General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lubab on April 29, 2008, 09:44:05 AM
Jerimiah Wright YS"V is on national television reinforcing his views which are viewed as radical by the majority of even our brainwashed nation effectively placing Obama between a rock and a hard place. It's now obvious to all what we already knew all along. These quotes publicized in the media were not just "snippets", they were who Wright is and what Barack Hussein soaked in for over twenty years and there is no more denying it.
It looks like the super-delegates are getting wary about Hussein's chances of winning in the general election as Wright is planning what appears to be an upcoming book tour over the next few months hurting Obama's numbers with every hateful word that comes out of his mouth in the media. Looks like the super-delegates might just give it to Hillary. Has Wright's greed and narcisissm helped us a avert a disaster?
I don't know Lubab. But I hope you're right.
Don't count on it. Barack Hussein Obama is the closest Democrats can come to electing a foreign Muslim President of the United States without actually violating the constitutional requirement that American Presidents be native-born. He fits right in with their 'hate America' agenda.
We must not relent for a minute in our efforts to bring him down.
If it's shown that Hillary's behind Wright, it may rebound on her!
If Obama really is Nimrod (who was a Hamite black man) reincarnated, then he's in!
Though the Apocalyptists are predicting that Bush is transmuting in to Gog, and that the November election will not take place!
I don't know Lubab. But I hope you're right.
Me, too. We can only help he loses come this November against John McCain.
Lubab is right. Hussien Osama has no chance.
I've said this from the beginning, but no one ever listens to my idiodic ideas.
The liberals have no need to worry, anyhow. McCain is on thier side.
Lubab is right. Hussien Osama has no chance.
I've said this from the beginning, but no one ever listens to my idiodic ideas.
The liberals have no need to worry, anyhow. McCain is on thier side.
yea America is screwed for the next 4 years :o :( :-[
99% of the time I would agree and say Hussein has no chance. But in November, there is a good chance we'll be in the middle of some pretty bad economic times... and people do stupid things when the economy turns south.
He's "down, but not out"!
Bardak Hussein Ussama is far from finished. He has a huge lead in funding, the much of the Media is in his pocket. Mccaine is semi-zombie and he wouldn't expose that Muslim hater for what he really is, neither the conservative media. He has support of the youth and the academia, so he has the most active and zealous campaigners.
Don't underestimate this menace.
Bardak Hussein Ussama is far from finished. He has a huge lead in funding, the much of the Media is in his pocket. Mccaine is semi-zombie and he wouldn't expose that Muslim hater for what he really is, neither the conservative media. He has support of the youth and the academia, so he has the most active and zealous campaigners.
Don't underestimate this menace.
Bardak Hussein Ussama is far from finished. He has a huge lead in funding, the much of the Media is in his pocket. Mccaine is semi-zombie and he wouldn't expose that Muslim hater for what he really is, neither the conservative media. He has support of the youth and the academia, so he has the most active and zealous campaigners.
Don't underestimate this menace.
Good points but the future of Obama right now is not going to be determined by the primary but by the super-delagates. If they think he's unelectable they won't vote for him.
Of course, all our efforts to stop Hussein should continue at full throttle.
It looks like the super-delegates are getting wary about Hussein's chances of winning in the general election as Wright is planning what appears to be an upcoming book tour over the next few months hurting Obama's numbers with every hateful word that comes out of his mouth in the media. Looks like the super-delegates might just give it to Hillary. Has Wright's greed and narcisissm helped us a avert a disaster?
I agree with you and I am hopful but, but this has never stopped the looney left before why would they change??
We all wish, there should be a requirement for being president that you can't be a member of a group that the US is currently at war with...
I think Obama is finished!
I would like his time on earth to be finished and his time in hell begin :D
I love how liberals are squirming because they don't know how to spin this one. They know
America won't buy Wright's philosophy but they don't want to antagonize blacks either. They put so much work into Obama that they are having a meltdown.
I just wish someone could find a video of Obama being in the church during one of those speeches!! Obama would not have said he wasn't there unless he knew his campaign covered up his tracks. Someone in the Chicago area needs to go through the archives of the local college news stations, public access etc. and see if he gave any controversial speeches there. Someone should check, NorthWestern TV, Loyola and University of Chicago news outlet records. Maybe he spoke at Northern Illinois University, Berat or Lake Forest College. There's got ot be some juicy stuff out there!!!!
In the 4/28 edition of Ask JTF, I asked Chaim if he felt that Hillary still had a realistic chance of winning the Democrat Nomination. Chaim answered the question around the 1:00 hour mark, give or take a couple of minutes. He doesn't give Hillary much of a chance but it couldn't hurt to post info against Obama on Indiana newspaper sites.
If Bardak doesn't win his party's nominee he would probably claim that the elections had been fixed and send his mob to mess up the streets. This could be like Chicago 68'...
If Bardak doesn't win his party's nominee he would probably claim that the elections had been fixed and send his mob to mess up the streets. This could be like Chicago 68'...
It very well might.
Three constants of third world "elections":
1. Dihimi Carter comes to visit
2. Everybody cheats
3. Disputed results and violent erupts in the streets