General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on July 09, 2008, 07:08:09 PM

Title: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on July 09, 2008, 07:08:09 PM

Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record:

Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: TruthSpreader on July 09, 2008, 07:17:01 PM
Paulette, David and Chaim are the best.

Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 09, 2008, 07:19:29 PM
Paulette, David and Chaim are the best.

Yes they most certainly are(http://planetsmilies.net/party-smiley-565.gif) (http://planetsmilies.net)
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: P J C on July 09, 2008, 07:40:04 PM
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Baltimore on July 09, 2008, 11:03:54 PM

Your shows are energetic and emotional and wake people up.  I do have one problem though. When you call him "Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama" you basically sound like you have as much credibility as a 9-11 Truther.


"Barack Hussein Obama" is bas enough as it is. The Mohammed part is nothing but Internet rumor.  I think it only hurts the legitimacy of your words by using it.  Again on its own "Barack Hussein Obama" is bad enough to scare certain voters away.
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 10, 2008, 01:02:26 AM

Your shows are energetic and emotional and wake people up.  I do have one problem though. When you call him "Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama" you basically sound like you have as much credibility as a 9-11 Truther.


"Barack Hussein Obama" is bas enough as it is. The Mohammed part is nothing but Internet rumor.  I think it only hurts the legitimacy of your words by using it.  Again on its own "Barack Hussein Obama" is bad enough to scare certain voters away.

 Thanks. I Will advise.
  However, we have a letter from Kenya on this forum from African Missionaries, and EVERONE in paltalk says EXACTLY that whole name, and now everyone just says it.  Many of these people that I know, have joined this forum.  I will however advise, from you, and appreciate it.

  My audios really are the PITS to be honest- saying "ok" 9 times is NOT "OK"   I was VERY nervous and sent the WRONG one.  I currently have a couple members helping me with these audios, what I NEED, are outlines and HELP. PLEASE. I'm TERRIBLE at making OUTLINES. If you all can PLEASE help me, I WILL follow those outlines- it does NOT have to be a "lot" PLEASE help me. TY.  I do have one outline that is EXCELLENT in my inbox- but I will need more.  Please send me your outlines- help me- and I will not only wake people up- but I wont say "ok" and "alright"  just send them to my messages here.I will also make SURE to make mention of your hard work.
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: YESHA on July 10, 2008, 07:07:00 AM
Thank you so much Paulette for your excellent and well-put togeather shows.

Obama enrolled in Muslim and catholic schools – always as a Muslim. His mother married two Muslim men, one from Indonesia and one from Kenya, by Muslim law he IS a Muslim. Both of his fathers were religious Muslims. Obama did attend Mosque services and even prayed, though he is a liar, and has denied it! Media outlets favourable to him have admitted him praying in mosques. Obama studied Islam! Every word uttered from his mouth is a lie. Obama belongs to a so-called “church” as a cover-up of his true identity and alienation: Islam and the evil, cruel, barbaric and murderous Muslim world.

Obama attended Muslim Basuki School and a Catholic school in Indonesia and his religion was registered as Muslim in both schools. Despite this overwhelming evidence, Obama insists he was never a Muslim.

If Obama is an apostate isn’t his life in danger from Muslims? How can he then visit any Muslim countries? If Muslims are overwhelmingly for Obama doesn’t it prove that he is not an apostate? He may say that he was never a Muslim, but there is no question that is registered as a Muslim is Muslim and non-Muslim schools and both of his fathers were Muslims. Under Islamic law if you father was a Muslim then you are a Muslim, whether you like it or not, and if you leave you are an apostate and traitor and you are supposed to be killed! No of the Muslims are calling him an apostate, none of them are denouncing him. They all understand that this is “takiyah” or deception. One could see the Muslim reaction to his candidacy on YouTube. There Louis Farrakhan, the Nazi head of the Nation of Islam, who has met with all the Muslim dictators, praises Obama lavishly, more than Jesse Jackson - Even when Jackson has a “sacred covenant” with Farrakhan.

Why would Farakhan and all the Muslim leaders and organisations be so committed to electing Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency? If he were really just a Muslim, who left the faith, an apostate, why would they be so committed to this? Isn’t it obvious that he is still a Muslim?

Obama did NOT “convert to Christianly” because (1) he has never stated why he has become a Christian (2) he never gave a reason for what was bad in Islam that prompted him to abandoned that religion (3) usually Muslims who convert to Christianity become strong bible-believing fundamentalist Christians and not radical-Left socialists like Obama, (4) he was not persecuted for “leaving Islam” by any of his friends or family, as Muslims face persecution for leaving the religion – he maintains an excellent relationship with his Muslim relatives.   He is working to destroy western civilisation in a mask.
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 10, 2008, 08:56:30 PM
Thank you so much Paulette for your excellent and well-put togeather shows.

Obama enrolled in Muslim and catholic schools – always as a Muslim. His mother married two Muslim men, one from Indonesia and one from Kenya, by Muslim law he IS a Muslim. Both of his fathers were religious Muslims. Obama did attend Mosque services and even prayed, though he is a liar, and has denied it! Media outlets favourable to him have admitted him praying in mosques. Obama studied Islam! Every word uttered from his mouth is a lie. Obama belongs to a so-called “church” as a cover-up of his true identity and alienation: Islam and the evil, cruel, barbaric and murderous Muslim world.

Obama attended Muslim Basuki School and a Catholic school in Indonesia and his religion was registered as Muslim in both schools. Despite this overwhelming evidence, Obama insists he was never a Muslim.

If Obama is an apostate isn’t his life in danger from Muslims? How can he then visit any Muslim countries? If Muslims are overwhelmingly for Obama doesn’t it prove that he is not an apostate? He may say that he was never a Muslim, but there is no question that is registered as a Muslim is Muslim and non-Muslim schools and both of his fathers were Muslims. Under Islamic law if you father was a Muslim then you are a Muslim, whether you like it or not, and if you leave you are an apostate and traitor and you are supposed to be killed! No of the Muslims are calling him an apostate, none of them are denouncing him. They all understand that this is “takiyah” or deception. One could see the Muslim reaction to his candidacy on YouTube. There Louis Farrakhan, the Nazi head of the Nation of Islam, who has met with all the Muslim dictators, praises Obama lavishly, more than Jesse Jackson - Even when Jackson has a “sacred covenant” with Farrakhan.

Why would Farakhan and all the Muslim leaders and organisations be so committed to electing Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency? If he were really just a Muslim, who left the faith, an apostate, why would they be so committed to this? Isn’t it obvious that he is still a Muslim?

Obama did NOT “convert to Christianly” because (1) he has never stated why he has become a Christian (2) he never gave a reason for what was bad in Islam that prompted him to abandoned that religion (3) usually Muslims who convert to Christianity become strong bible-believing fundamentalist Christians and not radical-Left socialists like Obama, (4) he was not persecuted for “leaving Islam” by any of his friends or family, as Muslims face persecution for leaving the religion – he maintains an excellent relationship with his Muslim relatives.   He is working to destroy western civilisation in a mask.

  Yesha- ABSOLUTELY. He DEF. is NO "Christian" NOT AT ALL.  I, myself- have many friends that are Christians- they are not even close to being a radical leftist like obama.  I dont buy it for one single second that he is a "Christian" NO WAY. At ALL.  I know what you are saying- ANY REAL Christian is a very Gd fearing holy type person. A REAL Christian is 100% AGAINST partial birth- adult entertainment- and would NEVER EVER allow iZlam in their church, PERIOD. It is a LIE. He is a FRAUD, like the Pied piper- LIAR- Thank you for THIS info to help me.

  BTW: ty- I have been SO INSANE BUSY to go and make commenting on YOUR work- people need cheering on- I am sorry. Truly.   I will get over there ASAP. And THANK YOU.
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: P J C on July 10, 2008, 11:20:33 PM
Thank you so much Paulette for your excellent and well-put togeather shows.

Obama enrolled in Muslim and catholic schools – always as a Muslim. His mother married two Muslim men, one from Indonesia and one from Kenya, by Muslim law he IS a Muslim. Both of his fathers were religious Muslims. Obama did attend Mosque services and even prayed, though he is a liar, and has denied it! Media outlets favourable to him have admitted him praying in mosques. Obama studied Islam! Every word uttered from his mouth is a lie. Obama belongs to a so-called “church” as a cover-up of his true identity and alienation: Islam and the evil, cruel, barbaric and murderous Muslim world.

Obama attended Muslim Basuki School and a Catholic school in Indonesia and his religion was registered as Muslim in both schools. Despite this overwhelming evidence, Obama insists he was never a Muslim.

If Obama is an apostate isn’t his life in danger from Muslims? How can he then visit any Muslim countries? If Muslims are overwhelmingly for Obama doesn’t it prove that he is not an apostate? He may say that he was never a Muslim, but there is no question that is registered as a Muslim is Muslim and non-Muslim schools and both of his fathers were Muslims. Under Islamic law if you father was a Muslim then you are a Muslim, whether you like it or not, and if you leave you are an apostate and traitor and you are supposed to be killed! No of the Muslims are calling him an apostate, none of them are denouncing him. They all understand that this is “takiyah” or deception. One could see the Muslim reaction to his candidacy on YouTube. There Louis Farrakhan, the Nazi head of the Nation of Islam, who has met with all the Muslim dictators, praises Obama lavishly, more than Jesse Jackson - Even when Jackson has a “sacred covenant” with Farrakhan.

Why would Farakhan and all the Muslim leaders and organisations be so committed to electing Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency? If he were really just a Muslim, who left the faith, an apostate, why would they be so committed to this? Isn’t it obvious that he is still a Muslim?

Obama did NOT “convert to Christianly” because (1) he has never stated why he has become a Christian (2) he never gave a reason for what was bad in Islam that prompted him to abandoned that religion (3) usually Muslims who convert to Christianity become strong bible-believing fundamentalist Christians and not radical-Left socialists like Obama, (4) he was not persecuted for “leaving Islam” by any of his friends or family, as Muslims face persecution for leaving the religion – he maintains an excellent relationship with his Muslim relatives.   He is working to destroy western civilisation in a mask.

  Yesha- ABSOLUTELY. He DEF. is NO "Christian" NOT AT ALL.  I, myself- have many friends that are Christians- they are not even close to being a radical leftist like obama.  I dont buy it for one single second that he is a "Christian" NO WAY. At ALL.  I know what you are saying- ANY REAL Christian is a very Gd fearing holy type person. A REAL Christian is 100% AGAINST partial birth- adult entertainment- and would NEVER EVER allow iZlam in their church, PERIOD. It is a LIE. He is a FRAUD, like the Pied piper- LIAR- Thank you for THIS info to help me.

  BTW: ty- I have been SO INSANE BUSY to go and make commenting on YOUR work- people need cheering on- I am sorry. Truly.   I will get over there ASAP. And THANK YOU.
Obama is really a disgrace. HE IS NOT A CITIZEN! I am OVERWELMED WITH ALL THE DIRT DUG UP ON THIS MAN, and is still not being recognized by the far left!
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Ben Yehuda on July 13, 2008, 10:44:11 AM
Very informative. Good stuff, Paulette.
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 15, 2008, 09:10:42 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 15, 2008, 09:13:28 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(

Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 15, 2008, 10:04:45 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(


 Yeah. Like WTF am i doing this for?  :-\
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 15, 2008, 10:07:21 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(


 Yeah. Like WTF am i doing this for?  :-\
??? :::D
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 15, 2008, 10:14:45 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(


 Yeah. Like WTF am i doing this for?  :-\

All that you do for JTF helps  O0
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 15, 2008, 10:14:57 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(


 Yeah. Like WTF am i doing this for?  :-\
??? :::D

 Yeah Hero- You and Me. We should just keep coming in here and start a HUGE FIGHT, then EVERYONE will come over here- THAT is what gets peoples attn. Nevermind that this barack is a killer.  :o >:( :-[  We should have a knock down drag out RIGHT HERE. COME ON YA PATSY's!
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 15, 2008, 10:16:00 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(


 Yeah. Like WTF am i doing this for?  :-\
??? :::D

 Yeah Hero- You and Me. We should just keep coming in here and start a HUGE FIGHT, then EVERYONE will come over here- THAT is what gets peoples attn. Nevermind that this barack is a killer.  :o >:( :-[  We should have a knock down drag out RIGHT HERE. COME ON YA PATSY's!

Bring it on ;D
Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 15, 2008, 10:18:45 PM
you know 159 views- that is TERRIBLE, Thanks for the SUPPORT. >:(


 Yeah. Like WTF am i doing this for?  :-\
??? :::D

 Yeah Hero- You and Me. We should just keep coming in here and start a HUGE FIGHT, then EVERYONE will come over here- THAT is what gets peoples attn. Nevermind that this barack is a killer.  :o >:( :-[  We should have a knock down drag out RIGHT HERE. COME ON YA PATSY's!

Bring it on ;D

Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: AsheDina on July 15, 2008, 10:22:32 PM

Title: Re: Paulette: Barack Hussein Mohammed Obama's Voting Record (07/09)
Post by: Americanhero1 on July 15, 2008, 10:34:48 PM

