The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Shlomo on February 13, 2008, 12:56:48 AM

Title: New TV show for children - "Nahoul the Bee," Vows to "Eat Jews"
Post by: Shlomo on February 13, 2008, 12:56:48 AM
Now the arab nazis have a new show for children...

MEMRI: Hamas TV Bunny "Assud" Replaces "Martyred" Brother "Nahoul the Bee," Vows to "Eat Jews"
February 13, 2008
http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=38134 (http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=38134)

Palest¡n¡an Authority/Hamas Children TV Bunny "Assud" Replaces "Martyred" Brother "Nahoul the Bee," Vows to Liberate Al-Aqsa, "Eat Jews"

A new character has joined the cast of the Hamas TV children's show "Pioneers of Tomorrow" - Assud the Bunny.

Assud's return from "the diaspora" followed the death of his brother, Nahoul the Bee, on the show. Nahoul was depicted as dying because he could not get to a hospital in Egypt for surgery. Assud states, "We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland"; program host Saraa Barhoum concurs. He also vows to "get rid of the Jews and eat them up."

It will be recalled that Nahoul himself replaced Farfour, the Hamas mouse, who was killed by an Israeli soldier on the show in June 2007.

The following are excerpts from Assud's debut episode, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV February 2-9, 2008.

To view this clip, visit www.memritv.org/clip/en/1679.htm

To view the MEMRI TV Page on Al-Aqsa TV, visit www.memritv.org/content/en/tv_channel_indiv.htm?id=175

The Death of Nahoul Nahoul: "I can't stand it, Mom, I can't..."

Mother: "What can I do? You've been sick for a whole month. We went to Al-Arish, but we couldn't get you to Egypt to have an operation."


Nahoul: "All the children of Eretz Yisrael are dying without treatment. I can't die, I don't want to die... Father..." Attempts to perform CPR on Nahoul fail; he expires.

Father: "Nahoul! Nahoul!" [...]

"I Come from the Diaspora, Bearing the Key of Return"

Child host Saraa Barhoum: "Dear children, let me welcome on your behalf our new friend, Assud. Allah be praised, our friend Assud has returned safe and sound to his land, to Eretz Yisrael, after he emigrated to a different Arab country - a country which is not this noble homeland, dear children." [...]

Assud: "Mom, I want to ask you something."

Mother: "Go ahead."

Assud: "Where is Nahoul? I haven't seen him for such a long time."

Mother: "He went for a walk, and he'll soon be back, Allah willing."

Assud: "Where did he go? Who goes out at night?"

Mother: "What do you want me to do... He'll be back soon, Allah willing."

Assud: "Father, where is Nahoul?"

Father [whispering to the mother]: "How long can we keep what happened to Nahoul from him?"

Father [to Farfour]: "You are a believer, and our G-d..."

Assud: "What happened to Nahoul, father?"

Father: "Allah be praised, you are a believing Muslim, and you know that we place our trust in Allah... Your brother Nahoul got sick..."

Assud: "What hospital is he in, father?"

Father: "He's not in any hospital. He died a martyr's death, Allah have mercy upon him."

Assud: "No, father!" [weeps]


Assud: "Just like Nahoul took Farfour's place when he was martyred, I will replace Nahoul, Allah willing. I will bring smiles and joy back to the children of Eretz Yisrael, and the children of the whole world - the Arab and Islamic world, Allah willing." [...]

Assud: "I come from the diaspora, bearing the Key of Return. This is the Key of Return. Do you see it? Allah willing, we will use this key to liberate our Al-Aqsa Mosque. Here is a picture of the noble Al-Aqsa Mosque. Here it is, can you see it? Allah willing, we are the soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow."

"We Are All Martyrdom Seekers"

Saraa Barhoum: "Yes, Assud, we will continue in the path of Nahoul and Farfour, Allah willing. We will not let them down, Assud."

Assud: "We are all martyrdom-seekers, are we not, Saraa?"

Saraa Barhoum: "Of course we are. We are all ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our homeland. We will sacrifice our souls and everything we own for the homeland."

Assud: "Saraa, I'd like to ask you something."

Saraa Barhoum: "What is it?"

"There Are Many, Many Soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow... We Will Liberate Al-Aqsa from the Filth of Those Zionists" Assud: "How many soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow are there?"

Saraa Barhoum: "There are many, many soldiers of the Pioneers of Tomorrow."

Assud: "Allah be praised."

Saraa Barhoum: "By Allah's grace, they will help us liberate our homeland Eretz Yisrael."

Assud: "Saraa, you and I will be the first, right?"

Saraa Barhoum: "Yes, by Allah's grace, Assud."

Assud: "And will we take Al-Aqsa?"

Saraa Barhoum: "Of course, Assud. We will liberate Al-Aqsa from the filth of those Zionists." [...]

"I, Assud, Will Get Rid of the Jews, Allah Willing, and I Will Eat Them Up"

Saraa Barhoum [to girl in the audience]: "Is there anything you want to share with us?"

Girl: "Arnoub ['Rabbit']?"

Saraa Barhoum: "His name is Assud ['Lion']."

Girl: "How come you are called Assud, even though you look like a rabbit?"

Assud: "Because a rabbit is not good. He's a coward. But I, Assud, will get rid of the Jews, Allah willing, and I will eat them up, Allah willing, right?"

Saraa Barhoum: "Allah willing."
Title: Re: New TV show for children - "Nahoul the Bee," Vows to "Eat Jews"
Post by: Ari on February 15, 2008, 01:24:33 AM
Is Spielberg producing? >:(