General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Daniel on September 14, 2008, 05:44:30 PM
It is now very obvious that Sarah Palin is the media's new pet as they are endlessly worshipping her and covering her every move with extreme awe. We complained about how the media was worshipping Obama and how that was giving him so much momentum and popularity in the polls. But we can so plainly see now that Palin has stolen this role now from Obama and now the tide is turning. What a great choice by McCain, and we should be a lot more optimistic and less worried about the outcome of this election now that everyone is hopping on the Palin bandwagon.
What have you been smoking?
I have to disagree with you. The media has been relentless in tearing her down. They are scrutinizing her to the minutest detail. If McCain/Palin win this election, it will be despite the media.
Sarah Palin has endured more scrutiny and criticism in 3 weeks than Obama has nearly two years since he came into the media spotlight.
The media has attacked her parenting skills, called her a selfish mother, mocked her a hillbilly, and claimed she is too inexperienced.
Funny.The media never criticized Al and Tipper Gore regarding their son's lengthy history of drug and alcohol abuse, some of our President like Lincoln (no formal education, self-educated), Wilson (didn't learn how to read til age 10, managed to become President of Princeton), FDR (was a C student in college) and Reagan (a B movie actor) didn't seem to have proper qualifications. And none of them ran for President at serving as a state senator for 15 minutes.
If there is anything history has taught us is that real reformers are not accepted and adored. They are criticized, mocked and insulted. The media says Obama is the agent of change, but eveyone is starting to see Palin is the one who will implement it, and that what makes her such a threat to the media.
I think the media hates Palin almost as much as George Bush.
I think the media hates Palin almost as much as more than George Bush.
The propaganda wing of the DNC has a grudge on Sarah Palin, and that is that she's a right-wing woman. If there's anything they hate more than a conservative white male, its a conservative woman or minority.
this is not true at all, the media is not in awe about Palin, if anything the media is tryng by all means to discredit her. the media idolized Obama, and they still do, they do not at all have this with Palin. I don't know where you got this idea from.
It's absurd to suggest that the media has been kind to Sarah Palin. She has been the target of an unprecedented slander campaign. In three weeks, she's endured more than Obama, Bill Clinton, or even GWB have in a lifetime. If you aren't a lying philanderer, a baby-butchering advocate, or a "minority", the establishment has nothing but hate for you.