Torah and Jewish Idea => Torah and Jewish Idea => Topic started by: Ari on March 23, 2008, 07:19:16 PM
Bruce Pearl, Head Coach, Tennessee Volunteers Men's Basketball. O0
Thats a great find bullcat3 O0 I just looked through some of the names in the list. Very interesting.
Isn't there a Jewish female kick boxing champion?
Jill Mathews I think.
Isn't there a Jewish female kick boxing champion?
Jill Mathews I think.
Newman is this who you mean? If it is she is a knockout in more ways than one :D
Isn't there a Jewish female kick boxing champion?
Jill Mathews I think.
Newman is this who you mean? If it is she is a knockout in more ways than one :D
That's her!
She's of Russian-Jewish background.
Her NY family used to say....." Title-shmitle! When are you gonna get pregnant?" :::D
Jewish Sports Websites:
Stay tuned for my Jewish baseball preview. Coming Soon. O0
A lot of incredibly talented hockey players in the NHL are Jewish.
Well, not a lot, MW, but 3 pretty good ones. Matt Schneider's arguably the best Jewish player ever. He's been playing forever now it seems. O0
Howard Cosell.
Yes, in the announcer category. Very good Scriabin. O0
Ryan Braun. Reigning NL ROY, Israeli Jewish Father, Gentile Mother, identifies as Jewish (I know it's Deform Judaism).
Basketball HOF coaching legend, Larry Brown.
All Time American Jewish Hockey great, Mathieu Schneider.
Kevin Youkilis, World Series winner, Gold Glover, most games at First Base consecutively without an error in MLB History (I probably just jinxed him).
The great Marv Levy, an all-time personal favorite. Football HOF. Only coach to win four consecutive Conference Championships (okay so the Super Bowl wasn't his thing, LOL).
So much for that Nazi myth that Jews arent physically active :-P
dont forget Jeff Agoos! I don't know if anyone here is into soccer, but he was once the captain of the US national team!
So much for that Nazi myth that Jews are physically active :-P
Yes, I'm trying to help dispel this, LOL.
dont forget Jeff Agoos! I don't know if anyone here is into soccer, but he was once the captain of the US national team!
Yes, I remember Mr. Agoos. I would have got to him eventually, LOL. Also David Beckham's a quarter Jewish, not too shabby, LOL.
Yes, I remember Mr. Agoos. I would have got to him eventually, LOL. Also David Beckham's a quarter Jewish, not too shabby, LOL.
lol ;D not too shabby at all!
And you just reminded me...
"We got ann landers and her sister dear abby,
Harrison fords a quarter jewish--not too shabby!"
From Adam Sandler's Hannukah Song
Yes, I remember Mr. Agoos. I would have got to him eventually, LOL. Also David Beckham's a quarter Jewish, not too shabby, LOL.
lol ;D not too shabby at all!
And you just reminded me...
"We got ann landers and her sister dear abby,
Harrison fords a quarter jewish--not too shabby!"
From Adam Sandler's Hannukah Song
Yes, Yehudi, that's exactly what I was thinking about. O0
hah... I know ;)
we're on the same page on this one...
heres a good list:
Take a look, there are guys on here I had no idea were Jewish! :)
Thanks for the link Yehudi. I've been there before. Bet I know em all, LOL, but always keep my eye out for new Jewish athletes and sports figures. Been a hobby of mine for a while. Hope all is well.
very cool!
Do you know about the Orthodox hockey player, Benjamin Rubin?
very cool!
Do you know about the Orthodox hockey player, Benjamin Rubin?
Yes, Yehudi. I remember reading about him. He is still trying to make it in Canada's Junior League, but it is very difficult for him given that he is very religious. I wish him luck. It's noble that he is willing to give up a potential high paying career for what he believes in. O0
Schnieder is now with the defending cup champs Ducks
This should help
Thanks MW. Yes, I knew Schneider was with the Ducks, but I liked that pic. Ducks are still a good team, might repeat. Rangers-Devils would be a good matchup in the first round too. O0
The Stanley Cup is a beautiful trophy
The Stanley Cup is a beautiful trophy
Jeff Halpern. Recently traded to Lightning, screwing up his playoff chances, LOL.
Michael Cammalleri. MW, he's Italian and Jewish. O0
Ian Kinsler. Texas Rangers.
Ari, read about this guy he is in the Quebec juniors which means a few years from hitting the AHL and then maybe NHL level
Yes, MW. I've heard about him. Will be interesting to see if he makes it. O0
Al Davis. Just Win Baby!
I do love athletic competition very much. But it is so sad though that greed over taken pro sports
Yes, definitely MW, like much of life. I like your Superman sketch by the way. O0
Thanks! And them playoffs are here,, should be fun
Handsome fella.
"Stop givin' Juice the the Raiders, cuz Al Davis never paid us."
Ice Cube
Worlds best bench presser http://www.scotmendelson.net/Main.html
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Some of the athletes mentioned in this thread surprised me. I had no idea they were Jewish.
Who do you guys and gals think the most dominating Jewish athlete was ?
In baseball, Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax come to mind.
Mark Spitz was a phenomenal swimmer.
In coaching, Red Auerbach had no equal.
These Jewish Americans were definitely among the all-time greats in their sports.
Ari, this is for you,, and anyone else who wants to see O0
A game where you carry around a big stick, the sport of kings
Awesome video MW!
Who's your team?
Thanks for the link MW. I'm looking forward to the playoffs, even though my Islanders are not there once again. Rangers-Devils should be a good series, pretty much a toss-up. I also like catching those late night west coast games. Scriabin, that was a funny reply to the Al Davis post. Old Al's hitting 80. I probably could have found a more flattering picture, LOL. He's quite a character though, dictator type even worse than George Steinbrenner in his heyday. Oh, and as far as the greatest Jewish athlete ever, I would probably go with Sandy Koufax. Mark Spitz would be a close second, because 7 golds in an Olympics is awesome, and still the all-time record I believe, but it is swimming. Greatest sports figure, I'd probably go with Red Auerbach, because the Celtics were the greatest dynasty of all time, and I don't think any team will ever win 8 championships in a row again. After coaching, Auerbach was also responsible for all the Celtics other championships, 16 in total, by putting the teams together as General Manager and President. O0
Thanks for the link MW. I'm looking forward to the playoffs, even though my Islanders are not there once again.
I'm with you... go Islanders! O0
Thanks for the link MW. I'm looking forward to the playoffs, even though my Islanders are not there once again.
I'm with you... go Islanders! O0
Yes, there's always next year once again, Yehudi. A lot of work to be done over the summer however. O0
Yes, there's always next year once again, Yehudi. A lot of work to be done over the summer however. O0
haha... that's for sure...
I like what I've seen from the new guys they just brought up... Okposo looks like a great pick-up...
and haven't decided what I think of Hillen yet!
Yes, I agree. Hillen only played a couple of games, and I didn't get a good read of him either, except that he seems like a good skater. Okposo seems to have a nice scoring touch. Now we need a great draft pick, and hopefully spend some money on the right free agents. O0
Definitely! I'm also a fan of Okposo's intensity.
Maybe they'll pick up Ben Rubin haha ;D
Hey, you never know. I wish we never gave up on Schneider so soon.
Hey, you never know. I wish we never gave up on Schneider so soon.
Yeah... I still think he'd be a good addition....
his contract with the Ducks is over at the end of next season... ;)
Yeah, I remember reading Garth Snow wanted to bring him back to the Islanders last year, but the Ducks beat him out, and Schneider lives in L.A. Hey, it's possible. He'll be 40 at the end of the contract, but he's actually getting better with age. Maybe, he plans on being another Chris Chelios. They were tight in Detroit, I've heard.
Really?? Sounds good to me! Hopefully he'll have another go at the end of next season!
Love the Rangers but believe the final will be this is a prediction but no prediction is 100 percent
Pittsburgh vs Detroit.. Penguins - Cup
Love the Rangers but believe the final will be this is a prediction but no prediction is 100 percent
Pittsburgh vs Detroit.. Penguins - Cup
Im not sure about Detroit... but I think you're right when you say the Penguins will win the cup.
That Sidney Crosby is insane!!
Yeah, the Penguins do have scary talent. Still, a bit raw, but they should be good for a very long time. I always pick the Wings to come out of the West and they have been letting me down of late. I have a feeling the Ducks or Sharks could make the finals ahead of them.
Sid has been hurt and they still managed to clinch the Atlantic division cause Geno Malkin took the team on his shoulders.
Yeah, he's been great, and Ovechkin in Washington has been unbelievable too.
Ovechkin... Crosby...
Crosby came back though, right?
Or did he get hurt again in the last couple of games?
He's back.
This past Sunday and Monday a Jewish first must have happened, though I don't know how to go about checking it quite frankly. For the Milwaukee Brewers, Ryan Braun and Gabe Kapler hit home runs for the same team two days in a row. O0
Yes, Igor's a big boy, Mord. Strong as an ox. Solid player.
Yes, Igor's a big boy, Mord. Strong as an ox. Solid player.
Yes sure is
Shot at 2007-12-02
Jews in football
More Jews in sports
Wasn't the late great hero Pat Tillman Jewish? Oh yea he was. He was the one shot in Afganistan, he enlisted after 911 and gave up a promising career in the NFL.
Good links, MW. No, I don't believe Pat Tillman was Jewish. Great man, G-d rest his soul, but not a tribe member.
Pat Tillman was a very special human being. Extraordinary. Not many people would give up their NFL career or Professional sports career in general, to serve their country. Pat Tillman gave his life for the United States in order to help protect the freedom of Americans and countless others in the war against Al Qaeda and those who support the likes of Al Qaeda. G-d Bless Pat Tillman and his family.
Re: "Pat Tillman"
Hate to be "the bearer of bad tidings", but it has come to light that Mr. Tillman was snuffed out by American soldiers, on the orders from Washington, to silence him for his vocal opposition to the Afghan occupation.
Coroner's autopsy report proved the government's statements about him to be a complete fabrication, and indicated that he was shot in the head at point black range with American weapons.
This information should come as no surprise to anyone who keeps current with actual news reports, as the incident with the female prisoner "going down with her weapons blazing", and then being "rescued within an inch of her life" by fellow GI's, was also proven to be a complete fraud and a pack of propaganda lies.
Never ceases to amaze me how willfully ignorant the American public is today.
Doesn't take but a bunch of jingoism and flag waving on television and radio by liars like Sean Hannity, to continue on with the fraudulent Bush "War on Terror".
Don't misinterpret my statements above...I'm all for having a War Against Terrorists, but we do not now have one and never had one.
It was Bush who forced a fraudulent "election" in Gaza (under Jimmy Carter's approving supervision) and elevated Hamas from a tiny group of maniacs up to a "democratically elected government of the people"; followed by untold millions of dollars in giveaways and weaponry to the PLO Nazis.
Not to mention creating a phony Terror State of "Kosova" by diktat, and currently arming them with heavy weaponry so they might attack the Christian Serbs who own Kosovo.
There's lots of terror, all right--most of it being experienced by the American people by an insane regime.
I fully expect that when the day comes that the Red Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army invades our West Coast and marches East, we will all hear the "news" that the entire Bush family is safe and sound on the huge estate they are alleged to have purchased in Paraguay.
Re: "Pat Tillman"
Hate to be "the bearer of bad tidings", but it has come to light that Mr. Tillman was snuffed out by American soldiers, on the orders from Washington, to silence him for his vocal opposition to the Afghan occupation.
Coroner's autopsy report proved the government's statements about him to be a complete fabrication, and indicated that he was shot in the head at point black range with American weapons.
This information should come as no surprise to anyone who keeps current with actual news reports, as the incident with the female prisoner "going down with her weapons blazing", and then being "rescued within an inch of her life" by fellow GI's, was also proven to be a complete fraud and a pack of propaganda lies.
Never ceases to amaze me how willfully ignorant the American public is today.
Doesn't take but a bunch of jingoism and flag waving on television and radio by liars like Sean Hannity, to continue on with the fraudulent Bush "War on Terror".
Don't misinterpret my statements above...I'm all for having a War Against Terrorists, but we do not now have one and never had one.
It was Bush who forced a fraudulent "election" in Gaza (under Jimmy Carter's approving supervision) and elevated Hamas from a tiny group of maniacs up to a "democratically elected government of the people"; followed by untold millions of dollars in giveaways and weaponry to the PLO Nazis.
Not to mention creating a phony Terror State of "Kosova" by diktat, and currently arming them with heavy weaponry so they might attack the Christian Serbs who own Kosovo.
There's lots of terror, all right--most of it being experienced by the American people by an insane regime.
I fully expect that when the day comes that the Red Chinese Peoples' Liberation Army invades our West Coast and marches East, we will all hear the "news" that the entire Bush family is safe and sound on the huge estate they are alleged to have purchased in Paraguay.
Massuh, the government can NEVER take Beethoven away from us!
If we had the guts of our Grandfathers, there would be no need for JTF. In our Grandfather's day, men were Men and women were Ladies. Now, men are boys and Women wear pants.
Its all over, all over. What a legacy, what a legacy.
Well, I heard that Tillman was indeed killed by friendly fire. It is still a tragedy, and he is still a hero in my opinion. I would hope that it wasn't intentional and this is just another conspiracy theory, as even I am not this cynical yet.
Unfortunately, Pat Tillman looked up to Noam Chomsky, and was going to have a meeting with him when he got back from the front lines.
Noam Chomsky is one of my least favorite human beings of all time.
So was he Jewish? Cause when I went to look up Jewish NFL Players, it showed him as a fallen hero
If he was, he wasn't so religious apparently...
It appears to me as if he was born Jewish, but never really practiced...
but im not 100% sure :\
Goooooooo King Henrik Muahaha lol
What a great series between NY/NJ! Of course I say that NY already has a 2 game lead in the series lol.
I am not enjoying it MW. I hate both those teams, but my hate for the Rangers is stronger. :::D
I been following every series. Man Pittsburgh maybe the scary team of the East in this playoff run. They are just dominating already.
Yeah, as of now I see a Pitt-SJ Final, but it's early yet.
Tough loss for the Rangers last night. Thought they had the serious put away. I think they'll still win the series though.
Just minor set back and a luck for NJ. NYR will bounce back.
In the end I still think the Penguins will take it all...
but Im putting it on the Rangers to win the series!
I agree. Rangers could make some noise because they are a vet laden team and Lundqvuist is good. Pens are pretty dynamic though.
Oh yea! I am loving it
Beware MW, the Pens are lurking.
And to the King Henrik Lundqvist
Boo. >:( You should be supporting Rick DiPietro, MW. Where are your Italian loyalties? LOL.
Boo. >:( You should be supporting Rick DiPietro, MW. Where are your Italian loyalties? LOL.
haha... good one! O0
I think MW and I switched... some of my family is from Sweden,
but I'm an Islanders/DiPietro guy!
Max baer the boxer!He wore a star of David on his trunks!
Baer was the man!
Max Baer vs. Max Schmeling (Hitler's favorite boxer) O0
However, I should make it clear that Schmeling was actually against Nazi policies... and saved 2 Jewish children himself.
Yes he did not hate Jews.But this Max prob p/o hitler. ;)
Max Schmeling made Hitler mad as well because he kept on turning down dinner with Hitler and Hitler made Max Schmeling people pressure him into meeting him
I love boxing!My son is the best!
Wayne Jude who is your favorite boxer of all time?
My son ,than Vitali klitcsho and Wladimier.marciano, Max baer.
Least favorite! mohamUD Clay.He would get killed by todays standards.Larry {I so racist}There will never again be a white heavy weight champ!LOLHe would get killed by Vitali!Even at his prime.Oh and I like Foreman! O0
My son ,than Vitali klitcsho and Wladimier.Marciano, Max baer.
Least favorite! mohamUD Clay.He would get killed by todays standards.Larry {I so racist}There will never again be a white heavy weight champ!LOLHe would get killed by Vitali!Even at his prime.Oh and I like Foreman! O0
I agree with you i like Vitali & Wladimier klitcsho but i like a guy who could hit like Tyson. But if you look at boxing now they only want non white champs they were even trying to make Vitali & Wladimier klitcsho fight each other which is wrong.
They promised there mom.they will never!Blacks cant compete!My son is great because he is to smart.When non minorities are rich they wont fight but when their down like the russians , they show their true streath! O0
They promised there mom.they will never!Blacks cant compete!My son is great because he is to smart.When non minorities are rich they wont fight but when their down like the russians , they show their true streath! O0
What do you mean down like the russians?
Times being hard we are more willing to fight!Smile
Times being hard we are more willing to fight!Smile
But for a lot of people when times get hard they run or Drink.
I will fight but when I cant I drink. :D
Ari, this is for you and anyone else.. Now this is a goal tender. I mean he should have the police on his trail from these robberies he does.
OK, MW, great save I admit. Do you know his brother plays for Dallas?
Ari, this is for you and anyone else.. Now this is a goal tender. I mean he should have the police on his trail from these robberies he does.
That was insane...
matrix style!! ;D
OK, MW, great save I admit. Do you know his brother plays for Dallas?
Yes Joel the brother of King Henrik
Tommy Salo was much better than the so-called King. Best Swedish goalie ever. :::D Oh, and let's not forget Tommy Sodderstrom, the little guy.
What happened? Devils won the series, right? ;)
What happened? Devils won the series, right? ;)
Bring on the next victim O0
Two game sevens tonight. :) May they both go to triple overtime.
good article... thanks for sending O0
Congrats to Larry Brown! My all-time favorite Jewish coach is back as Head Coach for the Charlotte Bobrats. O0
Also nice to see a Black guy give a Jewish guy a job for a change, instead of the other way around, LOL.
Congrats to Israeli soccer coach Avraham Grant. He has seen Chelse through to their first ever Champions League Final. One more to go against Mancester United on May 21. O0