General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: judeanoncapta on September 09, 2008, 04:50:16 AM
If you ever wanted to know what the ancient Ashera tree-worshippers must have been like.
Check this out!!!!!
Take Back Our Temple adds:
Warning: I have not watched this video, but tree worshiping is prohibited in Jewish faith. I'm advising Jews not to watch this video, but if you do, exercise extreme caution.
Maybe it's good that they release their frustrations... thats called catharsis.... but if you ask me, i'd put these people under psychiatric observation 24/24, 7/7.
i wonder what they eat...if they eat fruits and vegetables they are cannibles! And if they eat rocks and dirt...well, that would just be plain wrong!
i wonder what they eat...if they eat fruits and vegetables they are cannibles! And if they eat rocks and dirt...well, that would just be plain wrong!
not really..
If they eat fruit of a fruit tree they haven't killed the tree.
Just like eating honey or breast milk bears no ill will towards the producers. Interestingly, the bee and the mother are two creatures that are not kosher to consume but whose produce - that produce at least - we can consume.
What for morons. I guess that abortion is no problem for them. Really twisted.
Whoa............ ::)
Whoa............ ::)