The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: ASHISH on April 07, 2008, 09:03:39 PM
Two empty, snow-covered lots in Inuvik, N.W.T., located 2 degrees above the Arctic Circle, could soon be home to Canada's most northerly mosque. The Muslim association in the Arctic town of 3,500 recently purchased the lots, after three years of fundraising.
"It's suited for a mosque or for a church or for a religious place," association president Said Daher told in an interview.
The association has raised more than $40,000 to date to start paying off the land.
Daher said members hope Muslim groups from across North America will chip in to help fund the building.
"The Muslim population is growing," said Muhammad Muhammad. "It doesn't really fit for everybody, especially if there is an event."
By comparison, Daher said the proposed mosque will hold up to 100 people, and have space for activities beyond prayer.
"We thought we were in need for a community centre for social activities, for kids just to get together," he said.
"And if we have visitors, let's say, from outside, you know, they have a place to stay."
Muhammad said having a permanent mosque would be a milestone for the Muslim community in Inuvik.
"We always thought about it, to have a mosque, and we always dreamed about it actually. And hopefully it will be accomplished."
There are no current statistics on the number of Muslims in Inuvik, but census data from 2001 show 45 Muslims in the community that year.
The Northwest Territories had 175 Muslims in the 2001 census.
hey i hope they all move there also
Maybe we'll get lucky and global warming will flood the place.
A mosque in the north pole? That would be a good time to have "global warming's" ice melt and the toilet bowl mosque with 1000s of muzzies sinking in the cold waters
You can bet the $40,000 for the Mosque didn't come from the 175 Muslims living there. This sounds like the Mosque is being built for propaganda reasons to show how entrenched Islam is now in the Northern Hemisphere that there is even a Mosque now in the North Pole. That and/or they are hoping to attract Natives to Islam whom may be bitter towards the Canadian government in the same way that Islamists have made great efforts to convert Blacks in American prisons.
Santa with a turban. :::D :::D
Wow scary! Thanks DanBenNoah for showing this thread to me.
Instead of clubbing harp seals to death, let's do it to muSSlims. :D
A mosque in the north pole? That would be a good time to have "global warming's" ice melt and the toilet bowl mosque with 1000s of muzzies sinking in the cold waters
Maybe the muSSlim Nazi Mosque will freeze and then liberals will be afraid, global warming will "melt" the mosque. ;D ;D
May this mosque be destroyed, G-d willing. O0
We were gonna use that space to test our weapons. Now we have the perfect target. O0
I can't believe that there are actually Muslims up there.
They seem intent on spreading to every corner of the world.
I can't believe that there are actually Muslims up there.
They seem intent on spreading to every corner of the world.
~ I HOPE THEY ALL FREEZE their &&LL$ OFF. Too bad we cant re-institute an old custom like Jacob did at Shecham. :D
Soon we'll see seals in hijabs and polar bears armed with explosive belts. ::)
You can bet the $40,000 for the Mosque didn't come from the 175 Muslims living there. This sounds like the Mosque is being built for propaganda reasons to show how entrenched Islam is now in the Northern Hemisphere that there is even a Mosque now in the North Pole. That and/or they are hoping to attract Natives to Islam whom may be bitter towards the Canadian government in the same way that Islamists have made great efforts to convert Blacks in American prisons.
True! :(
Such an isolated place in news of Pak666. It should be checked and cleared of Silo like things. :-[
With Regards... :)