The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Trumpeldor on February 26, 2007, 10:27:05 PM
pie already you pieces of [censored].
How shall we pie them, with apple pie or blueberry pie?
pork pie
What an amazing typo, the P key is on the opposite side of the keyboard from the D key! ;)
Jabo evidently means that we should give all of the arabs lots and lots of free pies.
Jabo evidently means that we should give all of the arabs lots and lots of free pies.
Weigh them down in their tracks.
Did you hear about the Arab muslim man who married a jewish israeli woman. They couldn't live together so are leaving israel. They really loved each other. What do you think about this? Don't judge everyone by their ethnicity.
Walid Shoebat born in what was called Palestine, (I use this term as I'm not really sure myself what it should be, some say it was part of Syria, some say it was part of Jordan, and some say Israel...) he is of the same ethnicity as the PLO/Hamas terrorists, in fact he originally was one, now he is the most outspoken supporter of Israel I know of, having renounced Islam and become a Christian after reading the Koran and the Bible and comparing them, I cannot currently think of anyone I respect more than him, if this does not prove that I do not judge by ethnicity I do not know what does...
Maybe some pies with explosives in them? Masked them as a food surplus package? ::)
What? Smuggle explosives to the arabs inside pies? I thought the US just sold them openly, why would they need to be smuggled inside pies?
The Arab world can be pied without the use of violence. Meanwhile, our consumption of their chocolate milk is unhealthy.
Honestly, if you want my opinion on that couple, Sarah, they are nuts and should leave Israel. There have been acts of terrorism before when a Jewish girlfriend of a Muslim Israeli has been brainwashed into doing his bidding. Look up Tali Fahima.
Maybe some pies with explosives in them? Masked them as a food surplus package? ::)
What? Smuggle explosives to the arabs inside pies? I thought the US just sold them openly, why would they need to be smuggled inside pies?
So when the beggar Moslems opens up the pie to eat, the bomb goes off. Simple. Add a liitle pig blood and fat, mark it as halal and boom.(No pun intended) Simple plan no?
Now that's just unfriendly.
Sounds simple but Arabs don't eat pies. They like to boil sheep's intestines and serve with steamed potatos, I'm serious, this is what i was once offered at someones house.
Cosmokramer any genius ideas on how to adjust your sophisticated plan? ;D
Chaimfan, you're right. Its a call for trouble and attention but surprisingly this was the only story of which that made it on to BBC news, but i think it was just to fill in time. I agree with ftf....it wouldn't be fair if we made them pay for the pies before they opened them :).
No honestly ftf its true, violence isn't the solution. Chaim has been going on about how Jewish brains are intelligent. Then maybe someone in the Israeli Government should devise a politically influential plan that will have some affect on the Arabs but instead of physically harming them, manipulating and brainwashing them psychologically. Fair enough don't you think?
My opinion exactly Sarah. (well, it doesn't have to be someone from Israel, as a slightly nationalistic brit I'd prefer it if the one to sort out the problem could be british)
Unfortuanately, I can't see the idea working....
Ftf i believe that the British have stuck their noses in an inch too deep. Getting involved into things that do not require our assistance usually cause more harm then good. Just because we british once ruled half of the world, it doesn't mean it is still ours nor do we have to be the centre of attention. I meant Israel because they suffer with the Arab conflict on a much bigger scale and are in need of the solution. If you think the Brits should solve it ftf, then what are you waiting for, go kick some arab butt lol. :D I'll be your side-kick but don't expect me to do anything spectacular.
Really I don't care who solves the problem as long as it is solved, it just would be nice if it were a brit, might give me a bit of nationalistic pride... If I'm going to solve things, you'll have to wait a while, I'm only 16 atm, maybe when I'm 25.
"I don't care who solves the problem as long as it is solved"
AHA that is exactly the problem that needs solving. None of us believe it is our duty as long as we support it we can be let off. Excuses, excuses......
If you ask people who are 25, they will tell you to wait till they're 35, then 65, then 95 and then they'll be gone and i'm sure not willing to solve any problems whilst in their graves.
We need to try ourselves if we want anything to ever get done. That was probably a cause of the formation of JTF. To take action and not let a country disintergrate while we watch it slowly infest and die. Pride isn't always a good thing, it illudes you into believing you're something that you could never be.
Britain is going to submit to and be humbled by the European Union. Then we will have no more 'British', only gypsies, Spaniards, Muslims, and a whole sexy mish-mash of mixed cultures.
An angel will descend and carry away the blonde children in a chariot through the clouds and enthrone them on the Seat of Glory.