General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Americanhero1 on June 30, 2008, 10:31:43 PM
The National Rifle Association plans to spend about $40 million on this year’s presidential campaign, with $15 million of that devoted to portraying Barack Obama as a threat to the Second Amendment rights upheld last week by the Supreme Court.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20080630/pl_politico/11452 (http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20080630/pl_politico/11452)
Yeah, if the 13th DIST isnt enough for EVERY single person in USA to be scared to death over Hussein Obama, I dont know what to say.
This should be ENOUGH for everyone to vote NO to the American-muzlim TERRORIST obama. >:(
I want to fight and I dont mean a verbal war I mean brawl
I want to fight and I dont mean a verbal war I mean brawl
I KNOW, I hear you- we are not like other people hero- they dont get us. We LIVE for a victory and a fight- we were born that way- I cant help it- LOOK at that video hero!! that is ENOUGH to enrage ANYBODY.
I want to fight and I dont mean a verbal war I mean brawl
I KNOW, I hear you- we are not like other people hero- they dont get us. We LIVE for a victory and a fight- we were born that way- I cant help it- LOOK at that video hero!! that is ENOUGH to enrage ANYBODY.
That wont make me any angrier I am naturally filled with RAGE i need to let it out
His district is a friggen pig pen, and he will have the rest of the nation look like this hog hole.
I want to fight and I dont mean a verbal war I mean brawl
I KNOW, I hear you- we are not like other people hero- they dont get us. We LIVE for a victory and a fight- we were born that way- I cant help it- LOOK at that video hero!! that is ENOUGH to enrage ANYBODY.
That wont make me any angrier I am naturally filled with RAGE i need to let it out
I can't believe how these primative creatures can be filled with pride living in crap like this.
Yeah, if the 13th DIST isnt enough for EVERY single person in USA to be scared to death over Hussein Obama, I dont know what to say.
This should be ENOUGH for everyone to vote NO to the American-muzlim TERRORIST obama. >:(
It isn't primarily ghetto schvartzes who voted him into the Senate. It was uppity, secular, yuppie white oxygen parasites. Self-hating whites are always more dangerous than the black beasts they support. We see this in Los Angeles' West Side and, increasingly, parts of once-Republican Orange County. These days it would be very difficult to tell South Orange County from degenerate Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
The same thing is a huge problem in Tucson, Arizona. All the middle and upper-class whites in Tucson are very pro-wetback, and they only vote for pro-amnesty candidates. They are a big part of the reason southern Arizona has turned into such a warzone hell.
Yeah, if the 13th DIST isnt enough for EVERY single person in USA to be scared to death over Hussein Obama, I dont know what to say.
This should be ENOUGH for everyone to vote NO to the American-muzlim TERRORIST obama. >:(
It isn't primarily ghetto schvartzes who voted him into the Senate. It was uppity, secular, yuppie white oxygen parasites. Self-hating whites are always more dangerous than the black beasts they support. We see this in Los Angeles' West Side and, increasingly, parts of once-Republican Orange County. These days it would be very difficult to tell South Orange County from degenerate Hollywood and Beverly Hills.
The same thing is a huge problem in Tucson, Arizona. All the middle and upper-class whites in Tucson are very pro-wetback, and they only vote for pro-amnesty candidates. They are a big part of the reason southern Arizona has turned into such a warzone hell.
Obamas biggest supporter: Oprah Winfrey. A Black Woman.
I only posted a link to show what he has done in ILL- plenty of NOTHING. I have never even heard of a self-hating white until this year. The only thing thaat this white girl does not like about herself- is that when I gain weight, it looks ugly.
One of the papers in Chicago wants the 2nd amendment to be taken out of the constitution. In the past, Obama has agreed with the paper on issues like that. Maybe he agrees with them.
The only thing thaat this white girl does not like about herself- is that when I gain weight, it looks ugly.
NRA is not a friend of gun owners, it was Wayne Lapiere who supported the NICS check, where was the NRA when California, New York City and DC passed these gun laws? NRA didn't do [censored] to help DC, they took credit for something that they had nothing to do with.
NRA is just a lobbyist group that pretends to care about peoples rights, but fact is, they wouldn't exist or make the ammount of money they have if gun control didn't exist in some form, which is why the NRA is a enemy of gun owners.
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