General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jasmina on April 01, 2008, 12:05:18 AM
Eating just one sausage or three slices of bacon a day, about 1.8 ounces, may increase the risk of bowel cancer by a fifth, a health organization has warned.
Scientists say the safest amount of processed meat, which also includes lunch meat, to eat is none at all, it is reported by the U.K.'s Daily Record.
Experts at the charity World Cancer Research Fund said more is needed to raise awareness of the dangers, according to the report.
Professor Martin Wiseman, medical and scientific adviser for the WCRF, said there was convincing evidence of a link between processed meats and cancer.
Processed meat is any meat that is preserved by smoking, curing, salting or additives.
Yuck. >:(
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
I LOVE bacon.
After I've cooked a heap of it and made hot bacon sandwiches, I fry bread in the bacon grease or dip bread into the grease and eat it. :)
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
I LOVE bacon.
After I've cooked a heap of it and made hot bacon sandwiches, I fry bread in the bacon grease or dip bread into the grease and eat it. :)
Newman! Put that peace of bacon down and get back here!!!!
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
I LOVE bacon.
After I've cooked a heap of it and made hot bacon sandwiches, I fry bread in the bacon grease or dip bread into the grease and eat it. :)
Newman! Put that peace of bacon down and get back here!!!!
I thought an East European girl like you would eat pork 6 nights/week.
hahhaha :::D :::D :::D
I actually hate eating pork!! it smells like excrement, hahhahaha, sorry...I had to write that!
hahhaha :::D :::D :::D
I actually hate eating pork!! it smells like excrement, hahhahaha, sorry...I had to write that!
East European hates pork?
That's a first. :::D
Eastern Europeans love pork Ukrainians and polish and Russians eat a lot of it
This thread is not kosher. :::D
This thread is not kosher. :::D
Hey, we havn't even mentioned Oysters Killpatrick (shellfish topped with bacon) yet. :D
How about Armadillo?
hahhaha :::D :::D :::D
I actually hate eating pork!! it smells like excrement, hahhahaha, sorry...I had to write that!
East European hates pork?
That's a first. :::D
well, I'm trying to eat as heathy as I can!
How about Armadillo?
I'd eat widgety grubs befoe I ate armadildo.
MMM Spoted owl with snail darter sauce.. oops
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
I LOVE bacon.
After I've cooked a heap of it and made hot bacon sandwiches, I fry bread in the bacon grease or dip bread into the grease and eat it. :)
I must admit I enjoy the occasional cholesterol sandwich as well. Try topping it with an egg fried in the bacon grease. O0
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
I LOVE bacon.
After I've cooked a heap of it and made hot bacon sandwiches, I fry bread in the bacon grease or dip bread into the grease and eat it. :)
I must admit I enjoy the occasional cholesterol sandwich as well. Try topping it with an egg fried in the bacon grease. O0
Eat one serve of Omega 3 rich fish once/week & it'll flush the cholestoral out like drain cleaner! O0
Eat as much bacon as you can in this life.
There'll be none available in the next. ;)
:::D :::D :::D you sound like you adore bacon!?!?!
I LOVE bacon.
After I've cooked a heap of it and made hot bacon sandwiches, I fry bread in the bacon grease or dip bread into the grease and eat it. :)
I always feel sorry for the poor guy who comes into the hospital, finds out he needs bypass surgery, and then says...but I always watched my diet.
It never fails that I think to myself...'look at all the delicious food you missed out on and you still got here.' ;)
Everything in moderation.
No one should eat sausage every day! :o
I believe alot of our health, good or bad, is based on the genes we inherit.
I can't tell you how many perfectly healthy people have heart attacks at an early age and often at the same age as one of their parents.
'Everything in moderation',How true! O0
'Everything in moderation',How true! O0
Welcome back Christianwhitenation.name!
Missed you tooooo!Glad to be back! O0
'Everything in moderation',How true! O0
'Everything in moderation, nothing to excess.'
I believe no natural food can harm you in moderation. Eggs, beef, pork, milk..................all OK in moderation.
The simple rule is the 'Hundred Year Rule';
If it was food 100 years ago, it's healthy. If it wasn't, it's not. So read the package. If there's ingredients on there you've never heard of or wouldn't eat a bowl of, don't buy it.
Very wise bro!
The problem with "processed" meats is sodium nitrate...the substance used to preserve them so that they don't spoil before they're shipped out and marketed.
When heated during cooking, sodium nitrate changes into sodium nitrite, a known carcinogen.
Even without these preservatives, animal fat content alone has been "linked" to the incidence of cancers, including bowel, breast, & prostate.
Whether or not these "linkages" are in fact solid proof of carcinogenisis as a result of their consumption remains questionable, because the innumerable cancer-causing substances to which we are daily exposed are never "factored in" to these studies.
Consider this:
We in the Western world are frequently shown photographs of people in Africa and elsewhere literally dying of starvation.
Would these unfortunates feel "more fortunate" in knowing that they at least were not going to risk certain cancers later in life because they ate meat?
Of course not.
They would all think that we in the West were truly blessed to be able to nourish our bodies and to live long enough to reach the age at which we might be at risk for degenerative diseases such as cancer.
As others have already posted, "moderation" and "common sense" should serve as dietary guideposts.
*Do some research on Google, and you will quickly find that the increased incidence of thyroid cancer in the U.S.A. today, is in direct proportion to the quantities of milk consumed by children following the atmospheric nuclear detonations in the late 1940's and 1950's, done by our military to test and perfect our nuclear weapon stockpiles.
*Highly poisonous radioactive fallout such as strontium 90, carried by wind, blanketed the country, and was absorbed from soil by grass and other feedstuffs, fed to livestock, and transferred directly into their milk, which children were encouraged to drink each day.
*Nuclear test fallout, "conveniently" left out of dietetic research, is also directly linked to the increased incidence of breast and prostate cancers seen today.
*Tobacco also has been proven to include several radioactive products which may be the actual triggers for cancers found in those using tobacco products over a long period.
The sad fact of the matter is that the many benefits we take for granted in modern civilization also have their downside with regards to health risks.
Massuh. You make brilliant posts.
Sometimes, you sound like Ted Kaczynski. ;)
Scriabin: "...Massuh. You make brilliant posts.
Sometimes, you sound like Ted Kaczynski..."
Truth be told...I read his "Manifesto" eight years ago. It was disturbing to realize just how intelligent a person he was, and that he had wasted his entire life. His descriptions of the social forces working to create "liberals" was indeed brilliant and unique.
Its obvious im not a practising Jew.But pork is a filthy vile meat thats full of worms