: fjack on February 09, 2008, 08:37:42 PM
He will join the rakes of other great african politicians such as gus savage, cynthia, marion barry, dave dinkins and kwame, the king of detroit. Yeah, I can't wait for an affrimative action prez.