Guns and Self-Defense => Guns/Firearms => Topic started by: q_q_ on March 24, 2008, 08:19:01 PM
I have seen it mentioned in sherdog forums too..
herpes comes from skin contact. There is genital/facial herpes.. But wrestlers tend to get herpes gladiatorum..
old people sometimes get a form of herpes called shingles. younger people tend to have an immune system strong enough to fight it.
Yes, it is call herpes gladiatorum and is spread person to person from active lesions. It is usually Herpes simplex virus 1. Some other infectious diseases to be concerned about if involved in grappling sports are Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and dermatophytosis (ringworm).
Re: "...a form of herpes called shingles..."
Shingles is caused by a different variety of herpes, herpes zoster, the virus which causes chickenpox.
Anyone who has ever had chickenpox is at risk to develop shingles as they age...the herpes zoster virus doesn't go away or die--it remains dormant inside your nervous system after you get over chickenpox.
It is not considered a "sexually transmitted disease".
Ringworm is no more problematic than is athletes foot...both easily avoided and both easily cured.
ringworm is an organism i think. Cured by cream and maybe pills
I think MRSA is a staph infection.. these can be washed off with water, or soap and water perhaps.. But if they get in a wound, they are really really dangerous.
herpes is a virus you live with. normally dormant. but even when dormant it can infect people.
cole sores are a form of herpes that can affect face and genitals. so oral sex and sex can spread them. The skin contact is what does it.
Kenshield guards against all those though i think..
People have had success with Kenshield in preventing infectious skin diseases.
To further clarify the issue, herpes simplex virus infections can be quite problematic. It can be transmitted to skin and mucosa such as in eye infections, is quite painful, and is recurrent. MRSA is a bacterial infection, which as the name implies, is resistant to many antibiotic regimens. It can cause large carbuncles from which it can seed the blood system causing sepsis. It usually starts as a folliculitis when involving skin, at which point is fairly easily treated. Other diseases such as ringworm, a fungal infection, and moluscum contagiosum, a viral infection, are generally just a nuisance, being limited to the skin only.
impressive.. thanks for the info..
do you think in the future, people will start using kenshield for extra safe sex ? !!!!!!
You're welcome qq! I do not believe these products are even close to 100% effective, although they do decrease the frequency of transmission of infectious skin diseases. Therefore, I would not rely on them to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
well, I wasn`t planning on it.. just you know, theoretical questions!
I can envisage a "demolition man" scene, where in the future, due to all bacterial a philandering man and woman just sit at opposite sides of the room with some kind of communicating virtual reality helmets on.
well, I wasn`t planning on it.. just you know, theoretical questions!
I can envisage a "demolition man" scene, where in the future, due to all bacterial a philandering man and woman just sit at opposite sides of the room with some kind of communicating virtual reality helmets on.