General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 05:32:37 PM

Title: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 05:32:37 PM
I won't vote, as I never do in my own polls, but I think you all know who I think is the worst. Still, all four choices I listed are rotten:

--Michael Savage rips off JTF's material left and right, but will not have Chaim on his program. He says vile things (such as that Israel committed atrocities in Lebanon in 2006) and is an extremely self-hating Jew (he boasts of eating non-kosher food and intermarried). Also, there are significant allegations of homosexual conduct in his youth.

--Rush Limfraud is the best friend Dubya and Co. could ever have. There isn't a big corporation on the planet he doesn't worship; he thinks Wal-Mart and the oil industry have all the answers for the world's problems. In his personal life, his drug addiction is known throughout the world.

--Ann Revolting is another Rush in terms of her lockstep support for mainstream Republicans. She whitewashes everything our president does. Perhaps more troubling, her personal life is a cesspool: she has dated porn tycoons (Bob Guccione), and has three bailed engagements. And who can forget her idiotic Jewish remarks last year?

--Sean Hannity is much like Michael Faggot--likes JTF material, but won't have Chaim on as a guest, or even as a caller. His best friend is the flagrantly effeminate-homosexual, self-hating kapo Alan Colmes.

Have fun!

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 18, 2008, 05:35:18 PM
Also, there are significant allegations of homosexual conduct in his youth.

You shouldn't make baseless allegations like this.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 05:38:15 PM
You are a fan of his--I get the point.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Dan on August 18, 2008, 05:44:11 PM
Rush has to be the worst!
  He has the largest audience and nothing ever gets done... except for his paycheck getting Fatter!
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: RanterMaximus on August 18, 2008, 05:44:27 PM
Tell us how you really feel!  Limbaugh all the way.  Nothing more than a selfish, sellout.  I know he has over 20 million listeners, but he will always be his biggest fan.  
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: schrodinger's cat on August 18, 2008, 05:57:22 PM
Again, you posted evidence from a banned freeper that Savage was anti-Israel on a previous thread.  There are recorded, documented clips of Savage saying Israel was far too lenient during during the lebanon war.

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: AsheDina on August 18, 2008, 06:01:02 PM
Also, there are significant allegations of homosexual conduct in his youth.

You shouldn't make baseless allegations like this.

  I agree, and I also think you are beyond reasoning C.F. WHAT are you so mad about? Does EVERYONE HAVE to share your point of view?  We ALREADY had this topic before, WHY are you hell-bent on Savage? Did he do something to YOU, PERSONALLY? Chaim ALREAY pointed out that Savage does this, with his lines, yet this continues. And Savage just dropped a MAJOR lawsuit, and you claim it was for a publicity stunt. I dont agree. Who would go through such a bunch of BS just to end up dropping it? NOBODY. BTW: The soldiers in our Military LOVE Savage. So, he aint that bad C.F.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: schrodinger's cat on August 18, 2008, 06:01:53 PM
Also, there are significant allegations of homosexual conduct in his youth.

You shouldn't make baseless allegations like this.

  I agree, and I also think you are beyond reasoning C.F. WHAT are you so mad about? Does EVERYONE HAVE to share your point of view?  We ALREADY had this topic before, WHY are you hell-bent on Savage? Did he do something to YOU, PERSONALLY? Chaim ALREAY pointed out that Savage does this, with his lines, yet this continues. And Savage just dropped a MAJOR lawsuit, and you claim it was for a publicity stunt. I dont agree. Who would go through such a bunch of drek just to end up dropping it? NOBODY. BTW: The soldiers in our Military LOVE Savage. So, he aint that bad C.F.

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lisa on August 18, 2008, 06:06:55 PM
I'll go with Sean Hannity.  He makes the same weak arguments every show.  Also, according to Debbie Schlussel, he was at one point quite chummy with that neo-Nazi Hal Turner (who was definitely a homosexual).  Debbie also says that he frequently has Pat Buchanan on his show, and calls him "my friend."
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: briann on August 18, 2008, 06:09:23 PM
Its tough.  Ann can be the most annoying to me.  Sean is the most Fake.  Rush is just TOO pro-Corp, and Savage is all over the place...

They all have their weaknesses

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: RanterMaximus on August 18, 2008, 06:12:30 PM
Laura Ingraham deserves mention.  She is nothing more than good looks.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Dan on August 18, 2008, 06:14:26 PM
How about Glenn Beck?
                                  Is there anyone outhere that's Good?!
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: schrodinger's cat on August 18, 2008, 06:17:19 PM
How about Glenn Beck?
                                  Is there anyone outhere that's Good?!

Steve Malzberg on WOR NYC is great.  He comes on before Savage.  I like Glenn Beck's TV show, haven't heard his radio show.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: RanterMaximus on August 18, 2008, 06:19:39 PM
Some time ago there was a talk show host named John Bachelor.  He had a solid radio show, in that he had guest on the whole time.  He didn't bore you with his golf game or what he did with his family over the weekend.  He just did a talk show.  He never claimed he had power or that he was making a difference.  
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 07:21:37 PM
Laura Ingraham deserves mention.  She is nothing more than good looks.
I thought of listing her but don't know enough about her.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 18, 2008, 07:23:34 PM
You are a fan of his--I get the point.

Actually I'm not.  I never listen to his show, I don't even know when it's on.   I said what I actually said, not something else.   

Don't you think I would have objected to the entire section about him, not just that one part, if I was really complaining only because "I am a fan of his" and want any criticism down?   

Now reread what I wrote.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 18, 2008, 07:26:29 PM
Again, you posted evidence from a banned freeper that Savage was anti-Israel on a previous thread. 

What's a "freeper"  ?
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 07:29:10 PM
Allegations of Possible Latent Homosexuality in Michael Wiener:


http://gawker.com/5027953/michael-savages-homo-hippie-past (warning, foul language)


True, these are all rumors, but why do they follow him around so much?

One thing that is not rumor was that he was very good friends with the flaming homosexual Allen Ginsberg in the '60s.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: schrodinger's cat on August 18, 2008, 07:32:22 PM
Again, you posted evidence from a banned freeper that Savage was anti-Israel on a previous thread. 

What's a "freeper"  ?

It is a member of the conservative forum Free Republic. 
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: MarZutra on August 18, 2008, 07:48:52 PM
I don't know.  I'm partial to Dennis Prager being a sad example of Jewry...  His book is well presented but his radio show is absolutely horrid...
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: RanterMaximus on August 18, 2008, 07:56:07 PM
Mark Levin is another fraud. 
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Zionist Revolutionary on August 18, 2008, 09:18:46 PM
Rush Limbaugh is bought and payed for, which makes him the most deadly of them all.  Even though others have sold out, I don't think its to the extent that Rush Limbaugh has.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 09:45:17 PM
Rush Limbaugh is bought and payed for, which makes him the most deadly of them all.  Even though others have sold out, I don't think its to the extent that Rush Limbaugh has.
The other thing I hate about Rush is that he's such a good 'ol boy. He makes conservatism look about as interesting to young people as a month in detention. He is doubtless a big reason why so many young so-called Republicans are seriously thinking about voting for BHO.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 18, 2008, 10:13:43 PM
Allegations of Possible Latent Homosexuality in Michael Wiener:


http://gawker.com/5027953/michael-savages-homo-hippie-past (warning, foul language)


True, these are all rumors, but why do they follow him around so much?

One thing that is not rumor was that he was very good friends with the flaming homosexual Allen Ginsberg in the '60s.

You call these sources?  You might as well quote Paris Hilton... Or better yet a "paris hilton fan" with an online journal where they write whatever idiot thoughts comes to their head.   That's a source?

Dude, criticize Savage all you want about his show or his positions but you are attacking his character in ways that are just not acceptable and using hearsay to slander him.

This also makes me question whether any of the other things you say about him are true or not.   It destroys your credibility on anything "michael savage."  So now I have to ask, where does he "Brag" about not eating kosher, or about marrying a non-Jew, do you have proof?   Source?   Clip of his show?  I challenge you to produce this material.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 18, 2008, 10:22:42 PM
Some of these are things Chaim found out. You'd have to ask him. I don't listen to the bum and never have in my life.

The Allen Ginsberg friendship is not a rumor--it is proven fact.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 19, 2008, 12:24:11 AM
Some of these are things Chaim found out. You'd have to ask him. I don't listen to the bum and never have in my life.

The Allen Ginsberg friendship is not a rumor--it is proven fact.

When did I say anything about friendship?   You claimed far more than that.   And the mudslingers you quoted claimed a lot more than just that they were friends.    Why are you writing this "is fact" that I never said was untrue?

Let me clarify.  If all you know for sure is that these two were friends, and you believe this is reasonable to consider confirmed and verified, it doesn't give you license to claim Savage and he were gay partners...    I don't know why you would think that you could simply conclude that and proclaim it about someone.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: GodGunsAndGlory on August 19, 2008, 12:32:18 AM
Neal Boortz, queer enabler...
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2008, 12:37:55 AM
When did I say anything about friendship?   You claimed far more than that.   And the mudslingers you quoted claimed a lot more than just that they were friends. Why are you writing this "is fact" that I never said was untrue?
It is undisputed fact that they were good friends. It is almost certainly fact that there was an episode where they swam naked together. There is a good chance that they wrote love-letters to each other.

Even if the ONLY true thing here is that he was very good friends with Ginsberg, how appropriate is that? A man who claims to be a rock-ribbed rightist and detests homosexuality was extremely good friends with an extremely open and "flaming" homosexual? Would you ever be close friends with a flagrant, militant homosexual?
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 19, 2008, 01:22:02 AM
When did I say anything about friendship?   You claimed far more than that.   And the mudslingers you quoted claimed a lot more than just that they were friends. Why are you writing this "is fact" that I never said was untrue?
It is undisputed fact that they were good friends. It is almost certainly fact that there was an episode where they swam naked together. There is a good chance that they wrote love-letters to each other.

Even if the ONLY true thing here is that he was very good friends with Ginsberg, how appropriate is that? A man who claims to be a rock-ribbed rightist and detests homosexuality was extremely good friends with an extremely open and "flaming" homosexual? Would you ever be close friends with a flagrant, militant homosexual?

Actually I have made friends in my lifetime with people who were so-called "homosexuals."  Of course I don't think that's a righteous sexual path for them nor do I think it's honest (this is a bigger discussion not for here).  I have also been friends with many Jews who do not keep Shabbat, some gentiles who don't believe in G-d, some Jews who don't follow Torah at all.   So what?   That doesn't make me a Jew who doesn't follow Torah, or it doesn't make me a non Jew atheist, or it doesn't make a Jew who doesn't keep Shabbat.  I'm me, and they are them.   You come across all kinds of people in life, some are genuine, some not.   Amongst the genuine people, some have misguided beliefs or lifestyles or are imperfect in various ways like we all are.  For instance, one of my friends who was "gay" he was a great kindhearted person, unfortunately he's in a trap that I don't think is right, but that's for him to deal with, and in all other aspects of his life, he's a fine person.   It's not as if I went around looking for gays to pal around with.  (ie: obama seeks out arab muslim nazis and racist pastors to pal around with who agree with his far-leftist and antisemitic views). 

 It's beyond ludicrous to suggest that Michael savage is gay because he was once friends with someone who was gay.   It's even more ridiculous to INSIST that he was gay because of this or that this classifies as "significant evidence."   It's simply attacking Michael Savage the person in a very savage way, forgive the pun.  And much like the slime you quoted as sources have done.  Clearly they had a leftist attack agenda and were ridiculing the man Michael Savage because they don't like his "bigotry."

As to the person with a misguided belief or two, it doesn't preclude friendship, friendly terms, or even working together on something not related to these beliefs.  It doesn't make somebody EVIL or devil-possessed.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2008, 02:32:36 AM
Actually I have made friends in my lifetime with people who were so-called "homosexuals."  Of course I don't think that's a righteous sexual path for them nor do I think it's honest (this is a bigger discussion not for here).  I have also been friends with many Jews who do not keep Shabbat, some gentiles who don't believe in G-d, some Jews who don't follow Torah at all.   So what?   That doesn't make me a Jew who doesn't follow Torah, or it doesn't make me a non Jew atheist, or it doesn't make a Jew who doesn't keep Shabbat.  I'm me, and they are them.   You come across all kinds of people in life, some are genuine, some not.   Amongst the genuine people, some have misguided beliefs or lifestyles or are imperfect in various ways like we all are.  For instance, one of my friends who was "gay" he was a great kindhearted person, unfortunately he's in a trap that I don't think is right, but that's for him to deal with, and in all other aspects of his life, he's a fine person.   It's not as if I went around looking for gays to pal around with.  (ie: obama seeks out arab muslim nazis and racist pastors to pal around with who agree with his far-leftist and antisemitic views).
The difference is that gays never constituted your very best friends. In general, very few heterosexual males are comfortable with homosexual males as their closest friends.

It's beyond ludicrous to suggest that Michael savage is gay because he was once friends with someone who was gay.   It's even more ridiculous to INSIST that he was gay because of this or that this classifies as "significant evidence."   It's simply attacking Michael Savage the person in a very savage way, forgive the pun.  And much like the slime you quoted as sources have done.
I didn't insist he was gay, I said there is significant reason to think he may be. He is definitely hiding this the way Obama is hiding his Islamic background. His denials of friendship with Ginsberg are clearly lies.

Clearly they had a leftist attack agenda and were ridiculing the man Michael Savage because they don't like his "bigotry."
They aren't entitled to comment on his hypocrisy?

As to the person with a misguided belief or two, it doesn't preclude friendship, friendly terms, or even working together on something not related to these beliefs.

I have at times had homosexual friends too, and do not apologize for it. However, I think most people around me would become concerned if a homosexual were my best friend and wonder what is up.

It doesn't make somebody EVIL or devil-possessed.
I said neither of Savage.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: דוד בן זאב אריה on August 19, 2008, 03:08:41 AM
Rush is the worst. He defends big oil and love those gas guzzlers
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: MarZutra on August 19, 2008, 08:38:24 AM
There's nothing wrong with oil.  If someone throws a rock through your window...do you blame the rock or the bastard that threw it?

Islam is the problem not oil.....  Actually, I'd go further to say that the Elitist Establisment is the problem because it is they who built up every enemy of America and Western Civilization.  It is they who developed, financed, armed and supplied technological specificities to every murderous Turd World entity which has oil.....

If I ever get lucky in life I'm going to buy very nice gas guzzeling automobile like an orange Koenigsegg CCXR, Black Gumpert Appollo S, or an Aston Martin DBS with nice Torah passage on my lp...

I believe that America has every right, as Israel had with the Sinai, to capture and occupy the entire Arabian Oil fields in payment for their dispicable Qur'animal behavior...   America, and the West has pumped trillions into these Turd World countries.  If they had cultures and a faiths akin to Christianity or Judaism they'd, after 80+ years, not still be deprave murderous international dole grabbing dirt holes but vibrant and productive societies...

Islam and these Elitistis ARE the problem not the oil....  ;)
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 19, 2008, 11:34:35 AM
It doesn't make somebody EVIL or devil-possessed.
I said neither of Savage.

I meant the gay guy, not savage.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 19, 2008, 11:38:48 AM
Actually I have made friends in my lifetime with people who were so-called "homosexuals."  Of course I don't think that's a righteous sexual path for them nor do I think it's honest (this is a bigger discussion not for here).  I have also been friends with many Jews who do not keep Shabbat, some gentiles who don't believe in G-d, some Jews who don't follow Torah at all.   So what?   That doesn't make me a Jew who doesn't follow Torah, or it doesn't make me a non Jew atheist, or it doesn't make a Jew who doesn't keep Shabbat.  I'm me, and they are them.   You come across all kinds of people in life, some are genuine, some not.   Amongst the genuine people, some have misguided beliefs or lifestyles or are imperfect in various ways like we all are.  For instance, one of my friends who was "gay" he was a great kindhearted person, unfortunately he's in a trap that I don't think is right, but that's for him to deal with, and in all other aspects of his life, he's a fine person.   It's not as if I went around looking for gays to pal around with.  (ie: obama seeks out arab muslim nazis and racist pastors to pal around with who agree with his far-leftist and antisemitic views).
In general, very few heterosexual males are comfortable with homosexual males as their closest friends.

So what?  If you are comfortable, that means you are gay?    What a joke.

Clearly they had a leftist attack agenda and were ridiculing the man Michael Savage because they don't like his "bigotry."
They aren't entitled to comment on his hypocrisy?

They are not entitled to promote hearsay with no evidence other than their own slime rag blog and pass it off as "legitimate evidence."   They only want to ascribe "hypocrisy" to Savage because they dislike his "bigotry."  If you can't gather that much from the articles you cited by reading them, then you simply don't have good reading comprehension.

As to the person with a misguided belief or two, it doesn't preclude friendship, friendly terms, or even working together on something not related to these beliefs.

I have at times had homosexual friends too, and do not apologize for it. However, I think most people around me would become concerned if a homosexual were my best friend and wonder what is up.

I won't comment negatively about the people around you.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Scriabin on August 19, 2008, 11:44:52 AM
Rush has to be the worst!
  He has the largest audience and nothing ever gets done... except for his paycheck getting Fatter!

Limbaugh is the only host that addresses Feminism.

For that reason, he is the best.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Scriabin on August 19, 2008, 11:52:18 AM
Rush is the worst. He defends big oil and love those gas guzzlers

Rush is the best.

He is the only host that addresses Feminism.

What's wrong with gas guzzlers?
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Scriabin on August 19, 2008, 11:53:14 AM
Gotta go.

The Rush Limbaugh Show starts in one minute!
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 19, 2008, 11:53:38 AM
I dont listen to any of them
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Americanhero1 on August 19, 2008, 11:54:05 AM
Rush is the worst. He defends big oil and love those gas guzzlers

Rush is the best.

He is the only host that addresses Feminism.

What's wrong with gas guzzlers?
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Rubystars on August 19, 2008, 12:17:58 PM
Rush is the worst. He defends big oil and love those gas guzzlers

Rush is the best.

He is the only host that addresses Feminism.

What's wrong with gas guzzlers?

He also can't seem to make a marriage work. I wonder if it's because he's a misogynist.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: nessuno on August 19, 2008, 12:30:51 PM
I don't think Rush Limbaugh has a problem with all women.

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Manch on August 19, 2008, 01:05:41 PM
I went with Rush, as his show is the most lame, predictable and lacking of substance. However, you really should have had Rill O'Reily here - he'd be a runaway winner of this poll. BTW, I agree with member about Savage - your allegations are baseless, he is not the worst person, he, many a time, said that Israel is way to lenient and fights with hands tied up. His eating non-kosher food is between him and G-d, not for us to judge. And you know, I am no big fan of Savage.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2008, 01:06:17 PM
They are not entitled to promote hearsay with no evidence other than their own slime rag blog and pass it off as "legitimate evidence."   They only want to ascribe "hypocrisy" to Savage because they dislike his "bigotry."  If you can't gather that much from the articles you cited by reading them, then you simply don't have good reading comprehension.
Why is it that the homosexuality rumors only follow Savage around? You don't see leftists making gay implications against Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Prager, Coulter, etc., whom they all hate just as much and view as "bigots" also. They attack all of the aforementioned in other ways, but haven't accused them of being homosexual. Why? The only conservative leader the gay allegations ever seem to find is Savage. I would call that significant, and most impartial observers would too. Not enough to constitute proof (and I never said they did), but one has to ask why there is so much smoke in this case if there is no fire. It is extremely telling that homosexuality rumors are constantly following Michael Weiner around and no other right-wing pundits.

I also take issue with your idea that only leftists are promoting these rumors. Wikipedia itself lists the claims made and the evidence for them (i.e. racy letters between Ginsberg and Savage), without giving official weight or confirmation to them (i.e. adding that Savage denies the letters). I think that people should know the facts, and judge accordingly. It is fact that there was personal correspondence between the two, just like it is fact that many, many different sources have made gay allegations against Savage.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 19, 2008, 01:35:34 PM
They are not entitled to promote hearsay with no evidence other than their own slime rag blog and pass it off as "legitimate evidence."   They only want to ascribe "hypocrisy" to Savage because they dislike his "bigotry."  If you can't gather that much from the articles you cited by reading them, then you simply don't have good reading comprehension.
It is extremely telling
No, it isn't.

that homosexuality rumors are constantly following Michael Weiner around and no other right-wing pundits.
But they aren't constantly following him around.  You dug up a few bloggers with baseless allegations and I have never heard of such a thing until you mentioned it.

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: RanterMaximus on August 19, 2008, 03:07:29 PM
At the end of the day, the vast majority of talk show host are let downs.  They are simply entertainers, looking to make as much money as they can.  They take a lot and give little back, hence the current state of the GOP and the conservative movemet as a whole.
Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 19, 2008, 04:46:50 PM
No, it isn't.
Explain why there aren't gay rumors about Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh on the internet.

But they aren't constantly following him around.  You dug up a few bloggers with baseless allegations and I have never heard of such a thing until you mentioned it.
That was just three entries that I found. There were many more pages than that. Is Wikipedia a baseless internet blog as well?

Title: Re: Poll: Worst Conservafraud Talk-Show Host
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 19, 2008, 07:12:30 PM
No, it isn't.
Explain why there aren't gay rumors about Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh on the internet.

I could start a blog right now and invent them.   That would have as much credibility as the sources you cited, and it would be slander to the same degree.   That is precisely the point.