General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 23, 2008, 09:14:37 PM
Look at this wonderful Hebraic architecture inside Pruneface's shul!
Really ;D :o
What is your obsession with lieberman... give it a rest already.... you seem like you could be his stalker!
BTW, Lieberman davens in an Orthodox shul, so you are ridiculing a lot of good Jews by saying that...
How is it funny?
How is it funny?
i think i misunderstand
BTW, Lieberman davens in an Orthodox shul, so you are ridiculing a lot of good Jews by saying that...
Relax, KWRBT. These exclusive pics are of Pruneface's real house of worship, not the synagogue that he publicly claims to be a member of. ;)
still i have no idea lol
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I see what you're getting at, C.F.
But remember that it's against Judaism to have any form of imagery or statues on their Synagogues and Temples. So you definitely will not find any of that in an Orthodox Synagogue. Nor will you find any kinds of statues or images in Conservative or Reformed "Temples."
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I heard Lieberman was excommunicated by the Beth Din in Brooklyn for supporting gay marriage and abortion.
But they didn't excommunicate him for warshipping shvartzes lol.
But remember that it's against Judaism to have any form of imagery or statues on their Synagogues and Temples. So you definitely will not find any of that in an Orthodox Synagogue. Nor will you find any kinds of statues or images in Conservative or Reformed "Temples."
Of course, Lisa. But the synagogue Pruneface claims to belong to isn't where he really attends. That's why my pics are a JTF World Exclusive--they show where this pig really worships! ;)
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I heard Lieberman was excommunicated by the Beth Din in Brooklyn for supporting gay marriage and abortion.
haha, are you serious?
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I heard Lieberman was excommunicated by the Beth Din in Brooklyn for supporting gay marriage and abortion.
haha, are you serious?
NEW YORK, Oct 24 (LSN.ca) - An Orthodox Jewish rabbinical court in New York has formally sanctioned Vice Presidential hopeful Senator Joseph Lieberman. According to the Conservative News Service, the New York Torah Court stated that Lieberman caused "grave scandal" for the Jewish religion "by the fact that, while claiming to be an observant Jew, [he] has been misrepresenting and falsifying to the American people the teachings of the Torah against partial birth infanticide, against special privileges and preferential treatment for flaunting homosexuals, and against religious intermarriage of Jews."
Rabbi Joseph Friedman, a spokesman and participant in the rabbinical court, said in a statement that Lieberman "violated our sacred Torah by his Senate votes upholding partial birth infanticide and legitimizing homosexuality, which abnormal and unhealthy behavior the Torah strongly condemns as sinful and immoral."
hahaha, that is great. Too funny.
Was Rabbi Antelman involved? He used to be part of a Beit Din that officially excommunicated Henry Kissinger.
Kudos to Beit Din then. Chaim should report this and honor this congregation on Ask JTF sometime. That tzaddik of a rabbi had a lot of guts. O0
Rabbi Joseph Friedman, a spokesman and participant in the rabbinical court, said in a statement that Lieberman "violated our sacred Torah by his Senate votes upholding partial birth infanticide and legitimizing homosexuality, which abnormal and unhealthy behavior the Torah strongly condemns as sinful and immoral."
Sounds like we should try to find HaRav Friedman and tell him about JTF.
I am happy to know that he was excommunicated. This is a surprisingly righteous act as most Rabbis try to suck up to powerful politicians.
I agree, these are some uber-righteous rabbinical tzaddiks. I would say zt"l, but don't know the equivalent of that if they are still alive.
Pruneface shouldn't of been allowed into that shul after he came back from visiting the mosque on sep 11. What a self hating shriveled kike.
Remember how in 2000, when he was running with Al Whore, how he boasted in Newsweek about having been a special guest of the Saudi royal family and how they prepared a gourmet kosher meal for him?
The food itself might've been kosher but I don't see how Arab spit could have been kosher and I'm sure there was some in there for Lieberman. I can't believe he would trust them.
The food itself might've been kosher but I don't see how Arab spit could have been kosher and I'm sure there was some in there for Lieberman. I can't believe he would trust them.
Oh, he's very proud of his "friendship" with the Saudi royals, as well as the fact that he got to meet Arafat (ys"vz) when he was still alive. :D
The food itself might've been kosher but I don't see how Arab spit could have been kosher and I'm sure there was some in there for Lieberman. I can't believe he would trust them.
Oh, he's very proud of his "friendship" with the Saudi royals, as well as the fact that he got to meet Arafat (ys"vz) when he was still alive. :D
That's one dead old pig I agree with your using that curse against. When he died many people were celebrating like crazy on Pal Talk :)
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I heard Lieberman was excommunicated by the Beth Din in Brooklyn for supporting gay marriage and abortion.
haha, are you serious?
Yes, I remember hearing about that. in 2000
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I heard Lieberman was excommunicated by the Beth Din in Brooklyn for supporting gay marriage and abortion.
But they didn't excommunicate him for warshipping shvartzes lol.
;D That's humiliating for Lieberman.
LOL it's not rocket science. I am illustrating the fact that the number one mitzvot in Self Hating Judaism is to worship the African man! ;D
I heard Lieberman was excommunicated by the Beth Din in Brooklyn for supporting gay marriage and abortion.
haha, are you serious?
NEW YORK, Oct 24 (LSN.ca) - An Orthodox Jewish rabbinical court in New York has formally sanctioned Vice Presidential hopeful Senator Joseph Lieberman. According to the Conservative News Service, the New York Torah Court stated that Lieberman caused "grave scandal" for the Jewish religion "by the fact that, while claiming to be an observant Jew, [he] has been misrepresenting and falsifying to the American people the teachings of the Torah against partial birth infanticide, against special privileges and preferential treatment for flaunting homosexuals, and against religious intermarriage of Jews."
Rabbi Joseph Friedman, a spokesman and participant in the rabbinical court, said in a statement that Lieberman "violated our sacred Torah by his Senate votes upholding partial birth infanticide and legitimizing homosexuality, which abnormal and unhealthy behavior the Torah strongly condemns as sinful and immoral."
WOW Camerakid.. interesting. Pretty incredible that he could do this, and quite brave. ALL FAITHS that call themselves 'of G-d' could PLEASE do this.
I think that, as atypical political whore, Lieberman worships himself.
I will protest these attacks on Lieberman. I dont know him personally nor am I aware of his religious affiliation. I do know that it is wrong to be cursing him like this. Hashem has given everyone their place in life. I dont know what the greater good is but there is a good in this. He may not do everything we want him to do and he may be doing the wrong thing. But we know better, two wrongs do not make a right. I will not engage in this kind of hate fest against a person who is a Jew.
This excommunication thing is a joke. There is no such thing as excommunication in Judaism, that is a xtian invention. Once a person is born a Jew, he is a Jew till death. And some may invoke Cherim or Kares, meaning to be cut off, but there is no beit din with enough power to make such a pronouncement. Every one of us has our aveirahs and we should worry about them before we attack another. Some people are so picky about the mitzvahs they observe, OY VEY!
Did you read this last Shabbats portion, Eikev? It starts by saying that we should observe the mitzvahs whether we think they are important, or whether we would trample them with our Heel {Eikev}. So to some eating Kosher and observing Shabbat is important, but the mitzvahs of charity and judging favorably are not so important. Maybe to some the mitzvah of not having homosexual relations is important but the other mitzvahs are not so important. You see that they all are important and we are not to pick and choose.
Joe Lieberman has had his time in the sun. I dont think he will be McCains VP pick. And we already know who Obamars pick is. Why are you dragging Lieberman into this? Could it be the root of all Lashon Hara? Because it makes you feel so much more superior?
PS: The one who deserves excommunication {Cherem} is one who engages in Lashon Hara... http://www.torah.org/learning/halashon/chapter8.html .
Outside of Israel, the decision of a beit din are generally not enforceable by the secular courts. A beit din may issue an order but there is no particular means to back it up. Even there, however, the beit din does have the power to excommunicate the recalcitrant husband; synagogues can and should exclude him from membership and honors (including, for example, attending his sons Bar Mitzva). Admittedly, bans of excommunication issued by one beit din are often routinely ignored by other groups and thus dont have real bite. As a result, batei din are often reluctant to even issue the cherem (excommunication order) but nevertheless, the potential for a powerful and effective remedy is clearly there.
Muman, Chaim is no fan of Joseph Lieberman. He believes Lieberman to be a fraud, among other things. In fact he was the one who originally made up the name Pruneface. You might want to ask Chaim about it in the next Ask JTF thread if you don't believe me.
Muman, Chaim is no fan of Joseph Lieberman. He believes Lieberman to be a fraud, among other things. In fact he was the one who originally made up the name Pruneface. You might want to ask Chaim about it in the next Ask JTF thread if you don't believe me.
I am aware. And I dont want to mess with Chaim... But I am just saying what is the purpose of badmouthing him so much? Does it result in his teshuva? Or are we education the people to not trust him? What is the goal?
Good question, Muman. C.F. was under the impression that Lieberman might be picked as a running mate for one of the candidates, which is probably why he put up the post.
Now personally I don't care for Lieberman. And like Chaim, I'm against any Jew being in such a position of political power in America. But to his credit, Lieberman has been speaking out against Obama, although I haven't seen anything in my newsreader about it.
I will protest these attacks on Lieberman. I dont know him personally nor am I aware of his religious affiliation. I do know that it is wrong to be cursing him like this. Hashem has given everyone their place in life. I dont know what the greater good is but there is a good in this. He may not do everything we want him to do and he may be doing the wrong thing. But we know better, two wrongs do not make a right. I will not engage in this kind of hate fest against a person who is a Jew.
This excommunication thing is a joke. There is no such thing as excommunication in Judaism, that is a xtian invention. Once a person is born a Jew, he is a Jew till death. And some may invoke Cherim or Kares, meaning to be cut off, but there is no beit din with enough power to make such a pronouncement. Every one of us has our aveirahs and we should worry about them before we attack another. Some people are so picky about the mitzvahs they observe, OY VEY!
Did you read this last Shabbats portion, Eikev? It starts by saying that we should observe the mitzvahs whether we think they are important, or whether we would trample them with our Heel {Eikev}. So to some eating Kosher and observing Shabbat is important, but the mitzvahs of charity and judging favorably are not so important. Maybe to some the mitzvah of not having homosexual relations is important but the other mitzvahs are not so important. You see that they all are important and we are not to pick and choose.
Joe Lieberman has had his time in the sun. I dont think he will be McCains VP pick. And we already know who Obamars pick is. Why are you dragging Lieberman into this? Could it be the root of all Lashon Hara? Because it makes you feel so much more superior?
PS: The one who deserves excommunication {Cherem} is one who engages in Lashon Hara... http://www.torah.org/learning/halashon/chapter8.html .
Outside of Israel, the decision of a beit din are generally not enforceable by the secular courts. A beit din may issue an order but there is no particular means to back it up. Even there, however, the beit din does have the power to excommunicate the recalcitrant husband; synagogues can and should exclude him from membership and honors (including, for example, attending his sons Bar Mitzva). Admittedly, bans of excommunication issued by one beit din are often routinely ignored by other groups and thus dont have real bite. As a result, batei din are often reluctant to even issue the cherem (excommunication order) but nevertheless, the potential for a powerful and effective remedy is clearly there.
Rabbi Friedman also declared that, "under excommunication...the
person being excommunicated still remains a Jew. We hope that the
senator repents and asks (God's) forgiveness so that the excommunication
may be lifted."
I think that, as atypical political whore, Lieberman worships himself.
Do you know, that a member of the comittee of catholics [ZKDK] in Germany, is a wicked high Socialist from the ex-DDR?
His name is Thierse. He has a habit more frum than the pope himself. But he is supporting all evil causes against G-d that are possible from abnomination to zoophilie. Against this Lieberman is a choirboy. ;D
And obviously Lieberman has a good side too. ;)
But remember that it's against Judaism to have any form of imagery or statues on their Synagogues and Temples. So you definitely will not find any of that in an Orthodox Synagogue. Nor will you find any kinds of statues or images in Conservative or Reformed "Temples."
I remember being invited to this synagogue in Baltimore http://beittikvah.org/. It was a succot event and Kosher food was advertised from the JCC. Instead of the dinner being Kosher, it was pot luck and the JCC furnished one dish which was mixed in with everything else. A woman named Elizabeth Boltan who claims to be a rabbi was making a big deal about artwork for the beema, which is really a church sanctuary that is shared with them.
It looked like something a fourth grader would have painted, but they spent a lot of money to have it professionally done and they were taking donations for it on Yom Tov. They replaced the prayers with 60s hippie songs. I felt so sick going home that night. I had turned down a legitimate invitation for a sukkot dinner so I could meet new people in the community. I will only go to orthodox events now.
Muman, I did not curse Lieberman. I am making fun of him because I thought there was a chance that this self-hating schmuck would be chosen by Obama, and there still is a chance that McCain will pick him. I did not curse him, threaten him, or even insult him. All I did was ridicule his beliefs and platform.
If a rabbinical court in the United States voted to expel him from his Orthodox shul, because of his public heretical views on abortion and fag rights, that says quite enough about him, don't you think?
As for everything else--his 100% NAACP voting record, his enthusiastic support for Oslo and any other initiative to vivisect Israel, his joy in meeting Yasser Arafat (ys"vz), and everything else--that's a matter of public record.
But remember that it's against Judaism to have any form of imagery or statues on their Synagogues and Temples. So you definitely will not find any of that in an Orthodox Synagogue. Nor will you find any kinds of statues or images in Conservative or Reformed "Temples."
I remember being invited to this synagogue in Baltimore http://beittikvah.org/. It was a succot event and Kosher food was advertised from the JCC. Instead of the dinner being Kosher, it was pot luck and the JCC furnished one dish which was mixed in with everything else. A woman named Elizabeth Boltan who claims to be a rabbi was making a big deal about artwork for the beema, which is really a church sanctuary that is shared with them.
It looked like something a fourth grader would have painted, but they spent a lot of money to have it professionally done and they were taking donations for it on Yom Tov. They replaced the prayers with 60s hippie songs. I felt so sick going home that night. I had turned down a legitimate invitation for a sukkot dinner so I could meet new people in the community. I will only go to orthodox events now.
Sadly you can't see a lot of this piece of artwork, because the box stands in front of it. It is the ark?
Muman, I did not curse Lieberman. I am making fun of him because I thought there was a chance that this self-hating schmuck would be chosen by Obama, and there still is a chance that McCain will pick him. I did not curse him, threaten him, or even insult him. All I did was ridicule his beliefs and platform.
If a rabbinical court in the United States voted to expel him from his Orthodox shul, because of his public heretical views on abortion and fag rights, that says quite enough about him, don't you think?
As for everything else--his 100% NAACP voting record, his enthusiastic support for Oslo and any other initiative to vivisect Israel, his joy in meeting Yasser Arafat (ys"vz), and everything else--that's a matter of public record.
I am not saying that you cursed him. I am just trying to take a moderate position. He has made many mistakes and I dont really think he should be in a position of power, as Lisa and Chaim said.
You are entitled to your opinions and are within your rights to discuss how you feel. I am just saying from my vantage point, I will reserve judgment and even attempt to see him in a good light.
If your approach brings about change then it is good. As I wrote recently on my blog concerning the machlokes between Hillel and Shammai, any conflict for the sake of heaven will endure. Even though Hillel and Shammai had very different approaches they both contributed to the cannon of Jewish understanding.
Well--my thread wasn't supposed to bring about "change"--more just comic relief. Pruneface is an idiot who has given Judaism a bad name, and he is so over-the-top in his leftism that even most fellow Jews (well, the observant ones, that is) know he's a joke and treat him as such. Unfortunately, he's the poster boy for every Deformed movement in America that loves to have an "Orthodox" Jew to cite in support of its hideous leftist social platform, much in the way Jewish Nazis like Noam Chomsky and Michael Neumann are used by White Nationalists in order to argue that "even Jews" agree with their Holocaust-denial platform.
Schmo claims to support the war on terror, the Iraq war, and to have opposed Clinton's infidelities. Big whoop--so do, or did at one time, at least 50% of the Democratic party. Everybody knows that his actual platform is Israeli national suicide, affirmative action, baby-murdering on demand, faggot marriage, and outlawing all guns. Because he has figured out that one wins far more flies with honey than with Raid, he has unfortunately been able to sway many wimpy Republicans over to his real (i.e. left-wing) agenda. He practices Democratic taqqiyah in his "nonpartisan" approach, and for this reason is far more dangerous than an honest extreme leftist like Nancy Pelosi or Teddy Kennedy (ys"vz). It's a travesty that jerks like Pruneface are held up as example of "Jewish leaders" in American politics, while Jewish politicians who actually try to stand for Torah values, like Congresssman Eric Cantor (R-VA), toil in obscurity thanks to the self-hating establishment organizations that all detest his views.
Hoeseph's name has been all over the news as a potential running mate for McCain, and in addition I thought there was a chance that Obama might even pick him. He was running through my mind a lot, and instead of making a vicious, curse-filled tirade thread against this schmuck, I decided to let up on my blood pressure a bit and instead have a few laughs at his expense. That was my intention. Of course, if he decides to read this thread, see what a joke people regard him as, and concludes that it's time to repent, change his outlook, and return to Judaism, I will be the first person to forgive him. :)
Yes, Cantor would have been interesting. But as many here have said, and I agree, it is not so good for a Jew to be a VP in America... Especially one who is supposed to be righteous. I was just discussing this, that anyone who is in politics becomes dirty. This is the nature of being a politician. It is virtually impossible to win in every political confrontation without making concessions. Once you've made enough concessions it looks like you sold out to your core base of voters. It is a tough road to walk. I would never be a politician.
I should also add that Obama advisor Daniel Kurtzer, who was also the American ambassador to Egypt and then to Israel, has always demanded that tiny Israel commit suicide. More recently, Kurtzer has defended Obama's association with that Reverend Wright.
This microbe also claims to be an Orthodox Jew.
Sadly you can't see a lot of this piece of artwork, because the box stands in front of it. It is the ark?
I think the art here is in two pieces.
Oh I understand. But this is like in some catholic churches. It called wings of the altar. There are hinges at the wings with the paintings, so you can "shut" it. I think this was invented in order to protect the paintings. Usually there are some pictures of stories from the bible on it, but in newer churches is more modern art like this too.
By the way did any of you hear what Chaim said about Pruneface this week?
Muman, Chaim is no fan of Joseph Lieberman. He believes Lieberman to be a fraud, among other things. In fact he was the one who originally made up the name Pruneface. You might want to ask Chaim about it in the next Ask JTF thread if you don't believe me.
I am aware. And I dont want to mess with Chaim... But I am just saying what is the purpose of badmouthing him so much? Does it result in his teshuva? Or are we education the people to not trust him? What is the goal?
I also don't quite understand it, I don't like Lieberman, but CF happens to harp on him alot, it seems he may have some sort of obsession with Joey... It comes off very creepy, cf.....
By the way did any of you hear what Chaim said about Pruneface this week?
What was it?
He talked about how Pruneface wrote letters to all of his fellow senators urging that Jonathan Pollard never be released from prison and how he refused to sign a Senate resolution urging President Clinton not to pressure Israel in 2000. He was only one of four who did not sign.
He talked about how Pruneface wrote letters to all of his fellow senators urging that Jonathan Pollard never be released from prison and how he refused to sign a Senate resolution urging President Clinton not to pressure Israel in 2000. He was only one of four who did not sign.
That's actually one of the only things I knew about Lieberman and why I always shudder whenever I hear his name, especially by any Orthodox Jews who in most cases like him because they don't really know that about him.... I am quick to point out his treachery against Pollard and people are very surprised to hear it. That always ceases any discussion of Joey at Shabbos table - works like a charm every time.
Pollard's case is well known in the Jewish community and by all types of Orthodox Jews from what I can gather. The details may not be known (like how the Israeli govt betrayed him, how lieberman sabotaged him, how clinton made a false promise to bibi that he would pardon him , what will actually get him out now ie the Israeli govt actually ASKING! etc etc) but in the general sense it seems to be a well known scenario and popular issue that people want him freed and are aware of his suffering. Nobody likes to hear that some jerk like Lieberman pushes to keep him in jail.
The Israeli government doesn't want Pollard out because they don't want a right-wing, patriotic Jew making trouble for them. They want him to rot on federal death row.
As for Hoeseph, you and I both know full well that whatever the Jewish position is, he will take the 180 degree opposite position. He hates Israel, loves Bosnia, Albania, and black Africa, loves infanticide and faggot marriage, and detests the Second Amendment. He is a worm. He is a lowlife. Yimach schmo to Hoeseph. (And after what Chaim revealed about him today, I do think this is appropriate.)