General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rubystars on June 26, 2008, 01:51:06 AM
Look how Tina threw Kelly Maureen under the bus and is dragging her into her legal problems. Ari if you keep handling a snake it will bite you. Please get away from Tina before she hurts you.
I know your time at JTF is over for good, but you can still protect yourself.
I believe Ari is no longer innocent but a sick pervert who went there to get the attention of women. He has collaborated so their is no point in wishing him any good.
I know what you mean but I don't wish any harm to come to Ari. I want him to leave Skippy's forum for his own sake even if I never know anything about it. I can't even look at her open forums anymore so I probably wouldn't know unless someone told me who can view her forums.
Ari knows exactly what Tina Greco did and he helps her. He is an evil traitor. Any so-called Jew who assists a Nazi is doomed. Ari will burn in hell for his crimes. He will go to the same hell that is reserved for Tina Greco and her friends at StørmFrønt, and the same hell that is reserved for Kelly Scott aka Kelly Taylor aka Kelly Maureen.
These people have plotted together to destroy JTF. In the end, G-d will destroy them.
Ari knows exactly what Tina Greco did and he helps her. He is an evil traitor. Any so-called Jew who assists a Nazi is doomed. Ari will burn in hell for his crimes. He will go to the same hell that is reserved for Tina Greco and her friends at StørmFrønt, and the same hell that is reserved for Kelly Scott aka Kelly Taylor aka Kelly Maureen.
These people have plotted together to destroy JTF. In the end, G-d will destroy them.
I wasn't sure what role he played in all that but I'll take your word on that as you know a lot more than I do about Ari's actions that led him to be banned from here.
What I did know was that by continuing to associate with Tina he is complicit, no matter how great or small a role he played in this latest debacle or previous ones.
I do have hope that one day he can break away from that path and be good though. I guess I hope that for every person who has done bad things, that they'll eventually realize that their actions weren't right and come around to the good side of things. It's just the nature of my personality to hope that people can change.
How utterly appropriate this weeks Parashah Korach is for todays world, and us specifically.
How utterly appropriate this weeks Parashah Korach is for todays world, and us specifically.
What is that?
If what all of Chaim says is true, then this person really is treacherous, and undeserving of all of this attention, I have had to rethink this. Enemies dont deserve NO time on a forum, HOW TO DEFEAT THEM DESERVES THE TIME.
Ari of all of them is the most disappointing cause he is a Jew and sided with a Nazi and her little side show slut. Why cause he can get maybe a bit of tail from the side show slut or be in good terms with his Nazi fat beast?
As far as traitors go they deserve all the misfortunes and bad luck they get in their life cause they the ones who are the true obsticle.
I just don't get why he would want to hang out with them or be like them. To me it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Ari is a dork!
Ari isnt even a good spy he got caught! Hes's eh stupid
Ari isnt even a good spy he got caught! Hes's eh stupid
I just don't get why he would want to hang out with them or be like them. To me it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
I think he was ensnared in the skipp's web.