General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nolandforshalom on January 29, 2008, 11:42:45 PM

Title: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 29, 2008, 11:42:45 PM
I'm just curious to see how the members of the forum compare. Mine is light brown and shoulder length.  :)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 29, 2008, 11:46:35 PM
Cool..I think mine is longer then most guys here... :-\
I want it to be like, 3 inches past my shoulders
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: KansasJew on January 29, 2008, 11:48:40 PM
Here is my answer

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dyl0j3WU6Y (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dyl0j3WU6Y)

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Mishmaat on January 29, 2008, 11:50:31 PM
I keep my hair short.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 29, 2008, 11:53:05 PM
My hair is dark and short. I just got a haircut last week also.

I haven't gotten a hair cut in 9 months I think..maybe a year  O0
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 29, 2008, 11:54:45 PM
lol thanx  :)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on January 29, 2008, 11:56:26 PM
I have curls, so dry its shoulder length now, wet its another 5 inches long.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Jasmina on January 29, 2008, 11:57:41 PM
  mine is very very very long and black hair!
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 29, 2008, 11:58:37 PM
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:05:35 AM

I'm a guy.
1. Why would I have my shirt off if I was a girl?
2. My hair looks like that cuz i tried straightening it.

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:09:39 AM
Thanks :)
Now i just gotta keep people from thinking I'm a girl...
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Ehud on January 30, 2008, 12:09:56 AM

I'm a guy.
1. Why would I have my shirt off if I was a girl?
2. My hair looks like that cuz i tried straightening it.

I thought you were a girl at first too, it must be because your hair looks highlighted in that picture and it feathers back, and you're wearing that necklace too.   ;D  It looks good though.   O0
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:13:02 AM
grrr..its a star of david necklace! and my hair naturally layers..and highlights...i dont even have to brush it, its just awesome from when I wake up lol  :)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: KansasJew on January 30, 2008, 12:13:47 AM
As the Famous Talk Show host once said......

I am a Pretty Man....Now go away!
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: kellymaureen on January 30, 2008, 12:15:24 AM
My hair is very long and very straight most of the time
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:24:03 AM
maybe a bad picture lol..but i didnt wanna show my face..i get enough death threats without displaying my picture..
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:27:44 AM
Thats scary..be careful...My walls have steel plates in them(i moved into this house cuz of em), my door has 3 locks, and i have hurricane shutter down over my windows year round. Im trying to make it past 35  O0
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:34:29 AM
Thats scary..be careful...My walls have steel plates in them(i moved into this house cuz of em), my door has 3 locks, and i have hurricane shutter down over my windows year round. Im trying to make it past 35  O0

Why do you get death threats?

I Was the Florida JDL Chairman, and I am not quiet about my anti-Muslim views. I will not be silenced by terrorists.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 12:53:21 AM
Thats scary..be careful...My walls have steel plates in them(i moved into this house cuz of em), my door has 3 locks, and i have hurricane shutter down over my windows year round. Im trying to make it past 35  O0

Why do you get death threats?

I Was the Florida JDL Chairman, and I am not quiet about my anti-Muslim views. I will not be silenced by terrorists.

Do you still believe in the fake JDL of The Rubins/Bnei Elim? Chaim is opposed to those groups.

JDL is a fraud, and Bnai Elim does too little to be effective. With all due respect, however, my opinions are in no way influenced by Chaim.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Eitan on January 30, 2008, 01:16:40 AM
Hey. I think Nolandforshalom's hair looks fine.
Nothing wrong with a man having long hair.
I like it because its reminds me of The Stroke's hair or the Ramones. It rocks.  O0
johnny  ramone ;D  ::)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 06:43:07 AM
Thats scary..be careful...My walls have steel plates in them(i moved into this house cuz of em), my door has 3 locks, and i have hurricane shutter down over my windows year round. Im trying to make it past 35  O0

Why do you get death threats?

I Was the Florida JDL Chairman, and I am not quiet about my anti-Muslim views. I will not be silenced by terrorists.

Do you still believe in the fake JDL of The Rubins/Bnei Elim? Chaim is opposed to those groups.

JDL is a fraud, and Bnai Elim does too little to be effective. With all due respect, however, my opinions are in no way influenced by Chaim.

What year do you think JDL became a fraud? The belief of JTF is that it became a fraud after Chaim went to prison and The Rav was assassinated.

The change wasnt sudden...The JDL Irv Rubin had wasn't all bad, nor was it Rav Kahane's JDL. Kahane's Assassination began the downward spiral.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on January 30, 2008, 06:58:48 AM
maybe a bad picture lol..but i didnt wanna show my face..i get enough death threats without displaying my picture..

Very wise you must be careful.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Ulli on January 30, 2008, 07:02:16 AM
Before a year, I have longer hair. But the truth is: Long hair costs time. Washing, combing, cutting, etc.

There is an other negative aspect of long hair:

The hair is sometimes going before or in your eyes. If you make sports or you work this is really annoying.

So I decided to go the practical way: I got a beard trimmer (It works like a electric sheep shearing machine) choose lenght-step 5 and cut beard and hair in one step all two weeks.  ;D

I have saved a lot of money and time and it looks really acceptable. A lot of friends told me I look now better and more serious as with long hair.  :)

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 07:06:12 AM
I solved this problem by now doing sports  ;)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on January 30, 2008, 07:06:48 AM
I dislike men with long hair.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Dexter on January 30, 2008, 07:24:54 AM
Very dark brown and my hair is to my ears length.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Vito on January 30, 2008, 11:51:53 AM
My hair used to be down to about my chin, then I cut it short at the beginning of the summer..
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: mord on January 30, 2008, 01:16:40 PM
Darkest brown almost black, very short
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on January 30, 2008, 01:21:57 PM
Very dark brown and very short
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: q_q_ on January 30, 2008, 06:24:09 PM
if male, I think long hair is alright with a beard and maustache.. maybe.

or if like my friend, you look like The Predator

i.e. You have to be able to pull it off - without looking like a girl or a queer.

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Ehud on January 30, 2008, 06:33:42 PM
Short brown, buzzed at number 3 every few weeks.  My beard hair is almost always longer than the hair on my head.   O0
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on January 30, 2008, 06:35:56 PM
if male, I think long hair is alright with a beard and maustache.. maybe.

or if like my friend, you look like The Predator

i.e. You have to be able to pull it off - without looking like a girl or a queer.

I think me with long hair do look queer, its just something not quite right there  :::D
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: q_q_ on January 30, 2008, 06:57:28 PM
Od Kahane Chai !  Never Again!
Od Kahane Chai !  Never Again!

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on January 30, 2008, 07:13:49 PM
 :::D :::D :::D :::D
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on January 30, 2008, 07:41:31 PM
I have short hair, it grows fast though. I try getting a haircut every week or every other week, but now that school started im not sure if it will be close to every week. (I get them for free, so dont be suprised). I also have a short beard.
 Jewish men should have short haircuts. In fact when someone is not religious and then wants to do Tishuva the first thing the Shulhan Aruh says to do is to get him to get a haircut. (many reasons, but also hair represents dinim- judgements on a person, its best to remove them).

11/21/07 Parashat Vayishlach - The Tree in the Middle Play Download Play Download Listen Download   
Seminar - November 21, 2007 - You Need a Hair Cut My Friend

OR (same lecture, different website)

Seminar - November 21, 2007 - You Need a Hair Cut My Friend 
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Nolandforshalom on January 30, 2008, 07:52:54 PM
Od Kahane Chai !  Never Again!
Od Kahane Chai !  Never Again!

We get a couple of these on our side and we'll send the leftists running!  :::D
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: JTFFan on January 30, 2008, 08:10:59 PM
Not that long
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: dejavu on January 30, 2008, 09:41:26 PM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: OdKahaneChai on January 30, 2008, 09:51:38 PM
Od Kahane Chai !  Never Again!
Od Kahane Chai !  Never Again!
Well, I don't look quite like that...  ;)

I have the fastest growing hair, it stinks.  I really need a haircut at the present time (my eyebrows are almost gone...).

And Matt, get a haircut, ya darn hippie!
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Italianpride877 on January 30, 2008, 10:00:21 PM
my hair is very short, almost like shaved
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Hail Columbia on February 03, 2008, 10:13:55 AM
I have short, black hair.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: newman on February 03, 2008, 10:18:01 AM
Which hair?

Do you mean head, leg or armpit?

Their are polaks on the forum you know.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Just Erica on February 03, 2008, 01:32:43 PM
5 inches long.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Hail Columbia on February 03, 2008, 01:47:06 PM
Which hair?

Do you mean head, leg or armpit?

Their are polaks on the forum you know.

Head hair, of course.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: nessuno on February 03, 2008, 08:41:59 PM
Which hair?

Do you mean head, leg or armpit?

Their are polaks on the forum you know.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on February 03, 2008, 08:55:36 PM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.

That's so gay.

:o thats so offensive to gays  :::D
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: q_q_ on February 03, 2008, 09:15:33 PM
grrr..its a star of david necklace! and my hair naturally layers..and highlights...i dont even have to brush it, its just awesome from when I wake up lol  :)

did you say you were  a former florida jdl chairman!! how old are you?

I would definitely keep my hair short if it "highlighted"!!!!

I am guessing you would be at least 30 if you had such a position.. But you don`t look it.. Why not grow a beard? Even a goatie.

I have an electric hair trimming thing, I give myself a grade 4 or grade 3. If I screw up I give myself a small bald patch  but it is no disaster. Sometimes I even go to a barber!

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Daniel on February 03, 2008, 10:55:23 PM
I have short dark thick hair. As long as I keep it relatively short, it remains under control. When I was younger, my parents never did a good enough job getting my hair cut short enough and getting it cut on a regular basis. That caused my hair to get all curly, wavy, messy, and completely out of control. I was teased a lot from my classmates because of this. One thing I remember is was when I was in Hebrew school, during the musical chorus classes, when we sang "Tu Bishvat Higia, Chag Lailanot", several classmates sitting behind me would sing, "B*****t's hair is standing and everyone's demanding that his hair get cut tonight, else there will be a big fight!" So now that I'm all grown up and have full control of my grooming, I make sure I get my hair cute every 5-6 weeks and get it buzzed on the sides with a 2 on the sides and back and have it cut very short on top.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: OdKahaneChai on February 03, 2008, 11:14:31 PM
grrr..its a star of david necklace! and my hair naturally layers..and highlights...i dont even have to brush it, its just awesome from when I wake up lol  :)
did you say you were  a former florida jdl chairman!! how old are you?
He self-reinstated Florida's non-existant chapter.  So far, I think they've succeeded in stopping a Publix from giving old Mrs. Moskowitz 75 cents in change instead of the dollar they owed her...

But hey, any contribution's a good one.  ;)
(You do know I'm joking, Matt)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on February 04, 2008, 08:53:46 AM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.

That's so gay.

I think its more weird than gay
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: q_q_ on February 04, 2008, 10:22:20 AM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.

That's so gay.

I think its more weird than gay

Maybe somebody did that to him as a prank!

The whole thread is weird, and gay ;-)

Which means you have to be either gay, or very secure in your heterosexuality in order to participate!

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Ambiorix on February 04, 2008, 10:44:09 AM
I shave my face everyday.  :)
No shaving of other body parts
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: OdKahaneChai on February 04, 2008, 03:36:19 PM
A Jew should not shave his facial hair.  For a gentile, it's fine.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Ambiorix on February 04, 2008, 03:44:33 PM
I follow the Greeks and Romans in this.
They considered beards uncivilised.
but I could choose to follow the old Germanic and Celtic costumes too.
They had beards.

Real men, those who went for 6 month fishing-trips to Island, in the middle ages, were morally obligated to have beards also.

Everything changed with the WWI, when Gilette safety razors destroyed the old shaving methods, and
started the 20th century pussification of men.

Civilisation is not always a good thing.

Do you have a full-grown beard?
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on February 04, 2008, 11:21:35 PM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.

That's so gay.

I think its more weird than gay

Maybe somebody did that to him as a prank!

The whole thread is weird, and gay ;-)

Which means you have to be either gay, or very secure in your heterosexuality in order to participate!

I think its gay mainly because I think its funny men talking about their hair. But then again I have lived with men, who take longer in the bathroom than women  :::D :::D :::D :::D
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: q_q_ on February 05, 2008, 06:48:24 AM
Well, you`ll be pleased to here I don`t spend much time there. Not even in the morning. I just go there to wash my hands after visiting the toilet..

And if I know I`m going to be talking to a nice girl, I will brush my teeth.    They haven`t fallen out yet.

And if I do cut my hair, it`s not in the bathroom.  It`s either at the barber, or wherever I can find a plug socket.

I do use the bathroom to trim my goaty if it gets too long. Because I don`t want people  thinking I am more religious than I am!

Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on February 05, 2008, 07:10:44 AM
Well, you`ll be pleased to here I don`t spend much time there. Not even in the morning. I just go there to wash my hands after visiting the toilet..

And if I know I`m going to be talking to a nice girl, I will brush my teeth.    They haven`t fallen out yet.

And if I do cut my hair, it`s not in the bathroom.  It`s either at the barber, or wherever I can find a plug socket.

I do use the bathroom to trim my goaty if it gets too long. Because I don`t want people  thinking I am more religious than I am!

 :::D :::D you are a good man.  O0
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: nessuno on February 05, 2008, 07:12:02 AM
Well, you`ll be pleased to here I don`t spend much time there. Not even in the morning. I just go there to wash my hands after visiting the toilet..

And if I know I`m going to be talking to a nice girl, I will brush my teeth.    They haven`t fallen out yet.

And if I do cut my hair, it`s not in the bathroom.  It`s either at the barber, or wherever I can find a plug socket.

I do use the bathroom to trim my goaty if it gets too long. Because I don`t want people  thinking I am more religious than I am!

:::D  I like that answer.
I don't think it's gay for men to talk about how long their hair is.
If they start talking about makeup and nails...  ;)
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: dejavu on February 05, 2008, 07:29:37 AM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.

That's so gay.

I think its more weird than gay

Maybe somebody did that to him as a prank!

The whole thread is weird, and gay ;-)

Which means you have to be either gay, or very secure in your heterosexuality in order to participate!

I think its gay mainly because I think its funny men talking about their hair. But then again I have lived with men, who take longer in the bathroom than women  :::D :::D :::D :::D

Well thats the way the girlfriend likes it so i have been for the most part hair free for... a year or so.
Title: Re: How long is your hair?
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on February 05, 2008, 07:36:07 AM
less than half an inch on top non existent on the sides... clean shaven rest of body.

That's so gay.

I think its more weird than gay

Maybe somebody did that to him as a prank!

The whole thread is weird, and gay ;-)

Which means you have to be either gay, or very secure in your heterosexuality in order to participate!

I think its gay mainly because I think its funny men talking about their hair. But then again I have lived with men, who take longer in the bathroom than women  :::D :::D :::D :::D

Well thats the way the girlfriend likes it so i have been for the most part hair free for... a year or so.

See she is a wise woman  ;)