General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Diomedes on October 23, 2008, 07:12:12 PM
Hello everyone, greetings from Upstate New York! I've been lurking for a few weeks, but I've finally come out of the woodwork to say hi to everyone. :) I'm what Jews would call a Noahide, but I try to live my life according to the mores of my English ancestors. Here, I hope to meet other, like-minded individuals who have as much distaste for Barack Hussein Obama as I've come to have. Just say NO to this communist in disguise on November 4th! :jump:
Welcome Diomedes
Great to Have you Here Diomedes!
Everyone on the JTF Forum knows what Barack Hussein Obama is all about and you'll find much support here!
Welcome to the forum.
I admit, the man had me fooled for a short amount of time. Like all all fork-tongues politicians, he's a persuasive speaker. After thinking about him for a while, I came to the conclusion that he's a G-dless conniver. :o
Welcome to JTF!
Thank you all or the welcomes!
Welcome to the movement!
Welcome Aboard !
Hello everyone, greetings from Upstate New York! I've been lurking for a few weeks, but I've finally come out of the woodwork to say hi to everyone. :) I'm what Jews would call a Noahide, but I try to live my life according to the mores of my English ancestors. Here, I hope to meet other, like-minded individuals who have as much distaste for Barack Hussein Obama as I've come to have. Just say NO to this communist in disguise on November 4th! :jump:
Yes, I hope we see more posts from you and welcome to the forum.