The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Trumpeldor on February 24, 2007, 06:26:50 PM
I made a thread a few days ago about Mike Tyson being my favorite black Muslim. Looks, like Wacko Jacko is vying for my attention. I think he'll make for a great Muslim. He molests little boys, he's antisemitic (uses "jew" as a verb), he's a druggie, he has a low IQ. What else?
WTH i guess he is following in his brothers footsteps. No wonder he was caught a while ago, hiding in disguise under an islamic jalabah. The world has gone crazy, though i guess its not much of a loss if he converts, is it?
Good riddens to that creature blackson he could change to S.Arabian Ibn Jack.He's does'nt know if he's a man or woman black or wannabe white
he's obviously doing it so that he can molest little boys over there.
he's obviously doing it so that he can molest little boys over there.
Thats the most logical reason. Otherwise he'll convert back tomorrow, probably to hinduism.
I'm sure Rabbi Boteach will write a letter to Michael Jackson.
Not to worry!
In the 1960's, at the height of his career, Little Richard renounced Rock'N'Roll, announced he was never again to do anything other than "serve the Lord", and enrolled in a Christian Seminary in Huntsville, Alabama.
Things went well until he, together with the Minister's son, was caught "with his pants down" one day.
He has repeated this pattern about three separate times in his life; finally giving it up to be a full time homosexual Rock'N'Roller.
"Once a man has been in show business, he's ruined for anything else." -- Will Rogers
WTF, Mike, just WTF?
Everybody sing!!!!.... A-B-C, /easy as being gay/ A,B,C/ 123/ being gay is for you and me!!!!!!!!!...
I doubt that freak converted to Islam, infact Jackson was very anti-Arab and anti-Muslim. Most Arabs hate him and think he is a faggot.
I don't think he has converted yet.....i hope something eats him up before he does. Otherwise all his fans might start to convert as well.
I hope his plastic face melts off the next time he's under the Arabian sun.
I thought black was beautiful? Obviously not. :-*
I hope his plastic face melts off the next time he's under the Arabian sun.
Didn't his nose fall off or something, when he sneezed?
Chaim said he'd rather have a clay nose than the traditional large African nose.
Haha thats funny.......a lot of sikhs have large noses too.
why am i not surprised? i ask sarcastically. and people wonder why this sicko is called wacko jacko.
Michael Jackson is really a sick demented person so why should he not join a group that is as sick and demented as he is. When Jackson darkens my TV screen ( in more ways than one ) I am disgusted. How could someone like him with every advantage in the world go so bad.
Didn't his nose fall off or something, when he sneezed?
Is that true?
wow...I'm actually feeling sorry for him now..that's not even funny it's just sad
Question: "...How could someone like him with every advantage in the world go so bad..."
Answer: Because a life spent in show business from childhood on, is anything but an advantage...
It is closer to being a curse.
Such a person has not experienced so much as one moment of "normality" at any time in their life.
Everyone surrounding them at every moment is a huckster, liar, whore, deviant, sociopath, flesh-peddler, syncophant, crazed fan, or someone pretending to love them who is planning on stealing their assets.
Add to this environment whirlwind non-stop tours; a different major city every 24hrs, intense physical & emotional exhaustion, then on to the next city...
Then, toss in literally so much money that they have to hire attorneys and accountants just to keep their original attorneys and accountants from stealing every cent they make.
Result--life of abject ISOLATION.
Can't even so much as ride down the street to shop for groceries.
Can't go to a movie.
Can't go for a walk.
Can't go to a bar or singles place.
Can't walk into the bank.
Literally can't throw your own trash out back of your house, because photographers are hiding there to take a picture.
This life described above is what is considered SUCCESS in show business.
Still think it is "every advantage"?
Well Massuh it would not be for me. I am a person who could get by with a hundred dollars just as well as with a thousand. Jacksons career had been slowing down considerably around the time of his first brush with the law. He was quite well off with homes all over the country. If he wanted to he could have done like many other people of fame have done isolated himself to some extent and do some productive things to get himself back on track. Instead he choose to take the path of a deviant and it got him to where he is today. People with the money Jackson had do have an advantage. They have money, people and resources at their disposal other folks could only dream of. Used correctly you could make youself and the people around you very comfortable. Its when greed and low morals get into the picture folks like Jackson start to run into problems. I for one don't feel sorry for him He made his bed and he could lay in it. Hopefully alone.