Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 28, 2008, 11:11:05 AM

Title: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 28, 2008, 11:11:05 AM
I've built a model T-80UD Main Battle Tank, It's Russian but I've made it Serbian.

A lot of you will like but I think Dalmacija especially:P

Now, I've taken the pictures with a crappy cellphone camera, but I'll tweak it some more and take new pictures with a professional camera.

Original real Tank

My Model.

It says in cyrilic "Krajina!"

and "Knindze" on this side

On the mud-protectors there is bloodsplatter(you figure out why) and a Croatian skull on one of the pikes(trophy, prob a croat tank commander, ask the crew:P)

Here there's "Four S's" and my nickname "Miki" along with "The Punisher" logo and "Serbia to Tokyo"

On the top you have the "Body count" on the side there and the "croat skull".
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Scriabin on February 28, 2008, 11:23:48 AM

What's the green, plantlike substance on the desk there?  ;)
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 28, 2008, 11:31:18 AM
An Apocalypse machine:D
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Scriabin on February 28, 2008, 11:44:54 AM
Its a very nice model.  It looks like the real thing. 
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: DALMACIJA on February 28, 2008, 11:51:19 AM
It says in cyrilic "Krajina!"


What a beauty  O0  O0

 - Krajina -
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 28, 2008, 11:59:35 AM
I'll make a landscape aswell.
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Jasmina on February 28, 2008, 01:51:38 PM
  very nice!! how did you do that? I'm so proud of you!!! ;)
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: DALMACIJA on February 28, 2008, 02:33:00 PM
  very nice!! how did you do that? I'm so proud of you!!! ;)

 O0 I am proud of you all........
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Ludi Milojko on February 28, 2008, 04:11:45 PM
Well, that's it! I'm going to buy and build one this weekend  ;)
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: shiptarkiller on February 28, 2008, 09:04:14 PM
sumadinac did you know that russia have sealth bombers 2...The TU-160 was made in response to the American strategic bomber B-1, created by the Rockwell Company. NATO nicknamed the TU-160 Black Jack, which has two meanings-it is both a legendary and unstoppable warship and a police riot stick. Russian pilots call the TU-160 White Swan for the way it resembles the glorious and noble bird in flight.
The TU-160 is the first bomber designed in Russia, and was initially designed to evade radar detection using stealth technology. Designers at Tupolev Aircraft Research and Development Company and other research institutions, created the aircraft combining the best features of the TU-22M and TU-95MC bombers....mother russia is back..this aint the 90,s...i hope they bomb the excrement out every captiol city that have recognize kosovo... ;D ;D..just read wikipedia thats BS...they are stealth..ok not all the way danish air deffence spoted the aircraft...but it haved activity in north america unspoted..got the info from a serbian website....here is a video....http://www.metacafe.com/watch/512993/tu_160_stand_off_strike/
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on February 29, 2008, 05:28:14 AM
Opa, maybe my next project should be the tu-160:P
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: Ambiorix on February 29, 2008, 08:32:08 AM
I always laugh when I hear USA-patriots denigrate Russian warplanes.
Agreed, the Russian Army is in a bad shape,
but it is able to defend the Russian soil.

Here is a niece video on the Tu-160 (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8c4_1198426649)

USA-people obviously forget that Soviet machines compare favourable with their US counterparts.

compare Energia (http://www.energia.ru/english/) and Soyuz,with the crappy space shuttles...

Today's NASA best engine is Russian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RD-170_%28rocket_engine%29)

compare the heaviest American cargo-plane : the Lockhead C5 Galaxy; with Antonov An-124 Ruslan or An-225 Mriya (http://www.flightlevel350.com/Aircraft_Antonov_An-225_Mriya-Airline_Antonov_Aviation_Video-4935.html),

I like the Swan. It's elegant. I like the bear, it is the most noisy aircraft (http://www.flightlevel350.com/Aircraft_Tupolev_-_All_models-Airline_Various_Airlines_Aviation_Video-5501.html)
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: shiptarkiller on March 03, 2008, 11:00:52 AM
I always laugh when I hear USA-patriots denigrate Russian warplanes.
Agreed, the Russian Army is in a bad shape,
but it is able to defend the Russian soil.

Here is a niece video on the Tu-160 (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8c4_1198426649)

USA-people obviously forget that Soviet machines compare favourable with their US counterparts.

compare Energia (http://www.energia.ru/english/) and Soyuz,with the crappy space shuttles...

Today's NASA best engine is Russian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RD-170_%28rocket_engine%29)

compare the heaviest American cargo-plane : the Lockhead C5 Galaxy; with Antonov An-124 Ruslan or An-225 Mriya (http://www.flightlevel350.com/Aircraft_Antonov_An-225_Mriya-Airline_Antonov_Aviation_Video-4935.html),

I like the Swan. It's elegant. I like the bear, it is the most noisy aircraft (http://www.flightlevel350.com/Aircraft_Tupolev_-_All_models-Airline_Various_Airlines_Aviation_Video-5501.html)
you are a smart man...thanks for the video.. O0 O0....russain army is in bad shape and putin have modernize russian army whit the help of china...nobody knows much about chinas warheads..the are really gooood on keeping secrets and tahts scarynig me..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLx5PLvsC58&feature=related
Title: Re: My T-80UD MBT
Post by: shiptarkiller on March 03, 2008, 11:06:21 AM
Opa, maybe my next project should be the tu-160:P
no no..buy this whan....its russian new pride!! invinsible russian stelth unmanned bomber....i hope that the russian and the chines are going to bomb the sh¤¤ out of BONDSTEEL...f¤¤¤¤ land stealers!!!!..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlv5igQSAP4&feature=related