General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on August 20, 2008, 11:18:43 PM
G-d willing, our brilliant and immensely talented Administrator Shlomo will be making huge changes on the home pages of our Hebrew and English web sites.
On the Hebrew site, we plan to place many of our best videos, a weekly poll, and our flash ads from Arutz 7, among other things.
On the English site, we may have some of the same things except that they will be in English.
We need ideas on what to place on these sites that will attract many new members. Remember our goal is to grow as quickly as possible in order to become a mass movement, G-d willing.
Please give us your suggestions!
At least one video, a major link to the forum, and a counter that shows how many members we have.
There should also be a link to the a video section. The video section does not have to be hosted by JTF it can be one of our liveleak pages or this page: http://www.jtfarchive.org/youtube_videos.pl
Of course there should be prominent links to pages where one can make donations to the cause.
There should also be an "in the news section" where there are links to past JTF articles that have been in various publications.
I think a link to all of the videos should be on the home page. The videos that I saw on Zoo Tube this past winter was what not only enabled me to find out about JTF but it lead to me wanting to go to the website itself.
Also, there needs to be a way that people who come to the homepage are enticed to go to the Issues page. It's imperative that people see JTF's 7 point plan especially. One thing to consider that relates to this is changing the title name of the 7 point plan page from " issues" to goals or objectives. Or even calling the page JTF's 7 point plan. Then having a separate page for the rest of the info on that page.
Chaim, I think you should say how jtf in Israel made the kahane name "Kosher" again and how this movt is the only hope for a normal Israel. That should be stated on both the english and hebrew sites.
Part of me thinks that a Flash introductory page with a message stating "Do you think the government has told you the truth all these years?" (i.e. with an "enter here" icon once finished) would be a good idea, and part of me thinks it is superfluous. The site as-is now is great, but then again I can't read Hebrew. ???
I feel we should have a section with valuable links which prove that islamic terrorism is not only an Israeli problem but also threatens Christians and finally the whole world. We need to make people aware of that. In my eyes Robert Spencer is a very competent in that regard.
Demolishing The Myths of the Propaganda War Against Israel:
What Americans Need to Know About Jihad:
The Islamic Mein Kampf:
The Nazi Roots of Palestinian Nationalism:
Plan for Genocide:
Muslim Persecution of Christians:
The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam:
Further links:
Good idea,also maybe we could find some French who suffer under islamic France
Baltimore is right. There should be a collage video, showing the evil that we are standing against.
When people initially come on the website, let a huge video footage that Oz put together for youtube be on the whole screen. Let there be an option to skip intro so that they can see further what the website is about.
What about changing the name?I think that is a first step which should be taken.I think people in general are probably misunderstood by JEWISH task force name.They probably thinking this site is for Jews only!
What about changing the name?I think that is a first step which should be taken.I think people in general are probably misunderstood by JEWISH task force name.They probably thinking this site is for Jews only!
Maybe we should change it to the Russian task force. :::D
What about changing the name?I think that is a first step which should be taken.I think people in general are probably misunderstood by JEWISH task force name.They probably thinking this site is for Jews only!
Maybe we should change it to the Russian task force. :::D
I don't know how much you know but Mr.Chaim is for changing the name...
What about changing the name?I think that is a first step which should be taken.I think people in general are probably misunderstood by JEWISH task force name.They probably thinking this site is for Jews only!
Maybe we should change it to the Russian task force. :::D
I don't know how much you know but Mr.Chaim is for changing the name...
Quite frankly, I can care less what the name is. As long as it benefits the movment.
My suggestions:
1) Catchy and menacing splash intro screen that sets the right tone and warns about the danger of islam and the hope that JTF represents.
2) Tabular design, fairly shallow as far as navigation (2-3 level), website created in Flash/HTML. We should not have a lot of text on the first screen - text should be in well defined, well separated frames and accompanied by graphic.
3) Ideally, the main page should be updated every day, and become a source of real news and commentaries. If this is too expensive or time consuming, perhaps Chaim's blog page? This would give a much more personal feel to it.
4) We need a clear, well-defined Positioning Statement - who we are, what unites us
5) JTF Positions tab - what is JTF take on various topics, from muslim "moderates", non-existent "Palestine", to US election, to myths about Khazars, Israel, lies about Talmud, Rabbi Kahane, Serbia/Kosovo, Georgia, self-hating Jews, Satmars/Neturei Karta, etc, etc.. It would be great if, for example
6) Video tab -contains archived videos sorted by topic
7) Audio tab - contained mp3 files - Ask JTF show, interviews, etc.
8) Articles tab - sorted by topics. For example - Black Culture is linked to the great and informative series of the "Truth about Black Africa", Malcom X, etc.
G-d willing, our brilliant and immensely talented Administrator Shlomo will be making huge changes on the home pages of our Hebrew and English web sites.
On the Hebrew site, we plan to place many of our best videos, a weekly poll, and our flash ads from Arutz 7, among other things.
On the English site, we may have some of the same things except that they will be in English.
We need ideas on what to place on these sites that will attract many new members. Remember our goal is to grow as quickly as possible in order to become a mass movement, G-d willing.
Please give us your suggestions!
I think it would be nice if we had a special section that shows videos of little palestinian children being interviewed as future homocide bombers. This may wake up more people who are ignorant of the Palestinians plans toward the destruction of Israel. When people see small tot's and children being brainwashed to become programmed killers, it is hard to ignore and brings attention to this serious matter.
We need a link to recent news like Israel Insider, or Arutz Sheva good Right wing news. World Net Daily is great too.
One of the most effective way to get through to people is through music. Could we do something like have "songs of the day" or week, where we can have audio files of patriotic Israeli or American songs for people to download?
i think a introductory video showing what jtf stands for, and our cause, then having clips and snipets of terro..i mean muslims talking about dying for "allah" and having the resulting grusome footage as a wake up to people who are unaware.
We should be implement a database with the e-mail adresses and contact informations of the media. So every member can insert data-sets. And the leadership can use it in order to sent the press-releases worldwide to every newspaper, blog and tv/radio station etc.
Make a list of potential advertisers and attempt to sell ads on the website.
1. A weakly editorial article (Only the Title and the abstract should be shown on the main page).
2. I think the design should be modular and that the site could easily be updated by tech-challenged persons
i think a introductory video showing what jtf stands for, and our cause, then having clips and snipets of terro..i mean muslims talking about dying for "allah" and having the resulting grusome footage as a wake up to people who are unaware.
Shalom, I think you have a great idea O0
Shalom from Dox
I think it would be a good idea to have a banner for the sale of zionist t-shirts. The proceeds should go to JTF. These should be risqué t-shirts that are not sold in stores or on other websites. For example one should be with the map of Greater Israel and teh writing "From Nile to Euphrates" in Hebrew. The other should have just the Irgun symbol, no writing:
Those who know will understand. The rest can only guess. We should find out how to make our own t-shirts.
There should also be some anti-Obama t-shirts with some intelligent message. I can't think of any now.
You could implement a shop @ http://www.cafepress.com in order to sell JTF-advertising material.
It is very easy. You only submit our logo to them and they will print it on standart material.
Please check it out. It is a great opportunity to spread the word and to raise additional, urgently needed, money. :)
You could implement a shop @ http://www.cafepress.com in order to sell JTF-advertising material.
It is very easy. You only submit our logo to them and they will print it on standart material.
Please check it out. It is a great opportunity to spread the word and to raise additional, urgently needed, money. :)
That's a great idea. I'll order one for myself with the Irgun symbol. But I wish I knew how to make a combined image and store the picture on my computer. I want to combine the map of Greater Israel with the text from the Torah in Hebrew underneath it, saying, basically, "from Nile to Euphrates." I don't remeber how it is phrased exactly. I think the word Nile is not named, but it says "from the great river of Egypt."
We urgently need a special section on the main page for press-releases.
There we must put the press releases for download. It has to be in pdf format. Also we should translate every press-release in different languages there. So the local press in different countries would be addressed more personally. :)
At CBN.com (Christian Broadcasting Network), they do respond to e-mails. I sent them an email with a link to the video Islam Revealed and they responded by thanking us for keeping them informed. I followed up with an email that had the 3rd press release requesting that they interview the JTF chiarperson Chaim Ben Pesach and they responded by thanking us and informing us that if they are interested they will contact Jewsagainstobama.com. I think someone at CBN has taken an interest in JTF, so the best thing to do now is to send them Jews Against Obama articles. In other words if you have a great article you just posted on the forum, send a copy to CBN and put in the article that it is from Jews Against Obama. If they are flooded with all these great articles from Jews Against Obama, they may decide to interview Jews Against Obama. Please email your articles and videos to
CBN Partner Rep Lin <[email protected]>
Maybe a page listing the reasons Obama is bad
for Israel ..with bullets ...
using his anti-israel comments, anti-israel associates ...etc
I posted the following here:
But just in case it gets buried:
There should be a quick video promoting Palin with a JTF slant placed on youtube and liveleak by the time everyone wakes up on Tuesday morning. Searches for Palin related topics have already increased dramatically as of Friday but once people get back to work on Tuesday morning there will be another surge and finally another one Thursday morning after she gives her speech Wednesday night (if the convention is not canceled do to the storm in LA). I would also suggest forming a Zionists for Palin group or blog. This will help McCain win and this could increase exposure for JTF.
I think JTF should put a lot of its election focus on promoting Palin. Maybe 70% on anti-Obama stuff and 30% on Pro-Palin, maybe even a 50/50 split. I would also encourage New York City area members to volunteer for the McCain campaign in Pennsylvania. They would have to be willing to travel to former working class factory towns. This could make a difference.
Here is a link to a Zionist blog that mentions Palin:
Come on JTF members the time to step up is now!