General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 03, 2008, 06:56:55 PM

Title: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 03, 2008, 06:56:55 PM


Chaim Ben Pesach, the National Chairman of JewsAgainstObama.com, has issued a public challenge to JewsForObama.com to publicly debate every week from now until the November presidential election.

In issuing the debate challenge, Ben Pesach made the following statement:

"Barack Hussein Obama is an anti-Semite who will brutally pressure tiny Israel to commit national suicide. Obama also supports Muslim terrorist Iran and the rest of the Jew-hating Islamic world.

"Obama is anti-American as well, and his pro-Muslim radical leftwing policies endanger the very survival of the United States and Western civilization.

"Therefore Jews who support Obama are self-hating Jews who are working to elect an anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and anti-American president who despite all of his lying denials was in fact born and raised as a Muslim.

"We publicly call upon JewsForObama.com and any other prominent Jewish Obama supporters to debate us on these subjects. Stop hiding behind the Obama-worshipping biased news media. Come out and refute any of our charges if you can in a public forum where both sides are afforded equal time to present their cases. If you refuse to debate, it will only further prove that Obama supporters are unwilling and unable to defend their candidate when presented with the truth."

For more information on how to interview JewsAgainstObama.com, or to arrange speaking engagements and/or debates, please contact the organization at the following e-mail address:

[email protected]
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 03, 2008, 06:59:09 PM
I'm in. I can't wait to debate them.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: mord on August 03, 2008, 07:00:32 PM
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 03, 2008, 07:04:12 PM
Please spread this press release all over the place:

Send out emails, send this to the news media, send this to radio and television talk show hosts, send this to columnists, send this to conservative and leftwing web sites, send this to synagogues, blogs, newspapers and news wires.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 03, 2008, 07:05:42 PM
This pages shows so-called rabbis endorsing them. Notice that only one is wearing a Kipa(Yamulka).

Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 03, 2008, 07:52:54 PM
I tried to register to post comments on their site and I'm still waiting for them to email me a password. I did go onto youtube to challenge so called rabbi Sam Gordon. I think my comment about the Yalmukas will do an excellent job at complementing Shoshana Hantman's comment about women rabbis.

Here is an email that I sent to Shoshana:

   I read your comment on JewsforObama and I challenge you to public debate on the JewsAgainstObama.org forum. There is no such thing as a woman rabbi. The state of Israel does not recognize any and your ordination is not legitimate. Read Leviticus Chapter 15, Parashat Metzora to find out one of the many reasons why women are not permitted to do most of the services of Rabbis. This is not to say that women are unimportant or I don't believe in women's rights. A lot of Jewish Matriarchs such as Sarah, Queen Esther and Ruth were important to our history but they were not Lesbians. They were real Jewish heroes who believed in G-d and the torah. Queen Esther did not support Haman like the Lesbians of today support Barack Hussein(he himself changed it from Barry Sorieto) Obama.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Lisa on August 03, 2008, 09:15:17 PM
I sent out the press release to Pamela from Atlas Shrugs, Debbie Schlussel, Alarmingnews.com, Dennis Prager, the blog Exit Zero, whose author is a friend of mine, the Republican Jewish Coalition, The Jewish Week, Israpundit,  and Iraellycool.com.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Shamgar on August 03, 2008, 09:31:54 PM

Gentiles doing our part.

www.baptistjihad.com is updated.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 03, 2008, 10:30:37 PM
Anyone know Mark Levin's email address?  I would like to send it to him too..
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 03, 2008, 10:31:17 PM
Anyone know Mark Levin's email address?  I would like to send it to him too..

Dan has it on his list
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 03, 2008, 11:12:36 PM
My account on JewsForObama stopped working. I'm guessing they didn't approve of our challenge.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: P J C on August 03, 2008, 11:19:08 PM
I don't know why but, I figured I would send it to Dick Morris. ::)
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Shlomo on August 04, 2008, 12:29:55 AM
I really think they are probably afraid to have a debate with us because they know they don't stand a chance.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Shamgar on August 04, 2008, 04:07:57 AM
I sent it to Quinn and Rose at www.warroom.com

They are great conservative talk show hosts out of Pittsburgh.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 04, 2008, 04:59:16 AM
Anyone know Mark Levin's email address?  I would like to send it to him too..

Dan has it on his list

Oh I must have missed that when I looked through it.  Thanks.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: RationalThought110 on August 04, 2008, 05:35:46 AM
Should the National Jewish Democrat Council also be challenged? 

They frequently spread a lot of lies.   

An example:

     They've declared the following people to be Pro-Israel and the NJDC says they're advisers to Obama:
      • Tony Lake: former Clinton National Security Council adviser
• Eric Lynn: senior aide to former Rep. Peter Deutsch (D-FL)
• Denis McDonough: former senior foreign policy adviser for Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD)
• Ambassador Dennis Ross
• Dan Shapiro: former National Security Council official during the Clinton Administration
• Representative Robert Wexler (D-FL)"

This is all a lie.  They should also be challenged to a debate.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: P J C on August 04, 2008, 09:03:04 AM
Obama will have some mighty fierce competition with JTF once we get into power.
As Obama would say- "Damn Skippy"  :::D
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 04, 2008, 05:04:37 PM
I sent out the press release to Pamela from Atlas Shrugs, Debbie Schlussel, Alarmingnews.com, Dennis Prager, the blog Exit Zero, whose author is a friend of mine, the Republican Jewish Coalition, The Jewish Week, Israpundit,  and Iraellycool.com.

Thanks Lisa! Great work as usual!
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 04, 2008, 05:05:29 PM
I sent it to Quinn and Rose at www.warroom.com

They are great conservative talk show hosts out of Pittsburgh.

Thanks Shamgar!
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 04, 2008, 05:07:18 PM
Should the National Jewish Democrat Council also be challenged? 

They frequently spread a lot of lies.   

An example:

     They've declared the following people to be Pro-Israel and the NJDC says they're advisers to Obama:
      • Tony Lake: former Clinton National Security Council adviser
• Eric Lynn: senior aide to former Rep. Peter Deutsch (D-FL)
• Denis McDonough: former senior foreign policy adviser for Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD)
• Ambassador Dennis Ross
• Dan Shapiro: former National Security Council official during the Clinton Administration
• Representative Robert Wexler (D-FL)"

This is all a lie.  They should also be challenged to a debate.

Yes, of course they should also be challenged. Any prominent self-hating Jews who are supporting Barack Hussein Obama should be challenged.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 04, 2008, 06:55:14 PM

I checked my e-mail as soon as I got home from work today and I got a reply from the G. Gordon Liddy show:

Daniel  - have the chairman call 1-800-GGLIDDY and join us as a regular
caller wanting to check in on the subject. 12h00 hour is fine. I will
see you through.
Franklin Raff
G Gordon Liddy Show

This is of course too late for today, but maybe if you try tomorrow and tell him who you are he'll put you on if you're interested.

Great job Dan! Of course, I'm interested.

When he says 12:00, do you know what time zone his program is in?
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 04, 2008, 06:57:37 PM
I just went to his web page. His program is in the Eastern time zone.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Shamgar on August 04, 2008, 07:07:29 PM
I know that he is on XM channel 158 from 10:00-12:00 ET.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 04, 2008, 07:28:12 PM
BTW, Liddy is very pro-Israel. He truly is a rightwing righteous Gentile.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 04, 2008, 07:42:31 PM
They actually posted my comments:

http://jews4barack.com/endorsements/?p=7#comments (http://jews4barack.com/endorsements/?p=7#comments)

I don’t know which ones if any are really rabbis(which the state of Israel would acknowledge), but this is the only one who I see actually wearing a Kipa. A rabbi that does not wear a kipa and does not keeps kosher and does not observe the shabbat or the rules of the torah is not a rabbi. Sometimes the worst enemies of the Jews are Jews themselves. By electing Barack Hussein Obama into office, the American people are not only signing Israel’s Death, but America’s. JewsAgainstObama.org challenges JewsForObama.org to public debates.

http://jews4barack.com/endorsements/?p=8#comments (http://jews4barack.com/endorsements/?p=8#comments)

“We now have women rabbis!”

When you says “we”, you are not talking about Jews, but Jewish people who want to destroy the religion. Just like these men who are supporting the antisemite Obama are not rabbis, whatever women you put up are not Rabbis either. JewsAgainstObama challenges you to public debate.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 04, 2008, 10:41:05 PM
Can people help me? I posted another one:

And what about Al Sharpton? Al Sharpton is on Obama’s political platform right now. Al Sharpton incited the crown heights riots which resulted in the murder of Yankel Rosenblum. He also preached antisemitism and called Israel “Hell” and is responsible for countless anti-white incidents. Obama may be pretending to denounce Luis Farrakhan and Paster Wright because it is the PC thing to do but if you want to show he is serious, you need to show at least one pro-jewish thing that he has done on his own accord and not just because it is popular. Don’t expect that pardon of Jonathan Pollard that the Jewish community has asked countless political candidates for.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: RationalThought110 on August 06, 2008, 02:25:27 AM
Can people help me? I posted another one:

And what about Al Sharpton? Al Sharpton is on Obama’s political platform right now. Al Sharpton incited the crown heights riots which resulted in the murder of Yankel Rosenblum. He also preached antisemitism and called Israel “Hell” and is responsible for countless anti-white incidents. Obama may be pretending to denounce Luis Farrakhan and Paster Wright because it is the PC thing to do but if you want to show he is serious, you need to show at least one pro-jewish thing that he has done on his own accord and not just because it is popular. Don’t expect that pardon of Jonathan Pollard that the Jewish community has asked countless political candidates for.

Where did you post that? 

Obama also supports gay marriage, driver's licenses for illegals, partial-birth abortion, was soft on crime while in the state senate--resulting in high crime rates in Chicago--and is against having a common national language, which would be English. 
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: RationalThought110 on August 06, 2008, 02:33:22 AM
Can people help me? I posted another one:

And what about Al Sharpton? Al Sharpton is on Obama’s political platform right now. Al Sharpton incited the crown heights riots which resulted in the murder of Yankel Rosenblum. He also preached antisemitism and called Israel “Hell” and is responsible for countless anti-white incidents. Obama may be pretending to denounce Luis Farrakhan and Paster Wright because it is the PC thing to do but if you want to show he is serious, you need to show at least one pro-jewish thing that he has done on his own accord and not just because it is popular. Don’t expect that pardon of Jonathan Pollard that the Jewish community has asked countless political candidates for.

I'm not sure what they're claiming with Robert Wexler.  He's a carpetbagger. 

Some information about Obama's advisers:


Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 06, 2008, 07:59:16 AM
   Looks like my comments were removed from their site. This is not surprising since I knew they were intolerant Nazis from the start. At least I was able to openly challenge them.

   This lesbian disgusts me. Not only is she trying to promote Obama in the name of Judaism, but she is trying to get unborn murdered. I am not the strongest pro-life advocate and might support the choice to have an abortion if the women is raped and has it done before the 40 days of Noah, but the women in this video have smiles on their faces when they are saying they barak will let them murder their unborn children.

Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 06, 2008, 10:55:38 PM
Here's  a link to something I started on youtube. It's not that much but something. If anyone wants to do a better job, you are welcome to. Here it is:

Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: GodGunsAndGlory on August 07, 2008, 06:04:42 AM
They praise the endorsement of NARAL? Disgusting... I wonder how they would like if I stuck a knife in the back of their head and sucked their brains out...
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: YESHA on August 07, 2008, 09:14:03 AM
People are making excellent comments and the press release is very good Chaim!

There is so much to Obama, it doesn't stop. Here are some basics that we often cite:


•   OBAMA is a Black Muslim, who hates the United States, Israel, Jews and white people

•   OBAMA is aligned with Black Nazi racists and supremacists, like Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton ***

•   His “Church’s” pastor, Jeremiah Wright supports the anti-semitic, black Muslim racist Farrakhan, from “The Nation of Islam”. ***

•   He deliberately chose an evil, vicious, hateful anti-Israel, anti-American and anti-semitic pastor.

•   The leaders of his church make constant anti-American speeches in their sermons and are hostile to the very idea of the U.S.

•   At the end of the day, Obama is associated with the most pro-Arab, anti-American, anti-white, anti-Israel and radical Left-wing elements, and even Holocaust deniers.

•   What does it say when Obama is backed and supported by the likes of Jimmy Carter, Robert Maley and the One World Government, anti-Israel, radical-left, self hating-Jew, George Soros? 

•   OBAMA wants to appease Arab and Muslim despots, dictators, tyrants and terrorists and would work with the Muslims in developing conventional weapons and non-conventional ones, like nuclear, biological and chemical ones.   

•   He supports his mentor Osama Obama Bin Laden Hussein, or Osama Bin Laden and his Taliban and al-Quidea

•   OBAMA, as president, would rush to share and transfer sensitive nuclear secrets and materials, enabling terrorist Muslim nations to develop weapons of mass destruction and destroy the U.S. and Israel – which they promise to do, were they to be able to get hold of such weapons.

•   OBAMA will allow Iran and other Muslim and Arab countries to build and develop nuclear weapons and an arsenal of other deadly weapons, destined for non-Muslims.

•   OBAMA would pressure and non-stop put demands on Israel to commit national suicide in capitulating to the Arab terrorists by withdrawing and surrendering parts of her tiny country, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and the division of Jerusalem.

•   OBAMA would want Israel to retreat to indefensible borders, those of pre-1967 green-line Israel, making it vulnerable to attack by the Arabs who are committed to destroy her and commit a Holocaust against the Jewish people.

•   OBAMA has called for the dismantling of weapons crucial to Israel’s very existence, vital to its defence and protection from those whom he supports, the Arabs and Muslims who wish to destroy Israel.

•   OBAMA is a danger to the free world and he is lying and deceiving potential voters and U.S. citizens just to get elected as the next president.

•   It would be insane, crazy and unthinkable to elect such as horrible and terrible man like Barack Obama Hussein, to such a high, responsible and powerful office.

•   OBAMA is a two-faced phoney

•   He must be exposed, stopped and defeated!

•   Obama’s childhood mentor was a communist.

•   Obama has promised that in his first year of office, he will invite Iranian terrorist dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the White House in order improve relations and relax trade restrictions with Iran. This would certainly lead to the sale of advanced American technology, which would enable Iran to develop nuclear bombs much more quickly.

•   Obama's foreign policy advisors from the Carter Administration are notoriously anti-Israel and anti-semitic.

•   A non-profit organization with Obama on its board gave money to the terrorist-supporting Arab American Action Network, which favours Israel's destruction and is completely against America enforcing any of her immigration laws.

•   Obama helped raise money for Muslim terrorist refugee camps in the Middle East.

•   Obama has been endorsed by communist Daniel Ortega, communist Tom Hayden, Jesse Jackson, and Muslim racist and anti-semite Louis Farrakhan.

•   Obama's Pastor, who Obama claims is his mentor, travelled with Muslim racist and anti-semite Louis Farrakhan to Libya in 1984 to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.

•   Obama's National Campaign Co-chairman is Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., a notorious racist and anti-semite.

Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: YESHA on August 07, 2008, 09:15:30 AM
More about Osama, this from Chaim and other sourses:

Much of Osama’s Obama’s speeches are lifted out of Jesse Jackson’s. Barack Hussein Obama supported Jesse Jackson when he ran for president! He wanted him to be in the White House, when Jackson says he has a “sacred covenant” with the black Hitler Farrakhan. Imagine if a white person were running for president and says he has a ‘covenant’ with the Ku Klux Klan, would he be taken seriously?
Jesse Jackson himself has a long history of anti-semitism and racism, saying he used to ‘spit in white people’s food’, when he worked in South Carolina restaurants, and claimed he ‘loved’ doing this!

Jesse Jackson called Jews “Hymies” and New York “Hymie Town”. Jackson called for Israel’s destruction – saying that Zionism, the right of Jews to have their own homeland is a poisonous weed, essentially calling for Israel’s destruction. What does one do with a poisonous weed in a garden? Pluck it!
Obama supported in the 1980’s Jackson, Obama’s National campaign chairman is a white hating Jews-habiting racist piece of filth, Jackson’s son. They blame Jews and whites for all problems, which they cause. They have a fanatical hatred and jealousy of Jews and whites.

They – Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson - defend the Arabs who are enslaving millions of blacks and murdering them, in Sudan, they are murdering them, all over North Africa. They didn’t mention that, they don’t care about that. They sit around complaining about slavery in America from 200 years ago, which was outlawed in the emancipation proclamation in 1863, instead of voicing their views on the brutal torture, genocide, and enslavement of black men and women by Muslims in Africa.

They don’t really hate slavery or racism, they hate whites – they support the Arabs and Muslims because they are not jealous of them - but Jews and whites they are jealous of. Obama is the leader of this evil, hateful mentality now, by taking over the U.S. and hurting whites, Jews and western civilisation.

Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 08, 2008, 03:08:37 AM
So Chaim did you appear on any of the talk radio programs?
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: RationalThought110 on August 08, 2008, 11:30:02 AM
The National Jewish Democrat Council supports trying to force Israel to go to pre-1967 borders.  They brag about it and are proud to hold that position.  If proof is needed in calling them out on that, I'll post it. 

Obama has stated previously to paraphrase:  "Iran is just a small country, they're no threat."   He also voted against declaring that Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization.  He bragged about that vote in a debate.  He bashed any Democrat who voted in favor of the resolution to designate them as a terrorist organization. 

It's obvious that anything Obama said in speeches to a group like AIPAC was just pandering. 

Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 08, 2008, 01:22:24 PM
So what happened with the radio show?

I called the program and the program producer said that he wanted me to be a guest the next day for 30 minutes. He said he would call me back. He never did. I guess he saw the web site and chickened out.

These people are terrified of saying anything that the Obama-loving news media doesn't approve of. Even our watered down web site is too much for them.

But I think we should keep sending them our press releases. They know we're right and they know that what we are saying is what they would love to say but they just don't have the guts.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: takebackourtemple on August 10, 2008, 10:48:15 PM
   I don't know how capable they are of debating. They are both unwilling and unable to defend there position.


   Just in case you are wondering why I am spending my time trying to reason with self-hating Jewish Nazis, my goal is to save Jewish souls. It doesn't matter if it is from a physical holocaust from the plans of Hitler, Osama or Obama, or if it is a spiritual one where Jews lose their identities because people like you mis-educate them. It is not too late to change your evil ways. I'm not saying that you have to be orthodox to be a good person, but if you don't like what Judaism stands for, don't twist it. 
   I figured that you would be both unable and unwilling to defend your position. I'll express my opinions and expose evil as I choose to. As for the facts, you are not a rabbi and it is a lie to claim to be one. You can't ever be a rabbi, just like I can't be a Cohen or a Levi.

Shmuel Ben-Baruch

Those who can't debate, defame. - Rav Meir Kahane ZT"L

-----From Shoshana Hantman -----
Who asked you for your opinion?

-----Original Message-----
   I read your comment on JewsforObama and I challenge you to public debate on
the JewsAgainstObama.org forum. There is no such thing as a woman rabbi. The
state of Israel does not recognize any and your ordination is not legitimate.
Read Leviticus Chapter 15, Parashat Metzora to find out one of the many reasons
why women are not permitted to do most of the services of Rabbis. This is not to
say that women are unimportant or I don't believe in women's rights. A lot of
Jewish Matriarchs such as Sarah, Queen Esther and Ruth were important to our
history but they were not Lesbians. They were real Jewish heroes who believed in
G-d and the torah. Queen Esther did not support Haman like the Lesbians of today
support Barack Hussein(he himself changed it from Barry Sorieto) Obama.
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: eb22 on August 11, 2008, 12:38:02 AM

      I sent the press release to 6 different newspapers.    Including 5 specific writers/ columnists.    Unfortunately,   it appears that all of them either ignored it or didn't pay much attention to it.     Other than a writer from Cleveland,  who showed his appreciation for letting him know about the 1st Press Release,    none of the others I contacted seemed interested.   

    From this point forward,    I'll focus on contacting Conservative oriented Talk Show hosts who host local talk shows in battleground states.     
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: P J C on August 13, 2008, 11:20:57 PM
Title: Re: 2nd JewsAgainstObama.com press release (08/04)
Post by: Roadwarrior on August 14, 2008, 09:19:33 PM
I sent this press release to:

Dennis Prager
Michael Medved (major longshot)
Monica Crowley
Michael Reagan
Glenn Beck
