General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: DownwithIslam on April 13, 2008, 06:59:40 PM
I personally love canned tuna. I take the 7oz pouches with my to school and eat prob one or maybe two a day. They are an extremely lean source of protein. I have heard people say that they are high in mercury and not healthy for you but I am not totally convinced. I was wondering what others here thought.
I love tuna!!! I don't care now about Hg, But I will watch much carefully if I will become pregnant! someday...if G-d's willing!
Gotta love tuna ! ;)
I know, I love Tuna also. I take it along with me to school to get my 40 grams of protein in every two hours. I usually have a t least one serving of tuna a day. I eat meat, eggs and protein shakes as well. I sometimes eat cheese too. I know Chaim would disagree with this but thats what I do. I believe it is healthier than the people who just eat pizza, chips and other snacks all day. At least I am eating protein.
Trust me if you save a few extra to get fresh tuna, you will notice a difference. I am not too keen on meat or fish in cans.
Tuna can be safe if one does not eat too much. There are charts for how much one can safely eat which is determined by body weight. Also different types of tuna have differing levels of mercury in them.
Salmon is a great fish to eat which generally has a much lower mercury content.
Love it! In South Africa, we have some beautiful Mayonaise! So what you do, take out the tuna and drain the water out. Mix the Tuna with the mayonaise and put it on bread, or just eat it like that :) I don't know what the mayo is like in America, but South African mayo is perfect with tuna :) :) :) O0
Theire propably right, fresh fish is naturally a LOT better than canned, but atleast it's something I reckon.
Of course fresh fish is better but it needs to be refrigerated and cannot be taken along with you during the day.
that's right. But if one thinks about it, the tuna in cans, the shops actually rip you off! >:(
I used to buy a lot of Bumblebee tuna, solid white in water... in a new pouch,not can!
...the only thing I observed is the amount of Sodium that was way too high, which made me cut down on consumption.
Trust me if you save a few extra to get fresh tuna, you will notice a difference. I am not too keen on meat or fish in cans.
yes.. I have a friend that ate fresh tuna, and because of that, he won't touch canned tuna.
unfortunately, he cannot be bothered to make fresh tuna, so he has neither!
How much of a big deal is it to make?
Tuna is an awesome source of protein. O0
Boere my brother,What could be different about mayo?I thought it was OIL eggs milk???????????
wayne :)
Do you all add something different ???????
There are indeed differences. For instance, I can't have a decent mayo meal in aus, because they don't know how to make mayo :D
It's sort of like making the same product, but with a different recipe O0
Far greater than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.
Human lungs have an amazing capacity to cleanse themselves.
There are no safe levels of mercury in the human body.
Even the most minute amounts cause permanent neurological damage, and mercury is not eliminated from the body.
Ever wonder where the term "the Mad Hatter" originated?
Hatmakers who handled felt for making hats absorbed the mercury in the felt and became quite insane.
I can't make a true correlation or linkage, but sometimes I wonder if much of the insane actions and crimes we hear about daily aren't the result of poisoning to our nervous systems from food and water.
Well than find it and give it up! :)