General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mishmaat on January 26, 2007, 03:47:40 AM

Title: Video downloads
Post by: Mishmaat on January 26, 2007, 03:47:40 AM
I apologize for not uploading these sooner. Each video is approximately 174 megabytes. The sound quality is amazing. All are in AVI format and require the DivX or Xvid codec. I'd recommend that someone divide each video into three parts for Oz to put on YouTube.

Conservative Talk Shows - Chaim Ben Pesach explains how the establishment uses so-called "conservative" media outlets to suppress any real action from conservative Americans. - http://www.takebackourtemple.com/JTF/Conservative_Talk_Shows.avi

Black History - Chaim provides an hilarious, albeit brief, review of black "history". - http://www.takebackourtemple.com/JTF/Take_Back_America-Black_History.avi

Federal Reserve - Riveting program with special guest Reuven Ben Avraham, who discusses a broad range of economic issues. And specifically exposes the evil -- and unconstitutional -- Federal Reserve. - http://www.takebackourtemple.com/JTF/Take_Back_America-Federal_Reserve.avi


Addendum: New links.
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: SoldierOfZion on January 26, 2007, 04:38:52 PM
I'm downloading these and will host them, in their entirety, on my web site. I'll post links when they're available.
I can also split them up for YouTube if you'd like.
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: SoldierOfZion on January 26, 2007, 05:01:09 PM
I apologize for not uploading these sooner. Each video is approximately 174 megabytes. The sound quality is amazing. All are in AVI format and require the DivX or Xvid codec. I'd recommend that someone divide each video into three parts for Oz to put on YouTube.

Conservative Talk Shows - Chaim Ben Pesach explains how the establishment uses so-called "conservative" media outlets to suppress any real action from conservative Americans. - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YGW7W77I

Black History - Chaim provides an hilarious, albeit brief, review of black "history". - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C20G15DU

Federal Reserve - Riveting program with special guest Reuven Ben Avraham, who discusses a broad range of economic issues. And specifically exposes the evil -- and unconstitutional -- Federal Reserve. - http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D4EDLJ22


Megaupload said I exceeded my limit after downloading the first video. Can you upload it to RapidShare (I have an unlimited account there? Or, I can create an FTP account on my server for you and you can upload it there.
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: azrom on January 26, 2007, 05:42:13 PM
Thanks for the videos.  :)
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: Mishmaat on January 27, 2007, 09:41:47 PM

Megaupload said I exceeded my limit after downloading the first video. Can you upload it to RapidShare (I have an unlimited account there? Or, I can create an FTP account on my server for you and you can upload it there.


Soldier, send me a PM with the FTP username and password. I'll upload everything in a reasonable time frame.
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: SoldierOfZion on January 28, 2007, 02:04:33 PM

Megaupload said I exceeded my limit after downloading the first video. Can you upload it to RapidShare (I have an unlimited account there? Or, I can create an FTP account on my server for you and you can upload it there.


Soldier, send me a PM with the FTP username and password. I'll upload everything in a reasonable time frame.


Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: SoldierOfZion on January 28, 2007, 08:58:57 PM
Thanks to Devil's Advocate, these three videos can be downloaded from here:

Eventually, I will move them permanently to my somebodyhelpme.info page (once I free up the space).

Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: Until Shiloh Comes on January 30, 2007, 02:46:25 PM
Federal Reserve - Riveting program with special guest Reuven Ben Avraham, who discusses a broad range of economic issues. And specifically exposes the evil -- and unconstitutional -- Federal Reserve. - http://www.nationalupholstering.com/jtf/Federal%20Reserve.avi

Hello my friend, and good day to you.

This is one of the greatest JTF shows ever.   Thank you for posting this.
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: Christian Zionist on February 03, 2007, 08:59:59 PM
Good Job Yirmiahu!

Do you have the Take Back America show about "Cleopatra Jefferson", that mhmm woman who gave a hard time to Chaim?

Thank you!

Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: Mishmaat on February 03, 2007, 10:42:50 PM

Shalom Christian Zionist!

Unfortunately, I don't have that program. I don't even have the audio. :(
Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: Christian Zionist on February 03, 2007, 10:57:34 PM
Not a problem Yirmiahu!

If somebody else in this forum has that video/audio please post it in a free site.

Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: zionistgoy on March 12, 2007, 08:59:43 PM
Thanks to Devil's Advocate, these three videos can be downloaded from here:

Eventually, I will move them permanently to my somebodyhelpme.info page (once I free up the space).


This link is not working for me.
If anyone has another link, please post.


Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: zionistgoy on March 12, 2007, 09:08:17 PM
oops I'm sorry...
I just saw the megaupload post.

Thanks and Blessings

Title: Re: Video downloads
Post by: SoldierOfZion on March 17, 2007, 02:06:05 AM
I apologize for not uploading these sooner. Each video is approximately 174 megabytes. The sound quality is amazing. All are in AVI format and require the DivX or Xvid codec. I'd recommend that someone divide each video into three parts for Oz to put on YouTube.

Conservative Talk Shows - Chaim Ben Pesach explains how the establishment uses so-called "conservative" media outlets to suppress any real action from conservative Americans. - http://www.nationalupholstering.com/jtf/Conservative%20Talk%20Shows.avi

Black History - Chaim provides an hilarious, albeit brief, review of black "history". - http://www.nationalupholstering.com/jtf/Black%20History.avi

Federal Reserve - Riveting program with special guest Reuven Ben Avraham, who discusses a broad range of economic issues. And specifically exposes the evil -- and unconstitutional -- Federal Reserve. - http://www.nationalupholstering.com/jtf/Federal%20Reserve.avi


Addendum: The videos are now located at http://www.nationalupholstering.com/jtf/

I had to remove the videos from the other site. Here are new, permanent links:

I can't find my copy of "Conservative Talk Shows". Would it be possible to get another copy of that so I can upload that as well?