General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on April 24, 2008, 11:52:51 PM
Our brilliant administrator Shlomo created our new ads which are appearing prominently on Arutz 7's Hebrew home page. Our ads have been running since Thursday, April 24, baruch HaShem.
Arutz 7 has about 55,000 individual visitors who come to its home page every day, and probably has about 250,000 visitors monthly according to independent surveyors of Israeli web sites.
This is very expensive for us, but it could be a big boost to our Israeli movement, G-d willing.
If we can afford to continue the advertising, G-d willing, we will need to change the pictures and the text about once a week. Because the ads are only effective if you constantly have new pictures and text to attract more people.
G-d willing, I will discuss this further on Ask JTF.
Mazal tov. I hope this increases jtf membership by a million percent. I am happy that arutz sheva grew some baytzim and put the jtf ads up.
My haert is full of joy!!!!
MAZEL TOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a question, what is Arutz 7? And can you please give a link? toda.
Mazel tov Shlomo and Chaim!
May G-D bless our new campaigns.
Chaim, I went to a7.org to see the ads and I couldn't find them. While I do not speak much hebrew, I read and write it fluently so I certainly would of spotted the ads. Do you know where on the site they are? I hope to g-d that this works out and it leads to your immediate entry into Israel!
It is the large tower ad on the right side of the home page. We share the space with 2 other advertisers, meaning that our ad appears a third of the time, then it is replaced by their ads, and then we revolve back again. The ad shows pictures of Muslim terrorists with bright yellow text. When you click on the ad, you get to our Hebrew home page. If our ad is not showing, just keep clicking refresh until it revolves to our ad.
We are starting with the tower ad and then moving to inside Arutz 7's TV page sometime next week, and then we will be the big ad on top of the home page, G-d willing.
Thanks so much for the response Chaim, I am going to check it out now. I really hope this all works out. I sometimes find myself feeling that the day when you will be prime minister of Israel is right around the corner. It is something I think about alot because then it will be so much easier for me and other kahanists to move to Israel. I really hope the day comes soon.
This is a Great Blessing, Chaim!
It's a Miracle!
Praise G-d!
Wow I saw the ad. It is really a very well made ad showing the disgusting bloody hands of a muzzy beast. I really think that it willl attract tons of people. I clicked on the link and it went to jtf's hayamin hebrew site. I really hope jtf will grow by leaps and bounds now. Thanks so much Chaim for all you do.
Wow very nice. O0
This once again proves that Chaim is the one and only person at the forefront of the fight for the survival of Israel and the jewish people. JTF is where the action is.
Is Aretz 7 a tv news channel?
I saw the ad! Mazel tov! I just think we need to get some clearer pictures? Is the ad a flash document? If not, what is it?
www.a7.org tp see the ad. Its on the side of the home page. Read Chaims last post as he explains it.
It is the large tower ad on the right side of the home page. We share the space with 2 other advertisers, meaning that our ad appears a third of the time, then it is replaced by their ads, and then we revolve back again. The ad shows pictures of Muslim terrorists with bright yellow text. When you click on the ad, you get to our Hebrew home page. If our ad is not showing, just keep clicking refresh until it revolves to our ad.
We are starting with the tower ad and then moving to inside Arutz 7's TV page sometime next week, and then we will be the big ad on top of the home page, G-d willing.
WOWOWOWOW! FANTASTIC! It went right to the JTF site :) G-D..................BE.................PRAISED. O0
Dear Chaim:
Congratulations on the ad. I don't know Hebrew, I was hoping the Hebrew lettering is a brief explanation of what happened in the picture. That way the ad will be more effective. I think I know what that picture is of the Arab bastard with the blood on his hands. Was that the blood of the Israeli soldier who accidentally got lost in an Arab village? The Arabs caught the soldier and pulled his guts out. That was horrific!
The pictures are a little fuzzy and I have a great monitor. You need cleaner pictures I think, without the fuzz. But see what happens with these pictures first. They may do the trick.
They don't give you a whole lot of space for the ad. But it's a start. Hope you get a good bang for your buck.
The Shadow
That's some really good news!
Wow I saw the ad. It is really a very well made ad showing the disgusting bloody hands of a muzzy beast. I really think that it willl attract tons of people. I clicked on the link and it went to jtf's hayamin hebrew site. I really hope jtf will grow by leaps and bounds now. Thanks so much Chaim for all you do.
I saw it too. I understood the message even without Hebrew :)
The pictures are a little fuzzy and I have a great monitor. You need cleaner pictures I think, without the fuzz
I agree
Just saw the ad....Nice! Wish i understood the Hebrew if someone can translate it.
I hope it goes well!
Here is my idea for a slogan.
Sh"ma Yisrael - What part about it don't you understand?
(first frame): Should we give an independent state in Eretz Yisrael to these murderers ?
(second): The fake right (wing) in Israel doesn't protect our country.
(third): The fake right has no solution.
(forth and final): The real right (Hayamin Haamiti) has a solution. all the the details here.
(first frame): Should we give an independent state in Eretz Yisrael to these murderers ?
(second): The fake right (wing) in Israel doesn't protect our country.
(third): The fake right has no solution.
(forth and final): The real right (Hayamin Haamiti) has a solution. all the the details here.
nice and to the point...it will attract israelis who are really into this message and will turn away who are against it.. A few on the fence will also make their way in.
(first frame): Should we give an independent state in Eretz Yisrael to these murderers ?
(second): The fake right (wing) in Israel doesn't protect our country.
(third): The fake right has no solution.
(forth and final): The real right (Hayamin Haamiti) has a solution. all the the details here.
Wow, that is a very catchy ad. I really have great feeling about this and I hope it attracts loads of people. We need this to work for everyones sake.
Thank you for the translation zelhar. I really apreciate it and it helps all the people who unfortunately dont speak hebrew very much. Thanks again.
(first frame): Should we give an independent state in Eretz Yisrael to these murderers ?
(second): The fake right (wing) in Israel doesn't protect our country.
(third): The fake right has no solution.
(forth and final): The real right (Hayamin Haamiti) has a solution. all the the details here.
The leftists will yowl. :)
I don't see it.
Awesome! ;D O0 ;D O0
I don't see it.
Its there Scriabin, at the beginning of this thread, Chaim explained where to see it.
This is Great News Indeed! O0
It is the large tower ad on the right side of the home page. We share the space with 2 other advertisers, meaning that our ad appears a third of the time, then it is replaced by their ads, and then we revolve back again.
I don't see a large tower ad on the right hand side of the home page.
What am I doing wrong?
may be you have a flash or ad blockaer?
It is the large tower ad on the right side of the home page. We share the space with 2 other advertisers, meaning that our ad appears a third of the time, then it is replaced by their ads, and then we revolve back again.
I don't see a large tower ad on the right hand side of the home page.
What am I doing wrong?
Anyway I think it is much more catchy in Hebrew, shorter and more naturally phrased.
I see a bald-headed man smiling and what appears to be an ad for cereal across the top. I see a wine ad and an ad showing a zoom-in shot of an open book. There is also an ad with a picture of a Rabbi with yellow and white writing in Hebrew.
I see a 'tower' of ads on the left. The second one from the top shows a gold ring sitting on a maple leaf.
Oh well.
I see a bald-headed man smiling and what appears to be an ad for cereal across the top. I see a wine ad and an ad showing a zoom-in shot of an open book. There is also an ad with a picture of a Rabbi with yellow and white writing in Hebrew.
I see a 'tower' of ads on the left. The second one from the top shows a gold ring sitting on a maple leaf.
Oh well.
Hold on, let me check it out and I will tell you exactly what to do.
Scriabin, go to A7.org
Then immediately on the right side of the page you will see a rectangular banner with an ad. As Chaim said before, jtf shares that add with strauss which I guess is an Israel food comapny or something. Their ad is replaced by jtf's ad each time the page is refreshed so if you do not see it immediately to the right of the page just refresh the page and you will see a bloody muzzy nazis hand and that is jtf's ad.
Scriabin, go to A7.org
Then immediately on the right side of the page you will see a rectangular banner with an ad. As Chaim said before, jtf shares that add with strauss which I guess is an Israel food comapny or something. Their ad is replaced by jtf's ad each time the page is refreshed so if you do not see it immediately to the right of the page just refresh the page and you will see a bloody muzzy nazis hand and that is jtf's ad.
I'm doing that and I see nothing. Maybe it has to do with spam blocker or something.
I just tried it and I see it so its up and working. Waht do you see on the right of the hompage? Its literally a rectangular banner to the right of the arutz7 hebrew logo at the top of the page.
Soon, the ad will no longer be on the right side. It will move to the TV page, G-d willing. And then it will move to the top of the home page, G-d willing. Arutz 7 recommended that we try this system of moving the ad around. So don't panic when you don't see the ad on the side any more.
I have no doubt it will work but we need it to work super fast for everyones sake.
This is great news. Congrats Chaim. O0
Congrats chaim you have been working hard for this ad for weeks now that its up you will definetly get fruits of your labour O0
It can only go up from here!
That is our target market.... the right wing jews...
and that's one of the biggest right wing websites I know of!
Truly a great achievement! O0
On the top i see agudat Efrat and something called koolanoo
That is a very prominent ad! Didn't show up right away but now I see it.
I had some trouble clicking on the ad and they should look into that. Eventully I got it to go to the site.
If you are paying a lot of money for that ad, and it seems that a good number of people are having trouble viewing it even though they are actually looking for it, I think you have a problem there.
I still haven't seen it... I tried ever since this morning!
I still haven't seen it... I tried ever since this morning!
Its there dan. It doesn't say jtf.org if thats what you are looking for. In Chaims second post in ths thread he explains hwo to see it.
This is great how about the English version of the Arutz 7
Not everyone can see the ad. It depends upon your browser settings.
So at first, I thought we made a mistake in placing this expensive ad.
But we have received a very strong response from those who can see the ad. Most people have no problem seeing the ad or clicking onto the site. Next week, those who click on the ad will not go to the Hebrew home page, but will instead reach a special opening page in which they see a brief video that I prepared urging them to join us. Under the video, they will be able to click to join or to click to see the home page if they want to browse some more. The video will start playing automatically when they click on our ad, and it is 3 minutes and 48 seconds long. We will show it to everyone on our English forum when it is all set up.
In my opinion, so far this is a success. We are getting about 10 new members a day from the ad, and thousands more are coming to the site and may join later. We have never received such a strong response to advertising before. But that is only for the first two days. Who knows what will happen after a week or a month? And the ad is very expensive for us. We may not be able to run it continuously.
We will see what happens. But right now, one thing is clear: if we could advertise extensively, we would become a mass movement very quickly. The response to our ad is much stronger than the response the other ads on Arutz 7 are receiving. But it may be that it is just for the first two days. We'll find out. But so far, I am surprised by the strong numbers.
Not everyone can see the ad. It depends upon your browser settings.
So at first, I thought we made a mistake in placing this expensive ad.
But we have received a very strong response from those who can see the ad. Most people have no problem seeing the ad or clicking onto the site. Next week, those who click on the ad will not go to the Hebrew home page, but will instead reach a special opening page in which they see a brief video that I prepared urging them to join us. Under the video, they will be able to click to join or to click to see the home page if they want to browse some more. The video will start playing automatically when they click on our ad, and it is 3 minutes and 48 seconds long. We will show it to everyone on our English forum when it is all set up.
In my opinion, so far this is a success. We are getting about 10 new members a day from the ad, and thousands more are coming to the site and may join later. We have never received such a strong response to advertising before. But that is only for the first two days. Who knows what will happen after a week or a month? And the ad is very expensive for us. We may not be able to run it continuously.
sounds great keep up the good work
If we had a few million dollars, we would advertise like this on Yediot Aharonot and Maariv, Israel's two biggest newspapers. About 1.5 million individual Israelis visit those sites every day. We could reach the majority of Israelis with an extensive ad campaign. And if that happened, within a year we would have tens of thousands of members making us a mass movement.
Congrats Chaim, I hope it works out fine.
After so many years of galut I think it's about time for you to go and save your country.
Not everyone can see the ad. It depends upon your browser settings.
So at first, I thought we made a mistake in placing this expensive ad.
But we have received a very strong response from those who can see the ad. Most people have no problem seeing the ad or clicking onto the site. Next week, those who click on the ad will not go to the Hebrew home page, but will instead reach a special opening page in which they see a brief video that I prepared urging them to join us. Under the video, they will be able to click to join or to click to see the home page if they want to browse some more. The video will start playing automatically when they click on our ad, and it is 3 minutes and 48 seconds long. We will show it to everyone on our English forum when it is all set up.
In my opinion, so far this is a success. We are getting about 10 new members a day from the ad, and thousands more are coming to the site and may join later. We have never received such a strong response to advertising before. But that is only for the first two days. Who knows what will happen after a week or a month? And the ad is very expensive for us. We may not be able to run it continuously.
We will see what happens. But right now, one thing is clear: if we could advertise extensively, we would become a mass movement very quickly. The response to our ad is much stronger than the response the other ads on Arutz 7 are receiving. But it may be that it is just for the first two days. We'll find out. But so far, I am surprised by the strong numbers.
Excellent. Glad it is going well. Onward and forward.
Time will tell how long we should keep advertising on Arutz Sheva. If we stop getting results from it, or if results decrease dramatically, then we need to advertise else where. ABC!
for anybody that cannot see the ad.
watch the banners at the top.
(I am guessing that clicking them doesn`t cost us, right?!)
click them to see if they are ours. ours has yellow text on a black background, with pics of arab terrorists.
refresh the screen, e.g. F5 if using internet explorer. That will refresh the banners incase it is showing a different one.
(first frame): Should we give an independent state in Eretz Yisrael to these murderers ?
(second): The fake right (wing) in Israel doesn't protect our country.
(third): The fake right has no solution.
(forth and final): The real right (Hayamin Haamiti) has a solution. all the the details here.
Brilliant. Baruch Hashem. What a great step forward. Hazak ubaruch!
Does anyone have a link to the ad?
I kept refreshing the webpage, looking for it on the right along with the smaller ads, but it was at the top the whole time. I didn't think that it would be such a big, bold, professional ad. Shlomo did a really fantastic job! This ad is sure to attract a bunch of people. For anyone who hasn't seen the ad yet, I took a screenshot, which doesn't capture how good the ad is because it's a moving picture ad with multiple pictures and multiple lines of text.
Great work, Chaim and Shlomo!
I would advise to stop clicking on them. This will skew the numbers. Chaim must know what he is really paying for.
An ad campaign is a hard thing to predict and costs a lot of money. I am glad this one is doing well.
If all of us spent 10 minutes a day commenting on liveleak videos, posting JTF videos on youtube and liveleak, and posting links to the forum on other forums then we could be just as successful and it would not cost us a penny.
We have over 1400 English speaking members and at least 100 of us are super active. We need to be able to utilize our active members better. Leaving comments on this board is not good enough. Spreading the word and financial donations are musts.
I still haven't seen it... I tried ever since this morning!
Its there dan. It doesn't say jtf.org if thats what you are looking for. In Chaims second post in ths thread he explains hwo to see it.
OK, thanks DWI! O0
I saw it a number of times then, I just didn't realize that it was ours... Cool!
I still haven't seen it... I tried ever since this morning!
Its there dan. It doesn't say jtf.org if thats what you are looking for. In Chaims second post in ths thread he explains hwo to see it.
OK, thanks DWI! O0
I saw it a number of times then, I just didn't realize that it was ours... Cool!
Im glad you found it dan.
I am really thrilled to hear that this is working out and that jtf is getting all this new traffic. We need this to work fast.
The ad is now being displayed on the very top of the homepage. I saw it the first time I went to that site tonight.
This is wonderful
I would advise to stop clicking on them. This will skew the numbers. Chaim must know what he is really paying for.
An ad campaign is a hard thing to predict and costs a lot of money. I am glad this one is doing well.
If all of us spent 10 minutes a day commenting on liveleak videos, posting JTF videos on youtube and liveleak, and posting links to the forum on other forums then we could be just as successful and it would not cost us a penny.
We have over 1400 English speaking members and at least 100 of us are super active. We need to be able to utilize our active members better. Leaving comments on this board is not good enough. Spreading the word and financial donations are musts.
great point..
if anybody is curious as to where the banner leads. Don't click it.. For reason mentioned above.
It leads here
the hebrew jtf site.
Baruchim habayim le yamin ha'emetih http://hayamin.org/a7promo.html?clientid=1375
I moved this thread back here because I believe that all of our great members will want to know about this and comment on it.
As I could see, both links under your video lead to the same registration page.
I would link the second link to your channel at Flix.
I would also add a menu with Rabbi Kahane's videos on either side of the screen.
I would also decorate the side to the left of you video with a picture of the map of USA with the number of JTF members in bold and make it linkable to jtf.org.
On the right side, I would put the map of Israel with the number of members there and make it linkable to Hayamin.org.
As for the text, I would say:
Free Arabs from the Israeli prison.
Support the law of return of Arabs to their homeland.
Mazel tov achi. Very good to see. I hope and pray that something good comes of it. It must be a great expense but well worth it. Perhaps, the same can be done with those Bolshevik sites as well. Actually, a good idea might be to document your trying to place an advert, get denied and then sue these sites for violations of your human rights and your right to free speech censorship... ;)
Another option:
Show pictures of Gaza before and after.
And then say: If we act before, there will be no after.
Thank you! I was hoping it would turn out good. Those are my first flash animations so I'm hoping I can do much better next time. You guys really made my whole week!
If you have any problems with the ads in any way, please post what browser (and version if possible) you are using.
I know some of the pictures were a little fuzzy. We did the best we could with the small images we had. Those were common pictures in the media that had to be blown up a bit to fit in the ad space correctly. The bigger picture we start with, the better it's going to look in the ad.
THANK YOU to the ideas in the thread already posted! We really need your ideas on future ads and this helps a LOT. This is a way you could really help JTF.
Here's what we need and you can help with any or all of these:
- Text that tells a story - much like a tiny documentary
- 3, 4, or more (larger is better) pictures that help convey the message
- Possible ideas about a "logo" for the Hebrew forum (remember that the logo must be Hebrew but any ideas may still help greatly)
Remember that we have to follow a few guidelines with Arutz 7 to protect them since they are in Israel. We don't want too much blood or gore and it's a legal issue there to have a picture of the great Rabbi Kahane or the Kahane fist in the ad. Trust me when I say that both Chaim and I REALLY wanted a picture of Rabbi Kahane in the ad.
This is a way to get your own ideas out there on a major advertising campaign and, at the same time, help JTF immensely. Your ideas could be the next JTF advertisement!
Please get those ideas rolling...
Keep up the good work Shlomo!
Anyway... I feel that maybe it's better not to have the Kahane fist, or Rabbi Kahane in the advertisement.
My reasoning:
To let people who thought they had no common ideas with Kahane,
realize that they really are kahanists!
Just a thought....
Anyone who doubts that Chaim is the only hope for saving Israel is retarded, evil or both. Look at the difference between jtf and everyone else. Their is now finally hope that Israel will be rescued in time.
Anyone who doubts that Chaim is the only hope for saving Israel is retarded, evil or both. Look at the difference between jtf and everyone else. Their is now finally hope that Israel will be rescued in time.
You certainly make a point but I'd not go this far.... Any true Nationalist that is truly G-d fearing would be a blessing for that Hebrew speaking Greece known as "The State of Israel".... ;)
This is so good. When Chaim said it is "secret" or would not disclose which site will be carrying the ads, I thought it would be ArutzSheva. How right I was. Please G-d it will help and make a big difference. Thanks Chaim and this is indeed wonderful news. Shalom!
I think it would be a good idea to somehow elect one MK to the Knesset that would advocate or assist in honoring Chaim's Aliyah request. Not much one can do when not directly involved... my two cents... ;)
can we see these ads?
I wish! You will see them very soon. I already have 2 of them done for the next round and I have 2 more sizes left to do. This time, they look more like a video than a flash ad. I really put a lot of effort into some new techniques.
I am very excited about these new files. The new ad theme that Chaim came up with is sheer genius. Let's hope my graphic and flash skills measure up!
"Next Year in Jerusalem!".... O0
Excellent ads and thanks for what you've been doing Shlomo O0
G-d bless O0
Have we considered google ads?
I hear they're real cheap.
Or alternatives?
Is the ad still up? It seems it was replaced. I keep refreshing and not seeing the ad. I wasn't intending on clicking on it, just seeing it up on the site.
Have we considered google ads?
I hear they're real cheap.
Or alternatives?
I think Chaim currently wants to concentrate his effort on Eretz Yisrael.
I just thought of an idea. A few of the advertisements can be for Kahanist dating and point to the Kahanist dating section of our site.
Have we considered google ads?
I hear they're real cheap.
Or alternatives?
I think Chaim currently wants to concentrate his effort on Eretz Yisrael.
Hayamin.org did have hebrew google ads.
Have we considered google ads?
I hear they're real cheap.
Or alternatives?
I think Chaim currently wants to concentrate his effort on Eretz Yisrael.
Hayamin.org did have hebrew google ads.
Do we know if that ad-campaign was successful?
Do we know if that ad-campaign was successful?
It was extremely successful, Baruch Hashem!
I finished the new ads late Saturday night so they should be up in the next day or so.
Mazel Tov!
May I also suggest getting ads on Arutz Sheva's english homepage?
Chaim or Shlomo could correct me if I'm wrong, but Arutz Sheva's English website doesn't get nearly as many hits as their Hebrew site.
Have we considered google ads?
I hear they're real cheap.
Or alternatives?
I think Chaim currently wants to concentrate his effort on Eretz Yisrael.
Hayamin.org did have hebrew google ads.
Do we know if that ad-campaign was successful?
Yes, it was successful.
Mazel Tov!
May I also suggest getting ads on Arutz Sheva's english homepage?
Chaim or Shlomo could correct me if I'm wrong, but Arutz Sheva's English website doesn't get nearly as many hits as their Hebrew site.
Correct. The Hebrew site has 300,000 unique visitors a week. I don't know the stats for the English site, but it's in the tens of thousands.
Could you please show me where the adds are, can't see those here:
Could you please give me the link, I'm curious to see the design.
Do we know if that ad-campaign was successful?
It was extremely successful, Baruch Hashem!
I finished the new ads late Saturday night so they should be up in the next day or so.
כל הכבוד!
ותודה :)
I look forward to seeing the new ads
Congratulations Chaim and Shlomo. Well done. O0
This thread has gotten very long. We might want to consider breaking it up into subthreads or starting a new one.
I think several of us cannot find the ads!!! After the first few days I never could find them again. Is it still up?
You can find them all here:
wow very nice work Shlomo