General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ulli on July 24, 2008, 01:15:02 PM
People in America couldn't care less about who is elected in Deutchland.
Obama with the homosexual Socialist major of Berlin
Obama with the evil secretary of state Frank Walter Steinmeier
A single brave Republican
Source: http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0,1518,567877,00.html
Sickening... he's talking about how great the German people are and invoking nazi times.
Sickening... he's talking about how great the German people are and invoking nazi times.
And they love him for this. :(
I heard him saying how Americans and Germans gained respect for each other after the war that was fostered on the battlefield... He's talking about NAZIS who murdered so many people in the most cowardly and cruel manner. We should eternally hate them and never respect them.
I see a women in a low cut blouse with obama button a few shvartzes probably a few mopslems and Steinmeier is very happy to be near obama ;D
Unfortunately, America is in love with Obama too. :(
I heard him saying how Americans and Germans gained respect for each other after the war that was fostered on the battlefield...
What could this towel head ever know about the second world war? All he knows is his muslim war against the west...... Christians and Jews. Why does he not immigrate to Germany and run for president there if he loves them so much. Even better, why does he not go back to his roots in Africa from where his useless black father came from, or South Africa, where his other god (mandela) lives? Just like South Africa, white Americans who vote for this obama kaffir will rue the day they ever did so. America will be destroyed from within, unless they wake up extremely fast...... the writing is on the wall.
I see a women in a low cut blouse with obama button a few shvartzes probably a few mopslems and Steinmeier is very happy to be near obama ;D
Yes they love each other. >:(
This is more proof that Nazis and other "white supremacists" are always hypocrites. The great Aryan Race of Germany supposedly fought a war 60 years ago on behalf of "white civilization". However, today, the Aryan Master Race is supporting a black uber-racist.
Of course, the Nazis 60 years ago were phony white supremacists as well. They murdered at least six million Jews in ovens and insecticide chambers, all of whom were 100% white, but were allies with the decidedly nonwhite Arab Muslims of Israel (then British Nazi Palestine).
Yimach schmo to the Nazi Germans of yesteryear and today. >:(
They loved Hitler too, so what does that tell you?
The guy in the third pic. Is he a black German?
This is more proof that Nazis and other "white supremacists" are always hypocrites. The great Aryan Race of Germany supposedly fought a war 60 years ago on behalf of "white civilization". However, today, the Aryan Master Race is supporting a black uber-racist.
Of course, the Nazis 60 years ago were phony white supremacists as well. They murdered at least six million Jews in ovens and insecticide chambers, all of whom were 100% white, but were allies with the decidedly nonwhite Arab Muslims of Israel (then British Nazi Palestine).
Yimach schmo to the Nazi Germans of yesteryear and today. >:(
I completely agree. Furthermore, these animals actually criticized Osama when he lied that he supported the death penalty for child rapists. In Germany it's illegal to work more than 35 hours per week so it's not surprising that these immoral creatures would support a Black, Muslim, Communist, gay crack junkie.
This is more proof that Nazis and other "white supremacists" are always hypocrites. The great Aryan Race of Germany supposedly fought a war 60 years ago on behalf of "white civilization". However, today, the Aryan Master Race is supporting a black uber-racist.
Of course, the Nazis 60 years ago were phony white supremacists as well. They murdered at least six million Jews in ovens and insecticide chambers, all of whom were 100% white, but were allies with the decidedly nonwhite Arab Muslims of Israel (then British Nazi Palestine).
Yimach schmo to the Nazi Germans of yesteryear and today. >:(
I completely agree. Furthermore, these animals actually criticized Osama when he lied that he supported the death penalty for child rapists. In Germany it's illegal to work more than 35 hours per week so it's not surprising that these immoral creatures would support a Black, Muslim, Communist, gay crack junkie.
No the 35 hours are law in France. But you are partially right. The bolschewik German gouvernment have laws for the maximal work time during the week. But I think it is 45 hours the week.
IMO the gouvernment has no rights to tell the people how many hours they are allowed to work.
But they want a small time in order that the people are addicted to the gouvernment.
I prefer to be free. Thank god I am self-employed.
No surprise that Obama is celebrated since the media constantly praises him.
I wonder if our clown for foreign affairs recorded a rap song when he met with Obama. ;D
No surprise that Obama is celebrated since the media constantly praises him.
I wonder if our clown for foreign affairs recorded a rap song when he met with Obama. ;D
I detest Steinmeier. He is one of the worse politicians in Germany. As slippery as an eel and 100 percent opportunistic. If he would have lived a few decades before he would be a real Nazi.
I detest Steinmeier. He is one of the worse politicians in Germany. As slippery as an eel and 100 percent opportunistic. If he would have lived a few decades before he would be a real Nazi.
This guy would be funny if he wasn't that serious. Especially his Uhu look should give lots of material for a decent cabaret performance.
I detest Steinmeier. He is one of the worse politicians in Germany. As slippery as an eel and 100 percent opportunistic. If he would have lived a few decades before he would be a real Nazi.
This guy would be funny if he wasn't that serious. Especially his Uhu look should give lots of material for a decent cabaret performance.
Steinmeier is the prototype of a Nazi. He is involved in nearly all serious anti-semite actions in Germany. >:(
Plus his behaviour endangers a lot of righteous people. >:(
Well...to hell of the Germains. What did you expect from such people.
You are free if you observe Shabbat...
The guy in the third pic. Is he a black German?
You don't recognize him? That's Arnold Shvartzan*gger! :::D Oops, this is Germany, not Austria. My mistake.
They had a rock concert right before the Obama speech, it was the same situation in Portland, OR where Obama had a 75,000 turnout but we never found out until now that there was a rock concert right before.
I talk to so many people daily because of my job and EVERY SINGLE YOUNG PERSON is for Obama and they say, "I think Obama can fix this whole mess that we're in." We have to get our message out to more people. You can see how young people all over the Western world, freak out on youtube when they see a video or comments that criticize him. They seriously almost have a breakdown.
Well...to hell of the Germains. What did you expect from such people.
The whole world is insane, not just Germany.
Topic: Germany loves Obama:
How this disease gets transmitted? :o