Israel => Save Israel => Topic started by: TorahZionist on March 06, 2008, 02:05:57 PM

Title: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: TorahZionist on March 06, 2008, 02:05:57 PM

Shooting Attack in Jerusalem Yeshiva

(IsraelNN.com) Security forces reported an apparent terrorist attack on Thursday night.  The attack took place in the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in central Jerusalem.

A caller to emergency services reported that several people had been wounded in the attack. 
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 06, 2008, 02:20:07 PM
why weren't they armed to defend themselves...? what is wrong with us...? sheep to the slaughter once again... every yeshiva everywhere in the world better learn from this to be prepared to fight... this is the next phase in the worldwide slime's terrorist war using the filthy arabs to do their dirty work for them... now they are allowing these animals free access to torah jews "inside israel proper" to go along with those in france and britain... or haven't any of you been paying attention...? can't you see the proverbial writing on the wall yet...? they will mow us down at will now unless we act to defend ourselves... WAKE UP JEWS... WAKE UP!!! we must wrest eretz yisroel from the clutches of the erev rav so that we can deploy the idf to defend jewish lives all over the land and all around the world... we need a coup now!!! question: who will bring us a coup...? answer: all of us can if we hit the streets together enmasse... this is what it will take... political courage and iron will to resist and to defy the slime... for G-d's sake... no for our sake... come on... now is the time...NOW!!! nik. in disgust and rage... out...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: mord on March 06, 2008, 02:28:54 PM
So far the diseased rats have killed 6 students possibly, 1 rabid rat killed
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on March 06, 2008, 02:48:26 PM

Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 killed by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
By Israel Insider staff  March 6, 2008

Terrorists infiltrated the renowned Mercaz Harav seminary and opened fire on students there. At least 8 Israeli Jews were killed and 35 wounded, at least 15 seriously or critically. Two terrorists were killed, one of whom wore an explosively belt that was not detonated.

The terrorists managed to infiltrate into the gated seminary at the entrance to Jerusalem, then opened fire in the study hall where dozens if not more seminary students were learning.

A special forces unit stormed the building and encountered gunfire but eventually overcame and killed the terrorists.

Soldiers in combat gear appeared in the streets of the capital, seeking out a possible third terrorist or the driver who brought the two terrorists to the yeshiva.

The streets of the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood are filled with ambulances and security forces. Sappers are still trying to neutralize the bomb belt that was strapped on one of the terrorists.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: White Israelite on March 06, 2008, 02:58:47 PM
Israel has very strict gun laws for civilians.

This is why Jews MUST be armed.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Dr. Dan on March 06, 2008, 03:05:53 PM
http://apnews.excite.com/article/20080306/D8V84G400.html :( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ulli on March 06, 2008, 03:08:45 PM
http://apnews.excite.com/article/20080306/D8V84G400.html :( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: dhimmi_pride on March 06, 2008, 03:09:28 PM
CNN just played the sounds of people in gaza shooting off guns and fireworks to celebrate it sounded like new years....what complete scum.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Dr. Dan on March 06, 2008, 03:11:06 PM
we should learn from them...like going into their "seminaries" in every part of Israel and kill every single Muslim studying the Koran!  Except this time we'll be doing good for the world.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on March 06, 2008, 03:17:26 PM
If you are a citizen of Israel guns are very easy to obtain
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: White Israelite on March 06, 2008, 03:19:57 PM
If you are a citizen of Israel guns are very easy to obtain

Not true at all, Israel has some of the most strict gun laws in the world. You have to have a "valid" reason for needing a gun and show a need for it. Also depends on what your occupation is.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on March 06, 2008, 03:26:32 PM
Ymach Shemam to all the Arab terrorists and those who support them. Sheitamu Oivenu VeSoneinu vechol mebakshei raateinu.
Each time the wicked come to Israel to speak about "peace", we see this hell!!!!
Execute terrorists, not speak to them!!!!!!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Jasmina on March 06, 2008, 03:35:37 PM
  I just got the email on facebook with the same article!  :'(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: kahaneloyalist on March 06, 2008, 03:41:00 PM
The Arabs are truly a cancer in our midst, the Jews on the forum shold learn some Torah in the memory of these Tzadikim may Hashem avenge their blood :'(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: kahaneloyalist on March 06, 2008, 03:53:56 PM
Remember this is a public forum
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on March 06, 2008, 04:00:59 PM
Remember this is a public forum

What's the problem? Someone can speak about killing just because of pain and rage. When there's a crime like murder here, most victim's relatives speak about killing the murderer on TV. And noone has ever done so. On the other hand, Arabs do kill in reality, and nobody condemns them. UN just calls for "peace"!!!! When will this nightmare be over????????????????
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: White Israelite on March 06, 2008, 04:07:50 PM
even the stupid American media doesn't cover so much of the attack, they barely talk about it

Its all over CNN.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: AussieJTFer on March 06, 2008, 04:19:32 PM
Every single arab should be rounded up and killed. The arabs are a gutter nation that needs to be wiped out.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ehud on March 06, 2008, 04:26:51 PM
The sad thing is that these types of attacks aren't really preventable.  That's what happens when Nazis live next door to you.  THEY MUST GO!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: kahaneloyalist on March 06, 2008, 04:52:57 PM
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,335730,00.html (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,335730,00.html) This is the report from the supposed Right Wing ::) Fox News. It reads like a PLO press release
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: OdKahaneChai on March 06, 2008, 05:33:37 PM
Boruch Dayan Hoemes.

Hashem Yikom Damam!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: jdl4ever on March 06, 2008, 05:43:03 PM
Torah or doing Mitzvot doesn't necessarily protect you from harm in this world.  That's why every Jew in Israel must be armed.  As revenge, we should throw all the Arabs out.   
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: george_jtf on March 06, 2008, 06:01:14 PM
My sympathy to those who have lost members of their family in this islamofascist attack. Maybe it is just me, but for the last 5 years (since iraq war), I am noticing that the media is turning completely pro-islam and completely anti-judeochristian.....and just like someone has said before, what does it take for an israeli civilian to get a gun to protect himself/herself from these "multiply-like-rats" muslims? Perhaps when Israel is on the verge of collapse (god forbid)? Something has to be done before that happens not only in Israel, but also in other conflicts where muslims are involved, which is about 90% of the world conflicts? gee, what a surprise!

ps. Support Michael Savage, who is fighting against CAIR/Al-Qaeda/Islamofascism!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: yaaqov on March 06, 2008, 06:03:32 PM
Rosh Hodesh of the Thirteenth Month 5768

Terrorist Attack At Merkaz HaRav Yeshivah (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/terror-attack-at-merkaz-harav-yeshivah.html)

Reports are still coming in about the terrorist attack at the Merkaz HaRav Yeshivah in the Qiriyath Moshe neighbor of Jerusalem. The yeshivah is not far from the entrance to the city and to the central bus station.

You can read the reports from Comic X and Tomer Devorah, and get additional commentary from Debbie Schussel and Tel-Chai Nation.

I will just emphasize the words of the hero Yitzchak Dadon who killed the terrorist, and undoubtedly saved many lives in the porcess:

Asked by a Channel 2 TV reporter what weapon the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Authority terrorist had, Dadon said, "A Kalachnikov," and turning to the camera, he angrily added, "The Kalachnikov that you gave him, President Peres..."

Of course, the leftist Ynet News did not even mention the name of the famous yeshivah until several paragraphs into the report, referring to it only as a "seminary in the Qiriyath Moshe neighborhood." Utterly disgraceful. It also left out Yitzchak Dadon's comment about Shimon Peres's complicity in the attack. Surprised?

Returning home to the Shomron by tremp (hitching) I had to battle with a very crowded trempiada. It is Rosh Hodesh, so the trempiada was filled with people returning home after the the monthly Sivuv Sha'arim, in and around the Old City.

On the way back (north), there were soldiers, jeeps and/or make-shift check points at Ofra, inside Wadi Kharamia, Ma'aleh Levona Junction South, and the Eli gas station. Those were in addition to the wait to leave the city at the Hizma check point.

I just checked in with a friend outside of Merkaz HaRav. He reports there are a t least a couple hundred people outside protesting. Our connection was poor, but I could make out that there was loud chanting and yelling.

Without any intention of getting into conspiracy theories, I will say that the terrorist's choice of venue is significant. Merkaz HaRav Yeshivah is not only the world capital of Religious Zionism, it is a very important symbol. When Ynet News said that the Yeshivah was identified with the settler leadership, they only got it half-right. Plenty of criticism of the YeSh"A Council (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/search/label/YeSh%22A%20Council) (the self-appointed "official" settler leadership) issued out of Merkaz HaRav. The "settler leadership" with with which Merkav HaRav identifies is the Holy One Blessed Be He and His Torah. Merkaz HaRav students were involved with protesting against the 2005 expulsion from Azza from the start, even leaving shi'urim (classes), in order to block roads, against the better judgment of the YeSh"A Council.

Their Rosh Yeshivah at the time, the great Rav HaGaon Avraham Shapira ztz"l supported soldiers refusing orders which violated Torah prohibitions. After Rav Shapira was chosen over Rav Tau to be Rosh Yeshivah, he gradually led Merkaz HaRav away from blind loyalty to the, more often than not, treif Israeli government, getting his students priorities back in order.

Rav Shapira publicly ripped up writings of the popular, "settler leader" Shlomo Aviner (http://shlomo-aviner.blogspot.com) which proclaimed that soldiers should not refuse orders to expel Jews from their homes.

Several questions remain about the attack. One might ask, "With the hundreds of Jews in the Old City, why didn't they attack there?" (God forbid!) Did they avoid the higher than usual security there in favor of a softer target?

Why wasn't another yeshivah hit? (God forbid!)

We may never know. Anyway you slice it, someone is trying to break us, and no one is going to protect us sufficiently. We must pray, and take the action to protect ourselves.

We will not be broken.

May the blood of those killed tonight be avenged!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: FULL METAL JACKET on March 06, 2008, 06:04:13 PM
Damn bastards. May they burn in hell.

R.I.P. to all the victims. May they be avenged.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: FULL METAL JACKET on March 06, 2008, 06:31:21 PM
Some people are speculating this might be Hezbollah's revenge for Mugniyah. But it looks like something out of Hamas to me.

The gunman was shot twice in the head by a yeshiva student, the guy is a hero. He saved countless number of lives against that Arab beast.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: White Israelite on March 06, 2008, 06:43:39 PM
These are pictures from today, see my signature and understand that these people were victims who weren't allowed to arm themselves because of the state of Israels laws preventing Jews from protecting themselves.


Palestinians celebrate in the streets of Gaza City after a shooting in Jerusalem, Israel, 06 February 2008. At least eight Israelis were killed and 35 more injured in the attack











Israeli police deployed inside the 'yeshiva,' or Jewish seminary, in Jerusalem on 06 March 2008 after two Palestinians dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshiva students entered and shot and killed at least eight Jewish students, wounding another 15, according to Israeli police. The two Palestinians were killed and one was wearing a suicide bomber's belt, which did not explode


Israeli police detain a suspect as he is led down stairs with a sweatshirt pulled over his head inside the 'yeshiva,' or Jewish seminary, in Jerusalem on 06 March 2008 after two Palestinians dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshiva students entered and shot and killed at least eight Jewish students, wounding another 15, according to Israeli police. The two Palestinians were killed and one was wearing a suicide bomber's belt, which did not explode



Israeli medics rush a seriously wounded young Israeli to an ambulance outside The Wohl Torah Center, a 'yeshiva,' or Jewish seminary, in Jerusalem on 06 March 2008 after two Palestinians dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshiva students entered and shot and killed at least eight Jewish students, wounding another 15, according to Israeli police. The two Palestinians were killed and one was wearing a suicide bomber's belt, which did not explode





A handout photograph supplied by the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO) showsIsraeli medics hold up a prayer shawl soaked in blood that has a bullet hole as they clean up inside the 'yeshiva,' or Jewish seminary, in Jerusalem on 06 March 2008 after two Palestinians dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshiva students entered and shot and killed at least eight Jewish students and wounded at least another 15. The two Palestinians were killed


A handout photograph supplied by the Israeli Government Press Office (GPO) shows bullet holes and blood stains inside and what appears to be the body of one of the two Palestinian gunmen inside the 'yeshiva,' or Jewish seminary, in Jerusalem on 06 March 2008 after two Palestinians dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshiva students entered and shot and killed at least eight Jewish students and wounded at least another 15. The two Palestinians were killed


An armed Israeli policeman gestures to another security personnel outside one of the entrances to the 'yeshiva,' or Jewish seminary, in Jerusalem on 06 March 2008 after two Palestinians dressed as ultra-Orthodox Jewish yeshiva students entered and shot and killed at least eight Jewish students and wounded at least another 15. The two Palestinians were killed

Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Trumpeldor on March 06, 2008, 06:58:34 PM
Yitzhak Rabin, yimach shmo vezichro, who during the Oslo surrender agreements rationalized this type of murder as 'Korbanot l'shalom' [sacrifices for the sake of peace], is just as guilty as the Arab Muslim beast who did this.

It is time for Israelis of all political and religious persuasions to unite and cleanse the current dictatorial regime of Jewish traitors.

Otherwise, Israel is finished.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on March 06, 2008, 07:13:00 PM
Please say Tehillim for the victims. One of the victims who is undergoing surgery now is Yehonasan ben Avital.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: shimon on March 06, 2008, 07:25:02 PM
i cried when i found out about this.
pray refuah shlemah for those wounded in the attack.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: mord on March 06, 2008, 07:31:16 PM
The diseased rodents who did this might belong to rodents who reside in Israel                http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3516025,00.html
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on March 06, 2008, 07:32:03 PM
Some people are speculating this might be Hezbollah's revenge for Mugniyah. But it looks like something out of Hamas to me.

Yes I agree Hez-ball-less I doubt would of done this. They need hunting down, without a doubt.  >:(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: cjd on March 06, 2008, 07:35:14 PM
How many more situations like this will it take before Israel does as needed and becomes really aggressive with filthy animals like this. This garbage is not going to stop unless Israel teaches animals that do attacks like this that the payback will be severe. A thousand of their meaningless lives for every innocent life taken should be the response. Israel is dying a death of a thousand cuts because of its governments failure  to respond to this sort of thing aggressively. Every time an attack like this takes place Israel should remove the Arab occupiers from a section of occupied land and state that that the taken land will never be returned. With each new attack the amount of land taken should be greater than the time before. This is the only way anything will ever be accomplished. May the poor people  killed today rest in peace and all the injured make a full recovery. The evil animal that did this should burn in hell.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: serbian army on March 06, 2008, 07:37:11 PM
we should avenge them >:(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Manch on March 06, 2008, 08:03:55 PM
Jews are to blame for this attack! No normal people would allow to have murderous scum in their midst!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 06, 2008, 08:14:25 PM
i wrote the following nearly 4 years ago when they slaughtered tali hatuel and her four little baby girls... it applies now yet again with the news of today... it's just a crying shame that we cannot implement this concept and carry out what is certainly the torah's requirement of us to do... our duty to our fallen brothers and sisters to avenge their innocently spilt blood... all because of our timidity and fear of the gentiles... so when moshiach comes i yearn to be in the front of the line to be a footsoldier in his army taking vengeance upon all of our enemies throughout history... Hashem yenakim damim... nik. in great sadness and righteous indignation... out...

i want their blood...

there is no forgetting and there can never be any forgiving...
i want their blood... i want all of it so bad i can taste it!
i am sick to death of the vile arab atrocities against our people... especially against our women and children... i say let them have eretz yisroel.... all of it... that is... all of it that is six-feet under!
genocide now! is my rallying cry and i say expulsion, transfer, havdalah or population exchange is too good for them... i want revenge! i want justice! i demand satisfaction... and i hold Hashem to His promise for "nikmat dam avadecha hashafuch" (hazinu)... (deuteronomy:32:39-43):
"see, now, that I am He -- and no god is with Me. I put to death and I bring life, I struck down and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand.
for I shall raise My hand to heaven and say, 'as I live forever, if I sharpen My flashing sword and My hand grasps judgement, I shall return vengeance upon My enemies and upon those who hate Me shall i bring retribution...
I shall intoxicate My arrows with blood and my sword shall devour flesh, because of the blood of corpse and captive (among the jewish people at their instigation)... because of the earliest depredations of the enemy...'  
(note: as stated everywhere in the words of the prophets of yisroel...all those who are to be considered G-d's enemies or those who hate Him... are all those who, in every generation, demonstrate hatred toward His people -- israel and seek their destruction...)
o nations -- sing the praises of His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants; He will bring retribution upon His foes, and He will appease His land and His people..."
just like the leaving of mitzrayim would have been incomplete without Hashem's fulfilling His promise to avraham avinu of great wealth being afforded our forebearers for their troubles, sufferings and agony... just like that geulah would not have been sufficent... so too by us... the advent of the coming of moshiach without the prior meting out of full and deservant retribution to the whole entire world for every single drop of jewish blood shed in history by them will not be acceptable nor will it be just...
just like by sodom when avrahm told Hashem... (genesis:18:23-25):
"avraham came forward and said, 'will You also stamp out the righteous along with the wicked? what if there be fifty righteous people in the midst of the city? would You still stamp it out rather than spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people within it?
it would be sacrilege to You to do such a thing, to bring death upon the righteous along with the wicked; so the righteous will be like the wicked. it would be sacrilege to You!
shall the Judge of all the earth not do justice?"  
 in other words... chalillah (perish the thought) that the Judge of the entire earth should not do mishpat by slaying the righteous along with the wicked... and hence, so too the polar opposite is true for us today... and i say boldly and clearly; openly and loudly...
perish the thought that the Redeemer of k'lal yisroel should rescue us and allow, at the same time, to survive the evil torturors of our people... or to permit their descendants to  continue to walk among us... we who are His holy, weary and long-suffering people israel!!! chalillah v'chas!!!! amen selah!!!!
nikmatdam in response to the wanton murder of a jewish mother and her four children and her unborn fetus shot through her stomach in true-nazi fashion....
there can be but one explanation and only one... for a world who even now still clamours and continues to push for jews to live as neighbors along side and with such wild, blood-thirsty beasts...
and that reason is of course... that the world is thoroughly anti-semitic and its jew-hatred knows no bounds as they persist in their drive to seize our land from us and make us extinct...
"vehi sheamdah, laavotainu velanu.. shelo echad bilvad omdim alenu lechalosainu....eleh shebechol dor v'dor omdim alenu lechalosainu... ve Hakodesh Boruch Hu... matzelenu miyadam..."      
"and this (truth or fact) has stood for us... that not just one (nation or power) alone has arisen to attempt to wipe us out.... but rather in every generation they have all come against us endeavoring to destroy us... however, (each and every time and for all-time) the Holy One, Blessed is He, has rescued us from their hands..." (excerpt from the pesach haggadah ~ the pasover seder manual)...
but one further point has become clear with the vile murder of the woman and her children.... we see clearly how anxious the arab enemy is to slaughter even the very young among us every chance they get... and they have no mercy or remorse...
so obviously what i wrote in connect the dots about the death of binyamin kahane has to be true... his kids in the back seat of the car were all spared.... we see that this is not the arab, nazi-terrorist's way.... their's is to kill all with glee... so if the kahane children survived that attack upon their car it is only because it was a "hit" called for and carried out by the cabal in the israeli government and either the shooters were erev-rav jews disgiused as arab terrorists or they were arabs under strict orders...
this has become so utterly clear to me now and is yet further proof of the danger we face both here and by you... b'aretz....
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Dr. Dan on March 06, 2008, 08:29:32 PM
Some people are speculating this might be Hezbollah's revenge for Mugniyah. But it looks like something out of Hamas to me.

The gunman was shot twice in the head by a yeshiva student, the guy is a hero. He saved countless number of lives against that Arab beast.

Does it matter who it's from?  If Israelis die everybody says, "aww, poor Jews."  and if an Israeli defends herself, it's, "you mean racist!"

Hezballah, Hamas, Same animal, different stripes..Don't care..I hope they all die..I hope civilians also get their due punishment because they are rodefim too.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Dan on March 06, 2008, 08:32:19 PM
This a terrible turn of events...  >:(
       That's why More Than Ever JTF and Kahanist Jews in Israel MUST Become a Mass Movement!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on March 06, 2008, 08:50:08 PM
Please no more gruesome photos.  I am outraged at this with tears in my eyes.  Our brothers have been ruthlessly murdered. 

And they went in dressed as Jews?  And the gazans cheer.  There is no end to their depravity.  We must send them to he//
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: FULL METAL JACKET on March 06, 2008, 09:22:15 PM
What makes it worse is that these students were the future of Israel. Good observant Torah Jews if there ever was one. What a tragedy. Horrible day.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on March 06, 2008, 09:27:13 PM
What makes it worse is that these students were the future of Israel. Good observant Torah Jews if there ever was one. What a tragedy. Horrible day.

Sometimes G-d takes the very rightious from the Jews, instead of hundreds or thousands of having to die (G-d forbid).
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Tina Greco - Melbourne on March 06, 2008, 09:27:31 PM
This a terrible turn of events...  >:(
       That's why More Than Ever JTF and Kahanist Jews in Israel MUST Become a Mass Movement!

Yes  O0
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: serbian army on March 06, 2008, 10:06:40 PM
Jewish brothers and sisters at this hard times we are with you O0

This is what they do to us on our holy land :'( :'(


Dimitrije Popovic, a Serb teenager killed by Kosovo Albanian extremists
in a hamburger shop in Gracanica, June 5, 2004

God bless the souls of innocent Jews and Serbs.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: OdKahaneChai on March 06, 2008, 11:00:22 PM
The only question is how many more Tzaddikim have to die before Moshiach comes...  :'(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ehud on March 06, 2008, 11:41:02 PM
My French-Israeli cousin studies in a Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, I am praying for him until I find out that he's OK.  May the blood of these righteous Jews be avenged and let the arab beasts who supported the murderer face G-d's justice.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: DownwithIslam on March 07, 2008, 12:08:40 AM
Well, all I can say is that with traitorous regimes that provide all the benefits in the world to Islam, it's a miracle these things don't happen more often. All the kike dictators of Israel are doing now is watching soccer games. I heard a story that when some big terorrist attack happened some time ago, Smolmert couldn't be interrupted because he was watching manchester united soccer. This tragedy in the yeshiva is all the more proof that we need to get chaim in charge of things as soon as possible. Anytime innocent jews are killed, I am saddened. I hope shas finally pulls out of the govt so maybe we could get people in there who would actually prevent these attacks and start killing towelheads.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Sergio 11 on March 07, 2008, 12:46:32 AM
for every action theres a reaction from the extreme right wingers.. especially amongst the religious staunch jews
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Daniel Ben Hanania on March 07, 2008, 01:28:53 AM
SORRY ............
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ultra Requete on March 07, 2008, 01:41:29 AM
JERUSALEM —  Hamas militants cheered over the deadly shooting at a Jewish religious academy in Jerusalem as thousands of Palestinians took to the streets of Gaza to celebrate Thursday amid recent armed conflicts in the Hamas-controlled strip.

What the wasted ocasion to bomb those A-rab muslime animals to their pedo prophet in hell. The're cannot be peace with them they're uterly satanic >:( .May the souls of the victims rest in the peace of Lord :'(. 
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: kahaneloyalist on March 07, 2008, 03:55:02 AM
Just found out I knew 2 of the murdered Jews :'(, all I can say is the Arabs and their supporters are filth that needs to be cleansed from our land.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: dgw16 on March 07, 2008, 04:10:38 AM
All I can say is that Kahane was right. I don't see how Israel can go on like this. I'm so upset I can't sleep.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 07, 2008, 05:07:03 AM
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 07, 2008, 05:19:50 AM
Re:  "...filth that needs to be cleansed from our land..."


Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: yaaqov on March 07, 2008, 05:55:53 AM

They Were High School Students! (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/they-were-high-school-students.html)

Rosh Hodesh of the Thirteenth Month 5768

I already wrote about the terrorist attack on Merkaz HaRav (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/terror-attack-at-merkaz-harav-yeshivah.html). Now that I have seen the list of victims, I'm too upset to write much more about this, so I'm doing a hand off to Batya at "Shiloh Musings." Please click "Another Grave to be Filled." (http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2008/03/another-grave-to-be-filled.html) Then click her main page (http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com), and scroll down through her coverage.

Yonatan Eldar HY"D of Shilo (http://www.yesha.co.il/shilo/), and only 16, a junior in high school, was one those martyrs killed.

He lived next door to the Yerushalmi family, whose son Shmu'el Efraim HY"D survived the attack on another yeshiva high school, "Hitzim," six years ago, only to be killed himself a month later at the Givat Tzarfatit (French Hill) bombing, where I was the last one to see him.

I can't get Yonatan's face out of my mine: blond hair, glasses. He was only a student of mine for a short while, four years ago. He was only in the sixth grade, yet the principal and all of the teachers had to call upon him to install and operate software, or even fix their computers. He was that bright.

I just sat next to him in a tremp the other day. He was telling me that was studying at Yeshivah leTze'irim Yerushalayim [Yashla"tz], the Merkav HaRav associated High School, and most prestigious Religious Zionist yeshivah high school in the world.

I will miss you, Yonatan. May your blood be avenged!

When I go to visit your family, no doubt I will see more of my former students. It is a common custom for the martyr's classmates to sit with the family much of the time, and stay in close by in the same town. They are after all like brothers.

Lately, I have bumped into many former students who are now serving in the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF]. I say to them "HaShem Yishmor Otcha" (May G-d watch over you).

From now on, I will have to remember to say this to every one I meet, even he's only on the way to school.

I don't know what else to say.

From Israel National News (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/125491), The Jewish martyrs are:

    Doron Mehereta, 26, of Ashdod
    Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld, 19, of Kochav HaShachar (a community in the Binyamin region of Samaria)
    Ro'i Rote, 18, of Elkanah (a community in Samaria)
    Yochai Lipshitz, 18, of the Old City of Jerusalem
    Yonatan Yitzchak Eldar, 16, of Shilo (a community in Samaria)
    Neriah Cohen, 15, of Jerusalem
    Segev Pniel Avichayil, 15, of N'vei Daniel in Gush Etzion
    Avraham David Moses, 16, of Efrat, Gush Etzion

    Doron, Yonadav and Ro'i were students in Merkaz HaRav; the others were students in the LeTze'irim Yeshiva High School of Merkaz HaRav in the adjacent building.

    Seven of the ten wounded students remain hospitalized. The public is asked to pray for the recovery of: Naftali ben [son of] Gila from Sderot, Yonatan ben Avital, Shimon ben Tirza, Nadav ben Hadas, Reuven ben Naomi and Elchanan ben Zehava.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: serbian army on March 07, 2008, 06:25:24 AM
His Grandfather was a nazi >:(

Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: yaaqov on March 07, 2008, 06:53:30 AM
He May Have Worked There?! (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/he-may-have-worked-there.html)

Alef d'Rosh Hodesh of the Thirteenth Month 5768

Both Israel National News (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/Flash.aspx/142888) and the Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1204546426120&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull) (still officially the Paslestine Post) are reporting that the Arab terrorist who killed eight Jewish students last may even have been a driver for the yeshivah.

I have great respect for the Merkaz HaHav yeshiva, for the late Rav HaGaon Avraham Shapira ztz"l and for his son and successor Rav Ya'aqov Shapira.

There is no question that it was a mamlakhti (state loyalist) who was involved with this driver's hiring, if he indeed was a driver for the yeshiva.

Idiotic mamlakhtim include the super idiot "Rabbi" Yuval Cherlow Head of the Petah Tiqwah Hesder Yeshivah who has equated Avodah Ivrith (Jewish Only Labor) with Nazism (http://www.kumah.org/2007/10/avoda-ivrit-roundup.html).

This is what we are up against: Not the Arabs, not the leftists, but the misguided, assimilationist, "religious" Jews, who continue to confuse Israeli Law with Halacha,...among other things.

The Cafe Rimon attempted poisoning was done by Arab employees. The Hebrew University bombing of 5762 (2002) was perpetrated by an Arab employee.

When will we learn!

HaShem! Please save us from ourselves!
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MarZutra on March 07, 2008, 08:14:11 AM
Ah, Jews are expendable especially to Olmert and the Kadimah party....probably most parties.  One MK stood up in the Knesset and spoke directly to the Arab MK members and told them that a time will come when they will be expelled from the Knesset and from the land of Israel.  G-d willing SOON...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: syyuge on March 07, 2008, 08:45:13 AM
Why not Gaza shall be overrun?  :o  >:(
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MasterWolf1 on March 07, 2008, 09:02:15 AM
Is this what they ment about "Peace" talks??? Anytime there is "Peace" talks there is so much blood shed.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ultra Requete on March 07, 2008, 09:50:59 AM
The terrorist is indeed the holder of the blue security card although no Israeli citisen:

Family of terrorist: Everyone in Jabel Mukaber is proud (And I'm not even shocked, this the moon's god comandment to kill infidels especialy Jews,).

Associated Press , THE JERUSALEM POST  Mar. 7, 2008


Alaa Abu Dheim, the terrorist who murdered eight students at Merkaz Harav Yeshiva Thursday night, had been transfixed in recent days by the news from Gaza, claimed his sister, Iman Abu Dheim.

"He told me he wasn't able to sleep because of the grief," she said. His family last saw him when he left for evening prayers Thursday, she said.

"We are proud and happy, and everyone in Jabel Mukaber is proud of him," said a cousin, who identified herself as Umm Fadi.


They shud be all, entire willage; striped of Israeli residency and shiped into Gaza and village buldorised. Killing them will be no good becouse muslimes don't respect the life even own; enacting Jewish comunity on the spot woud be more painfull for them. Israel must take A-rab land for every drop of Jewish blood spilled.   
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 07, 2008, 11:02:46 AM
yet we are still hearing how this mustn't stop the death-process... and how much the world condemns it with a sly smile on their faces... the real perps. are the ruling elite of the world and we have to hold them responsible... they paid for this and they ordered it... and the is. govt. slime knew just when to send their shlichim of death out... rosh chodesh adar beit!!! just to ruin our purim!!! this is a war of the filth worldwide jew and gentile together to wipe out torah-true judaism and those jews who keep it alive in the world... when will we wake up and see that we are in a war of religion... an inquisition... a crusade of esav/yishmael/and the erev rav against us...? nik. out in disgust at our blindness...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on March 07, 2008, 11:18:19 AM
A strong case could easily be made against Olmert, Barak, Netanyahu, & the rest of the drek, that they knowingly and willingly aided and abetted this atrocity.

Why, you ask, would they do something like that?

Because they have already begun dividing Jerusalem, they hate Torah Jews, and they stupidly believe that they can now say "See?"..."If these 'religious parasites' weren't on "occupied Arab land", they wouldn't have provoked this attack!"..."So let's leave Jerusalem to the PLO, and the terror will stop."

After all, these bastards are the selfsame who have been blaming "the settlers" for provoking Arab genocide against Jews.

You may think I am "overreaching" to find fault with Olmert & Company, but the facts point to ongoing "kollaboration" between Likud/Kadima & PLO Nazi Hamas, helping the murderers to kill off all the Jews who disagree with the suicidal genocidal policies of the Israeli Left.

Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 07, 2008, 02:02:37 PM
that's right and they are going to continue to proceed to discredit right-wing jews, settlers and torah jews as much as possible to marginalize them from the rest of the is. foolish public who don't know the suicide is aimed at them too... and they will in this way divide and conquer and help the slime rid the world of the state of israel and exterminate in yet another holocaust religious jews... lo alenu... G-d forbid... please!!! we are all in this together... we are all obligated to stand up and fight to the death... at the very least politically... and if we were not before this (and we really have been according to rav meir since '77)... we are all chayiv now and in a matzav of yehareg v'al yavor over the mitzvah of not giving away any part of eretz yisroel and over the great chillul Hashem that all this death-process truly is... and unfortunately we waited far too long to react to our duty and so we will require a miracle to survive... or we will all perish... and this goes for jews in the western world as well... "the season" has descended upon us jews yet again in world history... and once more... esav is openly hunting his brother yaakov to exterminate him... chas v'shalom... nik.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: yaaqov on March 09, 2008, 07:24:07 AM

Update: After The Attack (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/update-after-attack.html)

Eye witness accounts of police beating of Jews.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ex Muslim 4 Israel on March 09, 2008, 08:43:39 AM
I'm very very sorry for such loss. My deep condolences for their families, relatives, friends, and you guys on here. Such incident shows that muslim's war on israel is a religious one, It's not by any means fight for freedom from "occupation". I'm glad I already noticed that before (as stated in my thread),and such incidents give me another assertion that leaving islam is the only way to be a human, cos as a muslim, you are nothing but a creature full of hatred, terrorism, and despair.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 09, 2008, 02:14:42 PM
thanks for the sentiment... ex... we appreciate it... but you'll excuse me if i don't jump for joy and take any comfort or hope that your seeing the light is going to catch on among your ex-brethren... i want them all exterminated like the vermin they are... throwing them out is too good for them anymore... and they won't go willingly anymore anyway... so it is already a moot point what has to happen here for jews to survive in the land our G-d gave us... no longer any question... every man, woman and child who will not leave willingly when we come to power will be slaughtered just like the command in the torah told us to wipe out the canaanites when joshua marched in... all our troubles historically stem from our failure to observe this mitzvah (commandment) as G-d has required us to do... any enemy gentile or jew for that matter who stands in the way of our dwelling upon our sacred heritage in peace and security with full ability to observe all of our torah laws is an enemy of the torah-state and has to leave the land or die... no other options remain viable... or else we will suffer this death and dread like we are today in the land and it is clear that G-d warned us of this outcome if we refuse to listen to Him and perform His will in this regard... sorry... but i want them all gone one way or the other... nik. out...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 09, 2008, 02:18:05 PM
and why the hell was this taken down from the general discussion board...? what is wrong with you people who run this place...? why would you want to limit the exposure of this thread at a time like this...? nobody is the answer.... unless you have all gone over to the slime... which is a possibility... a deep possibility as demonstrated by your actions here with this thread... shame on all of you!!!! nik. insensed and all lit up... out...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ultra Requete on March 09, 2008, 04:56:02 PM
NWO needs muSSlimes to keep troublesome Jews/Christians/Hindus etc.. in line; that why they don't force this insane multicultism and worshiping of tolerence on muslim countries. The countries who'll refuse to comform like Serbia or Israel will be flayed by islamists untill they'll start beg EU, US, UN, NAU, NATO etc...
for protection which of course won't be cheap, you'll have to acept the yoke of "humanist values" first.  The west in all its decadency gallore coming from New Age teaching can take out muslimes in two weeks. Instead  all we get is media spectacl with the same actors or pupets about piss process, building democracy in islamic hellholes, and more and more bodies.... :( >:( 
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ex Muslim 4 Israel on March 09, 2008, 07:17:40 PM
Isarel will be saved whenb they drop the "palestinean innocent peoples" [censored] and when the army got its free actions and not giving a damn about world condemnation or aljazeera drama queen reports.  The IDF, God bless them, just need to hit as strong as they can, No palesinean is innocent, simply. Just protect Israel. It's what's important.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 10, 2008, 02:11:46 AM
amen to the both of you... couldn't have said it any better myself... bravo!!! nik.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ultra Requete on March 10, 2008, 10:26:08 AM
Israel needs better PR, the dancing on the street must shown to public as well as the fact that so called fakestinins are in fact A-rabs. MSM don't show this but still I the mayority of people in Europe exept Sweden and NWO/leftist elites and muzie friendly nazi scum will be dancing on street whn IDF woud bomb Gaza to the ground. I'm talking with lot of people in work who don't know that fakestinins are muslimes!!! The muslimes are kept in contempt and hated uniwesaly after 9/11 and atacks in London and Madrid. Butfirst of you must take care of piss now Israelis, they're masters in manipulation and propagand.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MarZutra on March 10, 2008, 11:09:28 AM
You know with such a fraud claim that Jews control the media and that Israel controls America why is Israel constantly bending over to Arabs and taking so much from Muslims?  Israel, and the Jewish people, have done a piss poor job acting in deed against the Jew haters of this world in my opinion.  Israel should have crushed and stamped out this anti-Jew fabrication: "Bolistinian beoble" when it was first uttered publically...and in private. 

Ghorge Bush should have been given a kick in the [censored] when he said "Islam is a religion of peace" and "Islam means peace".  You'd think with 1400 years of Jihad against dar al harb would be a clue?  If Marco Polo wrote about Islam being a expansionist murderous enslavement cult back in the 13th century why are our "educated" and "knowledgable" telling us quite the opposite especially with the realities on the ground all around us....   ???
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: RationalThought110 on March 11, 2008, 02:10:01 PM
and why the hell was this taken down from the general discussion board...? what is wrong with you people who run this place...? why would you want to limit the exposure of this thread at a time like this...? nobody is the answer.... unless you have all gone over to the slime... which is a possibility... a deep possibility as demonstrated by your actions here with this thread... shame on all of you!!!! nik. insensed and all lit up... out...

It's back in the general section.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 11, 2008, 09:19:25 PM
thank you... tell them to leave it here please... nik.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: Ben Ish Chai on March 11, 2008, 11:44:48 PM
Shas: Build homes in memory of students

Shas spiritual guide Rabbi Ovadia Yosef gave his blessing Tuesday to a project to build 800 new residential units in east Jerusalem, 100 for each student killed in the terrorist attack at the capital's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva on Thursday.

Shas chairman Eli Yishai announced his party's intention to push ahead with the project during a tour of a strip of land called Kidmat Zion that borders on the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Abu Dis.

The plot also overlooks the Jebl Mukaber neighborhood of Ala Abu Dhaim, the terrorist who gunned down the yeshiva students.

"It is absurd that Arabs can continue to build as they please in Jerusalem while Jews are forbidden to do so," Yishai said.

A Shas spokesman said Yishai had spoken with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on several occasions about approving the Kidmat Zion project.  Senior government officials, meanwhile, said Yishai's announcement took the Prime Minister's Office by surprise. and that they were not aware of any concrete plans.

Kidmat Zion is less than a kilometer from the Temple Mount.

"Do Arabs worry about Jewish reprisals?" asked the spokesman.

"Shas is trying to create a situation where negotiations with the Palestinians over the division of Jerusalem will breakdown and it will be impossible to reach a feasible agreement," he said

But Meretz MK Haim Oron accused Yishai of "preventing any chance of moving forward in a peace process."

Also Tuesday, Shas hailed the cabinet decision to build 750 housing units in Givat Ze'ev, a northern suburb of Jerusalem in the West Bank.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on March 12, 2008, 06:07:30 AM
lol, are you ths shas spokesman?  they can make a similar announcement as members of the opposition, and it would be met with the same as it will be met with here:  inaction and indifference.  Do you think the leftist govt would really agree to this plan? forget it.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: Ben Ish Chai on March 12, 2008, 09:57:58 AM
I dont care either way about Shas or anybody else.

I just thought it was relevant to this thread that this has enflamed even Shas to finally take action and expand the settlements in East Jerusalem.

If you read the article it seems as though the government is letting it go though, or that Shas just doesn't care.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MarZutra on March 12, 2008, 10:26:56 AM
In my opinion, nothing will change until Israel finds itself, stands against the international anti-Jew and cleanses the Knesset of its unJewish rot and burns out the rest of Eretz Yisrael as Sforno so rightly comments..  My two cents...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 13, 2008, 01:13:07 AM
someone once said... "if i had 100,000 jews with me i'd march on the knesset... if i had 200,000 with me i'd march on har habayit..." something like that anyway... nik.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: yaaqov on March 13, 2008, 04:39:43 AM

I doubt they'll get through...

Also, there were posters around Yehudah and SHomron signed by rabbis like Rav Elba, Rav Ginsburg, Rav David Drukman, Rav Ya'aqov Yosef saying Neqamah was OK al pi halacha.  They were careful with their words though.  Saying they the gov't should do it, and if someone else did, they wouldn't shed a tear for those on the receiving end,...something like that.

The Sanhedrin also declared that neqamah was within halacha.  Watch them get arrested, just like Rav Yisrael Ariel was arrested when discussing the fate of a moser, and that Yair Naveh (who gave stay away orders 1 1/2 yrs. ago to 20 resident of Yehudah and Shomron) was possibly a moser (they didn't rule yet officially.  And Naveh refused to show up).

Bereaved Families to March on Terrorist's Jerusalem Home (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/125555)
by Ezra HaLevi

(IsraelNN.com) Posters have gone up around Jerusalem announcing a march on the house of the terrorist that murdered eight yeshiva students to take place Sunday. Bereaved families will be taking part.

“Getting up from mourning and taking action – destroying the home of the terrorist,” proclaim the posters in large red letters. On the top, the terrorist’s uncle is quoted: “We are proud of him and happy about his actions – every resident of Jabel Mukaber is,” he said, referring to the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood where the terrorist’s family lives.

Organizers say that bereaved families, from the most recent attack as well as the thousands of victims since the Oslo Accords, will be taking part in the march and invite the masses to march on the Arab neighborhood with the aim of “destroying the home of the murderer and expelling his family and supporters.”

Tzemach Hirschfeld, whose son was murdered at Merkaz HaRav last Thursday, told Arutz-7 that he calls on all to join in the scheduled march, and expressed his hope that the terrible murders will influence the government to act with greater resolve.

The march is set to begin at the Armon HaNetziv promenade in Jerusalem at 5 PM on Sunday.

“The Arab enemy that is among us – in Lod, Akko, Wadi Ara and in the holy city of Jerusalem – supports and encourages the murder of Jews,” organizers wrote, followed by a quote from the Scroll of Esther, which will be read next week for the Purim Festival: “And there was an upheaval, what was to be done to the Jews was perpetrated upon their enemies.”

The posters are signed by the Kommemiyut, Lev Yehudi, Women in Green and the bereaved families.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: MarZutra on March 13, 2008, 08:54:36 AM
someone once said... "if i had 100,000 jews with me i'd march on the knesset... if i had 200,000 with me i'd march on har habayit..." something like that anyway... nik.
From your lips to HaShem's ears...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Ultra Requete on March 14, 2008, 03:53:31 AM
Those 800 houses shud be built on place of Jabel Mukaber; They can be proud in Gaza. But as long as Shas is supporting the goverment it won't happened. But even then Bibi won't make the difference; I'm afraid that only Ahmedijan, Nasralah and baby Asad can save the Israel from itself.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: yaaqov on March 14, 2008, 05:55:37 AM

Mehahem Avellim (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/menahem-avellim.html)


Yonatan Yitzhaq Eldar HY"D (http://esseragaroth.blogspot.com/2008/03/they-were-high-school-students.html)
(upper left corner) learned with me only for a quarter, years ago. I was in a car with him only two weeks ago. I asked where he was learning. When he said Yashla"tz (Yeshivah le'Tze'irim Yerushalayim), I was impressed. I told him that I could see that, that I thought it was a good choice for him.*

A friend of his was visiting my town last Shabbath. I mentioned how Yonatan was so adept in computers. His friend combatted, "Computers?! The Torah Yoantan knew!"

I felt stupid. He was right. The impeccable reputation of Yashla"tz has been mentioned in the media a lot recently. Believe everything you hear. The students really are the creme of the crop.

I was at the Eldars' house on Sunday. I saw his brothers, two older, two younger, one who looks just like him. After Minhah, I made my way to the brother I knew. I couldn't get to the other family. It was packed.

Rav Avraham Yerushalmi, the Eldar's next door neighbor, led the mishnah study, the first letter of each chosen mishnah spelling out Yonatan. Rav Avraham also lost a son, Shmu'el Efraim HY"D, almost six years ago, in the attack I survived. That whole street in Shilo was hit hard: Yerushalmi, Kessler, Apter...HY"D. There was one more, but I do not remember the name.

I stood in line with everyone else....

HaMaqom yenahem ethkhem im kol avlei Tzion viYrushalayim.


*I have always been free with my opinions of yeshivah high schools and yeshivoth gedoloth to my students, and about where I thought was appropriate for them, both for their personalities, needs, and, of course, hashqafah.  I don't want them indoctrinated into the mamlakhti, "blind loyalty to the state" camp.

Here's a link to Batya's (Eldars' neighbor) piece about Yonatan's HY"D funeral (http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2008/03/adar-when-everythings-upside-down.html).
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 16, 2008, 03:30:58 AM
just a bunch of children... this is so outrageous and i'm so enraged i could spit blood... i want there blood!!!! vengeance is mine saith the L-rd... and the highest form of it r. binyamin said is when His people rise up out from the dust and the ashes and give it to the filthy goyim ourselves and not just let Hashem do it all for us by Himself... check out the haggadah of the jewish idea for this vort... nik. out...
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: 2honest on March 25, 2008, 01:56:30 PM
Nothing new but another proof of whats going on in Gaza when Jews are killed:

For those who speak Hebrew and got the time:
Would be great if you could translate what the reporter says.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: White Israelite on March 25, 2008, 02:45:11 PM
The world views the blood of Jews as cheap.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminar
Post by: 2honest on March 25, 2008, 02:48:40 PM
The world views the blood of Jews as cheap.

Sadly you're right. Otherwise it would have been impossible to hand over the Nobel Peace Prize to Jassir Arafat.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: nikmatdam on March 25, 2008, 08:15:56 PM
rav meir said screw the world... the problem is that we let the bastards get away with this attitude of considering our blood cheap... this is the problem we need to solve... WE are the problem!!! nik.
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: AryehYehudah on October 12, 2008, 06:05:13 AM
They murdered these good Jewish boys in cold blood and just get away with it?  The house of that monster was honoring his death as a martyr and they refused to destroy it.  I tell you if I ever go to Eretz Yisroel, I will try not to leave until I have at least blown up one Arab stone shack.  Sooner or later, these A-rats will have picked a fight with the wrong set of Yehudim who will not take this @$#! anymore!!!   What would be best for Israel is a civil war, Religious, Pro-Israel Jews against liberal sissy JEws.  I tell you, the pansies would lose their testies the first week of the fight against the people who Hashem has blessed.  We can overthrow the Knesset and kick the camel humpers back to Mecca, along with their allies Olmert, Livni and the entire Kadima.  We will take Netanyahu from his mansion and give him a job as janitor.  He can clean the newly built Jews homes and offices in Chevron.   I think if religious and pro-Israel Jews overtook the goyim devils who rule the place now, we would succeed.  If Tel Aviv gets nukes, there goes many of Israel's liberals.  After that, the conservatives can take the power and reconquer all of Israel's empire.  Perhaps itw ill take a nuclear bomb for us Jews, to Once Again, say "Never Again!"
Title: Re: Massacre in Yeshiva: At least 8 murdered by terrorists in Jerusalem seminary
Post by: Hyades on April 20, 2009, 05:50:15 AM
And muslims always say that they respect those who study their Torah but not the secular Jews. In fact the don't respect anyone! To kill people while they study religious scriptures is hell pagan...  :o