General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 09:37:23 AM

Title: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 09:37:23 AM
And look what I found...


Obama has noted in his two books, “Dreams From My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope,” that he spent two years in a Muslim school and another two years in a Catholic school while living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10.

Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Rubystars on March 02, 2008, 09:51:09 AM
And look what I found...


Obama has noted in his two books, “Dreams From My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope,” that he spent two years in a Muslim school and another two years in a Catholic school while living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10.

When he was in the Catholic school he was registered as a Muslim.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Cyberella on March 02, 2008, 10:10:50 AM


Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 10:18:56 AM
And look what I found...


Obama has noted in his two books, “Dreams From My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope,” that he spent two years in a Muslim school and another two years in a Catholic school while living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10.

When he was in the Catholic school he was registered as a Muslim.
His parents registered him... he didn't choose it. And it doesn't mean that he was Muslim. Did you read the article? Everyone here is saying that he avoided telling about his schooling..but its in his books... anout his father's religions...everything.


Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is a memoir by current United States Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.  It was first published in 1995...

He told the world who he was and what he was about 13 years ago.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 10:21:11 AM


That doesn't mean he was Muslim. He that was from 6-8 years of age. How much knowledge did you retain at those ages? And yet you're holding this over his head at 46 years of age.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Cyberella on March 02, 2008, 10:29:38 AM

Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Rubystars on March 02, 2008, 10:39:07 AM
His parents registered him... he didn't choose it. And it doesn't mean that he was Muslim. Did you read the article? Everyone here is saying that he avoided telling about his schooling..but its in his books... anout his father's religions...everything.

I don't think he necessarily hides his background, but he does deny ever being a Muslim. If his parents registered him as a Muslim, then they must have believed at that time that he was a Muslim, or at least being raised as such.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 10:40:10 AM

Between the ages of 6 and 8. He'd have retained more if he was in his late teens at the time he was learning, which would make your argument substantial. You're basically saying that what he learned in Basuki at 6 years old is enough to DESTROY WHITE AMERICA!!!? I think you're getting that school and a Madrassa , where Muslim kids learn about fighting wars and such mixed up.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 10:42:29 AM
His parents registered him... he didn't choose it. And it doesn't mean that he was Muslim. Did you read the article? Everyone here is saying that he avoided telling about his schooling..but its in his books... anout his father's religions...everything.

I don't think he necessarily hides his background, but he does deny ever being a Muslim. If his parents registered him as a Muslim, then they must have believed at that time that he was a Muslim, or at least being raised as such.
You're raised as a muslim when you go from Birth to adulthood as a Muslim. This boy, because he spent 2 years at the Basuki school didn't stay there long enough for the lessons to make an impact on him or what his religious affiliations would be in the future.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: DownwithIslam on March 02, 2008, 12:05:40 PM
His parents registered him... he didn't choose it. And it doesn't mean that he was Muslim. Did you read the article? Everyone here is saying that he avoided telling about his schooling..but its in his books... anout his father's religions...everything.

I don't think he necessarily hides his background, but he does deny ever being a Muslim. If his parents registered him as a Muslim, then they must have believed at that time that he was a Muslim, or at least being raised as such.
You're raised as a muslim when you go from Birth to adulthood as a Muslim. This boy, because he spent 2 years at the Basuki school didn't stay there long enough for the lessons to make an impact on him or what his religious affiliations would be in the future.

Why are people arguing with her? You are legitimizing her views. Is what Black people have done to the jews in America not enough for everyone here to ignore this female gorilla?
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Rubystars on March 02, 2008, 12:08:31 PM
Why are people arguing with her? You are legitimizing her views. Is what Black people have done to the jews in America not enough for everyone here to ignore this female gorilla?

Just because someone doesn't agree with us and has a different view on Obama or other political topics is no reason to slur them as a gorilla.

I don't think that's a way to persuade anyone to our side. It will have the opposite effect.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 12:10:20 PM
His parents registered him... he didn't choose it. And it doesn't mean that he was Muslim. Did you read the article? Everyone here is saying that he avoided telling about his schooling..but its in his books... anout his father's religions...everything.

I don't think he necessarily hides his background, but he does deny ever being a Muslim. If his parents registered him as a Muslim, then they must have believed at that time that he was a Muslim, or at least being raised as such.
You're raised as a muslim when you go from Birth to adulthood as a Muslim. This boy, because he spent 2 years at the Basuki school didn't stay there long enough for the lessons to make an impact on him or what his religious affiliations would be in the future.

Why are people arguing with her? You are legitimizing her views. Is what Black people have done to the jews in America not enough for everyone here to ignore this female gorilla?
You hold grudges for people you haven't even met before DWI. WHY? I didn't do anything to you in the past. And I'm NOT a gorilla. This is the crap I'm talking about. Being called out of my name because I disagree with you. Are you afraid of reading the views of someone who isn't kissing your behind?
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 12:12:07 PM
with all do respect, JTF has so much information proving obama is an evil racist, anti-Semitic person, why do you back him up for
You don't have any truthful information. The man has said publicly how he feels about Jews, Louis Farrakhan, his name, his lineage, his religion and everything. You say you want to hear it from his mouth but then you don't believe that. I'm beginning to feel as though you hate him just becuse it feels good to hate him. The more rumors you hear, the more you deem true.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 12:26:07 PM
with all do respect, JTF has so much information proving obama is an evil racist, anti-Semitic person, why do you back him up for
You don't have any truthful information. The man has said publicly how he feels about Jews, Louis Farrakhan, his name, his lineage, his religion and everything. You say you want to hear it from his mouth but then you don't believe that. I'm beginning to feel as though you hate him just becuse it feels good to hate him. The more rumors you hear, the more you deem true.

i didn't hear any rumors JTF is the best place for the truth, and on the homepage you can find that information on obama, by the way HOW DOES HE FEEL ABOUT JEWS?
JTF said he attended a madrassa... Untrue...
JTF said that he obtained dual citizenship in Kenya and the US in 1963...Untrue...he didn't have his first visit to Kenya until 1988.

JTF Says he's a Muslim...  He says he's a Christian and he said it himself. Just because his father was African doesn't mean he was born Muslim. His dad was a CHristian FIRST, then he converted to Muslim (after he divorced Obama's mother), then he became an agnostic..practically an athiest. How does that translate to Baracks dad being born a Muslim?

Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 12:34:10 PM
with all do respect, JTF has so much information proving obama is an evil racist, anti-Semitic person, why do you back him up for
You don't have any truthful information. The man has said publicly how he feels about Jews, Louis Farrakhan, his name, his lineage, his religion and everything. You say you want to hear it from his mouth but then you don't believe that. I'm beginning to feel as though you hate him just becuse it feels good to hate him. The more rumors you hear, the more you deem true.

i didn't hear any rumors JTF is the best place for the truth, and on the homepage you can find that information on obama, by the way HOW DOES HE FEEL ABOUT JEWS?
JTF said he attended a madrassa... Untrue...
JTF said that he obtained dual citizenship in Kenya and the US in 1963...Untrue...he didn't have his first visit to Kenya until 1988.

JTF Says he's a Muslim...  He says he's a Christian and he said it himself. Just because his father was African doesn't mean he was born Muslim. His dad was a CHristian FIRST, then he converted to Muslim (after he divorced Obama's mother), then he became an agnostic..practically an athiest. How does that translate to Baracks dad being born a Muslim?

look at the home page of JTf, so much information than your regular everyday anti-Semitic and anti-American media
look, if you want to live by JTF's words and take them for the truth, go right ahead, man. I won't stop you. But I'm not believing anything JTF says. Those words are just excuses to hate Obama. No one here, as much as a lot of you hate  Hillary Clinton (btw, I've noticed that no one has called her Hitlery in awhile). There are no "JEWS AGAINST HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON" webpages up. Why dedicate hateful websites and messages to Barack Obama? This isn't playing fair at all. THis is actually worse than watching Hillary and Obama sling mud in each other's direction. A lot dirtier...and you rely on lies so that it'll make you feel more accomplished. Congratulations. You've accomplished a lot.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 12:55:55 PM
Just Ericka, answer me this, obama has said that sex education should be thought in kindergartens, what kind of an idiot teaches sex to 5 year olds
It's called age appropriate learning. You don't tell them all of the discriptive adult things about sex that you would tell a teenager, you bring it down to their age-group where it's easy for them to understand and easy for them to talk about. There are a lot of parents who'd just assume smack their child if they ask "Mommy, why were you and daddy  kissing?" ...instead of answering the question straight out.

Besides Kidnergarteners are supposed to know about good touch, bad touch and stranger danger at this age anyway. WHat is the big deal?
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: SavetheWest on March 02, 2008, 01:28:45 PM
CNN is notably promoting Obama while attacking Hillary and McCain so if people on the forum are skeptical of anything they report, you can understand that.  I'm sure people supporting Obama wouldn't believe a FOX report even if they had Obama committing a crime on tape in front of 100 people.  Also, I'm sure you wouldn't believe everything Bush says, especially about his past.  I hear so many people say, "he told us he's not a Muslim."  Why is it beyond the realm of possibilities that he could be lying and covering up something?  How can people take him at face value when there are many inconsistencies in his record.  If Obama came out and said, I was raised Muslim but I'm now a Christian and that gives me an understanding of both sides, he probably would have this as a non issue.  He said he was never a Muslim on tape which is a lie.  If you registered as a Muslim in both schools you went to (and it was not a requirement to do so) you are a Muslim.  If your mom legally married a Muslim twice, you are a Muslim. The CNN report said the school he went to was not a Madrassa.  It did not debunk that he was raised as a Muslim.  CNN lied by omission, which, according to government agencies when questioning someone, can be a crime.  I also guarantee that very few people on the right would have a problem with a black president, if he were someone like Alan Keyes.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 01:33:51 PM
do you have any five year olds? have you told them about sex yet?
My kids are 17, 16, almost 13, almost 11 and 3 1/2. My biological kids found out about sex when they were 6 my 3 year old asks questions about kissing and I give her an age appropriate answer. I don't pile her up with info she doesn't understand. They asked and I told them. And when it was time during puberty, there were classes given to tell them what's happening to their bodies. I told my 17 year old about sex when she was 13. I drew pictures,sperm cells, ovum...everything. My mom didn't tell me about sex the proper way. She told me by turning on "The Miracle of Childbirth" when I was 12 years old. No explaination, no information. I want my kids to have information from professionals who know the technical terms and I want them to be able to come to me. I have no problem with talking about sex.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 01:36:16 PM
WHat is the big deal?

so you think theres nothing wrong about talking sex to five year olds?
No, I don't. If they ask, I tell them. Period. I'm not going to lie to them...but like I said , it would be age appropriate. The same with my 3 year old. She's developed quicker than her sisters and is talking up a storm. She asks questions you don't sit there in a daze as if they have the nerve to ask you a question 'like that'.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: firster555 on March 02, 2008, 02:19:49 PM
According to islam, if your father is a muslim when you are born, you are a muslim. Whether Obama considers himself a muslim or not anymore does not matter to the islamic world, they still consider him a muslim. The ramifacations of this could be potentially tremendously dangerous.
Obama, whatever he claims now, was a muslim at one time and he denies ever having been one. Considering the islamic practice of deception(Taqiyya)again not a very comforting thing.
His first father, who abondoned him was a muslim as was his stepfather.
As a young child when he came back to the US he used the name Barry instead of Barrack. It was not until many years later when he went back to insisting on being called Barrack instead of Barry.
If you attend an islamic school you will recite the shahada, no matter what age. Again, according to islam this automatically makes you a muslim.
Personally, I believe he is still a muslim and is decieving us, I actually believe he is the anti-Christ, hey, but that's just me.
I could care less that he is half black, I would support Alan Keyes, someone like Thomas Sowell, etc. It is more about ideology, not skin color. Not to mention Obama is nothing more than a spineless opportunist.  He is half white, raised by his white mother, neither of his black father's stuck around to long but yet in his book he disparages the white part of his race. He swears not to be a muslim then has his campaign target mosques.
Not to mention, other than the juvenille nonsense rallying cry of "change, change, change" exactly what are his plans, propposals, policies, etc. It is like listening to a third grader in a beauty pageant, I want peace in the world and for everybody to be happy and cotton candy for everyone.
I do hate Obama, not because he is black, or half black, but because he is either a decieving muslim or a supreme socialist, either one not good for me and not good for America.
Erica, about sex education, I partially agree with you. As a parent it is your choice and your responsibility how and when to teach your own kids about sex. This also means that the schools should not be teaching it as this negates the rights of the parent to teach when and what they choose. If parent 1 wants to wait until their child is 13 and parent 2 wants to teach their child at 6 the schools have no business deciding which parent is right or wrong.
Five kids, wow, good luck with them. How do you find the time to spend here with five kids. I have two and time is hard to come by. Whatever anyone here thinks of each others opinions please always keep them as your first priority.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Ulli on March 02, 2008, 02:48:30 PM
Erika, please look at Obamas near past.

In the time, as Obama sat in the administrative board of the "Woods fund" together with Bill Ayers, the fund donated 75000$ to the Arab American Action Network (AAAN). That was ca. 20% of theb yearly budget of the AAAN.

The AAAN is a Jew and Christian hating organization.

In addition to that was Rashid Khalidi the co-founder of the AAANC a real Arab Muslim Nazi terrorist supporter.

In addition to that converted the leftists terrorist Bill Ayers to Islam.

You can look this up for yourself:


All accident? ::)
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on March 02, 2008, 03:59:13 PM
suddenly erica is an expert on Islam and Islamic schooling.... *sigh.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Rubystars on March 02, 2008, 04:48:45 PM
Erica, I think it's great that your kids can come to you and speak with you about anything, and that you answer their questions in age-appropriate ways and give them information they need at the right times. That's good parenting.

I think one of the things conservatives worry about however is that a lot of these very left-wing programs tend to not be so age appropriate. For example, conservatives don't want little kids to be exposed to the concept of homosexuality, but the schools in some states are promoting stories about homosexuals to young children like "Heather has two mommies."

Some programs get a little too graphic at too early of an age. I think comprehensive sex ed is important, but conservative parents can't really trust the schools to be age appropriate in their curricula.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: nessuno on March 02, 2008, 06:55:59 PM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 07:02:44 PM
suddenly erica is an expert on Islam and Islamic schooling.... *sigh.
I read from REPUTABLE SOURCES. That doesn't make me an expert. I used the information linked here, and googled. Found out meanings and such. You could benefit from that.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 07:04:57 PM
Ericka, what attracted you to JTF?
Allen T and Judeanoncapta basically dared me to come here to ask Chaim some questions. Email after Email after Email after Email. If I'd known I'd be going into the lion's den, I would have stayed away. They made Chaim sound like a decent guy who would listen to your opinions even if he disagreed. Not so.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 07:12:04 PM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: nessuno on March 02, 2008, 07:17:44 PM
Ericka, what attracted you to JTF?
Allen T and Judeanoncapta basically dared me to come here to ask Chaim some questions. Email after Email after Email after Email. If I'd known I'd be going into the lion's den, I would have stayed away. They made Chaim sound like a decent guy who would listen to your opinions even if he disagreed. Not so.
Erica  >:( How can you say that about Chaim?
You are here posting your opinions.  You have been here on and off for a long time.
I think that proves that Chaim is a decent guy.
Even when you attack him and JTF, like you just did, you are allowed to remain as a poster on the forum.
No one has shackled you here - if you don't like the lion's den find the exit.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: JTFFan on March 02, 2008, 07:20:14 PM
Erica, I think it's great that your kids can come to you and speak with you about anything, and that you answer their questions in age-appropriate ways and give them information they need at the right times. That's good parenting.

I think one of the things conservatives worry about however is that a lot of these very left-wing programs tend to not be so age appropriate. For example, conservatives don't want little kids to be exposed to the concept of homosexuality, but the schools in some states are promoting stories about homosexuals to young children like "Heather has two mommies."

Some programs get a little too graphic at too early of an age. I think comprehensive sex ed is important, but conservative parents can't really trust the schools to be age appropriate in their curricula.

Oh, it's all perverse and disgusting :P :P :P :P

Even I and adults can't even hear about that perverse vile material. Unless you're very left-wing whacko that's ok and in the norm. LiberalSS don't even like using the word "normal" because "normal" to them has no boundries, so anything's possible and goes. That mentally breaks down the majority of people, except for some proud liberals that have no emotions and have accomplished nothing in their lifetimes, they are just washed up dreckkk, and complete destroying kids who are on a "righteous" path and try to demonize them with their filth and putrid.

Sex ed shouldn't be taught, only they should learn about G-d and conception, because next thing you know this "Sex Ed" has no boundaries and the teacher might teach them other stuff, and then the students will go home online and learn more and more etc. until he is mentally sex crazed with vile material and becomes OCD on sex. Only some people that has happened too, which is just sad and terrible!

But Liberals fully support 100% the brainwashing and "explore your sexuality" rhetoric. They offer this Bolshevism in literally every college, these courses etc. We know many games, liberalSS play, f.e. "well, what's wrong, how would you know if you've never experienced this or that." Typical Poltically correct filthy Dreck, with those people, you simply can't reason, they are warped beyond reality from Liberalism, and let me tell you won't be rewarded when they die either, well they don't believe in anything "Sex" is their religion, so I guess they are going to a similar place with the muSSlims like Allah's 72 virgins ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 07:20:31 PM
Ericka, what attracted you to JTF?
Allen T and Judeanoncapta basically dared me to come here to ask Chaim some questions. Email after Email after Email after Email. If I'd known I'd be going into the lion's den, I would have stayed away. They made Chaim sound like a decent guy who would listen to your opinions even if he disagreed. Not so.
Erica  >:( How can you say that about Chaim?
You are here posting your opinions.  You have been here on and off for a long time.
I think that proves that Chaim is a decent guy.
Even when you attack him and JTF, like you just did, you are allowed to remain as a poster on the forum.
No one has shackled you here - if you don't like the lion's den find the exit.
I'm speaking of his radio response to my questions, bullcat. I didn't find his comments particularly nice.

Also, if I disagree with JTF's stances, I'm attacking him? Now, I remember attacking Chaim...calling him idiots and stupid for the racist comments he makes on his videos...I've since stopped that. Now I'm not allowed to disagree with him when it comes to the same issues? You may find it funny to hear that blacks are 'apes, baboons, and such' but I think it's mean and degrading when someone who is no better than anyone else says these things and it's okay. He's not a God. He's a man.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: JTFFan on March 02, 2008, 07:24:18 PM
Erica, I think it's great that your kids can come to you and speak with you about anything, and that you answer their questions in age-appropriate ways and give them information they need at the right times. That's good parenting.

I think one of the things conservatives worry about however is that a lot of these very left-wing programs tend to not be so age appropriate. For example, conservatives don't want little kids to be exposed to the concept of homosexuality, but the schools in some states are promoting stories about homosexuals to young children like "Heather has two mommies."

Some programs get a little too graphic at too early of an age. I think comprehensive sex ed is important, but conservative parents can't really trust the schools to be age appropriate in their curricula.

Oh, it's all perverse and disgusting :P :P :P :P

Even I and adults can't even hear about that perverse vile material. Unless you're very left-wing whacko that's ok and in the norm. LiberalSS don't even like using the word "normal" because "normal" to them has no boundries, so anything's possible and goes. That mentally breaks down the majority of people, except for some proud liberals that have no emotions and have accomplished nothing in their lifetimes, they are just washed up dreckkk, and complete destroying kids who are on a "righteous" path and try to demonize them with their filth and putrid.

Sex ed shouldn't be taught, only they should learn about G-d and conception, because next thing you know this "Sex Ed" has no boundaries and the teacher might teach them other stuff, and then the students will go home online and learn more and more etc. until he is mentally sex crazed with vile material and becomes OCD on sex. Only some people that has happened too, which is just sad and terrible!

But Liberals fully support 100% the brainwashing and "explore your sexuality" rhetoric. They offer this Bolshevism in literally every college, these courses etc. We know many games, liberalSS play, f.e. "well, what's wrong, how would you know if you've never experienced this or that." Typical Poltically correct filthy Dreck, with those people, you simply can't reason, they are warped beyond reality from Liberalism, and let me tell you won't be rewarded when they die either, well they don't believe in anything "Sex" is their religion, so I guess they are going to a similar place with the muSSlims like Allah's 72 virgins ;D ;D ;D

They are going where the muSSlims are, for all the pro-Fakistianian and pro-Sex propaganda they are supporting.

Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 07:31:35 PM
Erica, I think it's great that your kids can come to you and speak with you about anything, and that you answer their questions in age-appropriate ways and give them information they need at the right times. That's good parenting.

I think one of the things conservatives worry about however is that a lot of these very left-wing programs tend to not be so age appropriate. For example, conservatives don't want little kids to be exposed to the concept of homosexuality, but the schools in some states are promoting stories about homosexuals to young children like "Heather has two mommies."

Some programs get a little too graphic at too early of an age. I think comprehensive sex ed is important, but conservative parents can't really trust the schools to be age appropriate in their curricula.

Oh, it's all perverse and disgusting :P :P :P :P

Even I and adults can't even hear about that perverse vile material. Unless you're very left-wing whacko that's ok and in the norm. LiberalSS don't even like using the word "normal" because "normal" to them has no boundries, so anything's possible and goes. That mentally breaks down the majority of people, except for some proud liberals that have no emotions and have accomplished nothing in their lifetimes, they are just washed up dreckkk, and complete destroying kids who are on a "righteous" path and try to demonize them with their filth and putrid.

Sex ed shouldn't be taught, only they should learn about G-d and conception, because next thing you know this "Sex Ed" has no boundaries and the teacher might teach them other stuff, and then the students will go home online and learn more and more etc. until he is mentally sex crazed with vile material and becomes OCD on sex. Only some people that has happened too, which is just sad and terrible!

But Liberals fully support 100% the brainwashing and "explore your sexuality" rhetoric. They offer this Bolshevism in literally every college, these courses etc. We know many games, liberalSS play, f.e. "well, what's wrong, how would you know if you've never experienced this or that." Typical Poltically correct filthy Dreck, with those people, you simply can't reason, they are warped beyond reality from Liberalism, and let me tell you won't be rewarded when they die either, well they don't believe in anything "Sex" is their religion, so I guess they are going to a similar place with the muSSlims like Allah's 72 virgins ;D ;D ;D

They are going where the muSSlims are, for all the pro-Fakistianian and pro-Sex propaganda they are supporting.

Do you have children, JTFFan? What will you tell them if and when they ask you to explain sex to them? Will they get a beating or will you ignore the question and tell them to eat their broccoli?

This isn't about liberals doing anything...it's about protecting the children from strangers, knowing what good touch and bad touch is, teaching abstainance in middle school, perhaps showing films based around peer pressure and how not to fall victim to it, and so on... If you're afraid to talk about sex that means that you must think that sex is dirty. Sex isn't dirty. The word isn't dirty. However there are people who seek to make it a dirty act and our children need to be defended from that. When I tell my kids about it, I'm more graphic with my older kids because they're are too old for the "Barney" definition of sex. If I don't tell them, someone who doesn't have their best interests at heart will.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: nessuno on March 02, 2008, 07:38:19 PM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Yes - I do believe that school should be for ACADEMICS with PE/Health, art and music appreciation thrown in.  
I don't want anybody talking to my third grader about sex!!!
That is my job.  Does the school system speak for all parents?  NO!!! I don't agree with half the garbage those liberal wackos spew forth.
What crazy person doesn't talk to their child about Stranger Danger
before sending them off to school?

Erica - my point was not about our children.  It was about Barack Obama.  At 5 or 6 he was forming the foundations for his beliefs.  What he was exposed to at the age - determines who he is.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 02, 2008, 07:46:33 PM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Yes - I do believe that school should be for ACADEMICS with PE/Health, art and music appreciation thrown in.  
I don't want anybody talking to my third grader about sex!!!
That is my job.  Does the school system speak for all parents?  NO!!! I don't agree with half the garbage those liberal wackos spew forth.
What crazy person doesn't talk to their child about Stranger Danger
before sending them off to school?

Erica - my point was not about our children.  It was about Barack Obama.  At 5 or 6 he was forming the foundations for his beliefs.  What he was exposed to at the age - determines who he is.
Your belief is that he went to a school that gave little muslim boys a gun and said go forth and kill non muslims. He was 6-8 years of age .He's not an extremist and wasn't even a real Muslim because his heart wasn't into it, surely he wouldn't have attended Catholic School right after t hat.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: nessuno on March 02, 2008, 07:55:09 PM
Ericka, what attracted you to JTF?
Allen T and Judeanoncapta basically dared me to come here to ask Chaim some questions. Email after Email after Email after Email. If I'd known I'd be going into the lion's den, I would have stayed away. They made Chaim sound like a decent guy who would listen to your opinions even if he disagreed. Not so.
Erica  >:( How can you say that about Chaim?
You are here posting your opinions.  You have been here on and off for a long time.
I think that proves that Chaim is a decent guy.
Even when you attack him and JTF, like you just did, you are allowed to remain as a poster on the forum.
No one has shackled you here - if you don't like the lion's den find the exit.
I'm speaking of his radio response to my questions, bullcat. I didn't find his comments particularly nice.

Also, if I disagree with JTF's stances, I'm attacking him? Now, I remember attacking Chaim...calling him idiots and stupid for the racist comments he makes on his videos...I've since stopped that. Now I'm not allowed to disagree with him when it comes to the same issues? You may find it funny to hear that blacks are 'apes, baboons, and such' but I think it's mean and degrading when someone who is no better than anyone else says these things and it's okay. He's not a G-d. He's a man.
Someone is only decent if they agree with you?

No one here compares Chaim to God...except for you.
He is a decent man.
He answered your questions didn't he?
Erica - you decided to come to JTF - stop blaming other people for your being here.

Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: nessuno on March 02, 2008, 07:58:45 PM
Ericka is there anything you like about JTF
She loves us all  ::)  but JohnsonBrown the best  ^-^
sorry Erica...I couldn't help myself  ;)
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: JTFFan on March 02, 2008, 07:59:35 PM
Erica, I think it's great that your kids can come to you and speak with you about anything, and that you answer their questions in age-appropriate ways and give them information they need at the right times. That's good parenting.

I think one of the things conservatives worry about however is that a lot of these very left-wing programs tend to not be so age appropriate. For example, conservatives don't want little kids to be exposed to the concept of homosexuality, but the schools in some states are promoting stories about homosexuals to young children like "Heather has two mommies."

Some programs get a little too graphic at too early of an age. I think comprehensive sex ed is important, but conservative parents can't really trust the schools to be age appropriate in their curricula.

Oh, it's all perverse and disgusting :P :P :P :P

Even I and adults can't even hear about that perverse vile material. Unless you're very left-wing whacko that's ok and in the norm. LiberalSS don't even like using the word "normal" because "normal" to them has no boundries, so anything's possible and goes. That mentally breaks down the majority of people, except for some proud liberals that have no emotions and have accomplished nothing in their lifetimes, they are just washed up dreckkk, and complete destroying kids who are on a "righteous" path and try to demonize them with their filth and putrid.

Sex ed shouldn't be taught, only they should learn about G-d and conception, because next thing you know this "Sex Ed" has no boundaries and the teacher might teach them other stuff, and then the students will go home online and learn more and more etc. until he is mentally sex crazed with vile material and becomes OCD on sex. Only some people that has happened too, which is just sad and terrible!

But Liberals fully support 100% the brainwashing and "explore your sexuality" rhetoric. They offer this Bolshevism in literally every college, these courses etc. We know many games, liberalSS play, f.e. "well, what's wrong, how would you know if you've never experienced this or that." Typical Poltically correct filthy Dreck, with those people, you simply can't reason, they are warped beyond reality from Liberalism, and let me tell you won't be rewarded when they die either, well they don't believe in anything "Sex" is their religion, so I guess they are going to a similar place with the muSSlims like Allah's 72 virgins ;D ;D ;D

They are going where the muSSlims are, for all the pro-Fakistianian and pro-Sex propaganda they are supporting.

Do you have children, JTFFan? What will you tell them if and when they ask you to explain sex to them? Will they get a beating or will you ignore the question and tell them to eat their broccoli?

This isn't about liberals doing anything...it's about protecting the children from strangers, knowing what good touch and bad touch is, teaching abstainance in middle school, perhaps showing films based around peer pressure and how not to fall victim to it, and so on... If you're afraid to talk about sex that means that you must think that sex is dirty. Sex isn't dirty. The word isn't dirty. However there are people who seek to make it a dirty act and our children need to be defended from that. When I tell my kids about it, I'm more graphic with my older kids because they're are too old for the "Barney" definition of sex. If I don't tell them, someone who doesn't have their best interests at heart will.

I'll ignore the question or tell them to read the Bible. It's about liberals controlling and doing everything. Abstinence will be strictly taught with my children anyways. Sex is used for G-d's beautiful gift in the world that is children, it is used to reproduce within a marriage, as well as enhance the marriage.

I'm not afraid to talk about Sex, I just believe in the biblical righteous moral way of taking about sex and experiencing biblical pleasure in a marriage the traditional way, and having children, the righteous way things should be done. Not Crazy looney BolsheviKKK Dominatrix, Fetischism, etc. etc. this leads people to a "crazed" tendency, that they want to keep getting more and more and more etc. and keep acting out perverted fantasies, endlessly with no halt, and can't get "real" righteous work done,  additionally they are drained, emotionally estranged, but are they then satisfied at what they did from a year from that? I think not. These Liberal Sex addicts are never satisfied and never appreciate morality or family and righteousness.

I believe in the "Biblical" definition of sex should be used, instead of the "Barney" and "Neo-Radical-Extreme-Pornographic" definition.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: nessuno on March 02, 2008, 08:00:09 PM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Yes - I do believe that school should be for ACADEMICS with PE/Health, art and music appreciation thrown in.  
I don't want anybody talking to my third grader about sex!!!
That is my job.  Does the school system speak for all parents?  NO!!! I don't agree with half the garbage those liberal wackos spew forth.
What crazy person doesn't talk to their child about Stranger Danger
before sending them off to school?

Erica - my point was not about our children.  It was about Barack Obama.  At 5 or 6 he was forming the foundations for his beliefs.  What he was exposed to at the age - determines who he is.
Your belief is that he went to a school that gave little muslim boys a gun and said go forth and kill non muslims. He was 6-8 years of age .He's not an extremist and wasn't even a real Muslim because his heart wasn't into it, surely he wouldn't have attended Catholic School right after t hat.
How do you know his heart wasn't in it?
How do you know what was taught at that Muslim school?
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on March 02, 2008, 09:06:26 PM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Yes - I do believe that school should be for ACADEMICS with PE/Health, art and music appreciation thrown in.  
I don't want anybody talking to my third grader about sex!!!
That is my job.  Does the school system speak for all parents?  NO!!! I don't agree with half the garbage those liberal wackos spew forth.
What crazy person doesn't talk to their child about Stranger Danger
before sending them off to school?

Erica - my point was not about our children.  It was about Barack Obama.  At 5 or 6 he was forming the foundations for his beliefs.  What he was exposed to at the age - determines who he is.
Your belief is that he went to a school that gave little muslim boys a gun and said go forth and kill non muslims. He was 6-8 years of age .He's not an extremist and wasn't even a real Muslim because his heart wasn't into it, surely he wouldn't have attended Catholic School right after t hat.

Actually Erica, according to former Muslims who attend these schools in the middle east, they teach these children at a very young age to disparage those students learning the 'christianity session' and not to associate with them or ever make friends with them (ie the sura telling Muslims not to take a Jew or Christian for a friend).  There was recently a piece in Jpost by a man who was recruited once into a terror network, but he told about his experiences as a child in Egyptian schools like the one Obama attended in indonesia, and I believe Brigette Gabriel has also spoken about this subject.  Just face it.  You want Obama to be a savior and everything and to be a positive reflection of the black community, but the bottom line is he isn't, and he's dangerous.  The sooner educated black people like you admit this, the better.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 03, 2008, 03:46:25 AM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Yes - I do believe that school should be for ACADEMICS with PE/Health, art and music appreciation thrown in.  
I don't want anybody talking to my third grader about sex!!!
That is my job.  Does the school system speak for all parents?  NO!!! I don't agree with half the garbage those liberal wackos spew forth.
What crazy person doesn't talk to their child about Stranger Danger
before sending them off to school?

Erica - my point was not about our children.  It was about Barack Obama.  At 5 or 6 he was forming the foundations for his beliefs.  What he was exposed to at the age - determines who he is.
Your belief is that he went to a school that gave little muslim boys a gun and said go forth and kill non muslims. He was 6-8 years of age .He's not an extremist and wasn't even a real Muslim because his heart wasn't into it, surely he wouldn't have attended Catholic School right after t hat.
How do you know his heart wasn't in it?
How do you know what was taught at that Muslim school?
First of all, it was in a document posted here that he played around in the mosque and didn't take anything seriously AS A CHILD. If he was a teenager, he may have grown to understood the importance of learning about being Muslim but he didn't stay in the school for more than 2 years..as a YOUNG child.
Title: Re: My retraction: "Basuki is not a school" Obama's school in Indonesia
Post by: Just Erica on March 03, 2008, 03:49:05 AM
What happened to schools teaching ACADEMICS?
I don't send my child to school to receive 'parenting'.

Children retain a lot of information at 5 or 6 years old - Erica.  At that age they are forming the foundation for the rest of their lives.  ;)
Who's saying that Academics is taken out of school, bullcat? You think school should be for one reason and one reason only, academics. In fact, there are health classes worked into the daily schedules in schools all across the U.S.

As for your second comment, this is why I don't frown upon kids learning about sex at 5 years of age or earlier. WHether at home or in school. If their parents don't teach them because they're afraid of the "s" word, then the children will learn in some other way. Good touch and bad touch should be taught to 5 year olds, along with stranger danger which works in safety and speaks about sex on a level that is easy enough for them to understand.
Yes - I do believe that school should be for ACADEMICS with PE/Health, art and music appreciation thrown in.  
I don't want anybody talking to my third grader about sex!!!
That is my job.  Does the school system speak for all parents?  NO!!! I don't agree with half the garbage those liberal wackos spew forth.
What crazy person doesn't talk to their child about Stranger Danger
before sending them off to school?

Erica - my point was not about our children.  It was about Barack Obama.  At 5 or 6 he was forming the foundations for his beliefs.  What he was exposed to at the age - determines who he is.
Your belief is that he went to a school that gave little muslim boys a gun and said go forth and kill non muslims. He was 6-8 years of age .He's not an extremist and wasn't even a real Muslim because his heart wasn't into it, surely he wouldn't have attended Catholic School right after t hat.

Actually Erica, according to former Muslims who attend these schools in the middle east, they teach these children at a very young age to disparage those students learning the 'christianity session' and not to associate with them or ever make friends with them (ie the sura telling Muslims not to take a Jew or Christian for a friend).  There was recently a piece in Jpost by a man who was recruited once into a terror network, but he told about his experiences as a child in Egyptian schools like the one Obama attended in indonesia, and I believe Brigette Gabriel has also spoken about this subject.  Just face it.  You want Obama to be a savior and everything and to be a positive reflection of the black community, but the bottom line is he isn't, and he's dangerous.  The sooner educated black people like you admit this, the better.

What's dangerous is the thought that someone is dangerous because of his name, because of where his father was born and based on 2 years at a Basuki school where every religion was welcome to participate. If you want to believe he's dangerous, do that. I can't stop you from being paranoid...looking over your shoulder trying to see what ONE MAN is going to do to you personally.