General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TruthSpreader on August 25, 2008, 10:03:16 PM

Title: Which religion is worse?
Post by: TruthSpreader on August 25, 2008, 10:03:16 PM
No contest. Islam by far is worse.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Rubystars on August 25, 2008, 10:04:17 PM
I'd say Islam because Islam is a more massive problem.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Zionistforever on August 25, 2008, 10:05:06 PM
well i think its the same because you praise the devil in both cul, i mean religions
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: ape on August 25, 2008, 10:06:39 PM
Islam =  Satanism
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Scriabin on August 25, 2008, 10:13:50 PM
Islam =  Satanism


Satanism is about the selfish persuit of pleasure.

Islam is about domination and tyranny.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Dan on August 25, 2008, 11:17:19 PM
Islam =  Satanism


Satanism is about the selfish persuit of pleasure.

Islam is about domination and tyranny.
              Pretty good...  ^-^
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Shamgar on August 25, 2008, 11:21:22 PM
Satanism causes zombies. I really don't like zombies.   :'(

Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on August 25, 2008, 11:58:47 PM
Satanism is about the selfish persuit of pleasure.

Islam is about domination and tyranny.
You are going by the technical definition (i.e. Anton LaVey and Alistair Crowley). However, Islam is worship of the devil. So they're still synonymous.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on August 26, 2008, 12:03:05 AM
I won't vote. But just a question...do you really think the world would be better without Islam? Will Arabs leave Israel in peace if they converted to another religion? Kaddaffi, Hussein, Nasser, Al-Assad.... all not real Muslims but pro-Soviet Socialists!!!
And the Leftist in the West who support Iran... they are not Muslims...if they went to Iran they'd be executed!!!! But.... they just hate Israel. And Rightists are no better....there are still many rightists who openly support racial anti-Semitism (literally anti-Semitism, since they say ALL Semites are a "wicked race").
I honestly think that all those ideologies (Muslim Fundamentalism, Nazism, Communism.....) are a punishment like the plagues in Egypt.

(7) And Pharaoh's servants said unto him: 'How long shall this man be a snare unto us? let the men go, that they may serve Hashem their God, knowest thou not yet that Egypt is destroyed?'

The same is happening to us now. Our world is being destroyed because our leaders still attack Israel. Just let Jerusalem in peace and we'll have no more punishments.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 26, 2008, 12:29:45 AM
whats the difference
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on August 26, 2008, 12:32:56 AM
Same thing
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Scriabin on August 26, 2008, 01:24:43 AM
Satanism is about the selfish persuit of pleasure.

Islam is about domination and tyranny.
You are going by the technical definition (i.e. Anton LaVey and Alistair Crowley).

That IS the definition of Satanism.

Muslims worship G-d but they completely misunderstand His words.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Dr. Dan on August 26, 2008, 01:32:54 AM
Satanism is about the selfish persuit of pleasure.

Islam is about domination and tyranny.
You are going by the technical definition (i.e. Anton LaVey and Alistair Crowley). However, Islam is worship of the devil. So they're still synonymous.

you're obsessed..i'm convinced...it's unhealthy to be obsessed wtih people...
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on August 26, 2008, 01:41:22 AM
Islam =  Satanism


Satanism is about the selfish persuit of pleasure.

Islam is about domination and tyranny.

Domination and Tyranny is a great source of Pleasure for Muslims.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Ulli on August 26, 2008, 03:03:54 AM
From my point of view Satanism is.

I mean you have some twisted parts of Judaism and Christianity in Islam. Muslims think that they worship the real god, but Satanism is pure hate towards god. The followers of this cult (born Jews and Christians) know that God exists and they decided to hate him and to go intentionally against all his laws.

I will not imagine if there are as much Satanists on the face of this earth as Muslims are today.

Imo if we took over a country, we have to found an institution like the Inquisition  to find the last member of this cult. God will bless us if we have purged our countries from this filth.

Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: muman613 on August 26, 2008, 03:07:26 AM
From my point of view Satanism is.

I mean you have some twisted parts of Judaism and Christianity in Islam. Muslims think that they worship the real G-d, but Satanism is pure hate towards G-d. The followers of this cult (born Jews and Christians) know that G-d exists and they decided to hate him and to go intentionally against all his laws.

I will not imagine if there are as much Satanists on the face of this earth as Muslims are today.

Imo if we took over a country, we have to found an institution like the Inquisition  to find the last member of this cult. G-d will bless us if we have purged our countries from this filth.

Judaism doesnt force conversion... Never has...

Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on August 26, 2008, 03:16:08 AM
From my point of view Satanism is.

I mean you have some twisted parts of Judaism and Christianity in Islam. Muslims think that they worship the real G-d, but Satanism is pure hate towards G-d. The followers of this cult (born Jews and Christians) know that G-d exists and they decided to hate him and to go intentionally against all his laws.

I will not imagine if there are as much Satanists on the face of this earth as Muslims are today.

Imo if we took over a country, we have to found an institution like the Inquisition  to find the last member of this cult. G-d will bless us if we have purged our countries from this filth.

As muman said, Judaism does not force conversion. However it does encourage Gentiles to be Noahides.
But an Inquisition against Satanism.... it will also persecute all other religions. Under Inquisition everyone is suspicious, and Jews, usually hated in the West, would be likened to satanists for not believing in the NT. Dangerous thread to support Inquisition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Ulli on August 26, 2008, 03:21:56 AM
Muman, it is not about conversion. If I would be in charge, I would try to get rid of them. Perhaps they could join the transfer.  ;)

I doubt highly, that Chaim would allow this cults in Israel.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Raulmarrio2000 on August 26, 2008, 03:27:33 AM
Muman, it is not about conversion. If I would be in charge, I would try to get rid of them. Perhaps they could join the transfer.  ;)

I doubt highly, that Chaim would allow this cults in Israel.

In fact, in Israel, even under this secular Govt. satanists are theoretically forbidden. The Law of return says that a Jew who joined another religion/cult is not included. But having Inquisition in Europe and America.... it's a very bad idea!!! Who grants that all non Catholics won't be burn in Italy? and all non- Protestants in America and England??? It's dangerous!!! Now the most active enemies are Leftists but.... I still don't forget the Rightist Fundamentalism...it still exists!!!!!
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Ulli on August 26, 2008, 03:27:42 AM
From my point of view Satanism is.

I mean you have some twisted parts of Judaism and Christianity in Islam. Muslims think that they worship the real G-d, but Satanism is pure hate towards G-d. The followers of this cult (born Jews and Christians) know that G-d exists and they decided to hate him and to go intentionally against all his laws.

I will not imagine if there are as much Satanists on the face of this earth as Muslims are today.

Imo if we took over a country, we have to found an institution like the Inquisition  to find the last member of this cult. G-d will bless us if we have purged our countries from this filth.

As muman said, Judaism does not force conversion. However it does encourage Gentiles to be Noahides.
But an Inquisition against Satanism.... it will also persecute all other religions. Under Inquisition everyone is suspicious, and Jews, usually hated in the West, would be likened to satanists for not believing in the NT. Dangerous thread to support Inquisition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This would apply if I would enforce it only for gentiles. If there would be something like this under Jews, Jews have to organize it for themselve.

I used only a word, so that everybody has an impression what is meant.

Perhaps we should use some political correct form: Authority for the Monitoring of God-Hostile Activities"

 :D ;D

Do you feel better?  ;)
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: muman613 on August 26, 2008, 03:29:07 AM
Muman, it is not about conversion. If I would be in charge, I would try to get rid of them. Perhaps they could join the transfer.  ;)

I doubt highly, that Chaim would allow this cults in Israel.

Torah tells us we must expel those who worship idols. We are to smash the idols and melt the metal they are made from. I dont agree that Islam is Satanism, it is a profane twisting of the wants of G-d. I believe Scraibin pointed this out earlier. According to many Jewish sources Islam is a monotheistic religion. I believe they are grossly misguided because of the evilness of Mohammud, but Judaism doesnt really give Satan all that much power outside of what Hashem wishes. I truely dont believe that Satanism is involved.

It is true we must remove those who hate Hashem from the land. But I dont think inquisitions are what Hashem wants from us. If we come to war against them then we should destroy them so they cannot come back against us. And as Torah says we should not take any prisoners.

Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Ulli on August 26, 2008, 03:30:10 AM
Muman, it is not about conversion. If I would be in charge, I would try to get rid of them. Perhaps they could join the transfer.  ;)

I doubt highly, that Chaim would allow this cults in Israel.

In fact, in Israel, even under this secular Govt. satanists are theoretically forbidden. The Law of return says that a Jew who joined another religion/cult is not included. But having Inquisition in Europe and America.... it's a very bad idea!!! Who grants that all non Catholics won't be burn in Italy? and all non- Protestants in America and England??? It's dangerous!!! Now the most active enemies are Leftists but.... I still don't forget the Rightist Fundamentalism...it still exists!!!!!

You have a point. I think about my ideas.  :-\
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on August 26, 2008, 01:29:08 PM
No contest. Islam by far is worse.

Shalom Blast .... Islam is all about ...beheadings, torture, honor killings, homosexuality, hypocrisy, hatred, intolerance, RAGE, cruelty and opression.
Muslims are on a quest for World dominance, just like ant's that are programmed to find food and bring it to the colony. They just won't stop.
Islam needs to be wiped off the face of this EARTH!

                                                                         Shalom from Dox   
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: P J C on August 26, 2008, 01:35:07 PM
I really don't see a difference in Islam and Satanism. Except for the fact that Satanist wash themselves more than once a year. Overall, Islam is a larger threat
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: Shamgar on August 26, 2008, 01:38:04 PM
I really don't see a difference in Islam and Satanism. Except for the fact that Satanist wash themselves more than once a year. Overall, Islam is a larger threat

Acutally in all the Satan worship movies I have seen, the always naked woman they are always getting ready to sacrafice on an altar is a lot better looking than any muzzie woman I have ever seen.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: mainestategop on August 26, 2008, 04:18:37 PM
Both but Satanists don't fly planes into buildings.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: TruthSpreader on August 26, 2008, 04:21:13 PM
Both but Satanists don't fly planes into buildings.

Nor blow up innocent people while blowing themselves up at the same time.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: mord on August 26, 2008, 04:23:05 PM
Most satanists are just being satanists either for free women or for attention
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on August 26, 2008, 05:52:34 PM
I really don't see a difference in Islam and Satanism. Except for the fact that Satanist wash themselves more than once a year. Overall, Islam is a larger threat

Hi Pro .....1.5 billion ignorant people worship a mass murderer as a prophet. Islam is the greatest threat this World faces today!
Good post Pro    O0
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: zachor_ve_kavod on August 26, 2008, 06:31:46 PM
Islam, because Satanism is recognized as the worship of evil.  Islam is mistakenly believed by many to be a peaceful religion, so islam is far more dangerous.
Title: Re: Which religion is worse?
Post by: GoIsraelGo! on August 26, 2008, 08:16:22 PM
Islam, because Satanism is recognized as the worship of evil.  Islam is mistakenly believed by many to be a peaceful religion, so islam is far more dangerous.

That is how Muslims fool people, by being nice to their host Countries and neighbors...they pretend to ( blend in ) while secretly waiting for Islam to rule the World.
Once Islam is in complete control, Muslims will take on a whole new persona (now that we rule we can kill you all.)

                                                                            Shalom from Dox