The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: david1967 on July 05, 2008, 11:12:59 PM
I hope he is fired immediately!
He is a sick Bastard he needs to be fired at
This guy cries out for a $1 cure!
This " Burny " character and those like him are very dangerous. He sounds like the poster boy for Liberalism and Political Correctness.
It's a satire piece. The guy didn't really convert to Islam. He's just a major moonbat.
Wow, even if this story is satire, would we be shocked if Abraham Foxman converted to Islam?
Yet another liberal who deserves death!
It's a satire piece. The guy didn't really convert to Islam. He's just a major moonbat.
I'd like to take a bat to him
that son of a [censored], he should be dead in the eyes of his entire congregation and looked down upon >:(
What's up with all these weirdos converting to Islam? It's especially baffling when they're Jewish; you'd think they would want to keep the jewish people alive....
You shouldn't call him a jewish leader.
"jewish leader" in quotes, sure. As we know, the jewish leaders are all frauds anyway.
They are not religious people.
As Rabbi Kahane said. They are not chosen for their scholarship. They are chosen for their money or their ability to raise money.
If he made his conversion official, at list his betrayal will become obvious even to the demented Jews who might listen to him otherwise.
If he made his conversion official, at list his betrayal will become obvious even to the demented Jews who might listen to him otherwise.
it would be official unless he denounced it.
it's easy to convert to islam.
we had a snooker player - ronnie O' sullivan, who said he was out with muslim friends, I think he went to a mosque, they told him to say something, then they were all really friendly he thought they were great. Next day he finds out he's a muslim!
of course, they didn't accept him 'cos he said he's not and he didn't know what he was saying!
But the assumption was that he is