General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: zachor_ve_kavod on July 15, 2008, 05:44:52 PM
I heard a debate that took place in the mid 80s between Rabbi Kahane (may G-d avenge his blood) and Dennis Prager, in which the Rabbi absolutely tore him to pieces intellectually. Prager was much more a leftist than he is today. In this short video Prager gives a speech about the empty headed leftists. He must have matured considerably since the debate because what he says here makes a lot of sense.
Prager and Medved have become much more right as they get older. There is a saying..
If you are below 30 and a conservative.. you dont have a heart.
if you above 30 and are a liberal... you dont have a brain.
Medved is Frum don't know about Prager
Unless he apologizes for attacking HaRav (zt"l), I do not forgive him and want nothing to do with him.
Unless he apologizes for attacking HaRav (zt"l), I do not forgive him and want nothing to do with him.
Did he attack Rabbi Kahane?