General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: AsheDina on July 01, 2008, 08:26:55 PM
First of ALL, I agree with Chaim that the ONLY way to beat obama is to VOTE in NOV. You do however have a right to know who has been financing Obama- since the FEC has 'glitch' which I, personally am in doubt about.
Here is a site for you all too look at what OIL Co's gave to Obama:
#1. http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/obamas_oil_spill.html
Here is another site that will show you the Individual Contributors of his campaign:
#2. www.newsmeat.com
You can access the FEC webpage to see what CORPS gave to obama, so you dont support them.
#3. http://www.fec.gov/
I hope this helps out better as I was asked to put this in order- Do you think this should go on the jewsagainstobama page as well? I am not an organized person. I am Sorry. I just hope this helps people that are not wanting to vote obama and have changed their minds, it will help them.
What is the law regarding foriegners donating to American candidates?
What is the law regarding foriegners donating to American candidates?
Ben Yehuda- a CEO is only allowed to give $2300- 1 time.
here is ANOTHER link- names 'real American names' >:( SURE.
www.newsmeat.com This is a FRAUDULENT CREEPY slug.
What is the best way to kill a slug ?
You get the salt
the Info that will hurt him
What is the law regarding foriegners donating to American candidates?
Ben- I am looking into this- I am not sure- WHERE IS CHAIM when we NEED HIM!!! Also- a CEO is only allowed to give $2300- ONE TIME. I believe this is the link that we have needed to expose this FRAUD.
Chaim has some lawyers in the family; perhaps they would know the answer to this.
How do you search to see if any money has been received from Arab countries? When I went to "donor lookup," it only allows you to look for a U.S. state.
OK. There is something very weird about this site. The search engine tool is worthless. It does not find specific names - I checked. Try to search for "Samina Ali" - a real contributor - in any order , with or without punctuation. Or for "Donald Smith." It only gives you 21 pages of your search, but no good criteria to narrow it down. I wanted to chack if there are any Husseins, but it came back with 0. I don't believe it. I repeat my question: how do I search for foreign contributors? Are corporations, organizations, and governments allowed to contribute (as opposed to individuals)? I am embarrased to say, I don't know. If so, how do I narrow my search down to organizations.
THIS SEARCH SITE IS NO GOOD!!! Is it obfuscating deliberately - what do you all think?
OK. There is something very weird about this site. The search engine tool is worthless. It does not find specific names - I checked. Try to search for "Samina Ali" - a real contributor - in any order , with or without punctuation. Or for "Donald Smith." It only gives you 21 pages of your search, but no good criteria to narrow it down. I wanted to chack if there are any Husseins, but it came back with 0. I don't believe it. I repeat my question: how do I search for foreign contributors? Are corporations, organizations, and governments allowed to contribute (as opposed to individuals)? I am embarrased to say, I don't know. If so, how do I narrow my search down to organizations.
THIS SEARCH SITE IS NO GOOD!!! Is it obfuscating deliberately - what do you all think?
I believe this is DELIBERATE I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
Paulette, this is a problem.
The second site seems to work better for last names. The search on last names does not bring the same results, as the first site. The first site "doesn't find" a lot of names. But the search criteria are awful. And you are probably right, it's deliberate. You can't search for foreign countries. What's that? Not talking about foreign nationals, there are a lot of Americans living abroad - about 6 million, as CNN said another day. You should be able to search for them. Yes, this might be a fraud.
What about this $2300 limit? I don't understand this. I see some people have contributed $10000. Is there a limit for some people, but not for others?
Paulette, this is a problem.
The second site seems to work better for last names. The search on last names does not bring the same results, as the first site. The first site "doesn't find" a lot of names. But the search criteria are awful. And you are probably right, it's deliberate. You can't search for foreign countries. What's that? Not talking about foreign nationals, there are a lot of Americans living abroad - about 6 million, as CNN said another day. You should be able to search for them. Yes, this might be a fraud.
What about this $2300 limit? I don't understand this. I see some people have contributed $10000. Is there a limit for some people, but not for others?
Masha- it is my collective understanding that CEOs can ONLY donate $2300- Obama donated $2300- for Hillary debt and his wife $2300- toward her debt.
Paulette, forgive my ignorance and stupidity. So, you cannot donate more than $2300 if you are a CEO (chairman of a corporation, right?), but are allowed to donate more if you are a regular person? Why the restrictions, do you know?
I saw that Warren Buffett donated money both to Obama and Hilary's campaign. He donated $2300 twice to each. He is a big financial markets' wizard. I am beginning to wonder whether the conspiracy theorists who associate the Democratic Party with the financial lobby are right.
Keep sending these, cause I been sending them out
Alot of leftwing Jews gave to osama
I saw that Warren Buffett donated money both to Obama and Hilary's campaign. He donated $2300 twice to each. He is a big financial markets' wizard. I am beginning to wonder whether the conspiracy theorists who associate the Democratic Party with the financial lobby are right.
Ok, I am looking into the first Q. the second: Did Warren Buffet do this 4 times in 08? Or 2x in 07 and 2x in o8? He can give only $2300- to EACH DEM I believe, but no more than that. Trust me, Buffet knows the law.
How do you search to see if any money has been received from Arab countries? When I went to "donor lookup," it only allows you to look for a U.S. state.
I am not sure about this at all.
Mord is right.
A lot of left wing Jews are contributing to this guy. The Jewish tendency to self-destruct is astonishing
M Night Shyamalan gave money to Obama, Adam Sandler gave to Guilianni.