Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: Husar on January 29, 2008, 05:04:51 AM
God bless Serbia.
G-D Bless Serbia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YOU do have royalist Flag? That's very good flag with crown representing Serbian souveregnity. O0
YOU do have royalist Flag? That's very good flag with crown representing Serbian souveregnity. O0
Of course we do.
YOU do have royalist Flag? That's very good flag with crown representing Serbian souveregnity. O0
Of course we do.
As oficial one? at least you don't use this one with red star.
YOU do have royalist Flag? That's very good flag with crown representing Serbian souveregnity. O0
Of course we do.
As oficial one? at least you don't use this one with red star.
I see you heard of the NAZICROAT propaganda
claiming we Serbs are "Serbolsheviks"....
so that people won't get confused anymore:P
Serbias flag during 13 century "Empire/Kingdom of Serbia
Then before WW1 "Kingdom Of Serbia"
After WW1, As you can see it has the Serb emblem and croat and slovene. Because then Serbia was called the "Kingdom of Serbs, croats and slovenes.
1945-1991 the SFRJ flag of Serbia, this one I hate to the bone.
post 90's war the star was removed.
and today finally Serbia:D
so that people won't get confused anymore:P
Serbias flag during 13 century "Empire/Kingdom of Serbia
Then before WW1 "Kingdom Of Serbia"
After WW1, As you can see it has the Serb emblem and croat and slovene. Because then Serbia was called the "Kingdom of Serbs, croats and slovenes.
1945-1991 the SFRJ flag of Serbia, this one I hate to the bone.
post 90's war the star was removed.
and today finally Serbia:D
So that people do not get confused any more...
The socalist flag of Serbia is this one, Serbian Cetnik:
Not the one you displayed which was "yugo-thing's" one:
I live in france, still, I can
recognize Serbian Three Colours,
Red, Blue, White.
G-d Bless Serbia beautiful flag O0
I tried to find them, but found the yugoslav ones instead.
I still hate the SFRJ one anyhow. Hate communism.
I hate KKKommunism and can't believe Serbia was once KKKommunist but they were still "righteously" Christian Orthodox while the other countries that were KKKommunist in the Balkans like Albania became muSSlim Atheist TerroriSSt NationaliSSt! >:(
I tried to find them, but found the yugoslav ones instead.
I still hate the SFRJ one anyhow. Hate communism.
OK. And......you HATE ?
Be careful, we will become Friends....
You just don't get it do you? You can hate the entire world if you like. But don't be rude and attack people personally. ok?
You just don't get it do you? You can hate the entire world if you like. But don't be rude and attack people personally. ok?
If you think "debating" is attacking someone personnaly, you might be wrong.
But when YOU dare calling me NON-SERB,
because we do not agree on something,
this is a personnal attack on me, a strong one.
I LOVE my Country's Flag:
I LOVE my Country's Flag:
and a beautiful flag it is!!! O0
I love the eagles
I LOVE my Country's Flag:
Yes I like that one too.
You see, Dear JTFers,
we definitely can share LOVE.
Husar flag is good but it need some thing else and you now what ! ;) O0
KING like in UK, we need to finally make Kindome again by e.x of United Kingdom !!! They have King or Queen like decor whit no power, and they call like Kingdom ! Why should Serbia not be state by example of UK ?
Yeah, all cowards, act like they have manners but its actually arrogance and I'm I forgetting something. Warmongers.
I LOVE my Country's Flag:
Yes I like that one too.
The White Eagle is ancient slavic symbol for Liberty, as oposed to opresive germanic black crows :P, the red is for the Serbian Blood spilled for this Freedom, the crown is symbol of independance and souveregnity which guards it, and the yellow fleur de lises simbolise the purity of your struggle O0. Judging from heraldic rules your flag shud be white and red like our:
Actually haha its more like,
The eagle is from the Byzantine empire along with the four C's but some historians believe it was actually four B's.
The red colour is for the slavic blood we have
The blue im not sure, Neither about the white.
But the fleur de lises are Raska(Serbia) and Zeta(CrnaGora).
And the crown who knows. It Could mean that we were a kingdom or that we are orthodox since the priests have wonderful crowns during service.
Actually haha its more like,
The eagle is from the Byzantine empire along with the four C's but some historians believe it was actually four B's.
The red colour is for the slavic blood we have
The blue im not sure, Neither about the white.
But the fleur de lises are Raska(Serbia) and Zeta(CrnaGora).
And the crown who knows. It Could mean that we were a kingdom or that we are orthodox since the priests have wonderful crowns during service.
Yes brather you have right !!! CCCC !!! O0
ill find out what the rest of the colours stand for.
ill find out what the rest of the colours stand for.
It would be interesting to know what everything on that flag stands for.
I have one in my room, right above my bed. I look at it as I write this reply. What a proud, beautiful, and noble flag.
A gorgeous righteous flag O0 O0 O0 O0
@Zoran: hahahaha me too:P exactly the same situation:P
Before the XIIth century, an almost identical cross with four C- or rather B-shaped firesteels was used by the Byzantine Paleologue Emperors, the letters standing for the Emperor's motto: Βασιλευς Βασιλεων Βασιλευων Βασιλευσιν, that is, "King of Kings, ruling over Kings".
I LOVE my Country's Flag:
Yes I like that one too.
The White Eagle is ancient slavic symbol for Liberty, as oposed to opresive germanic black crows :P, the red is for the Serbian Blood spilled for this Freedom, the crown is symbol of independance and souveregnity which guards it, and the yellow fleur de lises simbolise the purity of your struggle O0. Judging from heraldic rules your flag shud be white and red like our:
LOL I was wondering if you would squeeze your Polish flag in Ultra :::D :::D :::D