Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: Johnson Brown on December 24, 2006, 06:01:17 PM

Title: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Johnson Brown on December 24, 2006, 06:01:17 PM
Happy Kwanzaa
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: wonderfulgoy on December 24, 2006, 10:11:55 PM
Happy Kwanzaa

Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on December 09, 2007, 10:02:24 PM
Every Kwanzaa, I eat a bucket of fried chicken and half a watermelon to celebrate.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: OdKahaneChai on December 09, 2007, 10:51:19 PM
Happy Kwanzaa
I fought y'all said y'all didn't no what Kwanzaa be!
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: nopeaceforland on December 09, 2007, 10:57:21 PM
Every Kwanzaa, I eat a bucket of fried chicken and half a watermelon to celebrate.

You too huh? What about collard greens, coz you gots to be healthy and s^^t. What do you drink? I drink Kool Aid and Orange Soda. ;D
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: fjack on December 16, 2007, 05:11:37 PM
I would not eat some much watermelon with that fried chicken, it may give you a severe case of the runs. You could try some grits with that chicken, it will not give you a loose tummy and you will be compliant with the dietary laws of kwanzaa. You may have watermelon as soon as you get up in the morning along with a 40 ounce of malt liquor, that will keep you regular. Remember a healthy body a healthy mind, if you haven't lost it already.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on December 16, 2007, 05:28:58 PM
Why don't white rednecks start a holiday...................?

"KKKlansa" :::D :::D
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: OdKahaneChai on December 26, 2007, 06:37:25 PM
Kwanzaa copies off of East Africa but American blacks are from West Africa.
You really think "Dr." Karenga, inventor of the "Kinarah" and the "Mazao" knew geography?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: nessuno on December 26, 2007, 06:46:29 PM
Why don't white rednecks start a holiday...................?

"KKKlansa" :::D :::D
What would they burn instead of a kinara?
Oh...yeah...I remember now  ;)
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 01:04:49 PM
Every Kwanzaa, I eat a bucket of fried chicken and half a watermelon to celebrate.
lol Have any of you actually looked up what Kwanzaa means to some in the African American community?

I know and realize that Kwanzaa isn't seen as a real holiday to everyone but I really respect the message Kwanzaa sends to the black community, and those who pay attention to it.

For example, the 7 Principles are just what some of you would like to see in the black community...

(The Seven Principles) 

  Umoja (Unity)
To strive for and maintain unity in the family, community, nation and race.
  Kujichagulia (Self-Determination)
To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves.
  Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility)
To build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and to solve them together.
  Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics)
To build and maintain our own stores, shops and other businesses and to profit from them together.
  Nia (Purpose)
To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.
  Kuumba (Creativity)
To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it.
  Imani (Faith)
To believe with all our heart in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.
            ­ Maulana Karenga 

From what I've read here over the months of my being here (before I left...AGAIN) that most of you think that evil blacks should build themselves up and stop tearing their own neighborhoods down and helping to make our country worse off. Can someone here pick out something from the 7 principles that is negative?

As for Kwanzaa's Kinara, I understand that it looks like the Menorah of Judaism. I don't think that what it looks like is as important as what the meaning of it is. In Judaism, the 8 candles placed in the Menorah are lit by the 9th candle, the Shamash during Hanukkah's 8 day celebration and observance. That is a well- respected tradition passed down from hundreds of years before Kwanzaa was even thought of. Not much different, the Kinara has 7 candles lit each day in observance of each principle each candle represents. What's the difference between both candle holders? The fact that a Hebrew chant is spoken during the lighting of each of the 8 candles the Menorah houses. I wish I could speak Hebrew (because I don't know what the words mean)...if someone doesn't mind translating it, I would appreciate it. :)

On the other hand, during the observance of Kwanzaa, while each candle is being lit on it's day to be lit, one of the 7 principles are read aloud by different family members.

Yes, Kwanzaa is not a 'real' holiday by a lot of people's standards. But at least there are some people taking it's principles to heart.


Fried Chicken, Watermelon or other stereotypical black foods aren't eaten during Kwanzaa.
The last time I celebrated Kwanzaa was 17 years ago when I was in a high school to college program held at a university in Chicago. What was served as a 'feast' there wasn't what you would think it would be. We ate fruit, nuts, corn and I few other items I can't remember, but there was no meat.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: nessuno on January 15, 2008, 02:09:01 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 03:31:35 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 15, 2008, 03:35:39 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 03:42:49 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Edited to Add:

Christmas where it pertains to religion isn't talked about in schools because of the Separation of Church and State. They DO, however learn about Christmas as it pertains to how different cultures celebrate it. Kwanzaa isn't a religious holiday, its a holiday built on changing the way the black community does things every year whether its focusing on black parents being better parents, Children taking care of their streets, or blacks uniting to clean up stereotypes. If you don't like that some schools teach or encourage students to get a long by way of getting to know their culture that is your right as a parent. I love the idea that my children get to learn about your culture or anyone else's culture.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 15, 2008, 03:50:45 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 03:56:06 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all. The last time I checked, we all had the right to choose which religion we want to follow. This is also why it pays to get aquainted with other cultures. Also, I'm not forcing my children to become Christian. Right now they're learning what it's like to be Christian but I dont' demand that they become Christians. Who knows? Maybe in their adulthood they'll opt to convert to or follow Judaism. I'll be fine with that.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: OdKahaneChai on January 15, 2008, 04:03:37 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 04:06:08 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.
Well I, as a Christian, respect Judaism. But wait, aren't there a lot of Christians here also? I haven't seen many speak negatively about Judaism.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: OdKahaneChai on January 15, 2008, 04:08:18 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.
Well I, as a Christian, respect Judaism. But wait, aren't there a lot of Christians here also? I haven't seen many speak negatively about Judaism.
A Christian does not believe in Judaism, or he's not a Christian.  Just as a Jew does not believe in Christianity, or he's not a Jew.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 15, 2008, 04:13:49 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.


Your statement is quite perplexing in all respects.

You wouldn't mind your children converting out of your faith is interesting. I would definitely mind if my children converted to any other religion. You are much more liberal than me.

And if your children made the statements you described above, I owuld be not impressed and not surprised. I don't expect Non-Jews to like or respect Jews, but to quote Malcolm X "If they put a hand on me, I'll send them to the graveyard."

See, I have learned about other cultures. I've listened to Malcolm X speeches.

Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 04:18:36 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.
Well I, as a Christian, respect Judaism. But wait, aren't there a lot of Christians here also? I haven't seen many speak negatively about Judaism.
A Christian does not believe in Judaism, or he's not a Christian.  Just as a Jew does not believe in Christianity, or he's not a Jew.
And? Does that mean that you would send the Christians here packing from this website because they don't practice Judaism? I doubt it. I respect everyone's culture/ religion/ race/ creed. I'm not here to tell you your religion is wrong...that's not my job.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 04:21:06 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.


Your statement is quite perplexing in all respects.

You wouldn't mind your children converting out of your faith is interesting. I would definitely mind if my children converted to any other religion. You are much more liberal than me.

And if your children made the statements you described above, I owuld be not impressed and not surprised. I don't expect Non-Jews to like or respect Jews, but to quote Malcolm X "If they put a hand on me, I'll send them to the graveyard."

See, I have learned about other cultures. I've listened to Malcolm X speeches.

You wouldn't be surprised or impressed because you expect everyone who isn't Jewish to hate you. My point of bringing that question up is because people and even children who say things like that are ignorant. They don't know any better because they didn't do any research, nor were they taught any different.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: OdKahaneChai on January 15, 2008, 04:28:55 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.
Well I, as a Christian, respect Judaism. But wait, aren't there a lot of Christians here also? I haven't seen many speak negatively about Judaism.
A Christian does not believe in Judaism, or he's not a Christian.  Just as a Jew does not believe in Christianity, or he's not a Jew.
And? Does that mean that you would send the Christians here packing from this website because they don't practice Judaism? I doubt it. I respect everyone's culture/ religion/ race/ creed. I'm not here to tell you your religion is wrong...that's not my job.
Ok, but then don't say that you believe in Judaism.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 05:08:58 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

I don't think it's great.

I don't want to have the goverment to force Gentile children to learn about Hannukah just as i don't want my children to be forced to learn about Christmas or Kwanzaa.

Why do you see it as forcing children to learn about other cultures? You and many people here have actually told me that there is a benefit to learning about other cultures/ religions, namely the ones you follow. Are children to wait until they grow up to understand that different cultures exist?

Of course, once their brains are more formed.

It doesn't bother you that your children are learning about religions you don't beleive in?
No, because they learn to respect others by learning about people. If my children were never taught that Hanukkah was a tradition celebrated by people who practice Judaism, and why and what goes on during the celebration, and they walked up to your child (if you have any) and said something ignorant like : "We're Christians! We don't follow your G-d and YOUR G-d is dumb!" What would you say?

And who said I didn't believe in Judaism? Just because I choose not to practice it dosen't mean I don't believe in it. I'm a Christian after all.
Christians don't believe in Judaism.
Well I, as a Christian, respect Judaism. But wait, aren't there a lot of Christians here also? I haven't seen many speak negatively about Judaism.
A Christian does not believe in Judaism, or he's not a Christian.  Just as a Jew does not believe in Christianity, or he's not a Jew.
And? Does that mean that you would send the Christians here packing from this website because they don't practice Judaism? I doubt it. I respect everyone's culture/ religion/ race/ creed. I'm not here to tell you your religion is wrong...that's not my job.
Ok, but then don't say that you believe in Judaism.
Look, what I'm saying is that I believe that Judaism is a REAL religion. Why is it offensive to you that I respect your religion? And like I said, just because I'm not practicing your religion doesn't mean that I may not at some point in my life. That's why I research different religions. It pays to know what you're talking about when you engage in conversations about religion. Which goes back to why children couldn't be hurt by learning about other religions.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 15, 2008, 10:34:08 PM
Then it should be celebrated by the black community.
Why does a discussion of it have to be part of the elementary school education?  >:(
I don't think all cultures and traditions are covered...as a routine.

Would you like Judaism to be researched by children or even discussed in schools so that children learn about your culture/ religion? I think its fair the way things are taught in elementary and secondary schools where different cultures are concerned. Sure, Kwanzaa should be celebrated by the black community, no doubt. But there are children who also learn about other cultures and how they celebrate different traditions and such in schools.

Every year, my children bring home information about Hanukkah. They read about it, then do activities that are based on the holiday. I think that's wonderful. They didn't recieve a dradel this time around though, they usually make their own.

My point is that I don't see a reason to get upset about another culture being introduced to kids. Learning about other cultures facilitates friendships. :)

The whole idea of Hanukkah is to fight AGAINST multiculturalism. It is the most "politically incorrect" of all Jewish holidays.

Why does everything with you have to be 'politically correct...this or that'? If that's the case, why welcome black people [or anyone] who desire to be converted into your faith when they're from another culture? By accepting them, you are buying into multiculturism. You will have accepted someone from another culture to learn about, dive into and partake of a religion YOU hold dear. Please explain your post.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: nessuno on January 16, 2008, 10:55:07 AM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 16, 2008, 03:28:05 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 21, 2008, 03:43:41 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)

You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.

I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 21, 2008, 04:56:01 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)

You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.

I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
I think you really need to relax. Seriously. You are getting angry because there are actually blacks who don't think like the blacks you refer to. I actually love being around every race. I'm extememly comfortable around different cultures...so I think that diversity is a great thing here, in America . People in the Balkans who are having problems should straighten out said problems by making resolutions...I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 21, 2008, 07:00:01 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)

You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.

I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
I think you really need to relax. Seriously. You are getting angry because there are actually blacks who don't think like the blacks you refer to. I actually love being around every race. I'm extememly comfortable around different cultures...so I think that diversity is a great thing here, in America . People in the Balkans who are having problems should straighten out said problems by making resolutions...I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so.

Then forced integration of the school system is something you are OPPOSED to?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 21, 2008, 07:14:26 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)

You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.

I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
I think you really need to relax. Seriously. You are getting angry because there are actually blacks who don't think like the blacks you refer to. I actually love being around every race. I'm extememly comfortable around different cultures...so I think that diversity is a great thing here, in America . People in the Balkans who are having problems should straighten out said problems by making resolutions...I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so.

Then forced integration of the school system is something you are OPPOSED to?!?!?!?!
Forced integreation of school systems? What? I don't understand the world we're living in now. If blacks don't have an education, they're ridiculed. If blacks want to study among others who have an education (i.e., civil rights movement to integrate all white schools), they should "GO BACK TO AFRICA, Nga!". What do you all want? I know you're not a Klan member, Judea but if Blacks' only reason here in America is to fail because you deem them failure, why are YOU here?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 21, 2008, 07:36:51 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)

You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.

I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
I think you really need to relax. Seriously. You are getting angry because there are actually blacks who don't think like the blacks you refer to. I actually love being around every race. I'm extememly comfortable around different cultures...so I think that diversity is a great thing here, in America . People in the Balkans who are having problems should straighten out said problems by making resolutions...I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so.

Then forced integration of the school system is something you are OPPOSED to?!?!?!?!
Forced integreation of school systems? What? I don't understand the world we're living in now. If blacks don't have an education, they're ridiculed. If blacks want to study among others who have an education (i.e., civil rights movement to integrate all white schools), they should "GO BACK TO AFRICA, Nga!". What do you all want? I know you're not a Klan member, Judea but if Blacks' only reason here in America is to fail because you deem them failure, why are YOU here?

You said "I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so. "

It is not in Americans to go to school voluntarily with blacks. Many whites fought it physically. Most just pulled their kids out of public school and revived parochial schools and jumpstarted a homeschooling movement.

Do you think that is just a coincidence that after forced busing (which led directly to me having a gun pointed at my head when I was eleven years old) there is suddenly a resurgence of Parochial schools and homeschools?

Let me burst your bubble. It is no coincidence.

Whites do not want to be with Blacks. That is a fact.

Don't you notice that Whites avoid any neighborhood with a majority black population?

Erica, Non-blacks are frightened of the violence and savagery of Blacks. That is a fact. And it's logical.

It is not an illogical fear based on width of black noses, size of black behinds and melanin content of black skin. It is because blacks are so wildly overrepresented in the theft, rape and murder statistics.

Blacks are 18% of the population and they commit 70% of the murder.

What do you expect from Non-Blacks?

You want us to pretend it is not so?!?!?!?!?!?!

What do Non-Blacks want from Blacks?!?!?!?!?!

Get an education by yourself. We Jews did it.

When no one wanted to hire Jewish doctors. We created our own hospitals. Blacks could have done the same thing under segregation,

They didn't and instead nurtured a violent Low IQ underclass.

Plenty of people were hated in this country. Not just blacks.

Irish, Italians, Jews.

But none of these groups did as poorly as Blacks and you can blame racism forever but it doesn't explain Black Failure because more people hate Jews and they have not Failed. Plenty of people hated Irish. In old newspapers, they were depicted as Monkeys. And yet they have prospered. And blacks have Failed.

As far as your last question:

First of all, I don't think that Jews belong outside of our homeland amd I will be returning to my homeland as soon as my children are a little older.

But I do not understand what connection that has to Black Failure.

Please explain.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 21, 2008, 08:24:39 PM
Can you explain what multiculturalism means?  ???
I'm old  ;)  I speak a different lingo then you do Erica.
I'm a lot like Johnson Brown.

Yacov brought up the word but since you asked me  multiculturism is the mixture of different cultures in a diverse society. I do think though, that Yacov (may) think that multiculturism is the process of "making" people of different cultures get along.  (Correct me if I'm wrong, Yacov.)

You know, Erica. Multiculturalism is truly great.

I know that we could end the war in the Balkans if we simply sent enough "Diversity is our strength" bumper stickers over there.
I think you really need to relax. Seriously. You are getting angry because there are actually blacks who don't think like the blacks you refer to. I actually love being around every race. I'm extememly comfortable around different cultures...so I think that diversity is a great thing here, in America . People in the Balkans who are having problems should straighten out said problems by making resolutions...I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so.

Then forced integration of the school system is something you are OPPOSED to?!?!?!?!
Forced integreation of school systems? What? I don't understand the world we're living in now. If blacks don't have an education, they're ridiculed. If blacks want to study among others who have an education (i.e., civil rights movement to integrate all white schools), they should "GO BACK TO AFRICA, Nga!". What do you all want? I know you're not a Klan member, Judea but if Blacks' only reason here in America is to fail because you deem them failure, why are YOU here?

You said "I wouldn't MAKE anyone try to get along if it isn't in them to do so. "

It is not in Americans to go to school voluntarily with blacks. Many whites fought it physically. Most just pulled their kids out of public school and revived parochial schools and jumpstarted a homeschooling movement.

Do you think that is just a coincidence that after forced busing (which led directly to me having a gun pointed at my head when I was eleven years old) there is suddenly a resurgence of Parochial schools and homeschools?

First of all Judea, you act as if African blacks brought themselves to America and asked for what they got (post Civil Rights). Blacks were established here for hundreds of years and had sense lost all connections with the tribes their ancestors belonged to, the religion they followed...among other things. What you are telling me is that a people who were told that they'd be nothing but good for nothing ngrs and wastes of time if they sought to be educated, didn't deserve to be educated alongside whites. There were no black elementary schools or high schools at that time...at least none were established in EVERY state. In the South, since the blacks there didn't have anywhere else to go (but needed to attend school) integration had to be inacted because it was time. It was okay for the blacks to live on the same street (barely) but NOT okay for them to recieve the same education? How is that fair? I would fight today for my children's right to be educated anywhere we settle after this tour. I'd be a fool not to.

Let me burst your bubble. It is no coincidence.

Whites do not want to be with Blacks. That is a fact.

That's not a fact. If it were, my children would have been kicked out of all of the schools they attended.  Most of their teachers were white and loved them to death!


Don't you notice that Whites avoid any neighborhood with a majority black population?

Erica, Non-blacks are frightened of the violence and savagery of Blacks. That is a fact. And it's logical.

It is not an illogical fear based on width of black noses, size of black behinds and melanin content of black skin. It is because blacks are so wildly overrepresented in the theft, rape and murder statistics.

Blacks are 18% of the population and they commit 70% of the murder.

What do you expect from Non-Blacks?

You want us to pretend it is not so?!?!?!?!?!?!

What do Non-Blacks want from Blacks?!?!?!?!?!

Get an education by yourself. We Jews did it.

No, I don't notice that ALL whites avoid the majority of the black population; because in order for them to do that, they'd have to be EVERYWHERE blacks are ALL OF THE TIME at the SAME TIME.

What I expect from the non blacks is for people like yourself not to assume that ALL BLACKS are somehow poisonous. You probably don't care what blacks think of you because it would therfore justify you hating us so.

Do I expect you to act as if crime dosen't happen in the black community? Hell no. I know it happens as well. It's not a good thing nor is it something I look upon as grand. So don't make it seem as though just because I'm black I'd tolerate something like that.

As for me getting an education... Let me explain some things to you, Judea. When blacks were forbidden to read a book, they were called unintelligent. The moment blacks were free and could 'try' to read on their own or with help from others, they were called 'uppity ngrs'. The moment a black woman opened a black college (Mary McCleod Bethune- Bethune Cookman College), we were called racists, separating ourselves from everyone else. I'm close to recieving my degree... I'm neither trying to out-do white people, nor attempting to be an Affirmative Action hire. I think people like you could benefit from actually knowinging/ or at least trying to get to know blacks instead of assuming you know the ins and outs of every black person's life. And FYI... Miss Black America was developed because black women were as inferior to the white women in the Miss. America Pageant. So someone DID develop their own schools, foundations, college funds, magazines and television stations.

When no one wanted to hire Jewish doctors. We created our own hospitals. Blacks could have done the same thing under segregation,

They didn't and instead nurtured a violent Low IQ underclass.

Plenty of people were hated in this country. Not just blacks.

Irish, Italians, Jews.

But none of these groups did as poorly as Blacks and you can blame racism forever but it doesn't explain Black Failure because more people hate Jews and they have not Failed. Plenty of people hated Irish. In old newspapers, they were depicted as Monkeys. And yet they have prospered. And blacks have Failed.

Re-read my last response to you. There were blacks who created things because they weren't available to people of my pigment also. All you know is what you see on the news.

Not every black person is violent. Get out and meet some who are actually good.

I know better than you think that blacks weren't the only (NOR THE FIRST) to be hated on. Jews bared the brunt of hatred from people who were racist whites and some blacks also. So were the Irish and Italians. There is no doubt about that.

And I dont' blame racism for anything...I blame racists ...those who PRACTICE racism for how some blacks are still treated in America. That doesn't mean that just because a white person hates a black person, they can't make it in this world. I've said this before and I'll say it again... "that's the ultimate cop out." I feel I can do anything you think I can't. Period.

As far as your last question:

First of all, I don't think that Jews belong outside of our homeland amd I will be returning to my homeland as soon as my children are a little older.

But I do not understand what connection that has to Black Failure.

Please explain.

If you think that blacks are doomed to fail  what are you doing on your end to ensure that America is a safe place to live? Are you here to hate on an entire race of people or make your own mark here before you head back to Israel?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 22, 2008, 05:11:20 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on January 22, 2008, 05:13:46 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!

That's not a bad start. A few more Jews with .38s could fix the subway system permanently.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 05:30:39 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on January 22, 2008, 05:37:06 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.

Liberals, bleeding hearts and other do-gooders have been comming up with sollutions for decades and NONE work. When you have a community with over two thirds of it's members who are determined to do NOTHING but sit around the ghetto griping about events of two hundred years ago and taking welfare from big white father in Washington the sollution must come from within. The only sollution that will work (from without) with those people is stock whips and riot guns.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 05:54:57 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.

Liberals, bleeding hearts and other do-gooders have been comming up with sollutions for decades and NONE work. When you have a community with over two thirds of it's members who are determined to do NOTHING but sit around the ghetto griping about events of two hundred years ago and taking welfare from big white father in Washington the sollution must come from within. The only sollution that will work (from without) with those people is stock whips and riot guns.
That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows, Amos and Andy, and times like that but it actually makes you look as pitiful as those blacks who complain about slavery and their suffering...remaining in the past.

And why is it that when someone has an idea of how to help, you call them bleeding heart liberals. Why can't they just be 'people who care about their community enough to try to make a difference?" No one is rioting, newman. That's just a memory you have stuck in your head. (THat's not to say that rioting never happened.) But stop acting as if that's all blacks do. Also, stop hating on people who want to see better in their community. You either want them to help clean up, or you want them to suffer...which one is it?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on January 22, 2008, 05:58:30 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.

Liberals, bleeding hearts and other do-gooders have been comming up with sollutions for decades and NONE work. When you have a community with over two thirds of it's members who are determined to do NOTHING but sit around the ghetto griping about events of two hundred years ago and taking welfare from big white father in Washington the sollution must come from within. The only sollution that will work (from without) with those people is stock whips and riot guns.
That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows, Amos and Andy, and times like that but it actually makes you look as pitiful as those blacks who complain about slavery and their suffering...remaining in the past.

And why is it that when someone has an idea of how to help, you call them bleeding heart liberals. Why can't they just be 'people who care about their community enough to try to make a difference?" No one is rioting, newman. That's just a memory you have stuck in your head. (THat's not to say that rioting never happened.) But stop acting as if that's all blacks do. Also, stop hating on people who want to see better in their community. You either want them to help clean up, or you want them to suffer...which one is it?
A stick works better than a carrot when the donkey gets affirmative action and welfare.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 06:01:25 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.

Liberals, bleeding hearts and other do-gooders have been comming up with sollutions for decades and NONE work. When you have a community with over two thirds of it's members who are determined to do NOTHING but sit around the ghetto griping about events of two hundred years ago and taking welfare from big white father in Washington the sollution must come from within. The only sollution that will work (from without) with those people is stock whips and riot guns.
That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows, Amos and Andy, and times like that but it actually makes you look as pitiful as those blacks who complain about slavery and their suffering...remaining in the past.

And why is it that when someone has an idea of how to help, you call them bleeding heart liberals. Why can't they just be 'people who care about their community enough to try to make a difference?" No one is rioting, newman. That's just a memory you have stuck in your head. (THat's not to say that rioting never happened.) But stop acting as if that's all blacks do. Also, stop hating on people who want to see better in their community. You either want them to help clean up, or you want them to suffer...which one is it?
A stick works better than a carrot when the donkey gets affirmative action and welfare.
You never answered the question. Do you want blacks who complain to stop complaining and get off of their behinds or do you want them to just be beat down?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on January 22, 2008, 06:03:02 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.

Liberals, bleeding hearts and other do-gooders have been comming up with sollutions for decades and NONE work. When you have a community with over two thirds of it's members who are determined to do NOTHING but sit around the ghetto griping about events of two hundred years ago and taking welfare from big white father in Washington the sollution must come from within. The only sollution that will work (from without) with those people is stock whips and riot guns.
That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows, Amos and Andy, and times like that but it actually makes you look as pitiful as those blacks who complain about slavery and their suffering...remaining in the past.

And why is it that when someone has an idea of how to help, you call them bleeding heart liberals. Why can't they just be 'people who care about their community enough to try to make a difference?" No one is rioting, newman. That's just a memory you have stuck in your head. (THat's not to say that rioting never happened.) But stop acting as if that's all blacks do. Also, stop hating on people who want to see better in their community. You either want them to help clean up, or you want them to suffer...which one is it?
A stick works better than a carrot when the donkey gets affirmative action and welfare.
You never answered the question. Do you want blacks who complain to stop complaining and get off of their behinds or do you want them to just be beat down?

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 06:06:11 PM
Erica, what do you want me to do to ensure safety of America?

Bernie-Getz everyone I see with a du-rag on?!?!?!?!
I feel that if you can complain, you can also come up with a solution. I have mine in place already.

Liberals, bleeding hearts and other do-gooders have been comming up with sollutions for decades and NONE work. When you have a community with over two thirds of it's members who are determined to do NOTHING but sit around the ghetto griping about events of two hundred years ago and taking welfare from big white father in Washington the sollution must come from within. The only sollution that will work (from without) with those people is stock whips and riot guns.
That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows, Amos and Andy, and times like that but it actually makes you look as pitiful as those blacks who complain about slavery and their suffering...remaining in the past.

And why is it that when someone has an idea of how to help, you call them bleeding heart liberals. Why can't they just be 'people who care about their community enough to try to make a difference?" No one is rioting, newman. That's just a memory you have stuck in your head. (THat's not to say that rioting never happened.) But stop acting as if that's all blacks do. Also, stop hating on people who want to see better in their community. You either want them to help clean up, or you want them to suffer...which one is it?
A stick works better than a carrot when the donkey gets affirmative action and welfare.
You never answered the question. Do you want blacks who complain to stop complaining and get off of their behinds or do you want them to just be beat down?

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on January 22, 2008, 06:10:02 PM

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
When you get lazy kids in your class the threat of a beating will work wonders. This is why ADD, ADHD and all the other poppy-[censored], fictional behavioral problems did not exist before the 1960s...........it was belted out of them.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on January 22, 2008, 06:28:43 PM
Just Erica:  "...That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows..."

Don't try and reason with him, Erica, he obviously prefers the Menstrual Period.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: newman on January 22, 2008, 06:29:58 PM
Just Erica:  "...That will never work, newman. THis is the 21st century. You may want times to go back to Menstrel shows..."

Don't try and reason with him, Erica, he obviously prefers the Menstrual Period.
:::D :::D
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on January 22, 2008, 06:43:51 PM
newman:  "...A few more Jews with .38s could fix the subway system permanently..."

All that's really necessary is bullwhips, hound dogs, and water cannons.

Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 10:20:57 PM

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
When you get lazy kids in your class the threat of a beating will work wonders. This is why ADD, ADHD and all the other poppy-schmuck, fictional behavioral problems did not exist before the 1960s...........it was belted out of them.
All I need is to become one of the statistics on your ever-loving list of black failures.... "Black nigress beats students with a bat and threatens each with total bodily harm if they didn't 'sit down and listen'. " No thank you. I'll teach problem solving, not problem CAUSING.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 22, 2008, 10:35:28 PM

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
When you get lazy kids in your class the threat of a beating will work wonders. This is why ADD, ADHD and all the other poppy-schmuck, fictional behavioral problems did not exist before the 1960s...........it was belted out of them.
All I need is to become one of the statistics on your ever-loving list of black failures.... "Black nigress beats students with a bat and threatens each with total bodily harm if they didn't 'sit down and listen'. " No thank you. I'll teach problem solving, not problem CAUSING.

True, black people beat their children all the time. I see it on the subway alot. And this hasn't caused Black IQ scores to rise.

So I have to disagree with you on this one, newman.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 10:46:42 PM

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
When you get lazy kids in your class the threat of a beating will work wonders. This is why ADD, ADHD and all the other poppy-schmuck, fictional behavioral problems did not exist before the 1960s...........it was belted out of them.
All I need is to become one of the statistics on your ever-loving list of black failures.... "Black nigress beats students with a bat and threatens each with total bodily harm if they didn't 'sit down and listen'. " No thank you. I'll teach problem solving, not problem CAUSING.

True, black people beat their children all the time. I see it on the subway alot. And this hasn't caused Black IQ scores to rise.

So I have to disagree with you on this one, newman.
I've seen a mixture of things happen in that situation, Judea. Some black children who are constantly beaten turn inward and wind up being afraid to ask people outside of their family for help. Plus the likelihood of those abused children becoming abusive parents or even people is possible. Some children who recieve the swift kick in the butt when they've done wrong, don't come out so bad. They learn about consequences to their actions. Those who are talked to instead of screamed at when they are being scolded, or talked 'at' learn how to problem-solve fairly early in life. They learn to think about the decisions they made and how those decisions affect how they feel as well as how their parents feel.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 22, 2008, 10:49:41 PM

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
When you get lazy kids in your class the threat of a beating will work wonders. This is why ADD, ADHD and all the other poppy-schmuck, fictional behavioral problems did not exist before the 1960s...........it was belted out of them.
All I need is to become one of the statistics on your ever-loving list of black failures.... "Black nigress beats students with a bat and threatens each with total bodily harm if they didn't 'sit down and listen'. " No thank you. I'll teach problem solving, not problem CAUSING.

True, black people beat their children all the time. I see it on the subway alot. And this hasn't caused Black IQ scores to rise.

So I have to disagree with you on this one, newman.
I've seen a mixture of things happen in that situation, Judea. Some black children who are constantly beaten turn inward and wind up being afraid to ask people outside of their family for help. Plus the likelihood of those abused children becoming abusive parents or even people is possible. Some children who recieve the swift kick in the butt when they've done wrong, don't come out so bad. They learn about consequences to their actions. Those who are talked to instead of screamed at when they are being scolded, or talked 'at' learn how to problem-solve fairly early in life. They learn to think about the decisions they made and how those decisions affect how they feel as well as how their parents feel.

I know what it is like to be beaten by someone who was supposed to protect me, so I don't wish it on anyone.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 22, 2008, 10:52:16 PM

The whips and riot guns are to get them off their black butts.
I'm done with this line of talk, newman. I'm about to be a teacher and dont' feel that beating them is the same as encouraging them to be the best they can be. You do what you have to though. If you think beating blacks to a pulp will get them up and going...do  that.
When you get lazy kids in your class the threat of a beating will work wonders. This is why ADD, ADHD and all the other poppy-schmuck, fictional behavioral problems did not exist before the 1960s...........it was belted out of them.
All I need is to become one of the statistics on your ever-loving list of black failures.... "Black nigress beats students with a bat and threatens each with total bodily harm if they didn't 'sit down and listen'. " No thank you. I'll teach problem solving, not problem CAUSING.

True, black people beat their children all the time. I see it on the subway alot. And this hasn't caused Black IQ scores to rise.

So I have to disagree with you on this one, newman.
I've seen a mixture of things happen in that situation, Judea. Some black children who are constantly beaten turn inward and wind up being afraid to ask people outside of their family for help. Plus the likelihood of those abused children becoming abusive parents or even people is possible. Some children who recieve the swift kick in the butt when they've done wrong, don't come out so bad. They learn about consequences to their actions. Those who are talked to instead of screamed at when they are being scolded, or talked 'at' learn how to problem-solve fairly early in life. They learn to think about the decisions they made and how those decisions affect how they feel as well as how their parents feel.

I know what it is like to be beaten by someone who was supposed to protect me, so I don't wish it on anyone.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: fjack on January 28, 2008, 05:45:09 AM
I see no reason why blacks should be forced to attend school. It is a waste of the taxpayers' money and makes the blacks sit and be bored to death. Just give them welfare and a reservation to live on and all will be well. They are not worth the time and effort.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 08:47:00 AM
I see no reason why blacks should be forced to attend school. It is a waste of the taxpayers' money and makes the blacks sit and be bored to death. Just give them welfare and a reservation to live on and all will be well. They are not worth the time and effort.
But you see a reason to bash those who don't have education. When some blacks drop out of school, you bash them for it saying that they should be smarter. When some blacks go to school and make something of themselves you bash them by calling them Affirmative Action. You didn't  want them to take welfare before, but now you do? You have wasted a lot of time explaining why you think blacks are stupid or what makes them "inferior" in your eyes but frown upon any black person doing well for themself. If all you want is for blacks to fail, why even bother contributing to these debates?
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: judeanoncapta on January 28, 2008, 02:34:57 PM
I see no reason why blacks should be forced to attend school. It is a waste of the taxpayers' money and makes the blacks sit and be bored to death. Just give them welfare and a reservation to live on and all will be well. They are not worth the time and effort.
But you see a reason to bash those who don't have education. When some blacks drop out of school, you bash them for it saying that they should be smarter. When some blacks go to school and make something of themselves you bash them by calling them Affirmative Action. You didn't  want them to take welfare before, but now you do? You have wasted a lot of time explaining why you think blacks are stupid or what makes them "inferior" in your eyes but frown upon any black person doing well for themself. If all you want is for blacks to fail, why even bother contributing to these debates?

Wait a second. Erica.

Affirmative Action is not a slander

Affirmative Action is not a figment of our imaginations.

There quotas in colleges to let a certain percentage of blacks in, no matter what their scores.

That is unfair to the non-blacks.
Title: Re: Happy Kwanzaa
Post by: Just Erica on January 28, 2008, 06:25:19 PM
I see no reason why blacks should be forced to attend school. It is a waste of the taxpayers' money and makes the blacks sit and be bored to death. Just give them welfare and a reservation to live on and all will be well. They are not worth the time and effort.
But you see a reason to bash those who don't have education. When some blacks drop out of school, you bash them for it saying that they should be smarter. When some blacks go to school and make something of themselves you bash them by calling them Affirmative Action. You didn't  want them to take welfare before, but now you do? You have wasted a lot of time explaining why you think blacks are stupid or what makes them "inferior" in your eyes but frown upon any black person doing well for themself. If all you want is for blacks to fail, why even bother contributing to these debates?

Wait a second. Erica.

Affirmative Action is not a slander

Affirmative Action is not a figment of our imaginations.

There quotas in colleges to let a certain percentage of blacks in, no matter what their scores.

That is unfair to the non-blacks.
When you call ALL BLACKS AA hires, that's slander because a lot of blacks go to college based on their marks not on what color their skin is.

You can't assume that everytime you see a black person that they've had an AA education, or an AA job.