General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: RanterMaximus on November 05, 2008, 06:20:27 PM
It was just so hideous listening to these con artist. They all blab the same thing, yet I can't help but loathe so many of them. Needless to say, JTF's favorite, the man with the dog, is bashing everybody but Obama.
If you get a chance, listen to Mark Levin's program. Unlike Michael Savage, Levin is a true conservative.
I am sorry, I despise Levin. he's just a little sidekick of that gas bag Hannity.
i'm listening to him now.
I prefer a good fact filled read. I'm currently in the middle of Understanding Human History by Michael Hart.
Next up:
Economic Facts and Fallacies
The Case Against Immigration
Mark Levin said they go to the White House with their Soviet flags screaming for Bush, who kept us safe all these years, degrade him. i heard on Fox last night that the media will rehabilitate him. i don't remember which idiot said that.
anyone listening to this?! a caller mentioned the word "sacrifice." what the h*ll more can we sacrifice. more taxes, more demented ideologies. did anyone else notice this during his victory speech. we need to watch out. this guy is dangerous.
I've lost interest all right.
what happened is because people don't want to read books. too lazy.
I am in the process of reading more. This whole election has made me numb to TV and radio.
you will feel better. tv will make you sick.
since 2 years ago that I have been a regular on this forum, I haven't really listened.
Good point, Dr. Dan
My favorite speaker is Chaim.
Chaim is indeed a great speaker.
Ann Coulter, i know, i know, she's obnoxious, but she said something significant. Those democrats are not interested in helping Michael Steele and republicans like him. She does say Obama is dangerous and might go down as a big failure. you've got to be listening to this. i can't type that fast. we don't know what Obama is going to do. she says McCain is the worst candidate we could have had. he agrees w/democrats on everything. she says Al Franken lost! apparently the climate is great for these rotten democrats. bad economy, etc. the word "sacrifice" was used repeatedly like a mantra during O's victory speech. heed this warning. he's going to tell us we are unpatriotic if we don't want to pay higher taxes. he'll tell us we are "selfish" again.
I have stayed away from savage... but I will return by early next year.
I enjoy Medved.... even though hes not a true conservative.
i'm having a nervous breakdown listening to this talk radio. is anyone listening to this? i think it's Bob Grant. :o
I am sorry, I despise Levin. he's just a little sidekick of that gas bag Hannity.
Hannity, Levin, Prager, Medved were all constantly attacking and exposing Obama. Especially Hannity. Why would anyone be so down on these guys? Remember, they can only take it so far on these nationally syndicated talk shows.
Bob Grant says, "the public has no reaction," to Obama forming this palace guard (for lack of a better term he said that, he said many things, i can't type that fast,) he'll be putting together these squads. he said it pre-election. that's why we need our guns now. further, "the public has no reaction," is how we find ourselves in this situation now with him as our president. they paid no attention to he "pal'd around with," and did not read and were lazy about this entire election process.
The reason it is so easy to be down with talk radio is the inability to go after false conservatives. Look at the damage Bush has done over the past eight years. Because of him we have Obama.
The reason it is so easy to be down with talk radio is the inability to go after false conservatives. Look at the damage Bush has done over the past eight years. Because of him we have Obama.
That is a good point. I'll give you that one. They were pretty easy on Bush, though it's not like Bush wasn't getting bashed from everywhere else.
SOmething else.
The Talkshow hosts are giving Obama his HONEYMOON period. Its an obligatory.. 'be nice to the new guy and ignore his hideous past'... custom.
It will pass... right around April or so. However... I think Rush might skip it... and possibly Levine.
Mark Levin and Bob Grant sure didn't give him any honeymoon today. sound bites were replayed of Obama and Michelle Obama and intelligent phone in callers were put on the air. i believe what they say based on Obama's prior statements, associations and current statements of "sacrifice."
we must try to fit some rest and relaxation into our daily lives also. what made me sick was this round the clock Fox News addiction. I have recorded lots of movies and quit this Fox News nonsense. i will watch it occasionally from now on and go back to my old life of reading books, watching enjoyable uplifting programs and true crime and forensic investigations. i will enjoy the great outdoors and if possible, buy some nice things i've wanted.
Donald Trump confirmed what I've heard before: banks will not be lending money!!! they are not letting go of what they got.
we must try to fit some rest and relaxation into our daily lives also. what made me sick was this round the clock Fox News addiction. I have recorded lots of movies and quit this Fox News nonsense. i will watch it occasionally from now on and go back to my old life of reading books, watching enjoyable uplifting programs and true crime and forensic investigations. i will enjoy the great outdoors and if possible, buy some nice things i've wanted.
Great advice jaime. I'll try to do the same. ;D
yeah Sparky. let's get back to our regular lives before this interloper hijacked it.
Defending our free speech rights.
Liberals lawmakers again would like to exhume the obsolete Fairness Doctrine. It dates to 1949 when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) required broadcasters to air contrasting points of view on controversial issues. It was repealed in 1987 during the Reagan administration, after the commission concluded that the rule was actually stifling, rather than fostering, coverage of hot issues.
And history proved the FCC right. The years following repeal saw the birth of modern talk radio, a phenomenon that brings brash public debate into the homes of America daily.
Not all have been pleased with this development. The greatest successes in talk radio have been unapologetically conservative voices. And that has made talk radio made a thorn in the side of the left.
Not surprising, then, that almost immediately after liberals regained power in Congress, some began calling for the restoration of the long-dead Fairness Doctrine. So far these efforts have been unsuccessful.
We need to oppose all attempts to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, or to control the content of political speech in any other way. The kind of robust debate that our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution – indeed, the kind of debate that led to the founding of this nation – can't be hemmed in with parliamentary demands that we carefully include “the other side” every time we speak. Like it or not, democracy is messy.
p.s great site. covers many important topics on the left column. Sean Hannity always mentions this site.