General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: IslamIsCancer on July 09, 2008, 04:59:06 AM

Title: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: IslamIsCancer on July 09, 2008, 04:59:06 AM
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: The White Shadow on July 09, 2008, 05:18:36 AM
Who cares what that queer says.   Wouldn't you just love to fist fight him? 
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: cjd on July 09, 2008, 05:20:05 AM
This is the face of white Obama supporters. He complains you should be making other forms of videos well I guess your computer and his are hooked up directly since he can't seem to view anything else. This is someone that is has spent a great deal of time around muslims he has the same inflection in his voice as many muslims do when they speak. It really is to bad that he was not at the Pentagon or the Trade Center on 9-11. I would not want to see him killed or injured but just be close enough to the action to see what his good friends are capable of.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: The White Shadow on July 09, 2008, 05:28:49 AM
This is the face of white Obama supporters. He complains you should be making other forms of videos well I guess your computer and his are hooked up directly since he can't seem to view anything else. This is someone that is has spent a great deal of time around muslims he has the same inflection in his voice as many muslims do when they speak. It really is to bad that he was not at the Pentagon or the Trade Center on 9-11. I would not want to see him killed or injured but just be close enough to the action to see what his good friends are capable of.

Good point, that scum - queert is totally affected.  You can tell how he idolizes muslims. He tries to talk aggressive like they do.   He idolizes them out of fear. 
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: mord on July 09, 2008, 05:32:02 AM
A fight with that weasel why was your time just pick him up like a bowling ball and toss him ;D
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: AsheDina on July 09, 2008, 05:55:27 AM
 Well- IIC- I tried to REGISTER and they hve me BANNED- my IP BANNED. WTF is THAT. Youtube too. These people are coming to eat my kittens, an gobble up my nephews, THIS IS A Conspiracy!  :o I emailed these people and it RTS: "daemon failure"  >:(  I was gonna wrip that little leftist jerk another ahole. DUMMY- he IS the PROBLEM, he will be the FIRST to get his head chopped OFF.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: P J C on July 09, 2008, 08:55:56 AM
My reply:

"A FEW!!!! HAVE YOU READ THE KORAN YOU DUMB SCUM!! YOU KNOW WHAT IS NARROW MINDED, THE FACT THAT YOU THINK THERE IS TALKING TO THESE GENOCIDAL MANIACS!! DO NOT ATTACK A JTFER!! YOU SIR ARE A MORON. THE HATE IS COMING FROM, 911, English transit bombings, Beheadings of innocent people for NOT practicing Islam. WAKE UP. If Islam is so harmless why dont you move there! WE DONT WHAT YOU HERE! YOU, My friend are an ignorant Dirty pig, to them, you are nothing but a fly they are ready to crush. They kill Christians, Jews, and an other not Islamic person LIKE FLIES! I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!!"
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: IslamIsCancer on July 09, 2008, 09:02:19 AM
JTFCatholic, amazing comment man.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Dan on July 09, 2008, 09:14:01 AM
I'm sorry but I couldn't listen to the whole thing... this guy is such a brainwashed p***y that I kick his butt all the way back to Mecca, this supposed educated as***** is part of the bigger problem of appeasement.
IIC you are the Real Star on Live Leak don't waste your time with this piece of garbage, keep on doing what you're doing you have all the support form your fellow JTFers.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Ulli on July 09, 2008, 09:18:53 AM
I can't stop lauging. He tries to make you a bad conscience. I know this attitude.

This arrogant freak is really funny.

Give him a hard reply.

P.S.: He seems to record his stupid statements in a school or a university. Perhaps he is a leftist teacher or a student.

Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: 2honest on July 09, 2008, 09:40:51 AM
I'd recommend to rely on facts and evidence when making videos.

Although it's obvious, many strange guys ask for facts to maintain a pseudo professional face.
Let them have the facts. If we back up our claims by evidence then it makes our arguments only stronger.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: mord on July 09, 2008, 09:54:35 AM


Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: mord on July 09, 2008, 09:59:56 AM

Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Kushiel on July 09, 2008, 10:27:39 AM
Psh, this loser says that he has dialogue, believe me, when im walking home and several muslims throw bottles at me or bash up my friend, i realised there is no dialouge with them. This bloke sounds like a naive 1 year old who dosnt quite get that more than "a few" muslims hate him for who he is, he's as bad as them and deserves a bullet.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Ulli on July 09, 2008, 12:01:59 PM



What an animal.  >:(
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: mord on July 09, 2008, 12:06:07 PM



What an animal.  >:(
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Rubystars on July 09, 2008, 12:24:19 PM
Typical idiot white liberal who has never had to deal with homicide bombers or any other real hardship.

Quote from: UglyAmerican
You're a hater, period.

I have to wonder why "UglyAmerican" hates his own people so much that he wants the continent of his ancestors destroyed by Muslims, doesn't care if Muslims move to the United States and do the same thing here, etc. He's probably never stood next to a Muslim man dressed like Osama and had to breathe the STENCH that comes off of them. They smell like camel dung.

Also don't forget, "Bigot: A conservative winning an argument with a liberal".

Quote from: UglyAmerican
What the * makes you hate so much?

Hey UA, what the * makes you so naive and ignorant?

Quote from: UglyAmerican
Why are you focusing all this energy into hatred on one particular group of people who practice a religion that you are not part of, that you don't even understand?

IslamisCancer, this guy doesn't understand that you do understand Islam and that's why you hate it. That's why all of us at JTF hate Islam.

Quote from: UglyAmerican
What is it about Islam that is so bad?

Palescumian homicide bombers, first WTC bombing, 9/11, train bombings, bus bombings, third world culture, disgusting smells, female genital mutilation, no rights for women, no freedom of speech, supression of minority religions in Muslim nations, barbaric tortures under sharia law, child abuse, and much more.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: ~Hanna~ on July 09, 2008, 12:28:38 PM
He is really an ignorant fool............ :::D

he will find out the truth one day and it could be too late for him.....



Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 09, 2008, 12:29:50 PM
Dont worry about him he will be one of the first the muslim behead
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Rubystars on July 09, 2008, 12:49:43 PM
Quote from: UglyAmerican
because a few people in Islam practice a radical form of it? That some exercise with violence? You have to hate an entire people based on their religion?

No, scumbag, because a LOT of people in Islam practice terrorism, and furthermore even the so-called "nice" and "moderate" Muslims send money to the terrorists through their tithe to "poor" Muslims, and spread destructive Islamic culture.

Man, what the hell is wrong with you?

I was wondering the same thing about "UglyAmerican", that he could be so blind and stupid.

Are you so narrow minded that you can't sit down and talk with Muslims and ask questions and find out what their anger is about?

Apparently this is the typical "white" Obama voter. He'd want to sit down and have a nice chat, with tea, cookies, and pastries, with Osama bin Laden.

UglyAmerican: "Gee sir, why do you hate Americans so much?"
Normal American: *shoots Osama bin Laden or otherwise kills him*

Quote from: UglyAmerican
I guess that's the big difference between somebody like you and somebody like me

Yeah, IslamisCancer has balls and UglyAmerican is a castrato.

Quote from: UglyAmerican
I have fears, I have doubts, I have concerns. I'm not ashamed to admit it!

When UglyAmerican stop being so afraid of the truth and start being afraid of our real enemies then he'll be a lot better off.

Quote from: UglyAmerican
but I don't know Islam, I don't understand Islam, I'm not Muslim

Well, from the previous comments, I would have though UglyAmerican was an expert on Islam /sarcasm. I guess he's not, so he'd better stuff a sock in it and let people who do understand Islam (like IslamisCancer and the other JTFers) teach his ignorant butt a thing or two.

Quote from: UglyAmerican
So I will ask Muslims, and we can have a debate and we can have a dialogue. That is what solves the problems.

UglyAmerican needs to learn that you can't debate with a wild animal that wants to kill you.

Debate and discussion works with civilized people, not third world scum.

Quote from: UglyAmerican
You are part of the problem, not the solution!

Oh this is gold! Typical hippy talk! Let's all break out into song! *Sings* Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now! *pukes*

Quote from: UglyAmerican
Try posting a video on something else, please? The tune is getting old, man!

Post lots of more anti-Islam videos, IslamisCancer, because it will be so much more worth it to know you're irritating this liberal idiot.

Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 09, 2008, 02:00:49 PM
Who cares what that queer says.   Wouldn't you just love to fist fight him? 
That wouldn't be fair. You know little [censored] like that run for the hills before you could land the first punch.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Ulli on July 09, 2008, 02:44:00 PM
O0 O0 O0 Rubystars  O0 O0 O0
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: SavetheWest on July 10, 2008, 03:09:59 AM
Just keep on getting out there!!! You're obviously getting to them!!!

Paullette...when they ban you...just register at different Kinkos and internet cafes.  They can never ban all the IP addresses!

Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: YESHA on July 10, 2008, 07:33:40 AM
What a sick, evil, imbasil he is. IIC: you can beat him and respond to that moreon anytime. He is an ignoramous!
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: P J C on July 11, 2008, 01:10:21 PM
I would like to wrap my hands around his little chicken neck, and break his knees with a baseball bat!!!!! >:(
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on July 11, 2008, 01:25:22 PM
Here is my reply to him on Liveleak:

UglyAmerican, your name is so appropriate. You are not only an ugly American, you are also a self-hating one.

Keep kissing the behinds of those who believe in a religion which orders its followers to forcibly convert or to physically exterminate all non-Muslim "infidels".

You want to dialogue with Osama Bin Ladin, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, Mahmud Abbas and other mass murdering Muslim Hitlers.

Islam Is Cancer is a hero. You could never shine his shoes.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on July 11, 2008, 01:29:08 PM
Islam Is Cancer, try not to lose your temper. If you do or say something foolish, you might be banned from Liveleak, which is what these pigs would love to see.

You can respond firmly and with dignity, but try not to provoke a banning.
Title: Re: LIVELEAK VIDEO; this scumbag made a video against me, stupid mongrel
Post by: IslamIsCancer on July 11, 2008, 01:45:33 PM
Here is my reply to him on Liveleak:

UglyAmerican, your name is so appropriate. You are not only an ugly American, you are also a self-hating one.

Keep kissing the behinds of those who believe in a religion which orders its followers to forcibly convert or to physically exterminate all non-Muslim "infidels".

You want to dialogue with Osama Bin Ladin, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, Mahmud Abbas and other mass murdering Muslim Hitlers.

Islam Is Cancer is a hero. You could never shine his shoes.